I need to be able to start up a screen without connecting to it, but it also needs to run my start.sh script which contains the java line to start Minecraft.
screen -d -m new3 -c start.sh
Is what I've been trying to use, but it never runs start.sh
In a snippet of code I found on line it seems to do what I want but I need some help
mc_start() {
as_user "cd $MCPATH && screen -dmS $SCREEN $INVOCATION"
# Waiting for the server to start
until ps ax | grep -v grep | grep -v -i SCREEN | grep $SERVICE > /dev/null
sleep 1
if [[ $seconds -eq 5 ]]
echo "Still not running, waiting a while longer..."
if [[ $seconds -ge 120 ]]
echo "Failed to start, aborting."
exit 1
echo "$SERVICE is running."
I think this is because your command is wrong. I'm assuming that you want to create a new session named new3 and detach from that
screen -d -m -S new3 ~/start.sh
Afterwards you can run the following command to connect back to your session.
screen -R new3
So I deploy war files on a Linux box using java automatically
and the same commands are always used
ps -ef | grep java
kill - 9 (java process)
java -jar ROOT.war &>/dev/null &
However, I get different versions for it so like
I want the script to see the new .war and deploy it automatically
and keep it deployed which is why I use &>/dev/null & so it runs in the till it is killed again till the new version is put in that directory
echo Enter the name of the process you want to kill eg ROOT.war?
enter code here
read process
##Kill selected process
if [ -f "$file" ];
pkill -9 -f $process
echo process stopped >> satrixWar.txt
sleep 3s
## Start Up selected process
echo Enter the name of the process you want to start
read process2
java -jar $process2 &>/dev/null &
echo process starting up>> satrixWar.txt
echo "Process $process does not exist" >&2
##Confirm new proess is up
echo What is currently installed >> satrixWar.txt
ps -ef | grep $process2 >> satrixWar.txt
mail -a text file path -s "name"
"email.com" < /dev/null
rm -rf War.txt
Recently we migrated to Teamcity deployment from manual process. Ours is java application on linux server.
Whenever deployment is done through Teamcity, logs are stuck i.e. after shutdown log messages nothing else is printed in the logs. Then we run manual stop and start scripts on the server to get the logs running.
Looks like somehow Teamcity locks log file and doesn't release it.
How to overcome it?
In Teamcity, deploy step is defined as below:
echo "Uploading artifact"
ssh $UAT_HOST -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "mkdir -p $REMOTE_PATH"
scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $ARTIFACT.jar $UAT_HOST:$REMOTE_PATH
echo "Stopping service"
ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $UAT_HOST "sh /opt/app/$ARTIFACT/stop.sh"
sleep 3s
echo "Copying new artifact"
ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $UAT_HOST "cp $REMOTE_PATH/$ARTIFACT.jar /opt/app/$ARTIFACT"
sleep 6s
echo "Starting service"
ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $UAT_HOST "sh /opt/app/$ARTIFACT/start.sh"
Taking ideas from above comments of Andy Dufresne, I created one deploy script as below:
This single script stops server, takes backup of current artifact, copies new build and then executes start script to start the server.
#check for correct number of arguments
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Incorrect number of arguments, exiting..."
exit 1
cd "/opt/app/$ARTIFACT"
echo $(pwd)
echo "Stopping service"
bash stop.sh
sleep 3s
echo "Tagging artifact with release"
cp "releases/teamcity/$ARTIFACT.jar" "releases/teamcity/$ARTIFACT`date +'_%y_%m_%d'`.jar"
echo "Deleting old releases"
cd "releases/teamcity" && \
ls | grep -v '/$' | head -n -6 | xargs -d '\n' -r rm -- && \
cd "/opt/app/$ARTIFACT" && \
ls -l "releases/teamcity"
echo "Copying new artifact"
cp "releases/teamcity/$ARTIFACT.jar" .
echo "Starting service"
bash start.sh
sleep 2s
This script is called from team-city in its build steps(previously stopping server, copying artifact and starting server all were done by teamcity explicitly as outlined in the question.)
Now teamcity build step looks concise as under and WORKS as expected(that important !!!):
echo "Uploading artifact"
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" "$UAT_HOST" "mkdir -p $REMOTE_PATH"
scp -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" "$ARTIFACT.jar" "$UAT_HOST:$REMOTE_PATH"
echo "Deploying artifact"
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" "$UAT_HOST" "sh /opt/app/$ARTIFACT/deploy.sh $ARTIFACT"
I have this code in a java wrapper shell script, written by a third party:
TEMPFILE=$(mktemp java-wrapper-XXXXX)
"$#" | awk -v t=${TEMPFILE} '/unable to fund java heap account/ {print 1 > t} {print}'
if [ 0 -eq ${RC} -o ! -s ${TEMPFILE} ]; then
$# is supposed to hold the java command line, along with the arguments. The logic here is to:
rerun the java command if it fails with heap issues, after invoking another script to defragment memory
do nothing and let the java process run in the background, otherwise
In "$#" | awk ..., java is being called in the foreground. Does java daemonize itself if it bootstraps successfully? That doesn't seem to be making sense to me. Unless there is a memory issue, this code would lead to java process running normally with its output being piped to awk, isn't it?
Please help me understand this. I welcome any suggestions to improve the logic. Please ignore the uppercase variables and other issues that can be found through shellcheck.
Here is the complete script:
# Java Wrapper takes java command as input
# and runs java. If java fails due to zing memory
# it attempts to run get2Mpages.sh (az_fragger binary) for
# the given Xmx and them runs java again
set -o pipefail
BASE=$(cd -P "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)
NAME=$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
fail() {
echo "ERROR: $#" >&2
echo "Usage: $NAME java [<args>...] -XmxNNN [<args>...]" >&2
exit 1
[ $# -gt 0 ] || fail "No command specified"
# extract the Xmx value
XMX=$(echo "$#" | sed -n 's/.*-Xmx\([0-9]*.\).*/\1/p')
[ -n "${XMX}" ] || fail "Unable to extract Xmx argument from the command-line"
on_exit() {
rm -f "${TEMPFILE}"
exit ${RC}
TEMPFILE=$(mktemp java-wrapper-XXXXX)
"$#" | awk -v t=${TEMPFILE} '/unable to fund java heap account/ {print 1 > t} {print}'
if [ 0 -eq ${RC} -o ! -s ${TEMPFILE} ]; then
# OOM Detected
cat << EOF >&2
Info: Failed to run JAVA due to insufficient 2MB pages
Info: Now running $GET_2MPAGES ${XMX}
${GET_2MPAGES} ${XMX} && {
echo "Info: attempting to run JAVA again" >&2
this script will read a text file that we have already filled in as process-list and check if the process names in it are working individually. How can I write Java code or do it with linux script?
while read line;
check = `ps -ef|grep -i $line|grep -v grep |wc -l`
if [ $check -eq 0 ]
$line is not running
Does this answer your query.?
I've installed hive 0.14 on top of hadoop 2.6.0.
The setup mainly involved just extracting the tar.bin file.
I followed this guide to do the setup.
I start hiveserver2 with a command line:
( $HIVE_HOME/bin/hiveserver2 &> hiveserver.log & )
Now, I am wondering what is the proper to stop hiveserver2. I can kill it but I doubt that provides a graceful exit.
write a small shell script to find hiveserver2 process and stop it. I used below shell script to stop hiveserver2 and hive metastore process. Hope this helps.
hive2_pid=`pgrep -f org.apache.hive.service.server.HiveServer2`
if [[ -n "$hive2_pid" ]]
echo "Found hivesevrer2 PID-- "$hive2_pid
kill $hive2_pid
# if process is still around, use kill -9
if ps -p $hive2_pid > /dev/null ; then
echo "Initial kill failed, killing with -9 "
kill -9 $hive2_pid
echo "Hive server2 stopped successfully"
echo "Hiveserver2 process not found , HIveserver2 is not running !!!"
meta_pid=`pgrep -f org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStore`
if [[ -n "$meta_pid" ]]
echo "Found hivesevrer2 PID-- "$meta_pid
kill $meta_pid
# if process is still around, use kill -9
if ps -p $meta_pid > /dev/null ; then
echo "Initial kill failed, killing with -9 "
kill -9 $meta_pid
echo "Hive metastore stopped successfully"
echo "Hive metastore process not found , Hive metastore is not running !!!"
$ sudo service hive-server2 stop
refer this link : http://www.cloudera.com/documentation/archive/cdh/4-x/4-2-0/CDH4-Installation-Guide/cdh4ig_topic_18_8.html