JBDC - execute SELECT and INSERT atomically across concurrent threads - java

I have searched the web for simple examples to this but to no avail. I need to run a select and insert operation as an atomic unit in Java, using JDBC against an Oracle database.
Effectively I need to do the following:
Select code from users
Go through all codes until I find one that is not used (as users can be deleted there may be codes available in the middle of the range)
Insert new user with that available code
This is a simple operation normally, but as my application is multi-threaded I'm not sure how to go about this. As concurrent threads running at the same time could both try and insert using the same value for code.
There are a couple workarounds or hacks that I can think of to do the job but in general how can I lock the table to make this operation atomic? Most of what I've seen involves row locks but as I'm not updating I don't see how this applies.

This is a tough problem to do entirely in SQL. Any solution is going to have race condition problems. If I was going to do it entirely in SQL I'd use a deleted code table. When users then get deleted you'd use some service to add their code to the deleted table. If the deleted code table is empty threads would use a sequence number to get their new code. Getting a code from the deleted would need to be in a synchronized block because of the get and then set nature with multiple SQL operations. I don't think SQL transactions are going to help there. They may keep the data consistent but if two threads use the same code then one of the two commits is going to throw an exception.
I think a better, and faster, mechanism would be to have a separate thread manage these deleted codes. It could write it in a database but also keep a BlockingQueue of deleted codes for the other threads to consume. If there must be no holes and you are worried about crashing then it will need to validate the list of available holes by querying the user table at launch. It would not need to synchronize or do any SQL transactions because only it would be deleting from the deleted code table.
Hope this helps.

I would lean toward putting the logic in a stored procedure. Use "select for update" to lock, then commit to unlock.
You can add a filter to your insert statement and retry logic on the client end, I guess:
determine an available code (proposed code)
perform the insert with a filter determine the number of rows from the executeUpdate result (0 means a concurrent thread grabbed this code, try again)
The insert would look something along these lines where 3 is your new id, 'Joe' your new user, and proposedCode the one you think is available:
SELECT 3, :proposedCode, 'Joe'
FROM dual
WHERE :proposedCode NOT IN (SELECT code FROM users)

How about:
insert into usertable (
) values (
select min(newcode)
from usertable, (
select level newcode
from dual
connect by level <= (select max(code)+1 from usertable))
where not exists (select 1 from usertable where code = newcode)
changed to max(code) + 1, so if there is no gap available, there is a new code available.


Multi-threading : Multiple threads interacting with same table

Interview question
Say , we have a table with 2 million records in Employee table and we need to cut 10% salary(need to do some processing) of each employee and then save it back to collection. How can you do it efficiently.
i asked him we can use executor framework for the same to create multiple threads which can fetch values from table then we can process and save it to list.
then he asked me how will you check that a record is already processed or not, there i was clueless(how to do that).
even i am not sure whether i am good with my approach or not.
please help.
One thing that you could do is to use a producer/consumer type model, where you have one thread working to feed the others the records to update. This way you would not have to worry as much about duplicate processing.
The best approach given the question as stated is to use pure SQL, something like:
update employees set
salary = salary * .9
It is very hard to imagine needing to do something to employee data that SQL could not handle.
If by some quirk of bad design you really needed to do something to employee type data that SQL absolutely could not do, then you would open a cursor to the rowset and iterate through it, making the update synchronously so you only do one pass over the data.
In pseudo code:
cursor = forUpdate ("select for update * from employees")
while (cursor.next()) {
cursor.salary = cursor.salary * .9
This is the simplest and likely fastest executing approach.
Regarding logging
It’s only 2M rows, which is a “small” quantity, so most DB could handle it in a single transaction. However if not, add a where clause, eg where id between <start> and <end> to the query to chunk up the process into loggable amounts if using the shell script approach.
If using the code approach, most databases allow you to commit while holding the cursor open, so just commit every 10K rows or so.
Regarding locking
Similar aspects to logging. All rows in such a query are locked for the duration of the transaction. Given it would take that long to run, pick a quiet time to run. If it’s really a big deal, chunk up but realise that locking is unavoidable.
I would load in this table, then add a column for the state. By default, you could set this column to "Not Processed". Once a thread starts processing this employee it would change the state to "Processing", then when finished it would finally switch it to "Processed".
Having 3 states like this would also allow you to use this as a Lock preventing the processing from happening twice.

Duplicate key exception on merge statement in DB2

The problem: Everyday we get lots of parts that we want to add to our stock. We get messages over a queue that we read from (using 4 different servers). The queue always contains elements so the servers read as fast as they can. We want the servers to simply update the article if the article exits, and insert it if it doesn't.
Our first, naive solution was simply to select to see if the article existed, and if it didn't we wanted to insert. However since there was no row for us to lock we got problems with two servers doing the select at the same time, finding nothing, and then trying to insert. Of course one of them gave us a duplicate key exception.
So instead we looked to the merge statement. We made a merge statement that looked like this (simplified for clarity):
MERGE INTO articles sr
However, for some reason we are still getting duplicate key problems. My believe is that even if the merge statement is atomic two merge statements can run concurrently and select at the same time.
Is there any way, short of locking the whole table, to make sure we only get one insert?
In a similar situation running the MERGE with the Repeatable Read isolation level solved our problem. RS was insufficient, because it still allowed phantom rows, which is exactly the issue you are experiencing. You can simply add WITH RR at the end of the statement and try it out.
Our test suite runs with up to 1000 simultaneous connections and we don't see concurrency much affected by the RR isolation used for that particular statement only.
Do the insert first, catch the duplicate key exception if thrown; then update instead.

Multiple Prepared Statements or a Batch

My question is very simple and in the title. Google and stack overflow are giving me nothing so I figured it was time to ask a question.
I am currently in the process of making an sql query for when users register to my site. I have ALWAYS only used prepared statements b/c the extra coding in callable statements, and the performance hit of regular statements are both turn offs. However this query is causing me to think of possible alternatives to my previous one size fits all (prepared statements) ways.
This query has a total of 4 round trips to the database. The steps are
Insert a user into the database, get back the generated key (their user id) within a result set.
Take the user id and insert a row into the album table. Get back a generated key (album id)
Take the album id and insert a row into the images table. Get back a generated key (image id)
Take the image id and update the user tables current default column with the image id
Aside: For anyone interested in the way I am getting the keys back after my inserts it is with Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS and you can read a great article about this here - IBM Article
So anyway I'd like to know if the use of 4 round trip (but cacheable) prepared statements is okay or if I should go with batched (but not cacheable) statements?
JDBC batch statements let you reduce the number of roundtrips under a condition that there is no data dependency among the rows that you are inserting or updating. Your scenario fails this condition, because the changes are dependent on each other's data: statements 2 through 4 must pick up an ID from the prior statement 1 through 3.
On the other hand, four round-trips is definitely suboptimal. That is why scenarios like yours call for stored procedures: you can put all this logic into a create_user_proc, and return the user ID back to the caller. All insertions from 1 to 4 would happen inside your SQL code, letting you manage ID dependencies in SQL. You would be able to call this stored procedure in a single roundtrip, which is definitely faster, especially if you process multiple user registrations per minute.
I would advice to write one Stored Proc doing all this four operation and passing the all the required params from application (to stored proc) at once and there in stored proc, you can get the generated keys for resultset
To increase performance and reduce database round trips, I agree with dasblinkenlight and ajduke - stored procedures will achieve this.
But, it this really a performance bottleneck in your application?
How often do users register on your site?
Compare this to how often information is read from these tables (once per page access?)
If information in these tables are being read thousands of times more than being written via new registrations, then it might not be worth going for the stored procedure approach.
Why you might not want to use stored procedures and stick to prepared statements:
not as portable as using prepared statements (a different syntax/language for each database, some simpler databases don't even support them)
will not work with ORM solutions such as JPA* - you mentioned using PreparedStatements directly so this probably does not apply to you, at least not now but it might limit you later on if you wanted to use ORM in the future
*JPA 2.1 might actually support stored procedures, but as of writing it has not yet been released.

Can I do an atomic MERGE in Oracle?

I have a couple instances of a J2EE app running in a single WebLogic cluster.
At some point, these apps do a MERGE to insert or update a record into the back-end Oracle database. The MERGE checks to see if a row with a specified primary key is there or not. If it's there, update. If not, insert.
Now suppose two app instances want to insert or update a row with primary key = 100. Suppose the row doesn't exist. During the "check" stage of merge, they both see that the rows not there, so both of them attempt to insert. Then I get a unique key constraint violation.
My question is this: Is there an atomic MERGE in Oracle? I'm looking for something that has a similar effect to INSERT ... FOR UPDATE in PL/SQL except that I can only execute SQL from my apps.
EDIT: I was unclear. I AM using the MERGE statement while this error still occurs. The thing is, only the "modifying" part is atomic, not the whole merge.
This is not a problem with MERGE as such. Rather the issue lies in your application. Consider this stored procedure:
create or replace procedure upsert_t23
( p_id in t23.id%type
, p_name in t23.name%type )
cursor c is
select null
from t23
where id = p_id;
dummy varchar2(1);
open c;
fetch c into dummy;
if c%notfound then
insert into t23
values (p_id, p_name);
update t23
set name = p_name
where id = p_id;
end if;
So, this is the PL/SQL equivalent of a MERGE on T23. What happens if two sessions call it simultaneously?
SSN1> exec upsert_t23(100, 'FOX IN SOCKS')
SSN2> exec upsert_t23(100, 'MR KNOX')
SSN1 gets there first, finds no matching record and inserts a record. SSN2 gets there second but before SSN1 commits, finds no record, inserts a record and hangs because SSN1 has a lock on the unique index node for 100. When SSN1 commits SSN2 will hurl a DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX violation.
The MERGE statement works in exactly the same way. Both sessions will check on (t23.id = 100), not find it and go down the INSERT branch. The first session will succeed and the second will hurl ORA-00001.
One way to handle this is to introduce pessimistic locking. At the start of the UPSERT_T23 procedure we lock the table:
lock table t23 in row shared mode nowait;
open c;
Now, SSN1 arrives, grabs the lock and proceeds as before. When SSN2 arrives it can't get the lock, so it fails immediately. Which is frustrating for the second user but at least they are not hanging, plus they know someone else is working on the same record.
There is no syntax for INSERT which is equivalent to SELECT ... FOR UPDATE, because there is nothing to select. And so there is no such syntax for MERGE either. What you need to do is include the LOCK TABLE statement in the program unit which issues the MERGE. Whether this is possible for you depends on the framework you're using.
The MERGE statement in the second session can not "see" the insert that the first session did until that session commits. If you reduce the size of the transactions the probability that this will occur will be reduced.
Or, can you sort or partition your data so that all records of a given primary key will be given to the same session. A simple function like "primary key mod N" should distribute evenly to N sessions.
btw, if two records have the same primary key, the second will overwrite the first. Sounds a little odd.
Yes, and it's called.... MERGE
EDIT: The only way to get this water tight is to insert, catch the dup_val_on_index exception and handle it appropriately (update, or insert other record perhaps). This can easily be done with PL/SQL, but you can't use that.
You're also looking for workarounds. Can you catch the dup_val_on_index in Java and issue an extra UPDATE again?
In pseudo-code:
try {
catch (dup_val_on_index) {
I am surprised that MERGE would behave the way you describe, but I haven't used it sufficiently to say whether it should or not.
In any case, you might have the transactions that wish to execute the merge set their isolation level to SERIALIZABLE. I think that may solve your issue.

Storing result set for later fetch

I have some queries that run for a quite long (20-30 minutes). If a lot of queries are started simultaneously, connection pool is drained quickly.
Is it possible to wrap the long-running query into a statement (procedure) that will store the result of a generic query into a temp table, terminanting the connection, and fetchin (polling) the results later on demand?
EDIT: queries and data stuctures are optimized, and tips like 'check your indices and execution plan' don't work for me. I'm looking for a way to store [maybe a] byte presentation of a generic result set, for later retreive.
First of all, 20-30 minutes is an extremely long time for a query - are you sure you aren't missing any indexes for the query? Do check your execution plan - you could get a huge performance gain from a well-placed index.
In MySQL, you could do
INSERT INTO `cached_result_table` (
SELECT your_query_here
(of course, cached_result_table needs to have the exact same column structure as your SELECT returns, otherwise you'll get an error).
Then, you could query these cached results (instead of the original tables), and only run the above query from time to time - to update the cached_result_table.
Of course, the query will need to run at least once initially, which will take the 20-30 minutes you mentioned. I suggest to pre-populate the cached table before the data are requested, and keep some locking mechanism to prevent the update query to run several times simultaneously. Pseudocode:
insert select your_big_query
if your_big_query cached table is empty or nearing expiration:
refresh in the background:
check flag to see if there's another "refresh" process running
if yes
end // don't run two your_big_queries at the same time
set flag
re-run your_big_query, save to cached table
clear flag
serve data to clients always from cached table
An easy way to do that in Oracle is "CREATE TABLE sometempname AS SELECT...". That will create a new table using the result columns from the select.
Not quite sure what you are requesting.
Currently you have 50 database sessions. Say you get 40 running long-running queries, that leaves 10 to service the rest.
What you seem to be asking for is, you want those 40 queries asynchronously (running in the background) not clogging up the connection pool of 50. The question is, do you want those 40 running concurrently with (potentially) another 50 queries from the connection pool, or do you want them queued up in some way ?
Queuing can be done (look into DBMS_SCHEDULER and DBMS_JOB). But you will need to deliver those results into some other table and know how to deliver that result set. The old fashioned way is simply to generate reports on request that get delivered to a directory on a shared drive or by email. Could be PDF or CSV or Excel.
If you want the 40 running concurrently alongside the 50 'connection pool' settings, then you may be best off setting up a separate connection pool for the long-running queries.
You can look into Resource Manager for terminating calls that take too long or too many resources. That way the quickie pool can't get bogged down in long running requests.
The most generic approach in Oracle I can think of is creating a stored procedure that will convert a result set into XML, and store it as CLOB XMLType in a table with the results of your long-running queries.
You can find more on generation XMLs from a generic result sets here.
SQL> select dbms_xmlgen.getxml('select employee_id, first_name,
2 last_name, phone_number from employees where rownum < 6') xml
3 from dual
