Create a timeOut class in java - java

I would like to create a java class (thread) that pings twitter and if there is no connectivity wait until there is connection and re-run some other classes and threads.
I have the code that "pings" websites and a way to run every static method is in my Main class. Is this a good solution to the problem?
Here is the basic part of the code:
while (true){
try {
final URLConnection connection = new URL(url).openConnection();
catch (Exception e) {
if (url.matches(twitter1)){
Thread method1= new Thread(Class1.method1);
}else if (url.matches(twitter2)){
Thread method2 = new Thread(Class1.method2);
}else if (url.matches(twitter3)){
}else if (url.matches(twitter4)){
}else if (url.matches(twitter5)){
System.out.println("Unknown URL");

You do not run classes or threads, you can only invoke methods. If the methods are instance methods then you need some object; otherwise they are static and you need to know the class in which they are defined. If you want to start another thread, then you need an object of a class that implements Runnable.
For example,
try {
final URLConnection connection = new URL(url).openConnection();
} catch (Exception e) {
// connection is available, either use it or close it. then,
// AfterConnect is a class that implements Runnable. Perhaps it takes
// the connection as parameter?
AfterConnect afterConnect = new AfterConnect(..);
// this will start a new thread
new Thread(afterConnect).start();
BTW your example does not "wait until there is connection". If you are going to put the try...catch in a loop, you should sleep for some time between iterations.

How will you define "running" the classes ? One way to do it would be to store references to these classes in your timeOut class, and then to invoke the methods that you want when you successfully ping the site.

I'm not quite sure how you have structured the "re-run some other classes and threads" stuff. If it is in a mishmash of method calls, then you could put the code you presented in an abstract class, and add an abstract method
abstract class AbstractTimeout {
... your code here, but add a call to afterConnection() ...
protected abstract void afterConnection();
A subclass would implement that by setting up some fields for all the classes objects and calls in a constructor, then implementing the mishmash of calls in
protected void afterConnection() {
// ... etc...
This is classic inheritance. BTW, you need to consider what Exceptions might be thrown and which to declare. For simplicity, I ignored that issue.
Alternatively, if the "re-run some other classes and threads" stuff is already in something fairly simple and well organized like a Runnable, you could have your class take a Runnable along with the URLConnection as an argument, and run() the Runnable (or launch it in a new thread) after the connection is complete. This is classic composition. e.g.
public void doTimeout(URL url, Runnable afterConnection) {
// your connection stuff from above;
NOTE : I didn't put into a Thread, cause I think that doTimeout should already be in it's own thread. YMMV.
NOTE2: My 2nd solution is similar to #Miserable Variable afterConnect() concept. I used a Runnable, he used a a more flexible interface.


Using try-with-resources with things that are not "resources"

I have a continuously running service that I want stopped cleanly if it hits an exception. This fits well with the try with resources paradigm but it's not really a resource that needs to be "closed".
To clarify based on comments, my code looks something like this
class Service {
Resource resource;
State state;
boolean keepRunning = false;
void start() {
keepRunning = true;
resource = new Resource()
new Thread(() -> {
while(keepRunning) {
Data data = resources.pull();
... // Do stuff with state
void stop() {
keepRunning = false;
class Main {
void run() {
Service service = new Service();
Is there a pattern that lets me use the syntactic sugar that try-with-resources provides while still not abusing try-with-resources with things that are not resources?
Of course, it is totally okay to use try-with-resources with anything you want. The requirement is that it implements the interface AutoCloseable (documentation). With that interface you will need to implement a close method, which then is called by the try-with-resources construct.
That is why this interface is there, you are allowed to implement it for your own classes.
For example if you have a service that needs to be probably shut down, also in error case, you may use AutoCloseable and implement the close method probably.
However it's meaningless and will confuse readers of your program if you make something AutoCloseable where there is totally no intuition what close means on this object. In such cases you should probably look for other constructs.
It's a bit like implementing Iterable such that you can use the enhanced for loop like:
for (Item item : myObject) {
You may do it, if it makes sense. Otherwise it will confuse people.

Java proxy for Autocloseable (Jedis resources)

I am trying to find out whether it is possible to create Java dynamic proxy to automatically close Autocloseable resources without having to remember of embedding such resources with try-resources block.
For example I have a JedisPool that has a getResource method which can be used like that:
try(Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource() {
// use jedis client
For now I did something like that:
class JedisProxy implements InvocationHandler {
private final JedisPool pool;
public JedisProxy(JedisPool pool) {
this.pool = pool;
public static JedisCommands newInstance(Pool<Jedis> pool) {
return (JedisCommands) java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(
new Class[] { JedisCommands.class },
new JedisProxy(pool));
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
try (Jedis client = pool.getResource()) {
return method.invoke(client, args);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw e.getTargetException();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
Now each time when I call method on Jedis (JedisCommands) this method is passed to proxy which gets a new client from the pool, executes method and returns this resource to the pool.
It works fine, but when I want to execute multiple methods on client, then for each method resource is taken from pool and returned again (it might be time consuming). Do you have any idea how to improve that?
You would end up with your own "transaction manager" in which you normally would return the object to the pool immediately, but if you had started a "transaction" the object wouldn't be returned to the pool until you've "committed" the "transaction".
Suddenly your problem with using try-with-resources turns into an actual problem due to the use of a hand-crafted custom mechanism.
Using try with resources pros:
Language built-in feature
Allows you to attach a catch block, and the resources are still released
Simple, consistent syntax, so that even if a developer weren't familiar with it, he would see all the Jedis code surrounded by it and (hopefully) think "So this must be the correct way to use this"
You need to remember to use it
Your suggestion pros (You can tell me if I forget anything):
Automatic closing even if the developer doesn't close the resource, preventing a resource leak
Extra code always means extra places to find bugs in
If you don't create a "transaction" mechanism, you may suffer from a performance hit (I'm not familiar with [jr]edis or your project, so I can't say whether it's really an issue or not)
If you do create it, you'll have even more extra code which is prone to bugs
Syntax is no longer simple, and will be confusing to anyone coming to the project
Exception handling becomes more complicated
You'll be making all your proxy-calls through reflection (a minor issue, but hey, it's my list ;)
Possibly more, depending on what the final implementation will be
If you think I'm not making valid points, please tell me. Otherwise my assertion will remain "you have a 'solution' looking for a problem".
I don’t think that this is going into the right direction. After all, developers should get used to handle resources correctly and IDEs/compilers are able to issue warnings when autoclosable resources aren’t handled using try(…){}…
However, the task of creating a proxy for decorating all invocations and the addition of a way to decorate a batch of multiple action as a whole, is of a general nature, therefore, it has a general solution:
class JedisProxy implements InvocationHandler {
private final JedisPool pool;
public JedisProxy(JedisPool pool) {
this.pool = pool;
public static JedisCommands newInstance(Pool<Jedis> pool) {
return (JedisCommands) java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(
new Class[] { JedisCommands.class },
new JedisProxy(pool));
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
try (Jedis client = pool.getResource()) {
return method.invoke(client, args);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw e.getTargetException();
public static void executeBatch(JedisCommands c, Consumer<JedisCommands> action) {
InvocationHandler ih = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(c);
if(!(ih instanceof JedisProxy))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
try(JedisCommands actual=((JedisProxy)ih).pool.getResource()) {
public static <R> R executeBatch(JedisCommands c, Function<JedisCommands,R> action){
InvocationHandler ih = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(c);
if(!(ih instanceof JedisProxy))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
try(JedisCommands actual=((JedisProxy)ih).pool.getResource()) {
return action.apply(actual);
Note that the type conversion of a Pool<Jedis> to a JedisPool looked suspicious to me but I didn’t change anything in that code as I don’t have these classes to verify it.
Now you can use it like
JedisCommands c=JedisProxy.newInstance(pool);
c.someAction();// aquire-someaction-close
JedisProxy.executeBatch(c, jedi-> {
}); // aquire-someaction-anotherAction-close
ResultType foo = JedisProxy.executeBatch(c, jedi-> {
return jedi.someActionReturningValue(…);
}); // aquire-someaction-someActionReturningValue-close-return the value
The batch execution requires the instance to be a proxy, otherwise an exception is thrown as it’s clear that this method cannot guarantee a particular behavior for an unknown instance with an unknown life cycle.
Also, developers now have to be aware of the proxy and the batch execution feature just like they have to be aware of resources and the try(…){} statement when not using a proxy. On the other hand, if they aren’t, they lose performance when invoking multiple methods on a proxy without using the batch method, whereas they let resources leak when invoking multiple methods without try(…){}on an actual, non-proxy resource…

JUnit test of a java asyncron method

Today I had to write a method which get a String as a parameter, make a new thread and write it out to the consol after 5 seconds waiting, so something like this:
public void exampleMethod(final String str){
Runnable myRunnable = new Runnable(){
public void run(){
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//handling of the exception
Thread thread = new Thread(myRunnable);
//some other things to do
My question is: How can I test and what should I test in here with JUnit?
Thank you!
There is nothing complex in this method. You are only using standard API-methods: Thread.sleep, System.out.println, ...
The parameter is just printed, you don't modify it nor use it for a calculation or another method.
There are no side-effects to your own written code, just to the STL.
And there is no result of the method, which you could test.
In my opinion it is not necessary and not simply possible to test it.
The only thing you could test (and even that wouldn't be trivial), is, if after an amount of time the String is printed.
[...] JUnit finishes execution while the thread is still alive. There could have been problems down the line, toward the end of that thread's execution, but your test would never reflect it.
The problem lies in JUnit's TestRunner. It isn't designed to look for Runnable instances and wait around to report on their activities. It fires them off and forgets about them. For this reason, multithreaded unit tests in JUnit have been nearly impossible to write and maintain.
Well, the source - this article - is from 2003 and there's no guarantee that this hasn't been fixed yet, but you may try it out yourself.
My suggestion would be:
Run your code and measure the time it takes. Then add some 1000 milliseconds and but a Thread.sleep(executionTime+1000); after you started you asynchronous task. Not that elegant, but should work in practice. If you want more elegance here (and waste less time), you may want to look for framework that provide a solution.
...Or if you start your Thread directly in the test, you may also use Thread.join to wait, but you will have cases, where you aren't able to do that.
Also check this article, which could provide a solution to pipe those errors to the main thread:
public class AsynchTester{
private Thread thread;
private volatile Error error;
private volatile RuntimeException runtimeExc;
public AsynchTester(final Runnable runnable) {
thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {;
} catch (Error e) {
error = e;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
runtimeExc = e;
public void start() {
public void test() throws InterruptedException {
if (error != null)
throw error;
if (runtimeExc != null)
throw runtimeExc;
Use it like that:
public void test() throws InterruptedException {
AsynchTester tester = new AsynchTester(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//async code
The issue here is that you are trying to test an interaction instead of a simple returned result or a state change. However, that does not mean it can't be done.
The standard out PrintStream can be replaced with System.setOut(). You can inject your own mock implementation that would allow you verify that the String was written to the stream. You just have to be careful, since this changes the global state, it might effect other code or tests that rely on standard output. At a minimum, you will have to put back the original stream. But things might get more complicated if tests are running in parallel.
This takes us to the next issue, the sleep. There isn't a strong guarantee to how long a sleep will block. This means your test would have to provide some buffer to ensure that the thread had time to write the String before checking the state of the mock stream. You don't want your test to be flaky because of some execution timing jitter. So you would have to decide what buffer you would consider acceptable.
An alternative approach would be to change the implementation of the code so that it is easier to test.
The simplest way to do this is to remove all the static dependencies. Instead of explicitly referencing System.out, the class could be initialized with with an PrintStream to write to. Additionally, you could define an interface that would wrap Thread.sleep(). For testing purposes, you can initialize the class with the mock stream and no-op implementation of the sleep interface. However, you may still have some timing issues as you need the newly created thread to execute before continuing the test.
The other thing you can do is take a step back and decide how much you care about this code being tested. There are only 4 interesting lines of code in this sample and none of them are complicated. Having a code review could be sufficient to ensure there are no bugs.
However, if the business logic is more complicate than writing to standard out, you might decided that testing that is important. The good news is that scheduling a task in an executor is straight forward and that is the part that is making the testing hard. You could make an abstraction that encompasses the scheduling of the task in a background thread. Then provide yourself with more direct access to the business logic in order to test that.
I have often solved that, by providing a ResultTarget which implements an interface IResultTarget to the thread,
In productive code the result will be a list that contains the calculation result. (or null)
In your unit test the ResultTarget is the unit test class itself, which then easily can check the received result.
public Interface IResultTarget {
List getResult();
public void ThreadTest extends TestCase implements IResultTarget {
List result;
public List getResult(
return this.result;
public void testThread() {
MyRunnable myRunnable= new MyRunnable ();
Thread thread = new Thread(myRunnable);
thread .start();
Thread.sleep(5 * 1000);
// expecting one element as result of the work of myRunnable.
assertEquals(1, result.size());

Multithreaded access to add, get, remove methods, using recursion and Java and a Tree structure

I have a tree structure that I am trying to use a recursive method to add, get, or remove an item. I would like to be able to introduce a new thread for every child node that I find with an iterator. I currently pass the node into the recursive method when I call it. I would like to be able to start a thread and tell that thread to call that method. How would I do something similar to saying new thread, thread.callMethod()? I need to have a Runnable interface and a run method apparently? However this seems to complicate things much more than necessary (I already have method names). Does anyone know a good way to do this using run(..), or does anyone know a better way to do this without using run(..). Thanks.
Thank you for your answers. I had been thinking that I need to somehoe get a new instance of a node running on a new thread, but that is not the case. The node just occupies space in memory and the thread is reference to the method code that is executed on the instance living in memory (my CS 302 TA is already disagreeing with me in my head). So.. I had been thinking about enums, but I was thinking that I might somehow need to have all my nodes running on separate threads during instantiation, or else, have the methods actually written in new classes that implement runnable.
In other words,
public class TreeMethods implements Runnable
run(.. node, .. params, .. enum)
myThreadInstanceMethod(..) {..}
Thanks. I didn't know that I was asking this question, but you've just simplified my thread management design process greatly.
You can't do it without a Runnable or Callable object. The proper way to do what you want is to create a Runnable class that takes your object and calls the appropriate method on that object.
public class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
private MyObject obj;
public MyRunnable(MyObject obj) {
this.obj = obj;
public void run() {
If you need to call one of a couple methods then you can use an enum for this. If you need to pass in arguments then you can add them to the constructor.
With threads, it's always recommended that you use the Executors class and the ExecutorService thread pools. This will limit the number of threads created by your recursive algorithm and keep the thread particulars hidden.
// create a thread pool with 10 workers
ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
// or you can create an open-ended thread pool
// ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
while (recursing) {
threadPool.submit(new MyRunnable(myObject));
// once we have submitted all jobs to the thread pool, it should be shutdown
You may need something like this:
Your runnable:
public class ComputeNode implements Runnable {
private Node node;
public ComputeNode(Node nodeToCompute) {
this.node = nodeToCompute;
public void run() {
How to start it:
Runnable compute = new ComputeNode(nodeToComputeOn);
Thread t = new Thread(comute);
ComputeOnNode() is your own method written somewhere.

Threads; Creating a separate thread to periodically do something

As an addition to my current application, I need to create a separate thread which will periodically do some processing
I've create a new class to do all this, and this class will be loaded on startup of my application.
This is what I have so far :
public class PeriodicChecker extends Thread
Thread t = new Thread(new PeriodicChecker());
catch (InterruptedException e)
* Private constructor to prevent instantiation
private PeriodicChecker()
public void run()
System.out.println("Thread is doing something");
// Actual business logic here, that is repeated
I want to make constructor private to prevent other people from attempting to instantiate this class accidentally. How can I achieve this?
Also, is there anything bad about my implementation of such requirements? I'm only creating one thread which will run then sleep, have I missed anything obvious? I haven't worked with threads before
Java offers ScheduledExecutorService to schedule and run periodic tasks or tasks with delay. It should provide all the features you need. Timer is another class that offers similar functionalities, but I would recommend the ScheduledExecutorService over Timer for its flexibility of configuration and better error management.
You have some conceptual erros in your code... for example:
You should call start() and not run(), because you are running the method sequentially and not simultaneously.
You can call start() only once, not once in each loop iteration. After that, the thread is in state TERMINATED, you should create a new thread to run it again
You should not create the thread in the static block, it is a bad practice, and maybe the Thread is running before you want it to run.
You should read some examples about thread, it is a little difficult to unserstand at the beginning, and you can have undesired effects very easily.
Here is a little example, that may do something similar to that you want:
public class PeriodicChecker extends Thread
public void run()
while(true) {
System.out.println("Thread is doing something");
public OtherClass {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Thread t = new PeriodicChecker();
If you want that none can create a new Thread, you could create a singleton, so you will be sure that none is creating more threads.
I'd recommend you to consider Timer class - it provides functionality for periodic tasks execution.
Also you may take a look at "Timer & TimerTask versus Thread + sleep in Java" question discussion - there you can find some arguments and examples.
First of all to answer your specific question, you have already achieved your objective. You have declared your constructor to be private meaning no external class can call it like new PeriodicChecker().
Looking at your code however, there are a number of other problems:
Firstly, you are creating an instance of your class within its own static constructor. The purpose of a static constructor is to initialise any static state that your class may have, which instances of your class may then depend on. By creating an instance of the class within the static constructor, all of these guarantees go out the window.
Secondly, I don't think your thread is going to behave in the way you expect it to behave, primarily because you don't actually start another thread :). If you intend to start a new thread, you need to call the start() method on that thread object. Calling run() as you do does not actually create a new thread, but simply runs the run() method in the current thread.
Nowadays when you want to create a new thread to do something, the reccomended way of achieving this is to not extend Thread, but instead implement the Runnable interface. This allows you to decouple the mechanism of the thread, from the behaviour you intend to run.
Based on your requirements, I would suggest doing away with a top-level class like this, and instead create either a private inner class within your application start-up code, or even go for an anonymous inner class:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while(true) {
System.out.println("Thread is doing something");
It is almost never right to extend Thread. If you ever find yourself doing this, step back, take a look and ask yourself if you really need to change the way the Thread class works.
Almost all occurances where I see extends Thread the job would be better done implementing the Runnable interface or using some form of Timer.
