Determine if there are conflicts in set - java

I have a Java HashMap containing 5 entries. Mapped to each entry is an object containing:
an x value
a y value
a length
an orientation (either "horizontal" or "vertical")
Think of the game battleship with a 10 x 10 board. The x / y coordinates in each entry corresponds to the top left corner of a ship on the board, and the length and orientation correspond, as one would expect, to the ships length and orientation from that point.
I'm trying to think of a way to rip through the 5 ships and check if there are any "overlapping ships", known as conflicts, on the board. I can't figure out how to do this. Any help would be much appreciated.

One way to do it is:
1) assign each cell in your board a number, 1-100 (or 0-99).
2) Add a method to the things in your hashmap that returns a List of the unique cell ids that are covered. So if x == 1, y==1, length == 3, orientation == horizontal, you would return the three 1-100 values that represent the cell over which your submarine resides.
You will be able to calculate the first unique id by doing something like rowNumber*10 + columnNumber. You might have to tweak it depending on if you are 0 or 1 based, and or if your range is likewise 0 or 1 based..From there, if horizontal you just add 1 for each unit of length. Or you add 10 for each unique id if your piece is vertical.
3) Now you can have a collision detector class with a static method, that takes two pieces. It can call the method you created in step 2, get the two lists, and if there are any overlaps, you would find the same number in both lists.
I don't know if this is the best way to do it, but it is one way.


Displaying Numbers in Certain Shapes

I just thought of this problem 15 minutes ago and even though it appears insanely easy I'm having a serious problem coming up with an answer.
Basically what I would like to do is based on a number (n) given by the user, I would like to draw a square shape.
Example: let's say the user gives the number 2, the result should be:
Now, suppose the user gives the number 3, the result should be:
Please don't give me the solution to this problem, I just want a clue or two to get me going.
I thought about doing it with a simple java class but I'm still struggling to get past the first condition:
public class DrawSquareWithNumbers {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter your number: ");
int number = scanner.nextInt();
for (int i = 0; i <= number; i++) {
if (i<number)
if (i>=number) {
Any tip? Thanks in advance.
So I think I just put way too much time in this but it's a fun challenge so I thought let's give it a go.
I implented a code version for this solution and it works quite well although it's probably not the cleanest as I approached the whole problem backwards.
Here is my solution to try out online (note it's severely unoptimized and by no ways good Java code. It's a quick and dirty implementation to be honest):
So the idea is quite simple: We first calculate the correct value for each position in a matrix and then we print that matrix out.
Let's go over it in a bit more detail:
We start of by creating the Matrix for our values to print:
With a given size n this is
int[][] values = new int[n][n];
Now we want to calculate the correct value at each point. I chose to tackle it the "wrong way" around by not starting at the first point but at the center of the spiral.
Basically imagine this matrix with n = 3:
Instead of at 1 I just start at 9. Reasoning for this is that it's actually easier to calculate the position spiraling out from a point over spiraling in to a point.
So starting at this center point we spiral out from there in a circular fashion. For the matrix
this means we visit 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1. And then just save the correct value in the matrix.
Only problem with my approach is that for a matrix with uneven size (3, 5, 7, etc.) I still visit the points in spiraling order, for 3x3 the order of visiting is e.g. 9 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 8 -> 7 -> 6 -> 5, as visualized in this perfect picture I totally drew in Paint:
This leads to the result matrix being inversed as such:
This small problem is easily fixed though by simply printing the matrix out inversed once more should n%2 != 0.
Hope I could help with maybe a different approach to the problem.
I think you want to make nxn matrix with user entered number. So you can check the input and then you can use loop as for(i=1; i<=n; i++) for rows and similarly for column(for j=0;j<=n;j++) and then you can print your desired shape. Since you have asked to give you idea only so I am not posting any code here. If in case you get stuck somewhere you can refer :
Ok, let's give this a try. First let's assume you'll have to store the matrix before printing it and that there's no magic formula that allows you to print what you need in a single iteration.
Now, you've the NxN matrix, for example for 3 it'd be 3x3, 9 positions. Instead of solving it with a series of ifs in an ugly way, you could use direction vectors for a cleaner solution. Also assume for now that you've another NxN matrix filled with booleans, all set to false, that will represent the already printed positions in the NxN matrix that you will print in the end. When you write a number in the final NxN matrix, you put the same position's boolean to true in the boolean matrix.
So for example, you want to print the positions of the first row, 1 2 3. You are displacing to the right to print. This'd be the direction (1,0), aka the starting direction vector. You advance through the NxN matrix using this coordinates. When you go outside the matrix (in the example, your x position is 3) you decrease your x position by one and you "spin" your direction vector (this should be done in a separate function). (1,0) would spin to (0,-1). You keep using this vector to iterate your matrix, spinning as necesary. After the first whole circle, you will get to an already printed position before going outside the matrix. So after every print you've to check not only if you go outside the matrix, but also if that position has already a number on it. For this, you use the boolean matrix.
This is how I'd solve it, there are probably many other ways (and better ones). For starters you could use null, or a mark, in the final matrix and save yourself the booleans one.
Create the result matrix beforehand, and declare a variable for the current number, starting value = 1, the current co-ordinates, starting with (0,0), the stepping direction starting with "to the right"
Start loop
Calculate the co-ordinates of next step, and check it
If it is off the matrix, then change direction, and re calculate, re-check
If free, then put the number in the matrix, increment it, and loop
If it is not free, then end loop, print out result matrix

How to try all possible way of traversing Array of integer

I'm new in programming and I'd like some help for an assignment, I only need a little clue to help me getting started (no answer, I only want to get a direction of how to do it then work my way).
The rules of the game : on the initial square is a marker that can move to other squares along the row. At each step in the game, you may move the marker the number of squares indicated by the integer in the square it currently occupies. The marker may move either left or right along the row but may not move past either end.
The goal of the game is to move the marker to the cave, the “0” at the far end of the row. In this configuration, you can solve the game by making the following set of moves:
eg: 2 3 1 2 4 0
first: move of 2 (to the right since it's impossible to go to the left) then: either move 1 to the right or 1 to the left then: if we moved left before: move 3 to the right (cannot go 3 to the left) if we moved right before then it's either 2 to the left or 2 to the right. 2 to the right is the right answer since then the next value is 0.
I must write the program that will try all the possibilities (so using a loop or a recursive I guess?) and return TRUE if there's a solution or FALSE if there are no solution. I had to choose the data structure from a few given by the prof for this assignment and decided to use an Array Based List since the get() is O(1) and it's mainly the only method used once the arraylist is created.
My program is only missing the (static?) method that will evaluate if it's possible or not, I dont need help for the rest of the assignment.
Assume that the ArrayBasedList is already given.
Thanks for your help!
I think your idea about using a recursive method makes a lot of sense. I appreciate you don't want the full answer, so this should just give you an idea:
Make a method (that passes in an integer x of the current position and your list) that returns a boolean.
In the method, check the value of list.get(x).
If it's 0, return true.
If it's -1, return false (more on that later).
Otherwise, store the value in a variable n, replace it with a -1, and return method(x+n) || method(x-n).
What the -1 does is it eventually fills everything in the array with a value that will terminate the program. Otherwise, you could end up with an infinite loop (like if you passed in [1, 2, 4, 2, 3]) with the value going back and forth.
A couple of things to keep in mind:
You'd need to make a new copy of the array every time, so you don't keep overwriting the original array.
You'd need to incorporate a try-catch (or equivalent logic) to make sure you are not trying to measure out of bounds.
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

Fix collision detection penetration

I am implementing collision detection in my game, and am having a bit of trouble understanding how to calculate the vector to fix my shape overlap upon collision.
Say for example, I have two squares. squareA and squareB. For both of them, I know their xCo, yCo, width and height. squareA is moving however, so he has a velocity magnitude, and a velocity angle. Let's pretend I update the game once a second. I have illustrated the situation below.
Now, I need a formula to get the vector to fix the overlap. If I apply this vector onto the red square (squareA), they should not be overlapping anymore. This is what I am looking to achieve.
Can anyone help me figure out the formula to calculate the vector?
Bonus points if constructed in Java.
Bonus bonus points if you type out the answer instead of linking to a collision detection tutorial.
Thanks guys!
Also, how do I calculate the new velocity magnitude and angle? I would like sqaureA to continue moving along the x axis (sliding along the top of the blue square)
I had an function that looked something like this:
Position calculateValidPosition(Position start, Position end)
Position middlePoint = (start + end) /2
if (middlePoint == start || middlePoint == end)
return start
if( isColliding(middlePont) )
return calculateValidPosition(start, middlePoint)
return calculate(middlePoint, end)
I just made this code on the fly, so there would be a lot of room for improvements... starting by not making it recursive.
This function would be called when a collision is detected, passing as a parameter the last valid position of the object, and the current invalid position.
On each iteration, the first parameter is always valid (no collition), and the second one is invalid (there is collition).
But I think this can give you an idea of a possible solution, so you can adapt it to your needs.
Your question as stated requires an answer that is your entire application. But a simple answer is easy enough to provide.
You need to partition your space with quad-trees
You seem to indicate that only one object will be displaced when a collision is detected. (For the case of multiple interpenetrating objects, simply correct each pair of objects in the set until none are overlapping.)
Neither an elastic nor an inelastic collision is the desired behavior. You want a simple projection of the horizontal velocity (of square A), so Vx(t-1) = Vx(t+1), Vy(t-1) is irrelevant and Vy(t+1)=0. Here t is the time of collision.
The repositioning of Square A is simple.
Define Cn as the vector from the centroid of A to the vertex n (where the labeling of the vertices is arbitrary).
Define A(t-1) as the former direction of A.
Define Dn as the dot product of A(t-1) and the vector Cn
Define Rn as the width of A measured along Cn (and extending past the centroid in the opposite direction).
Define Sn as the dilation of B by a radius of Rn.
Let j be the vertex of B with highest y-value.
Let k be the vertex that is most nearly the front corner of A [in the intuitive sense, where the value of Dn indicates that Ck is most nearly parallel to A(t-1)].
Let K be the antipodal edge or vertex of A, relative to k.
Finally, translate A so that k and j are coincident and K is coincident with Sk.

Algorithm to implement the BINGO game

For those who doesn't know a BINGO game, its played as follows
1)You get a BINGO card in which there is a NXN matrix of numbers randomly printed.Numbers are unique.The max number printed can be greater than N^2. e.g. if you have 5x5 matrix then the max number can be 75 as well.But the range of numbers is pre-decided say 1 to M.
2)A person speaks out numbers randomly in the range 1 to M.
3)If the number is on your card you cross the number.
4)The process of crossing numbers is repeated.When you have crossed a full row or a full column or the two diagonals,then you get your first bingo
The game is still continued as the total BINGOs possible are N+N+2 for N rows,N columns and 2 diagonals.
Now I want to create an algorithm for it.The user will input random numbers and the algorithm will hear them and cross its numbers in the matrix(already provided).As soon as it gets BINGO it declares it.What is the best possible approach
I tried it as maintaining a 2-D matrix for the card
When a number is announced, i search it in O(NxN) time.When I find it ,I make it as 0.
After making it as 0, I search whether it the corresponding row & column has now all zeroes.If it was on the diagonal , I also search for the diagonal.It takes O(3N) time.
Any better approach?
You can form a map for each number that would map to a pair (row, column).
if ( myMap[number] exists ) {
then increment rowCount[ myMap[number].row ];
then increment columnCount[ myMap[number].column ];
if ( rowCount[myMap[number].row] == N ) { bingo! }
if ( columnCount[myMap[number].column] == N ) { bingo! }
myMap.erase( number );
Similarly for diagonals.
Use an array to store the numbers on the card and keep it sorted. Upon number being called, search the number using Binary Search (O(logN) time). This should be a quick approach.
Create a class Coordinate that holds x and y position in bingo card.
NxN array of booleans initialized to false to keep track of what gets crossed off on bingo card.
N^2 time to iterate through bingo card and add each number to hash table using the number as the key and a new Coordinate as the value.
n time to iterate through all the numbers that will be called out, retrieve the Coordinate from the hash table, and update the status of the boolean array. In case of duplicate numbers called, you must retrieve and update boolean array until the hash table does not contain the key.
4N time to check each direction on boolean array for first bingo
N^2 + n*4N total runtime

Java permutations of offsets

Had a question regarding generating a list of 10-digit phone numbers on a PhonePad, given a set of possible moves and a starting number.
The PhonePad:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
* 0 #
Possible moves:
The same number of moves a Queen in chess can make (so north, south, east, west, north-east, north-west, south-east, south-west... n-spaces per each orientation)
Starting number: 5
So far I have implemented the PhonePad as a 2-dimensional char array, implemented the possible moves a Queen can make in a HashMap (using offsets of x and y), and I can make the Queen move one square using one of the possible moves.
My next step is to figure out an algorithm that would give me all 10-digit permutations (phone numbers), using the possible moves in my HasMap. Repetition of a number is allowed. * and # are not allowed in the list of phone numbers returned.
I would imagine starting out with
- 5555555555, 5555555551, 5555555552... and so on up to 0,
- 5555555515, 5555555155, 5555551555.. 5155555555.. and with the numbers 2 upto 0
- 5555555151, 5555551515, 5555515155.. 5151555555.. and with numbers 2 upto 0
... and so on for a two digit combination
Any suggestions on a systematic approach generating 10-digit combinations? Even a pseudocode algorithm is appreciated! Let me know if further clarification is required.
Thanks in advance! :)
In more detail, the simplest approach would be a recursive method, roughly like:
It accepts a prefix string initially empty, a current digit (initially '5'), and a number of digits to generate (initially 10).
If the number of digits is 1, it will simply output the prefix concatenated with the current digit.
If the number of digits is greater than 1, then it will make a list of all possible next digits and call itself recursively with (prefix + (current digit), next digit, (number of digits)-1 ) as the arguments.
Other approaches, and refinements to this one, are possible of course. The "output" action could be writing to a file, adding to a field in the current class or object, or adding to a local variable collection (List or Set) that will be returned as a result. In that last case, the (ndigits>1) logic would have to combine results from multiple recursive calls to get a single return value.
