HttpGet request = new HttpGet(";
I wonder why I can only send successfully for custom headers : UserName and AuthToken if I do the following:
request.setHeader("User-Agent", "android_client");
request.setHeader("Host", "");
request.addHeader("UserName", mUserName);
request.addHeader("AuthToken", mAuthorizationToken);
Why is that this code NOT sending the UserName but AuthToken only? When the two bottom lines are reversed.
request.setHeader("User-Agent", "android_client");
request.setHeader("Host", "");
request.addHeader("AuthToken", mAuthorizationToken);
request.addHeader("UserName", mUserName);
Why is this code failing with 400 error code, invalid hostname when I don't specific the host
// request.setHeader("User-Agent", "android_client");
// request.setHeader("Host", "");
request.addHeader("UserName", mUserName);
request.addHeader("AuthToken", mAuthorizationToken);
If I don't need to send the UserName and AuthToken, I don't really need to set the Host and it works just fine with the code commented out like following
// request.setHeader("User-Agent", "android_client");
// request.setHeader("Host", "");
Though I don't think that it is related, I want to disclose that I am using self-signed certificate for these http call from android following this blog. Looking forward to the divine revelation for my poor http soul ...
It is a fluke. I couldn't reproduce it anymore. I have been working with the working solution and left it for a while working on different project. I come back and take a look with wire /context logging at oleg suggestion with the help of How to enable logging for apache commons HttpClient on Android I couldn't reproduce the problem anymore. The power of the logging has scared the problem away. Will update if the problem occurs again and if I find out the cause.
We are making use of this end point -
to get the access token.
We make use of apace HTTP classes to make a POST request to this end point in this way -
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_API);
StringBuilder blr = new StringBuilder().append(CLIENT_ID).append("=")
.append((String) accountCredentials.get(CLIENT_ID)).append("&")
.append((String) accountCredentials.get(CLIENT_SECRET))
.append((String) accountCredentials.get(REFRESH_TOKEN))
// The message we are going to post
StringEntity requestBody = new StringEntity(blr.toString());
// the default content-type sent to the server is
// application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
// Make the request
HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.getHttpClient().execute(httpPost);
There has been a recent intimation from google to migrate from out-of-band as they have plans to deprecate this.
We make use of it this way as you can see in the code above -append("&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob");
I saw some posts mentioning that we have to replace this redirect_uri to localhost.
Can someone explain exactly how this works and what change needs to be done to migrate this successfully ? I tried searching through the documentation to see if there any sample examples but couldn't find anything that matches our use case.
I am referring to this site -
I tried to browse through samples, guides, but it mostly talks about different API's. I didn't find the github links that much useful.
Any help would be much appreciated.
As part of learning how to integrate OneLogin SSO in my ColdFusion app I pulled this git repo - and set up locally. But, while sending the auth request to OneLogin we are getting an error message saying "We're sorry, but something went wrong.
We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly."
I could not find the root cause of this issue. Appreciate your timely help on this.
Configuration on OneLogin looks like below. Note that consumer URL I modified to instead of actual format mentioned ( in the YouTube video provided in the readme file of this git repo. I had tried changing the consumer URL format as this but we are still getting the error message.
Access Tab in OneLogin looks like below,
Below is the code which sends auth request to OneLogin.
// used to encode string - chose to use Java version just in case CF did not encode correctly
// encodeForURL appears to work but to keep the same as the samples from OneLogin I will use the Java reference
urlEncoder = createObject("java","");
// the appSettings object contain application specific settings used by the SAML library
appSettings = createObject("java","com.onelogin.AppSettings");
// set the URL of the consume file for this app. The SAML Response will be posted to this URL
// set the issuer of the authentication request. This would usually be the URL of the issuing web application
// the accSettings object contains settings specific to the users account.
accSettings = createObject("java","com.onelogin.AccountSettings");
// The URL at the Identity Provider where to the authentication request should be sent
accSettings.setIdpSsoTargetUrl("" &;
// Generate an AuthRequest and send it to the identity provider
authReq = createObject("java","com.onelogin.saml.AuthRequest").init(appSettings, accSettings);
// now send to one login
location ( accSettings.getIdp_sso_target_url() & "?SAMLRequest=" & authReq.getRidOfCRLF(urlEncoder.encode(authReq.getRequest(authReq.base64),"UTF-8")), false);
catch(Any e){
Below is the format of auth request URL ,[issuerId]?SAMLRequest=[SamlRequest].
I am not providing the actual URL here since I am not sure whether someone can tamper it or not. But please do let us know if it is really required to solve this issue.
Below is the screenshot of the SAML Login Page , from here I am clicking on the button and send auth request to OneLogin.
Also, In the index.cfm , form action attribute is "/post/". Since it was throwing an error I had to replace it with "/coldfusion-onelogin/post.cfm". Here coldfusion-onelogin is a folder under wwwroot. Any settings in ColdFusion to be modified so that it will not throw any error if we keep the form action attribute as "/post/" ?.
Hmmm. The consumer URL validator is supposed to be a regex expression, and I'm not sure how it's going to handle a literal HTTP value (since it'll try to evaluate it as regex)
So try changing URL validator to be something dumb like *. (match everything)
That should hopefully clear the error until you can sort out what you want the validation to be in production.
You need to first logout from the OneLogin Admin Panel
To successfully test the demo app.
I want to change data on a server via a put request, but I always get a 401 [no body] error. The response looks like the following:
I do not really understand why I get this error, because my body is not empty. My code looks like this and the values seem to be okay too. Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Postman Update:
The values are different right now (consent and authorisation) since its basically a new request but the values were correct before too so this change should not make a difference.
Looks like you are simply passing invalid authorization header, or maybe not passing it at all.
What happens is that you make a RestTemplate exchange call, then you get 401 from that request, and Spring propagates it and returns 500 - Internal Server Error, because there is no error handling in place.
EDIT: According to your screenshots, you are not replacing your path variables. Update the way you build your URL as listed below.
Map<String, String> pathVars = new HashMap<>(2);
pathVars.put("consent-id", consentId);
pathVars.put("authorisation-id", authorisationId);
UriComponents uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(mainLink)
Verify if your authorization-id is correct
if the token has a type for example Bearer you must write so:
"Authorization": "Bearer rrdedzfdgf........."
and make sure that there is only one space between Bearer and the token
Often the problem comes from the browser locally;
if your site is online, save the part and deploy the last modifications of the site and make the test
otherwise if it is a mobile application test it on a smartphone and not a browser;
in case none of this works, do it with your backend, it works with this
I had a problem where the I would add an extra character to a password. And Insomnia(Or Postman) would return a JSON response from the server along with a 401 HTTP status code. But when I did the same thing inside a springboot app, when using catch(HttpServerErrorException e){System.out.prinln(e.getMessage());} the e.getMessage would have [no body]. I think that is a feature built in the HttpServerErrorException class where it doesn't provide the body for security purposes. Since whoever is requesting is not authorized they should not have access to it.
I Am serving an authenticated image using django. The image is behind a view which require login, and in the end I have to check more things than just the authentication.
Because of a reason to complicated to explain here, I cannot use the real url to the image, but I Am serving it with a custom url leading to the authenticated view.
From java the image must be reachable, to save or display. For this part I use Apache httpclient.
In Apacahe I tried a lot of things (every example and combination of examples...) but can't seem to get it working.
For other parts of the webapp I use django-rest-framwork, which I succesfully connected to from java (and c and curl).
I use the login_reuired decorator in django, which makes the attempt to get to the url redirect to a login page first.
Trying the link and the login in a webviewer, I see the 200 code (OK) in the server console.
Trying the link with the httpclient, I get a 302 Found in the console.... (looking up 302, it means a redirect..)
this is what I do in django:
url(r'^photolink/(?P<filename>.*)$', 'myapp.views.photolink',name='photolink'),
import mimetypes
import os
def photolink(request, filename):
# from the filename I get the image object, for this question not interesting
# there is a good reason for this complicated way to reach a photo, but not the point here
filename_photo = some_image_object.url
# than this is the real path and filename to the photo:
mime = mimetypes.guess_type(filename_photot)[0]
logger.debug("mimetype response = %s" % mime)
image_data = open(path_filename, 'rb').read()
return HttpResponse(image_data, mimetype=mime)
by the way, if i get this working i need another decorator to pass some other tests....
but i first need to get this thing working....
for now it's not a secured url.... plain http.
in java i tried a lot of things... using apache's httpclient 4.2.1
proxy, cookies, authentication negociation, with follow redirects... and so on...
Am I overlooking some basic thing here?...
it seems the login of the website client is not suitable for automated login...
so the problem can be in my code in django....or in the java code....
In the end the problem was, using HTTP authorization.
Which is not by default used in the login_required decorator.
adding a custom decorator that checks for HTTP authorization did the trick:
see this example:
I am trying to make a program that logs into a site and performs some automated activities. I have been using HttpClient 4.0.1, and using this to get started:
On this particular site, the cookies are not set through a "set-cookie" header, but in javascript.
So far, I am unable to achieve the login.
I've tried the following things:
add headers manually for all request headers that appear in firebug
NameValuePair[] data = {
new BasicNameValuePair("Host",host),
new BasicNameValuePair("User-Agent"," Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7"),
new BasicNameValuePair("Accept","text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"),
new BasicNameValuePair("Accept-Language","en-us,en;q=0.5"),
new BasicNameValuePair("Accept-Encoding","gzip,deflate"),
new BasicNameValuePair("Accept-Charset","ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"),
new BasicNameValuePair("Keep-Alive","300"),
new BasicNameValuePair("Connection","keep-alive"),
new BasicNameValuePair("Referer",referer),
new BasicNameValuePair("Cookie",cookiestr)
for(NameValuePair pair : data){
creating BasicClientCookies and setting using setCookieStore. unfortunately, i can't figure out how to test if the cookies are actually being sent. also, is there a way to test what other automatic parameters are being sent? (like which browser is being emulated, etc).
The response I'm getting is: HTTP/1.1 417 Expectation Failed
I'm still new to this, so does anyone know off-hand what the problem could be? If not, I'll post more details, code, and the site.
You need WireShark or Fiddler. The first is a network analyser (so you'll see what's going on at a very low level); the second acts as a proxy - less transparent, but higher level.
That way you can look in detail at what happens when you log in with a browser, and what's happening when you try doing the same thing in code.
I'd echo the comment above - use Wireshark to get a clear view of what is being sent from your client. I've just debugged a similar problem myself with Wireshark. Essential.
If you haven't done so I would suggest studying the examples in especially "Form based logon".
I'd avoid setting the Http headers using BasicNameValuePair, HttpClient should give you the basics. Modify further with HttpParams and HttpConnectionParams/HttpProtocolParams. The example conn/ManagerConnectDirect shows how to modify headers.
You can use FireBug's "net' feature to see what is happening when you log in with your browser. This way you should be able to figure out which method generates the cookie value, and how it should be set (which path, name). Use this to set the cookie on HttpClient yourself like:
method.setRequestHeader("Cookie", "special-cookie=value");