Android Java TCP / IP socket connection life cycle - java

I need some implementation TCP/IP on android (obviously by Java)
I came across
However, I am wondering if it is right approach or not.
If you take a look at the code, you can notice that the client always creates new connection every time it sends request to the server.
public void send(byte[] data, RspHandler handler) throws IOException {
// Start a new connection
SocketChannel socket = this.initiateConnection();
// Register the response handler
this.rspHandlers.put(socket, handler);
// And queue the data we want written
synchronized (this.pendingData) {
List queue = (List) this.pendingData.get(socket);
if (queue == null) {
queue = new ArrayList();
this.pendingData.put(socket, queue);
// Finally, wake up our selecting thread so it can make the required changes
But I don't think it should. Anybody can advise me how to improve this?
Thanks in advance!


Netty Correlating Request and Responses

I want to write a proxy for a TCP binary protocol. I’m using the HexDump example in Netty’s repo as a guide.
This works fine. But I sometimes want to modify the response based on the original request.
Looking around it seems that using the inbound channels AttributeMap could be the place to store such request details. (Some more details below)
But while it sort of works sometimes one request overwrites the details of another request.
This makes sense, Netty is asynchronous and you can’t really guarantee when somethings going to happen.
So I was wondering how can I reliably correlate each request with is response. Note I can’t
change the protocol, this might have been one way to pass details between request and response.
Thanks for your insight.
public void channelRead(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws InterruptedException {
public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
final Channel inboundChannel =;
// Start the connection attempt.
Bootstrap b = new Bootstrap();
.handler(new HexDumpBackendHandler(inboundChannel))
.option(ChannelOption.AUTO_READ, false);
ChannelFuture f = b.connect(remoteHost, remotePort);
outboundChannel =;
f.addListener((ChannelFutureListener) future -> {
if (future.isSuccess()) {
// connection complete start to read first data;
} else {
// Close the connection if the connection attempt has failed.
public void channelRead(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) {
RequestDetails requestDetails = inboundChannel.attr(utils.REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE).getAndRemove();
My solution (work around?) to this was the following. The protocol I was working with couldn't guarantee a unique identifier per request globally but it did uniquely identify request's within a tcp connection.
So the following combination allowed me to create a ConcurrentHashMap with the following as the key
host + ephemeral port + identifier local to the connection
This work for my case. I'm sure their other ways to solve it within the Netty framework itself

Netty 4.0.23 multiple hosts single client

My question is about creating multiple TCP clients to multiple hosts using the same event loop group in Netty 4.0.23 Final, I must admit that I don't quite understand Netty 4's client threading business, especially with the loads of confusing references to Netty 3.X.X implementations I hit through my research on the internet.
with the following code, I establish a connection with a single server, and send random commands using a command queue:
public class TCPsocket {
private static final CircularFifoQueue CommandQueue = new CircularFifoQueue(20);
private final EventLoopGroup workerGroup;
private final TcpClientInitializer tcpHandlerInit; // all handlers shearable
public TCPsocket() {
workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
tcpHandlerInit = new TcpClientInitializer();
public void connect(String host, int port) throws InterruptedException {
try {
Bootstrap b = new Bootstrap();;;
b.remoteAddress(host, port);
Channel ch = b.connect().sync().channel();
ChannelFuture writeCommand = null;
for (;;) {
if (!CommandQueue.isEmpty()) {
writeCommand = ch.writeAndFlush(CommandExecute()); // commandExecute() fetches a command form the commandQueue and encodes it into a byte array
if (CommandQueue.isFull()) { // this will never happen ... or should never happen
if (writeCommand != null) {
} finally {
public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException {
TCPsocket socket = new TCPsocket();
socket.connect("", 2101);
in addition to executing commands off of the command queue, this client keeps receiving periodic responses from the serve as a response to an initial command that is sent as soon as the channel becomes active, in one of the registered handlers (in TCPClientInitializer implementation), I have:
public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
System.out.println("sent first message\n");
which activates a feature in the connected-to server, triggering a periodic packet that is returned from the server through the life span of my application.
The problem comes when I try to use this same setup to connect to multiple servers,
by looping through a string array of known server IPs:
public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException {
String[] hosts = new String[]{"", "", ""};
TCPsocket socket = new TCPsocket();
for (String host : hosts) {
socket.connect(host, 2101);
once the first connection is established, and the server ( starts sending the designated periodic packets, no other connection is attempted, which (I think) is the result of the main thread waiting on the connection to die, hence never running the second iteration of the for loop, the discussion in this question leads me to think that the connection process is started in a separate thread, allowing the main thread to continue executing, but that's not what I see here, So what is actually happening? And how would I go about implementing multiple hosts connections using the same client in Netty 4.0.23 Final?
Thanks in advance

The write() method of a SocketChannel do not throw an exception when it should do

I'm writing a server to exchange messages among clients. One issue left to be solved is how to release a channel when a client happens to be closed. What I do is to start a monitor thread in which the all-Clients map is monitored, and I attempt to remove() a channel if an exception been detected when trying write() to it. However, after closing a client, the write() method in monitor thread don't throw an exception so the useless channel will never be released. Anybody know why?
public class ServerMonitor extends Thread{
private Map<String, SocketChannel> allClients;
private Set set;
private Iterator it;
private Entry entry;
private SocketChannel channel;
private ByteBuffer buf;
public ServerMonitor(Map<String, SocketChannel> allClients) {
this.allClients = allClients;
buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(10);
byte b = 0;
public void run(){
while(true) {
if(!allClients.isEmpty()) {
set = allClients.entrySet();
it = set.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
entry = (Entry);
channel = (SocketChannel) entry.getValue();
} catch(Exception e) {
try {
Thread.sleep(1000 * 5);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Writing to a TCP socket is buffered locally and put on the wire asynchronously. So you can't rely on the first write after the peer closes to fail. You can rely on a subsequent write failing, but it could take a number of writes to get there.
I've run into this issue when writing applications that send data over TCP. You've discovered that the only real way to know if a client has closed the connection is by the IOException on a call to write(...). This is pretty much the way it works.
There is a cleaner solution. First of all, you must always handle the case that a client disconnects without you knowing, and properly remove them when you get the IOException on write(...). However, if the client sends a message telling the server it is disconnecting, you can use that to close the connection when you see it.

How to facilitate communication between the server thread and the multiple client threads in Java

I'm trying to create a client server game using java sockets. I have a thread server which controls the logic of the game. I also have client threads that communicate with the server. I use multiple client handler threads to facilitate server-to-client communication. I use multiple threads to communicate with other client threads using sockets.
Now, I have a problem on how to facilitate communication between the server thread and the multiple client threads. For example, should the server select the next player to play, how should it signal the client handler thread, and in turn communicate with the client thread through sockets?
I have done this before in the following way. I have a Server socket
public Server(int port, int numPlayers) {
game = new PRGameController(numPlayers);
try {"Opening port on " + port);
ServerSocket clientConnectorSocket = new ServerSocket(port);"Listening for connections");
while (!game.isFull()) {
// block until we get a connection from a client
final Socket client = clientConnectorSocket.accept();"Client connected from " + client.getInetAddress());
Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
public synchronized void run() {
PRGamePlayer player = new PRGamePlayer(client, game);
new Thread(runnable).start();
} catch (IOException io) {
MessageOutput.error("Server Connection Manager Failed...Shutting Down...", io);
// if the connection manager fails we want to closedown the server
Then on the client side, I have something like this..
public void connect(String ip) {
try {
comms = new Socket(ip, 12345);
// get the streams from the socket and wrap them round a ZIP Stream
// then wrap them around a reader and writer, as we are writing strings
this.input = new CompressedInputStream(comms.getInputStream());
this.output = new CompressedOutputStream(comms.getOutputStream());
this.connected = true;
} catch (IOException e) {
ui.displayMessage("Unable to connect to server, please check and try again");
this.connected = false;
if (connected) {
String name = ui.getUserInput("Please choose a player name");
sendXML(XMLUtil.getXML(new NameSetAction(name, Server.VERSION)));
* This method sets up the server response thread. The thread, sits patiently
* waiting for input from the server, in a seperate thread, so not to hold
* up any client side activities. When data is recieved from the server
* it is processed, to perform the appropriate action.
public void startServerResponseThread() {
// create the runnable that will be used by the serverListenerThread,
// to listen for requests from the server
Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
public void run () {
try {
// loop forever, or until the server closes the connection
while (true) {
} catch (SocketException sx) {
MessageOutput.error("Socket closed, user has shutdown the connection, or network has failed");
} catch (IOException ex) {
MessageOutput.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
} catch (Exception ex) {
MessageOutput.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
} finally {
(PRClone.this).connected = false;
// only shutdown the server if the listener thread has not already been
// destroyed, otherwise the server will have already been shutdown
if (serverListenerThread != null) {
// shutdown the thread and inform the application the communications has closed
MessageOutput.debug("Shutting down server listener Thread");
// create the thread
serverListenerThread = new Thread(runnable);
// start the thread
The client is able to send requests to the server via the outputstream, and read server data from the input stream.
The server can accept requests from the client, and process it in the GameController, and can also send notifications from the server using outputstream, again in the GameController.
EDIT: Also, I should note that all my communication is done via XML, and the controller on the client or the server decodes the XML and performs the relevant request.
Hope this helps. It certainly does the job for me, and allows my multi-player games to work well.
I suspect that your client threads are hanging on a blocking read operation. To "release" these threads and make them send data instead, you'd have to interrupt them through thread.interrupt(). (Which would cause the blocking read to throw an InterruptedException.)
However, I've written a few network games myself, and I would really recommend you to look into the java.nio packages and especially the Selector class. Using this class you could easily make the whole server single-threaded. This would save you a lot of headaches when it comes to synchronizing all those client threads.
I think using an existing communication infrastructure like ActiveMQ would be very useful here to deal with the low-level piping stuff and allow you to tackle the game design issues at a higher conceptual level rather than dealing with the low-level intricacies.
That being said. If I understood you then you have a game-client with mutiple threads, one of which deals with comms to the server. On the server there is a comms thread for each client and the game server logic.
I would only use sockets for remote communication and Queues for communication between the server threads. On the queues send immutable objects (or copies) back and forth so you do not need to synchronize access to the data in the messages. As a base for synchronisation you can block on the Socket or a BlockingQueue, then you do not need to manually synch things, however this requires careful protocol design.

How can I implement a threaded UDP based server in Java?

How can I implement a threaded UDP based server in Java ?
Basically what I want, is to connect multiple clients to the server, and let each client have his own thread. The only problem is, that I don't know how to check if a client is trying to connect to the server and spawn a new thread for it.
boolean listening = true;
System.out.println("Server started.");
while (listening)
new ServerThread().start();
In this case the server will spawn new threads until it runs out of memory.
Here's the code for the ServerThread ( I think I need here a mechanism that stalls the creation of the ServerThread until a client tries to connect.
public ServerThread(String name) throws IOException
socket = new DatagramSocket();
So fathers of Java programming please help.
The design for this to a certain extent depends on whether each complete UDP "dialog" just requires a single request and immediate response, whether it's a single request or response with retransmissions, or whether there'll be a need to process lots of packets for each client.
The RADIUS server I wrote had the single request + retransmit model and spawned a thread for each incoming packet.
As each DatagramPacket was received it was passed to a new thread, and then that thread was responsible for sending back the response. This was because the computation and database accesses involved in generating each response could take a relatively long time and it's easier to spawn a thread than to have some other mechanism to handle new packets that arrive whilst old packets are still being processed.
public class Server implements Runnable {
public void run() {
while (true) {
DatagramPacket packet = socket.receive();
new Thread(new Responder(socket, packet)).start();
public class Responder implements Runnable {
Socket socket = null;
DatagramPacket packet = null;
public Responder(Socket socket, DatagramPacket packet) {
this.socket = socket;
this.packet = packet;
public void run() {
byte[] data = makeResponse(); // code not shown
DatagramPacket response = new DatagramPacket(data, data.length,
packet.getAddress(), packet.getPort());
Since UDP is a connectionless protocol, why do you need to spawn a new thread for each connection? When you receive a UDP packet maybe you should spawn a new thread to take care of dealing with the message received.
UDP connections are not like TCP connections. They do not remain active and such is the design of UDP.
The handlePacket() method of this next code block can do whatever it wants with the data received. And many clients can send multiple packets to the same UDP listener. Maybe it will help you.
public void run() {
DatagramSocket wSocket = null;
DatagramPacket wPacket = null;
byte[] wBuffer = null;
try {
wSocket = new DatagramSocket( listenPort );
wBuffer = new byte[ 2048 ];
wPacket = new DatagramPacket( wBuffer, wBuffer.length );
} catch ( SocketException e ) {
log.fatal( "Could not open the socket: \n" + e.getMessage() );
System.exit( 1 );
while ( isRunning ) {
try {
wSocket.receive( wPacket );
handlePacket( wPacket, wBuffer );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log.error( e.getMessage() );
Have you looked at the Apache Mina project? I believe even one of its examples takes you through how to setup an UDP-based server with it. If this for a real product, I would not recommend trying to come up with your own implementation from scratch. You will want to use a library to accomplish this so you are not using one thread per connection, rather a thread pool.
I don't really see the need.
Its a school thing right?
If you need to keep track of the clients, you should have a local representation of each client (a Client object on your server). It can take care of whatever client-specific things you need to do.
In that case You need to be able to find out from which client the message was sent from. (using information from the message.) You can keep the clients in a map.
The most effective way is probably to do all handling in the main thread, unless whatever that needs to be done can "block" waiting for external events (or if some things that's supposed to happen might take a long time and some a very short.)
public class Client {
public void handleMessage(Message m) {
// do stuff here.
The client object can perhaps start a new thread in handleMessage() if neccesary.
You shouldn't start multiple server threads.
The server thread can do:
while(running) {
socket.receive(DatagramPacket p);
client = figureOutClient(p);
If there are no client-specific things to care about, just read the messages and handle them as they arrive, in one thread.
