svn: 'pre-commit' hook failed with error output: - java

Some of selected resources were not committed.
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: 'pre-commit' hook failed with error output:
I am trying to commit 2 jsp files from Eclips Helios.Its updated with lates Subversion updated verison & mylyn.
Scratched google but nothing found.
However this issue is only coming with some of comments but I can commit the file using other comments and some file can't.
Only output given by the SVN commit is this.
Any help appriciated.
Thanks in advance.
Screen Shot Attached Below

Here is a possible workaround, if you really don't have access to the hooks dir:
Try to sync your changed files with the original (repository-stored ones) files, and find such differences that should be protected by hook scripts:
jsp contains accented or non-supported special chars (try this first)
jsp contains illegal whitespace chars
etc. If you find some suspicious, remove it and commit the rest of the changes.


Eclipse 2020-12 - I can't create or edit groovy classes (was OK in 2020-09)

Recently Eclipse 2020-09 updated itself to 20200-12. My Java development has been OK. However, this evening, I needed to create a new Groovy class. The editor failed to open - I got an error 'window' (tltle = 'New') that said:
Creation of element failed. org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/refactoring/core/utils/GroovyTypeBuilder
Opening an existing Groovy file results in the editor area being all grey and open editors have lost focus.
I've spent ages trying to find a solution - and failed.
If someone can help me with this, I'll be immensely grateful as work on my product has ground to a halt!
The new-class action creates a .log file. At the end of the log the entry is
Root exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/refactoring/core/utils/GroovyTypeBuilder
Further up the log, I've seen other 'no class def found' entries for:
This is a Maven+Git project that produces a jar file.
Groovy complierversion is 2.5.14.
Maven dependency is groovy-xml-2.5.6,jar, which pulls in groovy-2.5.6,jar
I spent a long time at the start of 2020 working out the pom.xml so that the App's jar file and related folders+files all end up correctly. (I'm a Sunday-driver Maven guy, so once it worked, I was happy to leave it alone).
I really don't want to change versions of Groovy or anything - I don't think it's good practice to change 'infrasucture' in the middle of project.
As I don't know what other information will be helpful, I will provide it on request.

Flink Job Execution Failed on run

I am trying to run the data artisans examples available at github. I read the tutorial and added the needed SDKs and downloaded the files for NYCFares and Rides. Whenever i am running the example i get a Job Execution Failed.
Here is the link to the git repo for the RideCount class file.
Github repo
here is the error
It appears that the nycTaxiRides.gz file has somehow been corrupted. The line that is shown in your screenshot should have these contents
914757,START,2013-01-03 10:00:57,1970-01-01 00:00:00,-73.982796,40.781418,-73.97155,40.761257,1,2013002770,2013017291
The code that parses the input is complaining that not all of the fields are present. I suggest you re-download the data file, being careful not to decompress or otherwise alter it. Chrome can do this, or wget, or curl, but some browsers will introduce problems.

Jenkins GitPlugin - how to find out what failed on a pre-build merge?

We have Jenkins installed using GitPlugin to pull branches and merge them, as described in the GitPlugin Wiki. However, when the merge fails there's no output saying why it failed, just that it didn't merge cleanly:
Seen branch in repository origin/HEAD
Seen branch in repository origin/labs/intro
Seen branch in repository origin/master
Commencing build of Revision 620c4373792b8cef6a3992b6676892479ed379b0 (origin/REV_4/REV-1234)
Merging Revision 620c4373792b8cef6a3992b6676892479ed379b0 (origin/REV_4/REV-1234) onto REV_4/integration
ERROR: Branch not suitable for integration as it does not merge cleanly
[JaCoCo plugin] Collecting JaCoCo coverage data...
I can't duplicate this behavior locally. It has something to do with the Git line ending settings.
Can anybody tell me how to squeeze more information out of Jenkins and the GitPlugin, so I can tell what files are failing?
There probably isn't a way, since there's an open issue about it, and also by looking at the source code at least I don't see exception details recorded anywhere. They're lost.
Some options what you could do:
merge the branch yourself and see if it helps
make a fork of the plugin that saves the information somewhere or outputs it or
run Jenkins using remote debugger, having a breakpoint at that point in code.
There are instructions here to run Jenkins with a debugger:
Add the following to the JENKINS_JAVA_OPTIONS variable (separated by
spaces, surrounded by quotes):
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5678
So the full line may look something like:
JENKINS_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -DXX:MaxPermSize=512m -DXX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=0"
Obviously change the port from 5678 to something else if you need.
GIT Plugin prompts this error when there are file conflicts after git merge.
try locally merging both the branches and you can see.
One solution that can be used here is to perform git merge using ours/theirs strategies
git checkout master
git merge -X ours REV-1234
This will allow you to keeps current branch file-revisions for conflicting files.
git checkout master
git merge -X theirs REV-1234
This will allow you to keeps remote branch file-revisions for conflicting files.

After reactoring packages in Netbeans, I can't commit anymore

After refactoring some packages/classes, when i try to commit my project i get this error:
org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Item 'One-of-my-project's-package' is out of date
svn: DELETE of '/svn/Repository/!svn/wrk/fe1d333f-3901-0010-acd1-d750d86b0019/One-of-my-project's-package': 409 Conflict (
The SVN command returned with an error which indicates that some files in your working copy are out of date.
Run update and attempt your command again.
How i can fix it? Running "update" won't overwrite my classes, deleting all the latest modifications?
This has happened many times to me, it is very frustrating. Updating won't disturb anything if nobody else has committed in the meantime, and even if there were other commits, only a regular update will happen that will merge the changes into your files (or, in case of a conflict, generate the usual commit markings). However, the update may not help, either. What is usually at hand is a "tree conflict", which doesn't concern any specific file, but directory info. You probably renamed a package, that renamed a directory and created your situation.
Try updating and, if it doesn't help, you probably will have to make a backup and manually revert parts of the working tree, then reapply your changed files.

Why do I keep getting 'SVN: Working Copy XXXX locked; try performing 'cleanup'?

If you have worked with SVN tools in Eclipse (Subversion, subversive) before, then you are likely familiar with the 'working copy 'XXX' locked..." error.
I found a very useful post with a workaround for this problem at: Working copy XXX locked and cleanup failed in SVN
As great as the workaround is, it is a pain to do it over and over again. Does anyone know why I keep getting this error and what steps I could take to prevent it?
Context: I am creating an Eclipse plugin that involves listening for SVN events, so in testing this plugin, I am constantly opening and closing the workspace. I usually do 1 or 2 commits each time I open the workspace. Every so often the commit will fail and I get the 'working copy locked' error. I would love for this error to not happen anymore, so any advice is appreciated.
Select the project
Right click on the selected Project
Team -> Cleanup
Problem Solved.
Note: The Above steps will work only Eclipse(Indigo package)
Generally a .lock file is created and it decides lock/unlock state checking the existince of this file. I think if you delete this .lock file only, then the problem will go away.
I've had a lot of issues with SVN before and one thing that has definitely caused me problems is modifying files outside of Eclipse or manually deleting folders (which contains the .svn folders), that has probably given me the most trouble.
You should also be careful not to interrupt SVN operations, though sometimes a bug may occur and this could cause the .lock file to not be removed, and hence your error.
Make sure you exactly cleanup what the console says. For example if a subfolder (a package) is locked:
svn: E155004: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E155004: Working copy 'C:\Users\laura\workspace\tparser\src\de\test\order' locked
svn: E155004: 'C:\Users\laura\workspace\tparser\src\de\test\order' is already locked.
cleanup C:/Users/liparulol/workspace/tparser/src/de/mc/etn/parsers/order
Then you need to cleanup the specified folder and not the whole project. If you are in eclipse right click on the package, not on the project folder and execute the clean up.
After more exploration and testing, it appears that this issue was being caused by debugging the plugin and using breakpoints. SVN/Subclipse apparently didn't like having breakpoints midway through their execution and as a result this lock files were being created. As soon as I started just running the plugin, this issue disappeared.
This will happen when something went wrong in one of your folders in you project.
You need to find out the exact folder that locked and execute svn cleanup under the specific folder.
You can solve this as follows:
run svn commit command to find out which folder went wrong.
change directory to that folder and run svn cleanup. Then it's done.
The following should unlock a locked working copy (tested on svn client version 1.6.11 and elipse version: Mars.2 Release (4.5.2))
step 1: (go to working copy directory) $cd working_copy_dir
step 2: (connect to svn sqlite database) $sqlite3 .svn/wc.db
step 3: (delete all records from table WC_LOCK) sqlite> delete from WC_LOCK;
step 4: (disconnect from sqlite 3 database) sqlite>ctrl + d
step 5: (from eclipse) right click on your working copy, then click Team -> Refresh/Cleanup
I had the same problem using the package.
To fix it, I first made a backup of the code changes in the model package. Then deleted model package and synchronized with the repository. It will show incoming the entire folder/package. Then updated my code.
Finally, paste the old code commit to the SVN Repository. It works fine.
This happened to me when I copied a directory from another subversion project and tried to commit. The soluction was to delete the .svn director inside the directory I wanted to commit.
This type of problem can happen when you delete/move files around - in essence making changes to your directory structure. Subversion only checks for changes made in files already added to subversion, not changes made to the directory structure. Instead of using your OS's copy etc commands rather use svn copy etc. Please see
Further, upon committing changes svn first stores a "summary" of changes in a todo list. Upon performing the svn operations in this todo list it locks the file to prevent other changes while these svn actions are performed. If the svn action is interrupted midway, say by a crash, the file will remain locked until svn could complete the actions in the todo list. This can be "reactivated" by using the svn cleanup command. Please see
Step1: Have to remove “lock” file which present under “.svn” hidden file.
Step2: In case if there is no “lock” file then you would see “we.db” you have to open this database and need to delete content alone from the following tables
– lock
– wc_lock
Step3: Clean your project
Step4: Try to commit now.
Step5: Done.
