Issue setting instance variables - java

I am passing some coordinates from one class to another using the following code
**edited to show more detail
At start of class1:
public class BattleGui implements ActionListener {
private int xCoordinate;
private int yCoordinate;
public void coordinateHandler(int xCoord, int yCoord) {
System.out.println("Coordinates Received "+xCoord + " " +yCoord);
System.out.println("Test "+xCoordinate + " " +yCoordinate);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String classname = getClassName(e.getSource());
JComponent component = (JComponent)(e.getSource());
cellState cs = new cellState();
if (classname.equals("JMenuItem")) {
JMenuItem menusource = (JMenuItem)(e.getSource());
String menutext = menusource.getText();
// Determine which menu option was chosen
if (menutext.equals("Load Game")) {
/* BATTLEGUI Add your code here to handle Load Game **********/
else if (menutext.equals("Save Game")) {
/* BATTLEGUI Add your code here to handle Save Game **********/
else if (menutext.equals("New Game")) {
/* BATTLEGUI Add your code here to handle Save Game **********/
// Handle the event from the user clicking on a command button
else if (classname.equals("JButton")) {
JButton button = (JButton)(e.getSource());
int bnum = Integer.parseInt(button.getActionCommand());
int row = bnum / GRID_SIZE;
int col = bnum % GRID_SIZE;
//System.out.println(bnum / GRID_SIZE);
fireShot(row, col);
if (row==xCoordinate){
if (col==yCoordinate){
else {
//Remember to change the 1 to whatever is reported back from cell class cell state
else {
From class2:
public void shipDeploy() {
int gridLength;
int lengthDraw;
int winningNumbers = 0;
int xCoord;
int yCoord;
System.out.println(xCoord + "\n" + yCoord);
BattleGui bGui = new BattleGui();
//Passing the coordinates back to the battlegui coordinate handler class
bGui.coordinateHandler(xCoord, yCoord);
This passes these two values to a coordinate handler method within the first class.
within this class I have an xCoordinate variable used throughout a variety of methods, the problem is that I dont seem to be able to set this, 0 is always being returned outside of this method for xCoordinate and yCoordinate and I dont understand why, as they seem to be ok in the line System.out.println("Test "+xCoordinate + " " +yCoordinate); above.

just figured it out on my own, quite simple really, actionlistener was basically re-instantiating the variable on every "event" explaining the zero values, as soon as i took this process outside of the listener it worked and set the values as intended. thanks for the input guys and hope this helps someone along the way!


How to know on which Label I clicked [Java]

I tried .equals() and ==, but nothing help. All labels I storage in ArrayList of my own class, which have JLabel.
How can I get the index of the label in ArrayList or something else?
Can my problem in using ArrayList?
private static MouseListener clicklvl1=new MouseListener() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
for (int i=0;i<shahtars.size();i+=1){
if (e.getSource()==shahtars.get(i).uiShahtar){
if (IDofClickedObject!=-1){
if (counter == 0) {
shahtars.get(IDofClickedObject).uiShahtar.setIcon(new ImageIcon("E:\\aaa\\ShahtarLvL1(Clicked).png"));
counter = 1;
} else if (counter == 1) {
// uiShahtar.setIcon(new ImageIcon("E:\\aaa\\ShahtarLvL1.png"));
shahtars.get(IDofClickedObject).uiShahtar.setIcon(new ImageIcon("E:\\aaa\\ShahtarLvL1.png"));
counter = 0;
System.out.print("x "+shahtars.get(IDofClickedObject).uiShahtar.getX()+" y "+shahtars.get(IDofClickedObject).uiShahtar.getY());
My class
class FillShahtar implements Cloneable {
static JLabel uiShahtar;
static int energy;
static double power;
static double speed;
String name;
And the last
FillShahtar(int chose) {
switch (chose){
case 1:{
plankaDown = 1;
plankaUp = 11;
int xRand = (int) ( 0+Math.random()*1000);
int yRand =(int) (0+Math.random()*600);
int counter=0;
System.out.print(xRand+" "+yRand+"\n");
energy = (int) (plankaDown + Math.random() * plankaUp );
power = (int) (plankaDown + Math.random() * plankaUp );
speed = (int) (plankaDown + Math.random() * plankaUp );
uiShahtar = new JLabel();
uiShahtar.setIcon(new ImageIcon("E:\\aaa\\ShahtarLvL1.png"));
uiShahtar.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
// mainPanel.add(shahtars.get(counter).uiShahtar);
Clicked image must change the image, but change only last Label.
Since JLabel inherits from swing's Component class, you can add a MouseListener (or MouseAdapter) to each of your clickable labels. Using this EventListener you can find the clicked label like this:
JLabel l = new JLabel();
l.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
JLabel clickedLabel = (JLabel) e.getComponent();
In order to get the index of the clicked label within the ArrayList, use the indexOf(Object) method provided by the ArrayList:
int index = list.indexOf(clickedLabel);

How can I make a recursion back-track over itself?

I'm having an issue and I'm not certain if it's recursion-based. I created a GUI maze that solves itself but the curser jumps over any recursion-traveled square instead of re-traveling the square. Even though it ultimately finds the goal, I want to show it's entire path but I can't stop the curser from jumping around.
I'm using Runnable to track the maze in real-time so I can see it bounce but without the recursion-travel keeping it bound, the recursive functions cease to work (it just bounces back and forth which, again, I don't quite understand.) I started java about three months ago in an accelerated program so I'm not sure if the issue is my understanding of recursion, or a simple addition to a method, or if I'll have to rewrite a large portion of code.
I included the whole code just in case but really it's an issue that's within the travel method or the visited method. Would the answer be to write an entirely new method that re-travels the changed "visited" string maze? I've been struggling with this for a bit and I just need some direction toward an answer.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
class extraCreditMaze extends JPanel implements Runnable { //uses Runnable to execute jPanel
private String [][] ratMaze = //string maze
final private int SquareSize = 15;
final private int BoardSize = 17;
private boolean free = false;
int axisX = 1, axisY = 1;
public void paintComponent(Graphics color) //paint components for char
for(int row = 0; row < ratMaze.length; row++)
for(int col = 0; col< ratMaze.length; col++)
if(row==axisX && col==axisY) //traveling curser = blue
else if(ratMaze[row][col]=="blocked") //empty = black
else if(ratMaze[row][col]=="goal")
color.setColor(; //goal = red
else if(ratMaze[row][col]=="visited")
color.setColor(; //path traveled = green
color.setColor(Color.white); //empty space = white
public void run () //starts run at (1,1)
public boolean goal(int x, int y){ //method to check goal (true/false)
return true;
return false;
public void changedVisited(int x, int y) //method to change traveled
ratMaze[x][y] = "visited";
axisX = x;
axisY = y;
public boolean boundaries(int x, int y) //check boundaries
return true;
return false;
public boolean visited(int x, int y) //check if visited
return true;
return false;
private void travel(int x, int y)
if(boundaries(x,y)) //makes sure it's within bounds
if(visited(x,y)) //makes sure it hasn't already been visited
if(goal(x,y)) //checks if it's the goal/changes boolean
free = true;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "You did it, Dr. Cui!"); //fun message!
if(!free) //all recursion functions if free=false
changedVisited(x,y); //changes traveled block to "visited"
repaint(); //repaints visited
try {Thread.sleep(300); } catch (Exception e) { }//slows down the traveling curser
//I do not understand catch (Exception e)
travel(x-1,y); //recursive travel functions
public class runExtraCreditMaze {
public static void main (String [] args) { //JFrame panel and perimeters
JFrame output = new JFrame();
output.setSize(115, 150);
output.setTitle("The Rat Maze");
extraCreditMaze Maze = new extraCreditMaze();
Thread runnable = new Thread(Maze); //Creates Runnable thread for Maze object
runnable.start(); //Starts Runnable thread of Maze object
Problem is, as you wrote with the "visited". You are missing an decision tree on what to do, when there is no valid move and you are not in the goal. You will need to allow your rat to back track itself. You will probably need to "free" the visited cells when returning from no valid move.
I will try to add some code samples when I get to IDE :)
update: this is very badly written, and it is a bit lagging. but it should work. It needs a bit of cleaning and verification... I reused your boolean variable, which is bad .. :) and switched the true/false. I will do a bit of cleaning up tomorrow just to leave a nicer answer, but I think you will manage to understand what is going on.
update2:I have cleaned it a bit. Important lessons here are as follows:
1) backtracking needs to be done when all 4 steps fails. When your rat have nowhere to go, you need to disqualify the cell from your shortest path (ratMaze[x][y]="open")
2) You need to change position of your rat, when you return from recursion call, but before you continue with next step into. You will also need to let your program know that you are returning from recursion (thus the isBacktracking)
private void repaintMaze(int x, int y) {
changedVisited(x, y); //changes traveled block to "visited"
repaint(); //repaints visited
isBacktracking = false;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
private boolean travel(int x, int y) {
if (goal(x, y)) //checks if it's the goal/changes boolean
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "You did it, Dr. Cui!");//fun message!
return true;
if (boundaries(x, y) || visited(x, y)) //makes sure it's within bounds
return false;
repaintMaze(x, y);
boolean result; //recursive travel functions
result = travel(x - 1, y);
if (result) {
return true;
if (isBacktracking) {
repaintMaze(x, y);
result = travel(x + 1, y);
if (result) {
return true;
if (isBacktracking) {
repaintMaze(x, y);
result = travel(x, y - 1);
if (result) {
return true;
if (isBacktracking) {
repaintMaze(x, y);
result = travel(x, y + 1);
if (result) {
return true;
if (isBacktracking) {
repaintMaze(x, y);
ratMaze[x][y] = "open";
isBacktracking = true;
return false;
you should also add exit on close to your JFrame :) It will stop the application once you click the X button on the window itself

drawString method not displaying text

I have looked through Google searches and a few online tutorials and I am still stuck. It seems unfortunately I am stuck using AWT to do this assignment, seeing as Swing would be better. My assignment is to draw a die.
Currently I am stuck just trying to draw a line from corner of the the square to the edge of the die I am trying to draw. I have read that writing on top frames is ill-advised, but I am waiting on my instructor to let me know if I can just implement Swing components instead.
Currently, I can get the square to show, but I can't get the line to show after its supposedly drawn. I have read it is drawn, but hidden under another frame/object/component/something. However, how can I get the line show?
Once I can get the line to show, I can (hopefully) start drawing the die and the put the dots on it. I am only looking to get the lines to show, and not on how to do the assignment!
Any help is appreciated!
CSC 211
Example #3
P r e t t y a s a p i c t u r e
Purpose: To demonstrate the graphic capability of Java.
public class Example03
// The main method is quite simple.
// We instantiate a (graphical) object, and we play with it.
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Hi!"); //say hola
Die myPicture = new Die(); //instantiate object Die
myPicture.action(); //call type Die object myPicture's action method
System.out.println("Bye!"); //say goodbye
} // end Example03 class
Here is my Die class, it displays the die:
Defines and implements the class for our "graphical" object.
// To define a keyboard
import java.awt.*; // AWT = "Abstract Window Toolkit"
public class Die extends Frame
public final int WIDTH = 70; // Dimension of the rectangle
public final int HEIGHT = 70; // to be drawn on the window
private int xA = 200; // Coordinates of A (top left corner)
private int yA = xA; // trying to make the frame square
private int faceSide = 0; // the die's face side
public Die() //public constructor Die to set initial stuff
setTitle("Let's play some dice!"); // We set the characteristics of our
setLocation(200, 200); // drawing window: the location,
setSize(400, 400); // the size, and
setBackground(Color.lightGray); // the color of the background
setVisible(true); // And we make it appear
// The action method reads the position of the picture from the keyboard and validates the face side
public void action()
BrainsOfTheOperation brains = new BrainsOfTheOperation(); //instantiate a new object of BrainsOfTheOperation
brains.action(); //call object brain's, type of BrainsOfTheOperation, method's action
xA = brains.returnXCoordinate(); //return object brain's x coordinate
yA = brains.returnYCoordinate(); //return object brain's y coordinate
faceSide = brains.returnFaceSide(); //return object brain's dice face side position
// The only "graphical" method of the class is the paint method.
public void paint(Graphics pane)
pane.setColor(Color.cyan); // We use black paint to label
pane.drawString("A", xA - 15, yA + 5); // the 2 opposite corners
pane.drawString("B", 175 + 5, 175 + 5); // of our rectangle
pane.setColor(; // Gray is darker than light gray
pane.drawRect(175, 175, WIDTH , HEIGHT); // This is for the rectangle
// drawBlank(pane);
private void drawBlank (Graphics pane)
pane.setColor(Color.cyan); // We use black paint to label
pane.drawString("A", xA - 15, yA + 5); // the 2 opposite corners
// pane.drawString("B", 175 + 5, 175 + 5); // of our rectangle
pane.setColor(; // Gray is darker than light gray
pane.drawRect(175, 175, WIDTH , HEIGHT); // This is for the rectangle
private void drawDot (Graphics pane)
private void drawOne (Graphics pane)
private void drawTwo (Graphics pane)
private void drawThree (Graphics pane)
private void drawFour (Graphics pane)
private void drawFive (Graphics pane)
private void drawSix (Graphics pane)
} // end class Die
And finally, my BrainsOfTheOperation class that validates an user's input and then asks for coordinates:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class BrainsOfTheOperation
public int xA, yA; //coordinates of where the dice will play
private int faceSide = 0; //what side the dice is showing
private boolean faceSideNotValid = true; //used in a while loop to ensure a correct side is chosen
public BrainsOfTheOperation() //public constructor
//left blank
public void action() //action method to ask for a face side, valid it, and then ask for the dice's coordinates on a frame
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; // Instantiating a keyboard scanner
while ( faceSideNotValid )
System.out.print("Enter the number on the face of the die: ");
faceSide = keyboard.nextInt(); //take the next integer
testIfValid(); //make sure its valid: if faceSide >= to 1 and faceSide <= 6, return false, to break out of while loop
System.out.print("Enter the location of the die: ");
xA = keyboard.nextInt(); // Determines the upper left corner of
yA = keyboard.nextInt(); // the square AKA die
private void testIfValid() //declare method testIfValid to test if faceSide integer is a valid number for a die
if ( faceSide >= 1 && faceSide <= 6 )
faceSideNotValid = false; //set the faceSideNotValid to false to end the while loop
else //otherwise, leave the boolean faceSideNotValid true as they haven't entered a correct number
System.out.println("Number entered invalid please try again!");
faceSideNotValid = true;
public int returnXCoordinate() //returns the die's x Coordinate
return xA;
public int returnYCoordinate()//returns the die's y Coordinate
return yA;
public int returnFaceSide()//returns the die's face side (location)
return faceSide;
}//end class BrainsOfTheOperation

JTextField won't disappear completely

I created a dialog box and have the user enter 5 colors in it from memory. That all completely works, there's just a slight aesthetic problem. Upon entering all 5 colors correctly, or getting one incorrect, it's suppose to wipe the contents within the dialog box and print a message "Sorry! Incorrect color" or "Congratulations". It prints the message, but the JTextField can still be seen somewhat behind the message (A left over portion/clipping).
I've tried using the hide() and remove() methods but they didn't seem to work (Or I'm using them incorrectly), I tried re-making a dialog box upon either but I couldn't seem to solve the issue still. What am I doing wrong/how can I make the JTextField disappear upon completion? Thank you in advance for any help!
Here's the portion where if the user enters a color incorrectly or gets them all correct (txtName is the JTextField):
if(count == 6)//User either finished or entered a color incorrectly
//Entered color incorrectly
if(incorrect == true)
txtName.setEnabled(false); //Doesn't work
homeScreen.remove(txtName); //Doesn't work
labelName.setText("Incorrect! Sorry - Wrong color.");
//txtName.removeActionListener(new MyButtonListener());
else//Correctly finished the game.
labelName.setText("Congratulations - your memory skills are perfect!");
//txtName.removeActionListener(new MyButtonListener());
homeScreen.remove(txtName);//Doesn't work
Here's my entire program (I can't get it format properly in the post):
package memorygame;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
public class MemoryGame
private JFrame homeScreen;
private JLabel labelName;
private JTextField txtName;
private JLabel correct;
Vector<String> name = new Vector();
private int count = 1;
private MyButtonListener listen1 = new MyButtonListener();
//Constructor - Method to be called when MemoryGame object called
public void MemoryGame ()
homeScreen = new JFrame();
homeScreen.setTitle("Memory Game");
homeScreen.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
labelName = new JLabel();
txtName = new JTextField(10);
}//End Constructor
//Create components and add them to the window/dialog box
private void createContents()
labelName.setText("Enter the color " + count + ":");
System.out.println("The current count is: " + count);
txtName.addActionListener(new MyButtonListener());//Allows you to press enter to invoke action
//Upon user hitting enter
private class MyButtonListener implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)//When event occurs
Scanner in = new Scanner (;//For program input
String answer = "";
//Make memColor an array for randomized colors
Random r = new Random();
String[] memColors = new String[5];
String[] colors = {"red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "brown", "purple"};
for(int i =0; i < memColors.length; i++)
memColors[i] = colors[r.nextInt(6)];
String memColor1 = "red";
String memColor2 = "black";
String memColor3 = "yellow";
String memColor4 = "green";
String memColor5 = "blue";
boolean incorrect = false;
//If answered incorrectly set count to 5(it'll be 6)
//And have a boolean for if count== 6 for congrats and failure
if(e.getSource() == txtName)
answer = txtName.getText();
//Check if user entered Correct color, 1= Red, 2= Black, etc.
if(count == 1)
{//Needs to be a custom message box
count = 5;
incorrect = true;
else if(count == 2)
count = 5;
incorrect = true;
else if(count == 3)
count = 5;
incorrect = true;
else if(count == 4)
count = 5;
incorrect = true;
else if(count == 5)
count = 5;
incorrect = true;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Something went wrong!");
count += 1;
//User has completed the game or entered a color incorrectly
if(count == 6)
if(incorrect == true) //Incorrect color
labelName.setText("Incorrect! Sorry - Wrong color.");
//txtName.removeActionListener(new MyButtonListener());
else //Completed the game correctly
labelName.setText("Congratulations - your memory skills are perfect!");
//txtName.removeActionListener(new MyButtonListener());
labelName.setText("Enter the color " + count + ":");
}//End Listener
}//End Button class
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Show message box
//Randomize colors
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "How good is your memory?\nTry to memorize this color sequence:\n\n red black yellow green blue");
MemoryGame mem = new MemoryGame();
}//End Main
}// End Class
Use txtName.setVisible(false); instead of homeScreen.remove(txtName);
Basically, if you want to call remove, you will need to revalidate and repaint container...
You'll also want to ensure that your UI is create within the context of the Event Dispatching Thread, see Initial Threads for more details
Change the code
The reason why remove() does not imply revalidate() + repaint() is that remove() is not atomic. The caller might want to perform multiple updates, a sequence of several add() and remove() calls. revalidate() basically "completes" your "UI update transaction", repaint() "pushes it to the screen".
As a side note, your code will be easier to understand and maintain, if you perform a small tiny improvements on variable names. What's homeScreen? And why is it called labelName - what name? And what's txtName - the name of what text? count of what, icecreams?
I suggest the following improvements:
incorrect -> isIncorrect (also change if (incorrect == true) to if (isIncorrect)
homeScreen -> mainFrame or just frame (as you only have one frame)
labelName -> infoLabel or just label (as you only have one label - and remove JLabel correct, it's unused)
txtName -> answerTextField
count -> answerCount
Remove variable listen1, it's not used.
Plus, if you look at the code that does if (count == 1) and the following four if clauses, they are all identical except for the number. A perfect situation for an array. You can convert the variables memColor* to an array String[] memColor. Or maybe that's what the Vector was for. You might instead want to use ArrayList, nobody uses Vector these days in such situations.

JLabel updating problems

I am creating a hangman game and I was having trouble getting the jlabel that contained each character of the word to update after the right letter button has been clicked. I have been having trouble with this as I am relatively new to working with Java Guis. Below is the action listener for the letter buttons.
private class LetterHandler implements ActionListener{
private char letterVal;
public LetterHandler(char lv){
letterVal = lv;
//checks if clicked button has the correct value as word char
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
for(int x = 1; x <= selectedWord.wordLength; x++){
if(selectedWord.wordValue.charAt(x - 1) == letterVal){
// JLabel letterValLabel = new JLabel(String.valueOf(letterVal));
//finds if all jlabels are complete or not
public void checkWin(){
for(int x = 1; x <= wordSpacesArray.size(); x++){
String charVal;
charVal = String.valueOf(wordSpacesArray.get(x-1));
if(charVal != "?"){
charVal = null;
Any help is appreciated. Let me know if you need for of the programs code Thanks :)
There are some issues with the code. However, I'll first try to focus on your current problem:
I assume that wordSpacesArray is a list that contains the JLabels of individual letters of the word.
When this ActionListener will be notified, you try to update the labels in wordSpacesArray with the letter that corresponds to this button. However, in order to update the text that is shown on a JLabel, you have to call JLabel#setText(String) and not JLabel#setName(String). So the line should be
// ^ Use setText here!
Now, concerning the other issues:
As pointed out in the comments, you should use 0-based indexing
The calls to revalidate are not necessary
The use of continue in its current for is not necessary
You should not compare strings with ==, but with equals
// if(charVal != "?") { ... } // Don't do this!
if(!charVal.equals("?")){ ... } // Use this instead
But the charVal in this case will be wrong anyhow: It will be the string representation of the label, and not its contents. So you should instead obtain the text from the label like this:
// String charVal = String.valueOf(wordSpacesArray.get(x-1)); // NO!
String charVal = wordSpacesArray.get(x-1).getText(); // Yes!
The triesLeftLabel will not be updated as long as you don't call setText on it
I think the logic of the checkWin method is flawed. You print "You won" when you find the first letter that is not a question mark. I think it should print "You won" when no letter is a question mark.
You should not call System.exit(0). That's a bad practice. Let your application end normally. (In this case, maybe by just disposing the main frame, although that would also be questionable for a game...)
So in summary, the class could probably look like this:
private class LetterHandler implements ActionListener
private char letterVal;
public LetterHandler(char lv)
letterVal = lv;
// checks if clicked button has the correct value as word char
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
for (int x = 0; x < selectedWord.wordLength; x++)
if (selectedWord.wordValue.charAt(x) == letterVal)
// finds if all jlabels are complete or not
public void checkWin()
for (int x = 0; x < wordSpacesArray.size(); x++)
String charVal = wordSpacesArray.get(x).getText();
if (charVal.equals("?"))
// There is still an incomplete label
// When it reaches this line, no incomplete label was found
System.out.println("You won");
