I'm having some trouble successfully marshalling using the Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT property. Here's a simple version of the XML i'm trying to output.
The <Import> and <WorkSets> elements are essentially just container elements that enclose a large number of <WorkSet> & <Work> elements. I'm currently trying to marshall at the <WorkSet>.
Is it possible to initially marshal the <Import> and <WorkSets> elements and then from then on marshal at the <WorkSet> element and have the output be enclosed in the <Import><WorkSets> tags?
When I'm marshaling at the WorkSet level it attaches the xmlns='http://namespace.com' attribute to the WorkSet tag, is there a way to marshal without the namespace attribute being attached to Workset?
Basically, it sounds like rather than constructing a full object tree with the container objects, you want to be able to stream a collection of WorkSet instances to marshal using JAXB.
The approach I would take is to use an XMLStreamWriter and marshal the WorkSet objects by wrapping them in a JAXBElement. I don't have tested sample code close at hand, so here's the rough code snippet that should put you on the write track:
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("foo.xml");
XMLStreamWriter writer = XMLOutputFactory.newFactory().createXMLStreamWriter(fos);
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(WorkSet.class);
Marshaller m = context.createMarshaller();
m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT, Boolean.TRUE);
for (WorkSet instance : instances)
JAXBElement<WorkSet> element = new JAXBElement<WorkSet>(QName.valueOf("WorkSet"), WorkSet.class, instance);
m.marshal(element, writer);
writer.writeEndDocument(); // this will close any open tags
Note: The above is completely untested and may be messing something up in the wrapping part to write each instance of WorkSet. You need to wrap the WorkSet instances because they will not be annotated with #XmlRootElement and JAXB will otherwise refuse to marshal the objects.
I'm using Spring Batch (with Spring Boot) to read an XML file using StaxEventItemReader in a MultiResourceItemReader. Batch reader is intended to target <Receipt> and process/write for each register from the XML-source.
The problem I have is that I need to write the <Header> contents together with every register. I was able to configure Jaxb2Marshaller in order to read receipts one-by-one (getting a callback to process() for each register), but I cannot figure out how can I make reader/unmarshaller to read both the <Header> and a <Receipt> each time.
Maybe I have to create a ReceiptWrapper class to hold both header + receipt? In that case, how to instruct Jaxb2Marshaller to do so? And how to annotate Wrapper class?
I'm a mess with annotations, reader.setFragmentRootElementNames() and marshaller.setClassesToBeBound().
Is there any simple way to achieve that?
The aim is to concatenate the header at the beginning of every register.
Note: I created Header and Receipt classes via Eclipse JAXB code generation from an XSD I generated.
Here is the structure of the XML to read:
<ProcesosEIAC xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.tirea.es/EIAC/ProcesosEIAC ProcesosEIAC.xsd" xmlns="http://www.tirea.es/EIAC/ProcesosEIAC" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<!-- [...] -->
<!-- [...] -->
<!-- [...] -->
Here is an excerpt of what I have:
// Don't know how this should be...
fileReader.setFragmentRootElementNames(new String[]{"ProcesosEIAC", "Header", "Receipt"});
Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
marshaller.setClassesToBeBound(ReceiptWrapper.class /*, HeaderType.class, ReceiptType.class*/);
Finally I managed to make it work. In essence from what I've understood, to achieve the result, you must set the root elements of the fragments StaxEventItemReader is going to generate.
In my case:
fileReader.setFragmentRootElementNames(new String[]{ "Header", "Receipt" }
Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
marshaller.setClassesToBeBound(HeaderType.class, ReceiptType.class);
where HeaderType.class and ReceiptType.class are the JAXB-generated classes.
The trick was to define a common interface or base class for JAXB classes (e.g. MyXmlTargetElement) so that reader type declaration matches the unmarshalled objects:
StaxEventItemReader<MyXmlTargetElement> fileReader = new StaxEventItemReader<>();
This allowed to read elements sequentially one-by-one (including <Header>) and no wrapper class was necessary.
Then in the process(MyXmlTargetElement item) method of Batch ItemProcessor, I checked for the actual type of item using instanceof and when a header has been read, set it to a private member field (lastHeader). Then, when a <Receipt> comes, you already have the previously header stored in that member.
I need help to find the approach of how to create xml multiple times while I will be changing only two fields everytime and rest of the fields would be same as now. Please tell me the way to do it in java?
This is the sample xml below:
I would be changing the value of <Id> and <Originator>
<CorrelationId />
You can crate one class contain all this parameter as class variable, create getter and setter method. Create object of class set value by using setter method.
You can use JAXB API's class to convert your java object into XML format.
The JAXBContext class provides the client's entry point to the JAXB API.
It provides an abstraction for managing the XML/Java binding information
necessary to implement the JAXB binding framework operations: unmarshal,
marshal and validate.
Here is Doc reference for convert your Java object into XML.
Here are tutorial for same Tutorial Link
Sample Code :
public class TransactionBlk
#XmlElement(name = "Id")
private String id;
#XmlElement(name = "Originator")
private String Originator;
//Your getter and setter method.
TransactionBlk bean = new TransactionBlk();
//Set your parameter value here
StringWriter responseWriter = new StringWriter();
JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(TransactionBlk.class);
Marshaller jaxbMarshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller();
jaxbMarshaller.marshal(bean, responseWriter);
String xmlStr = responseWriter!=null?responseWriter.toString():null;
You can use XSLT to transform XML.
If all you're doing is printing a "boilerplate" document with changes in those two values, a, you could use the DPH (Desperate Perl Hacker) approach: simply assemble it as text, pausing to print the values at the appropriate places. To be safe, you should pre-scan the values to make sure they don't contain the <, >, or & characters and escape those if you find them.
For something more complex, or if you want to start learning how to do it "properly", look at the standard XML APIs for Java: DOM (the Document Object Model, an in-memory tree model of a document), SAX (an event-stream view of a document), and JAXP (tools to take an XML document and parse it into DOM or SAX so you can read it, and to take DOM or SAX and write those out as XML syntax). JAXP also provides standard APIs for invoking XPath to search a document and XSLT to apply a stylesheet to a document, so taken together these cover a huge percentage of the basic operations on XML.
You might want to look at some tutorials on using Java to manipulate XML. I'm certainly biased, not least because they published one of my articles, but in my experience IBM's DeveloperWorks website (https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/) has had better-than-average material for learning about XML and other standards.
I'm trying to marshal a file using the Visio XML Schema, which consists of 3 schema files and produces three packages when java source is generated with XJC:
The root element is VisioDocument, and all of the classes I'm using are in the 2003 package.
Here is my approach to marshalling my XML file:
VisioDocumentType visioDoc = new VisioDocumentType();
... manipulated here ...
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.microsoft.schemas.visio._2003.core");
Marshaller m = jc.createMarshaller();
m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
m.marshal(new JAXBElement<VisioDocumentType>(new QName("uri","local"), VisioDocumentType.class, visioDoc), bw);
When executed, I receive this error:
- with linked exception:
[com.sun.istack.internal.SAXException2: unable to marshal type "com.microsoft.schemas.visio._2003.core.PagePropsType" as an element because it is missing an #XmlRootElement annotation]
I am using PagePropsType, but it is not a root element. Why does JAXB think it is?
The problem resides in the ... manipulated here ... part of your code.
Based on the assumption that you do the following (or something similar).
// you create a page prop
PagePropsType pageProps = ...
// then you feed it to a shape sheet
ShapeSheetType shapeSheet = ...
(ShapeSheetType is a superclass for StyleSheetType, et cetera.)
If this's the case, then your problem lies in adding the pageProps to the list directly.
If you take a look at the getTextOrXFormOrLine() method's documentation it lists what kind of types the list can hold. Every type is wrapped in a JAXBElement<...> so you have to wrap pageProps before adding it to the list.
You should do it like this:
ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
JAXBElement<PagePropsType> pagePropsElement = objectFactory.createShapeSheetTypePageProps(pageProps);
(Note that I've used XJC 2.2.4 to compile the schemas; for me every class' name is suffixed with Type. Maybe this is why I ended up with VisioDocumentType instead of VisioDocument like you, but it shouldn't matter.)
If you check your generated code, you will find a ObjectFactory class in there. This class should have a method that returns a VisioDocument wrapped in a JAXBElement, and that it the object that you want to pass to the marshaller.
Same applicable to all objects you set inside VisioDocument - don't create them with 'new' but use ObjectFactory.
I have a JAXB data class which is generated from wsimport and I'd like to print it to the console and/or log. Unfortunately a toString is not generated.
What's the easiest way to print the data object? It doesn't matter whether the output is the original XML or something else, as long as it's readable.
It looks like the class is a valid bean (properly named getters and setters) so anything that works with beans is probably fine too.
For printing to the console, try this:
jaxbContext.createMarshaller().marshal(jaxbObject, System.out);
To get it into a String, use a StringWriter:
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
jaxbContext.createMarshaller().marshal(jaxbObject, writer);
String xmlString = writer.toString();
To get the JAXBContext object you need to do the following:
JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(<WhateverClass>.class);
Where <WhateverClass> is the class literal for the type that jaxbObject is. You should also be able to do:
JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(jaxbObject.getClass());
Depending on where you are defining the context and your stylistic preference. JAXBContext is thread-safe so it is good to define one instance and share it. Marshaller and Unmarshaller make no such guarantees though. So they need to be created on demand.
The Problem I'm facing is how to marshall a large list of objects into a single XML File, so large I can not marshall the complete list in one step. I have a method that returns these objects in chunks, but then I marshall these using JAXB, the marshaller returns with an exception that these objects are no root elements. This is ok for the normal case there you want to marshall the complete document in one step, but it also happens if I set the JAXB_FRAGMENT Property to true.
This is the desired XML output:
So I assume I need some kind of listener that dynamically loads the next chunk of repeatingElements to feed it to the marshaller before he would write the closing tag of the rootElement. But how to do that? Up until now I only used JAXB to marshall small files and the JAXB documentation does not give much hints for that use case.
I'm aware that this is an old question but I came across it while searching for duplicates of another similar question.
As #skaffman suggests, you want to Marshal with JAXB_FRAGMENT enabled and your objects wrapped in JAXBElement. You then repeatedly marshal each individual instance of the repeated element. Basically it sounds like you want something roughly like this:
public class StreamingMarshal<T>
private XMLStreamWriter xmlOut;
private Marshaller marshaller;
private final Class<T> type;
public StreamingMarshal(Class<T> type) throws JAXBException
this.type = type;
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(type);
this.marshaller = context.createMarshaller();
this.marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT, Boolean.TRUE);
public void open(String filename) throws XMLStreamException, IOException
xmlOut = XMLOutputFactory.newFactory().createXMLStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filename));
public void write(T t) throws JAXBException
JAXBElement<T> element = new JAXBElement<T>(QName.valueOf(type.getSimpleName()), type, t);
marshaller.marshal(element, xmlOut);
public void close() throws XMLStreamException
As you've discovered, if a class does not have the #XmlRootElement annotation, then you can't pass an instance of that class to the marshaller. However, there is an easy way around this - wrap the object in a JAXBElement, and pass that to the marshaller instead.
Now JAXBElement is a rather clumsy beast, but what it does is contains the element name and namespace of the object that you want to marshal, information which would normally be contained in the #XmlRootElement annotation. As long as you have the name and namespace, you can construct a JAXBElement to wrap your POJO, and marshal that.
If your POJOs were generated by XJC, then it will also have generated an ObjectFactory class which contains factory methods for building JAXBElement wrappers for you, making things a bit easier.
You'll still have to use the JAXB_FRAGMENT property for the repeating inner elements, otherwise JAXB will generate stuff like the XML prolog each time, which you don't want.
I don't know much of JAXB, so I can't help. But if you don't mind, I have a suggestion.
Writing XML is a lot easier than reading it, so an solution for your problem might be to use a more "low level" approach. Just write your own marshaller using one of the available open source libraries for XML. I think you can easily do what you want using dom4j.