Java static class members and Scala interoperability - java

From the An Overview of the Scala Programming Language, Second Edition:
// Scala
object PrintOptions {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
System.out.println("Options selected:")
for (val arg <- args)
if (arg.startsWith("-"))
System.out.println(" " + arg.substring(1))
In the example above, the Scala program invokes methods startsWith
and substring of String, which is a class defined in Java. It
also accesses the static out field of the Java class System, and
invokes its (overloaded) println method. This is possible even
though Scala does not have a concept of static class members. In fact,
every Java class is seen in Scala as two entities, a class
containing all dynamic members and a singleton object, containing all
static members.
I understand translation of Scala's companion objects into Java bytecode, but I am not sure what exactly does it means bold text in upper blockquote "is seen in Scala" for opposite example (from Java to Scala).
Does it mean that Java classes with static members are actually converted or just interpreted as two entities in Scala? Or both of my assumptions are wrong?

I think you might be blinded by Java assumptions. Consider this simple snippet of code:
The means that the method Y is being called on the object X, or on some other object which X was implicitly converted into.
Maybe that doesn't look surprising, or you don't see anything amiss with that, so let's state explicitly a consequence: X will NEVER be a class. You don't invoke methods on classes, period.
Naturally, that presents a serious interoperability problem with Java regarding static members, and that's why it is stated that static members of a Java class X will be "seen" as a singleton object: because, otherwise, you'll never be able to use them.
Note that Scala's singleton objects are true objects -- they are instances of singleton classes. Java classes with static members will not give origin to single objects, though. In practice, this means that this line:
val x = X
will work if X is a Scala singleton object, but won't work if it is a Java class with static members.

It simply means that scala doesn't change anything to the initial java code, where static members and non-static members are in the same class.
Thus your second assumption is true, the first one is false.
I guess the book use seen instead of interpreted because this last one can have a different meaning if you think about "interpreted languages" (which are meaningless in that context).


Virtual Mechanism in C++ and Java [duplicate]

In Java:
class Base {
public Base() { System.out.println("Base::Base()"); virt(); }
void virt() { System.out.println("Base::virt()"); }
class Derived extends Base {
public Derived() { System.out.println("Derived::Derived()"); virt(); }
void virt() { System.out.println("Derived::virt()"); }
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Derived();
This will output
However, in C++ the result is different:
Base::virt() // ← Not Derived::virt()
(See for C++ code)
What causes such a difference between Java and C++? Is it the time when vtable is initialized?
EDIT: I do understand Java and C++ mechanisms. What I want to know is the insights behind this design decision.
Both approaches clearly have disadvatages:
In Java, the call goes to a method which cannot use this properly because its members haven’t been initialised yet.
In C++, an unintuitive method (i.e. not the one in the derived class) is called if you don’t know how C++ constructs classes.
Why each language does what it does is an open question but both probably claim to be the “safer” option: C++’s way prevents the use of uninitialsed members; Java’s approach allows polymorphic semantics (to some extent) inside a class’ constructor (which is a perfectly valid use-case).
Well you have already linked to the FAQ's discussion, but that’s mainly problem-oriented, not going into the rationales, the why.
In short, it’s for type safety.
This is one of the few cases where C++ beats Java and C# on type safety. ;-)
When you create a class A, in C++ you can let each A constructor initialize the new instance so that all common assumptions about its state, called the class invariant, hold. For example, part of a class invariant can be that a pointer member points to some dynamically allocated memory. When each publicly available method preserves the class invariant, then it’s guaranteed to hold also on entry to each method, which greatly simplifies things – at least for a well-chosen class invariant!
No further checking is then necessary in each method.
In contrast, using two-phase initialization such as in Microsoft's MFC and ATL libraries you can never be quite sure whether everything has been properly initialized when a method (non-static member function) is called. This is very similar to Java and C#, except that in those languages the lack of class invariant guarantees comes from these languages merely enabling but not actively supporting the concept of a class invariant. In short, Java and C# virtual methods called from a base class constructor can be called down on a derived instance that has not yet been initialized, where the (derived) class invariant has not yet been established!
So, this C++ language support for class invariants is really great, helping do away with a lot of checking and a lot of frustrating perplexing bugs.
However, it makes a bit difficult to do derived class specific initialization in a base class constructor, e.g. doing general things in a topmost GUI Widget class’ constructor.
The FAQ item “Okay, but is there a way to simulate that behavior as if dynamic binding worked on the this object within my base class's constructor?” goes a little into that.
For a more full treatment of the most common case, see also my blog article “How to avoid post-construction by using Parts Factories”.
Regardless of how it's implemented, it's a difference in what the language definition says should happen. Java allows you to call functions on a derived object that hasn't been fully initialized (it has been zero-initialized, but its constructor has not run). C++ doesn't allow that; until the derived class's constructor has run, there is no derived class.
Hopefully this will help:
When your line new Derived() executes, the first thing that happens is the memory allocation. The program will allocate a chunk of memory big enough to hold both the members of Base and Derrived. At this point, there is no object. It's just uninitialized memory.
When Base's constructor has completed, the memory will contain an object of type Base, and the class invariant for Base should hold. There is still no Derived object in that memory.
During the construction of base, the Base object is in a partially-constructed state, but the language rules trust you enough to let you call your own member functions on a partially-constructed object. The Derived object isn't partially constructed. It doesn't exist.
Your call to the virtual function ends up calling the base class's version because at that point in time, Base is the most derived type of the object. If it were to call Derived::virt, it would be invoking a member function of Derived with a this-pointer that is not of type Derrived, breaking type safety.
Logically, a class is something that gets constructed, has functions called on it, and then gets destroyed. You can't call member functions on an object that hasn't been constructed, and you can't call member functions on an object after it's been destroyed. This is fairly fundamental to OOP, the C++ language rules are just helping you avoid doing things that break this model.
In Java, method invocation is based on object type, which is why it is behaving like that (I don't know much about c++).
Here your object is of type Derived, so jvm invokes method on Derived object.
If understand Virtual concept clearly, equivalent in java is abstract, your code right now is not really virtual code in java terms.
Happy to update my answer if something wrong.
Actually I want to know what's the insight behind this design decision
It may be that in Java, every type derives from Object, every Object is some kind of leaf type, and there's a single JVM in which all objects are constructed.
In C++, many types aren't virtual at all. Furthermore in C++, the base class and the subclass can be compiled to machine code separately: so the base class does what it does without whether it's a superclass of something else.
Constructors are not polymorphic in case of both C++ and Java languages, whereas a method could be polymorphic in both languages. This means, when a polymorphic method appears inside a constructor, the designers would be left with two choices.
Either strictly conform to the semantics on non-polymorphic
constructor and thus consider any polymorphic method invoked within a
constructor as non-polymorphic. This is how C++ does§.
Or, compromise
the strict semantics of non-polymorphic constructor and adhere to the
strict semantics of a polymorphic method. Thus polymorphic methods
from constructors are always polymorphic. This is how Java does.
Since none of the strategies offers or compromises any real benefits compared to other and yet Java way of doing it reduces lots of overhead (no need to differentiate polymorphism based on the context of constructors), and since Java was designed after C++, I would presume, the designer of Java opted for the 2nd option seeing the benefit of less implementation overhead.
Added on 21-Dec-2016
§Lest the statement “method invoked within a constructor as non-polymorphic...This is how C++ does” might be confusing without careful scrutiny of the context, I’m adding a formalization to precisely qualify what I meant.
If class C has a direct definition of some virtual function F and its ctor has an invocation to F, then any (indirect) invocation of C’s ctor on an instance of child class T will not influence the choice of F; and in fact, C::F will always be invoked from C’s ctor. In this sense, invocation of virtual F is less-polymorphic (compared to say, Java which will choose F based on T)
Further, it is important to note that, if C inherits definition of F from some parent P and has not overriden F, then C’s ctor will invoke P::F and even this, IMHO, can be determined statically.

Does Java 8 support functions as first class objects?

I've read today about the Java 8 release. But I don't understand fully the concept of reference methods in Java 8. Does this mean that Java now has the support of functions as first class objects? I have seen, how to construct a reference to function. But it seems to me, that the Converter object they provide has quite limited functionality. Is it now possible in Java:
to pass the function as the argument to another function?
to return the function as the return value from another function?
and what about closures? Are they implemented fully like in functional languages, or they do have some limitations? It seems to me that there are some limitations (you cannot change the value of the variable you reference in a closure, it must be marked as final and etc).
The most important aspects of first-class functions have been blended into the existing Java type system. No true function type has been introduced; any single-method interface is its own "function type". So, as for your first two questions, you can freely pass around instances of such functional interfaces.
There are many subtle changes to the semantics, which allow one to use lambda syntax/method references to implement any such interface. You can even use higher-order functions such as compose, which returns a generic Function type, and pass it to a method which expects a compatible functional interface type.
you cannot change the value of the variable you reference in a closure
This is not a limitation specific to Java. In fact, most FP languages don't support mutable variables of any kind. Note that there is no requirement to use the final keyword on the variable; the concept of effectively final takes care of that.
It is possible. How do you do it?
First construct a "Functional Interface" (or use one of the provided ones). A functional interface is an interface with a single method. java.lang.Runnable is an example.
Second, write a method that takes a functional interface as a parameter.
public void doAThing(Runnable r) {;
Third, write a method with the correct signature.
public class MyClass {
public void runAThing() {
System.out.println("I executed!");
Fourth, call the function passing in a method reference.
MyClass mc = new MyClass();
You'll note that none of the classes you've wrote ever explicitly implements Runnable. This is handled for you by the compiler.
You can do something similar using a lamdba expression:
doAThing(() -> System.out.println("I executed as a lamdba expression!"));
To return the function as a value from another function, just return an instance of Runnable.
Methods are not first class objecs in Java, apart from the already existing usage in reflection, to answer your questions:
Yes, you can pass it on, but it needs to satisfy the signature.
For a void method() you use a Runnable, like this:
Runnable method = this::method if it is in the same class, and then run the actual method with
However for a double method() you need to use a DoubleSupplier, like this:
DoubleSupplier method = this::method, and then use it as double d = method.get().
And many more signatures, and you can even define your own with Functional Interfaces.
Yes it is possible, but only specific signatures as shown in Point 1.
Lambdas behave exactly as anonymous inner classes, which are closures by itself, Java has had support for closures since they introduced anonymous inner classes. The only thing that is added now is that the syntax is much prettier.
No, not first class functions. Lambda expression are wrapped in a interface, and some syntatic sugar applied for brevity.
But you can;t create a function on its own and pass it around different methods, whether thats a key point or not is a different question.

How does a class literal work? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What is a class literal in Java?
I was going through literals in the Java tutorial where I came across this sentence:
Finally, there's also a special kind of literal called a class literal, formed by taking a type name and appending ".class"; for example, String.class. This refers to the object (of type Class) that represents the type itself.
Which doesn't make any sense to me, even though I paid attention to all the other topics prior to this. Can anyone explain in simple language with examples or references?
Instances of the class java.lang.Class represent classes and interfaces in a running Java application. For each class in the application, there is an instance of Class. The SomeClass.class syntax is a way to get from SomeClass to the corresponding instance of Class.
A class literal is just a special type to use when you want to do something involving the class itself, rather than an instance.
Here's a short list of a few things I commonly use this for (not at all comprehensive, but you can get a good idea)
1.) Reflection, you want to instantiate something in run-time that you may not know (perhaps it was stored in a variable of type Class)
2.) You want to check if 2 objects are of the same related type, you can write something along the lines of: B.class.isAssignableFrom(a.getClass());
3.) You want to list all the methods, or public variables within a class, perhaps for documentation.
There are many other uses, but these are the main ones I find myself using in common practice.
Speaking simple language: that thing, which you call class literal is an object which fully describes some class: all its methods, all its fields, all its annotations, class's modifiers and so on. It is needed for creating new instances of that class in runtime.
Short example:
Class x = String.class;
you can use x to create runtime instances of the class it points to or to test the class of an object against it.
It evaluates to be the class identifier of the reference or primitive type's wrapper class. The expression void.class evaluates to the class identifier of the Void class. Same thing with 'String.class'

Does Java follow Object Oriented Programming Model fully?

The following code illustrates the situation:
class Human {
private String heart = "default heart";
public void control(Human h) {
h.heart = "$%^&*##!#^";
public String getHeart() {
return heart;
public class HumanTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Human deb = new Human();
Human kate = new Human();
Here heart [private variable] of deb got modified unfortunately. :)
Java allows the code to run without any error.But is it justified to give a object the privilege to access private member of other object even if the code is in the same class ?
Shouldn't Java disallow this?
As I know, private means restricting access beyond the class source code. But the same concept is applied in the source code above. and the result is disastrous since a person's heart can't be modified by any random person .
If the result is disastrous, you shouldn't code the class so that it allows it. The "bug" is not caused by code external to the class, but by code of the class itself. So it's simply a bug in your code.
If Java did not allow it, you could only compare objects of the same class by their public attributes, for example, which would either break encapsulation (by exposing private stuff), and/or be very slow (by forcing to make defensive copies of the private attributes to make them available to other objects.
Some languages have encapsulation at the object level, others (Java, C++) at the class level. It sounds like you're used to (or have just read about) encapsulation at the object level. Frankly, I find the class level much more natural, but perhaps that's just because C++ provided my introduction to programming with classes. Class-level encapsulation makes some idioms (factory methods, copy constructors, comparison operators) much easier to write. With object-level encapsulation, you end up exposing more than you really want to just to be able to implement these features.
In any case, neither way is "correct" -- they're just different.
Look into defensive copy to avoid this situation. It is because java objects operate more like references. The 'pointer' doesn't change, but once you know it you can change the value it contains.
This isn't breaking object orientation - it's about encapsulation of elements internal to a class.
It may seem silly that you can do this with this example but it's actually not a bad thing at all as far as I see it. The point of encapsulating elements of a class is so that other classes can't modify them - they can only see the public interface of class Human for instance to make changes. This means more than one person can work on the same project, writing different classes (or you can work on the same project at different times writing different classes) and they don't need to know the inner workings of the code.
However, the only place (bar reflection) you can access a private field directly in Human is from Human. When you're writing the Human class, if you choose to make modifications to private fields of other Human objects, that's up to you - but it's all contained within that one class, which is your design. If you do this in a way that's not appropriate, then it's a flaw in your design and not with Java - there's some cases where it makes perfect sense to do this!
Well, the way I see it and this is just my interpretation of the private keyword, a private is private to the class and can be accessed inside the class. It is not restricted to instances of the class. Therefore you can't do kate.heart="xpto" in the "humantest" class because that would try to breach it's privacy, but using kate's code to alter deb's heart is allowed because it is being handled inside the class.
Java language strictly following the Object oriented concept. Here also that's correct..ritght? Using the object of your class you are modifying your class's variables. But its upto the programmer who can have control over his objects.
Human's heart is private inside Human's class. But using the control method you are giving access to it from outside. That's why it gets modified..What's the problem in that.?

Static Methods or Not? Global variables?

I want to know what way is more efficient.
No global variables, passing variables through parameters, having all methods static
No global variables, having only main method static and creating class object in main to access methods
Use only global variables, having only main method static and creating class object in main to access methods
I am currently using method 3 but I want to know what is more efficient. This class will not be used by any other class outside of it, it pretty much stands alone.
Example of my code structure:
public class myClass {
private int globalVariable;
public static void main(String args[]) {
myClass c;
c.someMethod(); // Changes global variable from method
System.out.println(someMethod); // Prints solution
public void someMethod() {...}
No class is an island.
There are no silver-bullets, at least its very true in programming.
Premature optimisation is the root of all evil.
In Java we don't have global variables. We only have class variables, instance variables, and method variables.
I am trying to explain here my last point. In fact, bringing the discussion, that is going-on in comments below, to the actual post.
First look at this, an SO thread of C#. There folks are also suggesting the same thing, which is,
There are no global variables in C#". A variable is always locally-scoped. The fundamental unit of code is the class, and within a class you have fields, methods, and properties
I would personally recommend erasing the phrase "global variable" from your vocabulary (this is in the comment section of the original question)
So, here we go.
retort: Classes are globally scoped, and thus all class variables are globally scoped. Hence should be called global.
counter-retort: Not all classes are globally scoped. A class can be package-private. Therefore, the static variables in there will not be visible outside the package. Hence, should not be called as global. Furthermore, classes can be nested, thus can be private as well and definitely can have some static variables but those wouldn't be called global.
retort: public classes are globally scoped, and thus all class variables are globally scoped.
counter-retort: Not exactly. I would like to move the previous argument here but on a variable level. No matter if the class itself is public. The variables in there can be protected, package-private and private. Hence, static variables will not be global in that case.
Now, if you like to call public static variable in public static class, as global then call it by any means. But consider this, when you create a new ClassLoader (as a child of the bootstrap ClassLoader) and load a class that you've already loaded. Then that results in a "very new copy of the class" -- complete with its own new set of statics. Very "un-global", indeed. However, we don't use the word global in Java because it tends to confuse the things and then we need to come with whole lot of explanations just to make everything clear. Folks rightly like to explain the feature of global variables in Java by static variables. There is no problem in that. If you have some problem/code in any other language and that is using global variables and you need to convert that code to Java, then you most likely make use of static variable as an alternative.
A couple of examples I like to render here
When I started Java, instructors like to explain the difference of passing object type variable and primitive variables. And they constantly use the term objects are pass-by-reference, whereas primitives are pass-by-value. Students found this explanation quite confusing. So, we came up with the notion that everything in Java is pass-by-value. And we explain that for objects references are pass-by-value. It becomes much more clear and simple.
Similarly, there are languages which support multiple-inheritance. But Java doesn't, again arguably speaking. But folks tend to explain that feature using interfaces. They explain it by class implementing many interfaces, and call it multiple-inheritance. That's perfectly fine. But what the class, actually, receives by inheriting a number of interfaces. Frankly speaking, nothing. Why?
. Because all the variables in interfaces are implicitly public, final and static, which apparently means those belongs to the class and anyone can access those. Now we can say that perhaps there would be some inner class in the interface, then the class implementing the interface will have it. But again that will be static implicitly and will belong to the interface. Therefore, all what the class will get are methods. And don't forget just the definition and the contract which says, "the class implementing this interface must provide the implementation of all methods or declare itself abstract". Hence, that class will only get responsibilities and nothing much. But that solves our problems in a brilliant way.
Bottom line
Therefore, we say
There are no global variables in Java
Java doesn't support multiple-inheritance, but something like that can be achieved by implementing multiple interfaces. And that really works
There is nothing pass-by-reference in Java, but references are pass-by-value
Now I like to site few more places
Java does not support global, universally accessible variables. You can get the same sorts of effects with classes that have static variables [Ref]
However, extern in ObjectiveC is not an alternative to a class-scoped static variable in Java, in fact it is more like a global variable … so use with caution. [Ref]
In place of global variables as in C/C++, Java allows variables in a class to be declared static [Ref]
Furthermore, the overuse of static members can lead to problems similar to those experienced in languages like C and C++ that support global variables and global functions. [Ref]
All these are inferring one and the same idea. Which is Java doesn't support global variables.
Hell, I wrote that much. Sorry folks.
Performance doesn't matter. You want it as easy to read as possible.
I would do 2 as much as you can. When you really need constants and statics, make constants and statics.
For example, a null safe trim makes a good static method. New upping a StringTrimmer is silly. Putting if null then x else z in 1000 others is silly.
I think this was settled back in 1956 and 1958, when people invented Lisp and ALGOL58 and pondered about modularity, referential transparency, and sound code structure as means to tackle impenetrable spaghetti code that rely on global variables (and who tend to exhibit the software equivalent of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.)
I mean seriously, this is 2011 and we still wonder about whether to use global variables over encapsulated fields or parameter passing for quote-n-quote efficiency. I mean, seriously.
I may sound arrogant (so be it), but I'll say this:
I can understand some spaces where you have to make some sort of global variable trade-offs (.ie. very resource constrained embedded platforms, for example). I can understand if a person that is just starting in CS (say a freshman) asks this.
But if someone beyond freshman level (let alone someone that does coding for a living and not coding in the most resource barren of environments) asks or even remotely thinks about this as an acceptable thing to do should seriously reconsider going back to the basics (or reconsider this profession - we have too much craptacular code already.)
Short and concise answer: No, it makes no sense. There are no noticeable games. It is not worth it. It leads to craptacular code. And all of these have been known for 50 years now.
