Using Array of Objects in Parameters, Inheritance in Parameters - java

I have the class Building and the sub-classes Barracks and House. Now I have an array of houses and barracks defined like this:
public House[] arrSHouse;
public Barracks[] arrBarr;
Now my code is designed such that I when I want to create a house, a house will follow my mouse in the applet. This way works:
for(int h = 0; h < arrSHouse.length; h ++)
if(arrSHouse[h].held == true)
arrSHouse[h].isAlive = true;
arrSHouse[h].xpos = e.getX()-8;
arrSHouse[h].ypos = e.getY()-20;
However, I want to make my code more efficient by making a method that will allow me to input an array, such as arrBarr, which is an array of Barracks, and do the same things as the method shown above. This is my attempt:
public void buildingFollowMouse(Building[]type, MouseEvent e)
for(int a = 0; a < type.length; a ++)
if(type[a].held == true)
type[a].isAlive = true;
type[a].xpos = e.getX()-8;
type[a].ypos = e.getY()-20;
However, this doesn't work. The only way that this works is if I say:
public void buildingFollowMouse(House[]type, MouseEvent e)
as the parameters and say:
buildingFollowMouse(arrSHouse, e);
This of course would mean writing another method for the barracks method.
I just want to know a way that I can input a sub-class of Building in my parameter and have it work the same way that it worked above with the House for-loop with any other Building I decide to make. How can I do this?


How would I link together methods from different classes in java?

This is the code for one of the methods I wrote:
public void createReservation (String guestName, String roomType) {
Reservation roomReservation;
Room roomAvailability;
roomAvailability = findAvailableRoom(hotelRooms, roomType);
if(roomAvailability != null) {
roomReservation = new Reservation(roomAvailability, guestName);
else {
System.out.println("A room of this type is not available.");
The error is coming from line 4. The error says that the symbol cannot be found. Although I think I know why, I am not entirely sure how to fix the problem.
findAvailableRoom is a method from a different class and I am trying to transfer it into this class. I thought that writing it like that would suffice but it doesn't seem to have worked.
This is the method that I am referring to. It is in a different class.
public Room findAvailableRoom (Room [] roomList, String desiredType) {
for (int i = 0; i < roomList.length; i++) {
if (roomList[i].getAvailability() == true && roomList[i].getType() == desiredType) {
return roomList[i];
return null;
Any help?
To achieve what you're asking, you need an instance of the object of which field is needed. Another possibility is to make that field static.

Copying Array from ArrayList Element

I'm building a Java based game in Swing, which is essentially a grid of Jbuttons
I have an Object called Cell, which is a custom JButton with additional parameters for storing objects. The game grid is represented by Cell[][]
I have an arraylist of type Cell[][] to allow me to store the state of the gamegrid after each move. If I want to undo the move, I need to copy the last element of the ArrayList to the game grid to allow it to be displayed on the UI.
My gamegrid is panelHolder and my arraylist is moveHolder.
So far I've tried Collections.copy(panelHolder, moveHolder.get(moveHolder.size())); which will not compile due to the "arguments not being applicable for the type Cell[][]"
I've also tried System.arraycopy(moveHolder.get(moveHolder.size()-1), 0, panelHolder, 0, panelHolder.length);, which throws and out of bounds exception. Initially I thought this was due to the moveHolder.size()-1, but even just as moveHolder.size() it has the same problem.
I've found numerous questions on StackOverflow and others that both show these two ways of doing it, but I can't seem to get it to work. Is there something more obvious I'm missing? Full class method below:
public class UndoClass implements MoveCommand{
public ArrayList<Cell[][]> moveHolder = new ArrayList<Cell[][]>();
public Cell[][] execute(Cell[][] panelHolder) {
if (moveHolder.size() > 0){
Collections.copy(panelHolder, moveHolder.get(moveHolder.size()));
if (moveHolder.size() > 0){
System.out.println("Move Undone. Undos available:" + moveHolder.size());
return panelHolder;
public void addMove(Cell[][] panelHolder){
public ArrayList<Cell[][]> getMoves(){
return moveHolder;
Cell Class
public class Cell extends JButton {
int co_x = 0;
int co_y = 0;
ArrayList<Players> current = new ArrayList <Players>();
Just wanted to point our your execute(...) method accepts the Cell[][] both as a parameter and the return argument. That approach is going to force all of your commands to keep copying your input param arrays to the return statement array. Notice if you don't need to keep the two in sync and you just use the return arg, you don't have to worry about copying at all:
Cell[][] lastState = moveHolder.get(moveHolder.size()-1);
return lastState; // Not updating the panelHolder array, just returning
But of course now the input parm and return are out of sync. Instead you might want to encapsulate that state into a single object to make your life easier. Something like this (note that the execute now returns a void):
public ArrayList<GameState> previousStates = new ArrayList<GameState>();
public void execute(GameState currentState) {
if (previousStates .size() > 0) {
GameState lastState = previousStates.get(previousStates.size()-1);
previousStates .remove(moveHolder.size()-1);
Good luck on the game!
if (moveHolder.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < panelHolder.length; i++) {
panelHolder[i] = moveHolder.get(moveHolder.size()-1)[i].clone();
Try this. You need to make copies of each internal array when copying 2D arrays.
Try a Linked List
LinkedList<Cell[][]> ll = new LinkedList();
panelHolder = ll.clone();

Trying to access subclass methods

So i have an array called roster filled with both Pitchers and Batters and Players( the Player is the super-class of both pitchers and batters)
private Player[] roster;
roster[i] = new Pitcher();
How i would i access methods in the pitcher? For example:
public double calculateTeamERA()
double ERA = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
if(roster[i] instanceof Pitcher)
ERA+= roster[i].calculateERA();
return ERA;
So i have a calculate method, and the method calculateERA() is correct syntax, i'm just wondering if there is a way to tell it to access the Pitcher object, because it gives me a syntax error there is no calculateERA() in the PLAYER method which there isn't it's in the pitcher method.
Actually found the answer! You have to type cast it and you have to obey the hierarchy so in my case it would be:
ERA+= ((Pitcher)roster[i]).calculateERA();

Array in Method Header: error ']' expected (Java)

I'm quite new to arrays and methods, and I've been seeing this error recurring through several programs: error '[' expected.
In each occasion, it seems to correct itself as I adjust something else, but in this particular case, I am completely stumped.
By the way, I am using several methods and arrays to create a quiz (before you ask, yes, this is an assignment and I agree, a list is a better way to handle this data - but that is not an option).
It is possible that I am not passing the arrays correctly between methods, as I'm a little muddy on that process. From my understanding, in order to send/receive (i.e. import/export) an array or other variable between methods, I must declare that variable/array in the method header parameters.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class H7pseudo
public static void main(String[] args)
//call getAnswerkey method
//call getAnswers method
//call passed method? necessary or no?
boolean passed = passed(answerkey[i], answers[i], qMissed[i], points);
//Print results of grading
if (passed)
System.out.println("Congratulations! You passed.");
System.out.println("Try again, sucka. You FAILED.");
//call totalPoints
//call questionsMissed
//get answer key (create answerkey array & export)
public static void getAnswerkey(answerkey[i])
//create answerkey array here
char[] answerkey;
//determine number of questions (indices)
answerkey = new char[20];
//input values (correct answers) for each index
//for our purposes today, the answer is always 'c'.
for (int i = 0; i <=20; i++)
answerkey[i] = 'c';
//get student answers (create answers array & export)
public static void getAnswers(answers[i])
//initialize scanner for user input
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
//create answer array here
char[] answers;
//determine number of questions (indices)
answers = new char[20];
//prompt for user input as values of each index
for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++) {
answers[i] = scan.nextChar();
//grade student answers (import & compare index values of arrays:answers&answerkey
//create & export qMissed array
public static boolean passed(answerkey[i], answers[i], qMissed[i], points)
int points = 0;
//create new array: qMissed
boolean[] qMissed;
//determine number of questions to be graded
qMissed = new boolean[20];
//initialize values for array
for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++) {
qMissed[i] = false;
//cycle through indices of answerkey[i] & answers[i];
for (int i = 0; i =< 20; i++)
if (answers[i] == answerkey[i])
correct = true;
points = points+1;
qMissed[i] = true;
else {
qMissed[i] = false;
//evaluate whether or not the student passed (15+ correct answers)
if (points >= 15)
passed = true;
passed = false;
return passed;
public static void totalIncorrect(points)
int missed = 20 - points;
System.out.println("You missed " + missed + " questions.");
public static void questionsMissed(qMissed[i])
// for each index of the array qMissed...
for (int i = 0; i < qMissed.length; i++)
//...print correct and false answers.
system.out.println(i + ": " + qMissed[i] + "\n");
You can't define array size in the method signature, in Java.
public static void getAnswerkey(answerkey[i])
You can't put anything inside the [] in a method declaration. Also, you have to mention the type:
public static void getAnswerKey(char[] answerkey)
This is not the only reason your code won't work as intended, but I'll leave the rest as part of the exercise.
Look at your method definitions:
public static void questionsMissed(qMissed[i])
This is wrong. You should define the type of the variable and it should not contain [i] like an element of an array. It should be something like this:
public static void questionsMissed(int qMissed)
Or if you want to pass the array, write it like this:
public static void questionsMissed(int[] qMissed)
Apart of this, there are other several errors in your code:
getAnswerkey(answerkey[i]); //answerkey is not defined
getAnswers(answers[i]); //answers is not defined
It would be better if you start reading a Java tutorial first.
I want to vote up Luiggi's answer, but I don't have enough reputation to do that :)
Congrats, cordivia, on getting started with Java!
Here is how an array is declared:
type[] arrayName = new type[numberOfElements]
For example, you did this right in your method definition for getAnswerkey():
char[] answerkey;
answerkey = new char[20];
The part in the method definition inside the parentheses defines the kind of data the method is willing to accept from the outside. So if you don't need to put something into the method to get something out of it, you don't need to put anything in the parentheses. Define the method like this:
getAnswerkey() {
...But that's not the whole story. If you want to get something out of the method, it needs to have a return type as well. A return type is what you're gonna get out of the method when the method's done doing it's magic. For example, if you want to get an int array out of a method you would do something like this:
public static int getTheInteger() {
Since you want an array of chars from the method, you'll want to do something like this:
public static char[] getAnswerkey() {
So that's how you get a method to give you something back. If don't want anything back, you put void:
public static void noMarshmallows() {
Now, when you use the method, you're gonna need to do something with what it gives you, or it did all that work for nothing. So you need to store the return value in a variable when you call the array (calling methods is what you've been doing in main). You know how to store something in a variable. You use the '=' operator:
int myVeryFavoriteNumber;
myVeryFavoriteNumber = 5;
So, you do the same thing when you're getting something out of an array. You assign the return value to a variable. If you want to do this with an array, do this:
int[] myFavs;
myFavs = getMyFavoriteNumbers();
Same with chars:
char[] answerKey;
answerKey = getAnswerKey();
Voila! Your answer key is now right out in the open for the rest of main to see :)
Now, if you want to put something into a method and have it do something with what you put in, you define a parameter. You know how this works. It's just like declaring a variable, and that's exactly what it is. Parameters go in the parentheses and only the method using the parameter sees that variable name (it's local). Something like this:
public static void plusOneToAll (int[] numbers) {
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
numbers[i] = numbers[i] + 1;
Notice int[] numbers in the parentheses. The type being passed in is int[] or integer array. numbers is just the parameter name. It functions just like a variable, but it is declared locally (inside the parentheses) and use locally (inside the method). So, if you wanted to compare the answers from two arrays and return the number of matches (like a total score for instance), you would do something like this:
public static int getTotalScore (char[] correctAnswers, char[] userAnswers) {
int totalScore = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < correctAnswers.length; i++) {
if (userAnswers[i] == correctAnswers[i]) {
totalScore = totalScore + 1;
return totalScore;
Notice the return type: int (written before the method name). Inside the array I'm using the variable totalScore to keep track of the number of times the answers match. The method takes two char arrays from the outside and uses them on the inside. Finally, I return an int: totalScore. That kicks the value of totalScore back out to whatever called it (main).
If I might add one last thing: Do yourself a favor and go pick up a copy of Head First Java. It's hard to find a good tutorial online and Java textbooks are just plain boring. The Head First series are kind of like coloring books for adults.
Best of luck!

Simplifying a method in java

I'm trying to create a simple method which I have below:
public void analyzeWithAnalytics(String data) {
for (int i = 0; i < VALUE; i++) {
if (data.equals("action1")) {
// call a method on a value
if (data.equals("action2")) {
// call a different method on a value
This is only a small snippet (I took a lot out of my code), but essentially I want to be able to call a specific method without testing multiple lines in my for loop for which method to call.
Is there a way for me to decide what value to call by declaring a variable at the very beginning, instead of doing so many 'if statement' tests?
OK, I have an ArrayList inside my class:
private List<Value> values;
The value object has 2 fields time and speed.
Depending on the string I pass (time or speed), I want to be able to call the specific method for that field without doing multiple string comparisons on what method I passed.
For example, I want to be able to call getSpeed() or getTime() without doing a string comparison each time I want to call it.
I just want to test it once.
Another one:
enum Action {
public void doSomething() {
// code
public void doSomething() {
// code
public abstract void doSomething();
public void analyzeWithAnalytics(Action data) {
for (int i = 0; i < VALUE; i++) {
You can have a Map which maps the names (action1, action2, ...) to classes which common parent and one method. And make call as following:
Map<String, MethodClass> theMap = new Map<>();
interface MethodClass {
and children:
class MethodClass1 implements MethodClass{...}
class MethodClass2 implements MethodClass{...}
Your goal is not really clear from your question. Do you want to:
avoid typing the many cases?
gain code readability?
improve performance?
In case you're after performance, don't optimize prematurely! Meaning, don't assume that this will be important for performance without checking that out first (preferably by profiling). Instead focus on readability and perhaps laziness. ;)
Anyway, you can avoid the many tests inside by simply checking data outside of the loop. But than you'd have to copy/paste the loop code several times. Doesn't make the method more beautiful...
I would also recommend using case instead of if. It improves readability a lot and also gives you a little performance. Especially since your original code didn't use if - elseif - ... which means all conditions are checked even after the first was true.
Do I get this right? data will not be changed in the loop? Then do this:
public void analyzeWithAnalytics(String data) {
if (data.equals("action1")) {
for (int i = 0; i < VALUE; i++) {
// call a method on a value
} else if (data.equals("action2")) {
for (int i = 0; i < VALUE; i++) {
// call a different method on a value
You can also switch on strings (Java 7) if you don't like ìf...
You could try something like this, it would reduce the amount of typing for sure:
public void analyzeWithAnalytics(String data) {
for (int i = 0; i < VALUE; i++) {
switch(data) {
case "action1": doSomething(); break;
case "action2": doSomething(); break;
