How do I concatenate input in java? - java

I am trying to concatenate and trying to parse at the same time. I am right now making a excel like program where I can say a1 = "Hello" + "World" and in the cell of A1 have it say HelloWorld. I just need to know how to parse the adding sign and connect those two words. Please tell me if you need more code to understand this, like the runner.
This is my parseInput class :
public class ParseInput {
private static String inputs;
static int col;
private static int row;
private static String operation;
private static Value field;
public static void parseInput(String input){
//splits the input at each regular expression match. \w is used for letters and \d && \D for integers
inputs = input;
Scanner tokens = new Scanner(inputs);
String none0 =;
String none1 =;
operation = tokens.nextLine().substring(1);
String[] holder = new String[2];
String regex = "(?<=[\\w&&\\D])(?=\\d)";
holder = none0.split(regex);
row = Integer.parseInt(holder[1]);
col = 0;
int counter = -1;
char temp = holder[0].charAt(0);
char check = 'a';
while(check <= temp){
if(check == temp){
col = counter +1;
check = (char) (check + 1);
Spreadsheet.changeCell(row, col, field);
public static Value getField() {
return field;
public static void setField(Value field) {
ParseInput.field = field;

This is actually a pretty complicated problem unless you can constrain input to a very small subset of what Excel accepts. If not then you'll probably want to look into something like ANTLR. However, assuming the above input then you'll want to do something like:
Split the string on the equal sign into s1 and s2
Split s2 on the plus sign into s3 and s4.
Trim all the strings, remove the quotes around s3 and s4.
Concatenate s3 and s4 and assign to your datastore indexed by s1.
Depending on how complex your concatenation needs are you can either use string concatenation or a StringBuilder:
result = "" + s3 + s4; // string concatenation
result = new StringBuilder().append(s3).append(s4).toString(); // StringBuilder
Let me know if you have any questions about any of the steps detailed above.
Details on (1) above, assuming input is a1 = "Hello" + "World":
String[] strings = input.split("=");
String s1 = strings[0].trim(); // a1
String s2 = strings[1].trim(); // "Hello" + "World"
strings = s2.split("+");
String s3 = strings[0].trim().replaceAll("^\"", "").replaceAll("\"$", "") // Hello
String s4 = strings[1].trim().replaceAll("^\"", "").replaceAll("\"$", ""); // World
String field = s3 + s4;
String colString = s1.replaceAll("[\\d]", ""); // a
String rowString = s1.replaceAll("[\\D]", ""); // 1
int col = colString.charAt(0) - 'a'; // 0
int row = Integer.parseInt(rowString);
Spreadsheet.changeCell(row, col, field);

I suggest you to implement your custom grammar using a parser generator like JavaCC.
Here you can find a simple tutorial.
I believe this is the better solution because in this way you can handle every expression you need.

Are you sure you want to use all the classes you are using? To parse something like "a=b+c+d.." (assuming you are not trying to validate), easiest and possibly the most efficient way is to use split API in Java lang String
Then join whatever is required using StringBuilder

You need to design and implement a parser and an evaluator. And before that, you need to design the language that your parser/evaluator is going to evaluate.
How to do it.
If your language is really simple, you can get away with parsing it by hand, using something like StringTokenizer to do the tokenization,
Otherwise, you are probably best off learning to use a Java "parser generator" such as JavaCC or ANTLR.
Either way, you need to do some background reading to understand all of the terminology. You could start with Wikipedia and/or the tutorial material from one of the parser generators. Alternatively, there are good textbooks on this topic.

In addition to what Abdullah said, if you really want to save every single ounce of memory you can, you should use the StringBuilder instead of the String concatenation. I believe i read somewhere before that the String concatenation make a new string object for each concatenations while the StringBuilder will add them all to a single String. Shouldn't matter too much though.

In my early life I made an equation evaluator in your style. It cost me huge code and complexity, because of my unawareness about Expression trees. But now with this you will be able to add more capabilities to your parser easily and with native JAVA codes. You will get tons of example of using Expression Trees.


How to separate variables and arrays out of an expression with StringTokenizer?

I'm trying to separate the arrays and variables from an expression so that I can populate two ArrayLists with either array names or variables. I am using StringTokenizer. I have the expression broken down, but I am having trouble determining which tokens are array names and which are variables.
public void buildSymbols() {
String s = expr; // input from different part of the program
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, "+-*/[]() ");
String temp = st.nextToken();
I print temp just to make sure that the expression is being separated, but given an expression such as (varx + vary * varz[(vara + varb[(a + b) * 33])]) / 55 I don't know how to tell that varz and varb are array names, while varx, vary, vara, a, and b are variables.
Any ideas how to do this?
I agree wih EJP: The correct solution would be a specific parser. But if you would be content to recognize which delimitter was found by each call to StringTokenizer.nextToken, you can tell StringTokenizer to return also the delimitters. Also, you'll need to retrieve the next delimitter on every current token (as a lookahead). To do that, it's better to store all the tokens in a list:
public void buildSymbols() {
String s = expr; // input from different part of the program
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, "+-*/[]() ", true);
Set<String> delimiters=new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"+","-","*","/","[","]","(",")"," "}));
List<Object> tokens=Collections.list(st);
for(int i=0;i<tokens.size();i++){
String temp = tokens.get(i).toString();
if (delimiters.contains(temp))
// It is a delimiter
// It is a term
boolean isAnArray=(isNextTokenAnOpenBracket(tokens, i));
private boolean isNextTokenAnOpenBracket(List<Object> tokens, int currentIndex)
return (currentIndex < tokens.size() && "[".equals(tokens.get(1 + currentIndex)));
Try the String .split() method. It is an alternative to string tokenizer. You can split a string into an array of smaller strings split by a delimiter, just like StringTokenizer. However, you could do it two separate times, the first being with brackets, and the second with the other symbols. Then you know that the last index of your String arrays are the names of Arrays!
String s = expr;
String[] brackSplit = s.split("\\[");
for (String str : brackSplit) {
String[] finalSplit = str.split("*+-/()");
//finalSplit[finalSplit.length - 1] = Array Name!
NOTE: StringTokenizer is becoming deprecated with the new version of Java. The string split() method has become the new "recommended" way of splitting strings by delimiters.

How to remove case sensitivity in this particular situation?

I would like to ask you for your help, regarding this code. I am trying to do a kind of encoding of particular words, such as "Microsoft" etc. (random ones, just to learn the technique). I've suceeded in doing everything, but to make this kinf of searching for words case insesitive. Here is the code:
public class BannedWords {
public static String returnStars(int length){
String stars = "";
String addStar = "*";
for (int i = 1; i<=length; i++){
stars += addStar;
return stars;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String textString = "Microsoft announced its next generation Java compiler today."
+ " It uses advanced parser and special optimizer for the Microsoft JVM.";
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(textString);
String bannedWords = "Java, JVM, Microsoft";
String [] bWordsArr = bannedWords.split("[, ]+");
for(int i = 0; i<bWordsArr.length; i++){
int index = textString.indexOf(bWordsArr[i]);
while(index != -1){
text = text.replace(index, index+bWordsArr[i].length(), returnStars(bWordsArr[i].length()));
index = textString.indexOf(bWordsArr[i], index +1);
I need to search for "Java", "JVM" and "Microsoft" words regardless of their case, even if we try "MiCrosoFt" it should work, but after a few hours thinking and trying to do it with using toUpperCase(), toLowerCase(), I couldn't find out how to do that. Do you have any ideas ?
Thank you beforehand ! :)
When using indexOf(), toLowerCase() will convert checked text to lowercase. Then, you must put your search terms in lowercase.
String text = "Java is a good programming language.";
int index = text.toLowerCase().indexOf("java");
You can also use toUpperCase(), simply put your search terms in uppercase.
Actually you should be using equalsIgnoreCase. This is the correct way of comparing strings irrespective of their case. And also you don't have to modify the original string to upper or lower case to perform check. I hope it helps :)

closest thing to NSScanner in Java

I'm moving some code from objective-c to java. The project is an XML/HTML Parser. In objective c I pretty much only use the scanUpToString("mystring"); method.
I looked at the Java Scanner class, but it breaks everything into tokens. I don't want that. I just want to be able to scan up to occurrences of substrings and keep track of the scanners current location in the overall string.
Any help would be great thanks!
to be more specific. I don't want Scanner to tokenize.
String test = "<title balh> blah <title> blah>";
Scanner feedScanner = new Scanner(test);
String title = "<title";
String a =;
String b =;
In the above code I'd like; to scan up to the end of the next occurrence of "<title"
What actually happens is the first time is called it works since the default delimiter is whitespace, however, the second time it is called it fails (for my purposes).
You can achieve this with String class (Java.lang.String).
First get the first index of your substring.
int first_occurence= string.indexOf(substring);
Then iterate over entire string and get the next value of substrings
int next_index=indexOf( str,fromIndex);
If you want to save the values, add them to the wrapper class and the add to a arraylist object.
This really is easier by just using String's methodsdirectly:
String test = "<title balh> blah <title> blah>";
String target = "<title";
int index = 0;
index = test.indexOf( target, index ) + target.length();
// Index is now 6 (the space b/w "<title" and "blah"
index = test.indexOf( target, index ) + target.length();
// Index is now at the ">" in "<title> blah"
Depending on what you want to actually do besides walk through the string, different approaches might be better/worse. E.g. if you want to get the blah> blah string between the <title's, a Scanner is convenient:
String test = "<title balh> blah <title> blah>";
Scanner scan = new Scanner(test);
String stuff =; // gets " blah> blah ";
Maybe String.split is something for you?
s = "The almighty String is mystring is your String is our mystring-object - isn't it?";
parts = s.split ("mystring");
Array("The almighty String is ", " is your String is our ", -object - isn't it?)
You know that in between your "mystring" must be. I'm not sure for start and end, so maybe you need some s.startsWith ("mystring") / s.endsWith.

String.split() Not Acting on Semicolon or Space Delimiters

This may be a simple question, but I have been Googling for over an hour and haven't found an answer yet.
I'm trying to simply use the String.split() method with a small Android application to split an input string. The input string will be something along the lines of: "Launch ip:;port:5900". I'm doing this in two iterations to ensure that all of the required parameters are there. I'm first trying to do a split on spaces and semicolons to get the individual tokens sorted out. Next, I'm trying to split on colons in order to strip off the identification tags of each piece of information.
So, for example, I would expect the first round of split to give me the following data from the above example string:
(1) Launch
(2) ip:
(3) port:5900
Then the second round would give me the following:
(2) 5900
However, the following code that I wrote doesn't give me what's expected:
private String[] splitString(String inputString)
String[] parsedString;
String[] orderedString = new String[SOSLauncherConstants.SOCKET_INPUT_STRING_PARSE_VALUE];
parsedString = inputString.trim().split("; ");
Log.i("info", "The parsed data is as follows for the initially parsed string of size " + parsedString.length + ": ");
for (int i = 0; i < parsedString.length; ++i)
Log.i("info", parsedString[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < parsedString.length; ++i )
if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains(SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_LAUNCH_COMMAND_VALUE))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_COMMAND_WORD] = parsedString[i];
if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains("ip"))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_IP_VALUE] = parsedString[i].split(":")[1];
else if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains("port"))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_PORT_VALUE] = parsedString[i].split(":")[1];
else if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains("username"))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_USERNAME_VALUE] = parsedString[i].split(":")[1];
else if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains("password"))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_PASSWORD_VALUE] = parsedString[i].split(":")[1];
else if (parsedString[i].toLowerCase().contains("color"))
orderedString[SOSLauncherConstants.PARSED_COLOR_VALUE] = parsedString[i].split(":")[1];
Log.i("info", "The parsed data is as follows for the second parsed string of size " + orderedString.length + ": ");
for (int i = 0; i < orderedString.length; ++i)
Log.i("info", orderedString[i]);
return orderedString;
For a result, I'm getting the following:
The parsed data is as follows for the parsed string of size 1:
launch ip:;port:5900
The parsed data is as follows for the second parsed string of size 6:
launch ip:;port:5900;port
And then, of course, it crashes because the for loop runs into a null string.
Side Note:
The following snippet is from the constants class that defines all of the string indexes --
public static final int SOCKET_INPUT_STRING_PARSE_VALUE = 6;
public static final int PARSED_COMMAND_WORD = 0;
public static final String PARSED_LAUNCH_COMMAND_VALUE = "launch";
public static final int PARSED_IP_VALUE = 1;
public static final int PARSED_PORT_VALUE = 2;
public static final int PARSED_USERNAME_VALUE = 3;
public static final int PARSED_PASSWORD_VALUE = 4;
public static final int PARSED_COLOR_VALUE = 5;
I looked into needing a possible escape (by inserting a \\ before the semicolon) on the semicolon delimiter, and even tried using it, but that didn't work. The odd part is that neither the space nor the semicolon function as a delimiter, yet the colon works on the second time around. Does anybody have any ideas what would cause this?
Thanks for your time!
EDIT: I should also add that I'm receiving the string over a WiFi socket connection. I don't think this should make a difference, but I'd like you to have all of the information that you need.
String.split(String) takes a regex. Use "[; ]". eg:
"foo;bar baz".split("[; ]")
will return an array containing "foo", "bar" and "baz".
If you need groups of spaces to work as a single delimiter, you can use something like:
"foo;bar baz".split("(;| +)")
I believe String.split() tries to split on each of the characters you specify together (or on a regex), not each character individually. That is, split(";.") would not split "a;b.c" at all, but would split "a;.b".
You may have better luck with Guava's Splitter, which is meant to be slightly less unpredictable than java.lang.String.split.
I would write something like
Iterable<String> splits = Splitter.on(CharMatcher.anyOf("; ")).split(string);
but Splitter also provides fluent-style customization like "trim results" or "skip over empty strings."
Is there a reason why you are using String.split(), but not using Regular Expressions? This is a perfect candidate for regex'es, esp if the string format is consistent.
I'm not sure if your format is fixed, and if it is, then the following regex should break it down for you (am sure that someone can come up with an even more elegant regex). If you have several command strings that follow, then you can use a more flexible regex and loop over all the groups:
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([\w]*)[ ;](([\w]*):([^ ;]*))*");
Matcher m = p.match( <input string>);
if( m.find() )
command =;
id =;
value =;
} while( m.find() );
A great place to test out regex'es online is It allows you to play with the regex without having to compile and launch you app every time if you just want to get the regex correct.

Splitting string N into N/X strings

I would like some guidance on how to split a string into N number of separate strings based on a arithmetical operation; for example string.length()/300.
I am aware of ways to do it with delimiters such as
but how does one uses greedy/reluctant/possessive quantifiers with the split method?
Update: As per request a similar example of what am looking to achieve;
String X = "32028783836295C75546F7272656E745C756E742E657865000032002E002E005C0"
Resulting in X/3 (more or less... done by hand)
X[0] = 32028783836295C75546F
X[1] = 6E745C756E742E6578650
x[2] = 65000032002E002E005C0
Dont worry about explaining how to put it into the array, I have no problem with that, only on how to split without using a delimiter, but an arithmetic operation
You could do that by splitting on (?<=\G.{5}) whereby the string aaaaabbbbbccccceeeeefff would be split into the following parts:
The \G matches the (zero-width) position where the previous match occurred. Initially, \G starts at the beginning of the string. Note that by default the . meta char does not match line breaks, so if you want it to match every character, enable DOT-ALL: (?s)(?<=\G.{5}).
A demo:
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int N = 5;
String text = "aaaaabbbbbccccceeeeefff";
String[] tokens = text.split("(?<=\\G.{" + N + "})");
for(String t : tokens) {
which can be tested online here:
Since you asked for documentation on regex, here are the specific tutorials for the topics the suggested regex contains:
\G, see:
(?<=...), see:
{...}, see:
If there's a fixed length that you want each String to be, you can use Guava's Splitter:
int length = string.length() / 300;
Iterable<String> splitStrings = Splitter.fixedLength(length).split(string);
Each String in splitStrings with the possible exception of the last will have a length of length. The last may have a length between 1 and length.
Note that unlike String.split, which first builds an ArrayList<String> and then uses toArray() on that to produce the final String[] result, Guava's Splitter is lazy and doesn't do anything with the input string when split is called. The actual splitting and returning of strings is done as you iterate through the resulting Iterable. This allows you to just iterate over the results without allocating a data structure and storing them all or to copy them into any kind of Collection you want without going through the intermediate ArrayList and String[]. Depending on what you want to do with the results, this can be considerably more efficient. It's also much more clear what you're doing than with a regex.
How about plain old String.substring? It's memory friendly (as it reuses the original char array).
well, I think this is probably as efficient a way to do this as any other.
int N=300;
int sublen = testString.length()/N;
String[] subs = new String[N];
for(int i=0; i<testString.length(); i+=sublen){
subs[i] = testString.substring(i,i+sublen);
You can do it faster if you need the items as a char[] array rather as individual Strings - depending on how you need to use the results - e.g. using testString.toCharArray()
Dunno, you'll probably need a method that takes string and int times and returns a list of strings. Pseudo code (haven't checked if it works or not):
public String[] splintInto(String splitString, int parts)
int dlength = splitString.length/parts
ArrayList<String> retVal = new ArrayList<String>()
for(i=0; i<splitString.length;i+=dlength)
return retVal.toArray()
