I'm working on a project, where it is needed to load some classes at runtime. The classes to load are parts of CDI-Containers and have to be able to inject some stuff. The "loading class" itself is a part of a CDI-Container as well.
Now comes my problem. It is possible to load and instantiate any class via reflection, but in this case it would not be possible for the classes to be loaded to get anything injected. So it is needed to get an instance of these classes as it would be internally done by the server like when we would use the annotation #javax.inject.Inject.
Is there any way to load the classes of another CDI-container in a way that they can still work with Injections (otherwise it would not make any sense^^)? Maybe there is any kind of Class which is responsible for for handling all of these classes so that I can simply tell it the name of the class to load (as I would do it with reflections)... ?
You can use the BeanManager API to query and laod contextual references based on bean types.
Review your design carefully, as it sounds like you're entering into "procedural style" programming rather than OO. This is likely the first of many problems with your design you're likely to encounter.
I have an idea that might work though; can you make these classes implement a certain interface? If they do, you can use normal #Inject annotations in your code with the interface, then stuff the class implementation into a /lib directory on a server. This, combined with CDI alternatives may be able to get you what you want.
A better approach may be to use reflection and some kind of factory...
I have a whole bunch of framework modules that work fine on OSGi, all the services and components are finding one another and running just fine.
There is however one framework that does some dynamic stuff regarding classes. Basically at some point you give it a class name and it performs Class.forName() and then reflection magic happens.
This works great when running in a standard jvm and using SPI to wire together the frameworks but it fails in OSGi because of course that random class "test.MyTest" that you are trying to approach via the framework is not visible to said framework.
It will throw a "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: test.MyTest not found by framework"
So my question: how can I solve this lack of visibility for the framework that needs to see all? Import-Package: *?
Assuming OSGi hasn't changed much since 2010 on this front, the article http://njbartlett.name/2010/08/30/osgi-readiness-loading-classes.html is very interesting. I have currently added support for both actively registering classes and a domain factory to be injected via OSGi.
Apart from that the default resolving uses context classloader anyway so if all else fails that will be used to try and load the class.
I have added support for the suggested DynamicImport-Package as well which is easier for small projects.
You can use DynamicImport-Package:*. This will allow the bundle to see all classes. The problem is that you have no real control over what exactly is exposed. So this is normally a last resort and not the recommended way.
You should first try to use Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader() and set it to the classloader of the class you provide to the framework. Sometimes the frameworks also consult this classloader.
The even better way is to find a method in the framework that allows to provide the user classloader.
If you have control over the code then avoid Class.forName(). Instead let the user either give you a class object instead of a class name or let the user give you the combination of a class name and the classloader to use. Both ways work perfectly in and outside OSGi.
I would like to add some dynamic behavior to an application, preferably without resorting to reflection, so I am looking at object registration.
The approach I am thinking is simple: in a class (say Base) which gets to be loaded early enough, a registry (e.g., a HashMap) of plugin objects will be maintained, each of which will later on be used for invoking some of their methods.
The question is, how to register those plugins in Base without any prior knowledge of their existence (so that the application can be dynamically extended via more such plugins). Not knowing them beforehand means a ClassLoader or any reference to their classes cannot be used, thus even with static initialization, registration code cannot be added (since the plugin classes will not be loaded early enough, so the Base class will start executing without knowing them).
Is there any simple solution to the above scenario?
There's several ways of implementing plugin mechanisms, ultimately you need to either scan for implementations of an interface or annotations. Is it important to you that you implement this yourself? There's already libraries that do this (jspf for example).
If you're not interested in reflection, then the code must either adhere to a known interface. Otherwise you'll need to use reflection somewhere to map between what the plugin class(es) provide, and what the "base" code knows how to call.
could you use something like spring and dependency injection ? if you can, each plug in could be a initializing bean so its loaded on start up and in its init method call back to the base to register itself, if not through a direct dependency injection. that obviously uses reflection in background so not sure if that excludes this as your preferred solution...
on another note, typically, looking for classes is not fool proof esp if you could have multiple class loaders :-(
I am current using Seasar2 Framework on a project that I am in. The framework is quite popular here in Japan but I am having problem in finding English documentations. Even on their official English translation site, they just discuss that the framework use Dependency Injection and AOP.
I was intrigued with the way they use it in one of their component S2Dao. Basically you only need to create interface DAO class and the framework automatically, changes the code on runtime and creates intermediate class that get called in the middle. Hence DB transactions codes are automatically added to the class. I was wondering, is there any step by step explanation on how this is done? Can java change code on runtime and change the method on runtime?
Are good reference on how this is done? I just want to know how the framework is doing this.
Yes, it is possible to do dynamic implementations of an interface at runtime, and to manipulate the compiled bytecode also.
Java provides a built-in mechanism to implement interfaces at run-time, called dynamic proxy classes.
There are also good libraries like cglib or javassist, that allow you not only to implement interfaces, but also to extend classes and to manipulate bytecode at run-time (to change the behavior of a method, for example). Frameworks like Spring and Hibernate use libraries like these to make their magic, so your framework may be using some of these also.
NOTE: If you are curious, these libraries can "tweak" the bytecode because instead of using the default ClassLoader of the JVM, they load your classes using their own ClassLoader, so they have total control of every single byte of the loaded class, and they can do whatever they want with them :).
I'm quite restricted in the platform I'm currently working on (JDK 1.3, BD-J). One JAR file I would like to use attempts to perform a self-integrity check on load and if it fails it goes into an inoperable state. It's quite difficult to find out why this is happening but most sources point to that it cannot find/access it self through the BD-J structure, so it dies.
This rules out using it at load time and instead to load it in the application itself. This is quite a large library so I have to create quite an amount of interfaces so I can cast a loaded object to it and potentially use it. This is where my problem lies.
The interfaces are loaded on normal load time and the library is then loaded during run time and casted to the previously loaded interfaces, is this a problem? I'm receiving ClassCastException
I've based the interfaces off the libraries public methods as best I can, but when I attempt to cast to an interface I receive the ClassCastException. Note: It all loads fine, I can access constructors and read the method names. Just when casting it for it to be useable it fails.
The interface packages are different in my project to that of the toolkit, does this matter?
I'm running out of ideas, is there something I have overlooked?
I'm not sure I fully grok what your problem is - maybe some more details about what the class hierarchy looks like would help in figuring out the situation. From what you wrote I can guess two possible scenarios:
.1. The classes you want to use do not implement any interface.
In this case no matter what you name your interfaces, it will not work, since the classes you're loading do not implement them. You're stuck with using reflection if you can't load that jar as part of the boot classpath.
.2. The classes you want implement some interface that you're trying to replicate.
In this case you interface implementation must match the exact qualified name of the interface the classes are implementing. Normally, when loading the classes from the jar, the class loader will pick up the interfaces from the system class loader first, thus loading your interfaces, and everything should work.
If they use some crazy internal class loader, though, they might still try to load their own interfaces. You could try to figure out if that's the case by using "-XX:+TraceClassLoading", although I don't know if the 1.3 jre will understand that option.
Now if you're willing to experiment more, you could also try another approach. Write your own class loader that loads both the classes from that jar and the code you want to run. That way, your code would be able to directly refer to the classes in that jar, but to start your application the "main" method will have to be one that initializes this classloader, loads the "real" main class using reflection, and executes its main() method also via reflection.
Most probably the classes are loaded by different class loaders. http://mindprod.com/jgloss/classloader.html may give some idea.
My project is slowly implementing Java annotations. Half of the developers - myself included - find that doing anything complex with annotations seems to add to our overall maintenance burden. The other half of the team thinks they're the bee's knees.
What's your real-world experience with teams of developers being able to maintain annotated code?
My personal experience is that, on average, dealing with annotations is far easier for most developers than dealing with your standard Java XML Configuration hell. For things like JPA and Spring testing they are absolute life-savers.
The good thing about annotations is that they make configuration on your classes self-documenting. Now, instead of having to search through a huge XML file to try and figure out how a framework is using your class, your class tells you.
Usually the issue with changes like this is that getting used to them simply takes time. Most people, including developers, resist change. I remember when I started working with Spring. For the first few weeks I wondered why anyone would put up with the headaches associated with it. Then, a few weeks later, I wondered how I'd ever lived without it.
I feel it breaks into two uses of annotations - annotations to provide a 'description' of a class vs. annotations to provide a 'dependency' of the class.
I'm fine with a 'description' use of annotations on the class - that's something that belongs on the class and the annotation helps to make a shorthand version of that - JPA annotations fall under this.
However, I don't really like the 'dependency' annotations - if you're putting the dependency directly on the class - even if it's determined at runtime from an annotation rather than at compile time in the class - isn't that breaking dependency injection? (perhaps in spirit rather than in rule...)
It may be personal preference, but I like the one big XML file that contains all the dependency information of my application - I view this as 'application configuration' rather than 'class configuration'. I'd rather search through the one known location than searching through all the classes in the app.
It depends highly on IDE support. I feel that annotations should be kept in sync with the code via checks in the IDE, but that support for this is somewhat lacking.
E.g. the older version of IDEA would warn if you overrode a function without #Override, but wouldn't remove the #Override tag if you changed the method signature (or the superclass signature, for that matter) and broke the relation.
Without support I find them a cumbersome way to add metadata to code.
I absolutely love annotations. I use them from Hibernate/JPA, Seam, JAXB....anything that I can. IMO there's nothing worse than having to open up an XML file just to find out how a class is handled.
To my eye annotations allow a class to speak for itself. Also annotations are (hopefully) part of your IDEs content assist, whereas with XML config you are usually on your own.
However, it may come down to how the XML configs and Annotations are actually used by any particular library (as most offer both), and what sort of annotation is used. I can imagine that annotations that define something that is build-specific (eg. file/url paths) may actually be easier as XML config.
i personally feel that the the specific use case you mentioned (auto-generate web forms) is a great use case for annotations. any sort of "framework" scenario where you can write simplified code and let the framework do the heavy (often repetitive) lifting based on a few suggestions (aka annotations) is, i think, the ideal use case for annotations.
i'm curious why you don't like annotations in this situation, and what you consider to be the "maintenance burden"? (and, i'm not trying to insult your position, just understand it).