Java: LinkedList reversal in chunks - java

If you are provided the head of a linked list, and are asked to reverse every k sequence of nodes, how might this be done in Java? e.g., a->b->c->d->e->f->g->h with k = 3 would be c->b->a->f->e->d->h->g->f
Any general help or even pseudocode would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

If k is expected to be reasonably small, I would just go for the simplest thing: ignore the fact that it's a linked list at all, and treat each subsequence as just an array-type thing of things to be reversed.
So, if your linked list's node class is a Node<T>, create a Node<?>[] of size k. For each segment, load k Nodes into the array list, then just reverse their elements with a simple for loop. In pseudocode:
// reverse the elements within the k nodes
for i from 0 to k/2:
nodeI = segment[i]
nodeE = segment[segment.length-i-1]
tmp = nodeI.elem
nodeI.elem = nodeE.elem
nodeE.elem = tmp
Pros: very simple, O(N) performance, takes advantage of an easily recognizable reversing algorithm.
Cons: requires a k-sized array (just once, since you can reuse it per segment)
Also note that this means that each Node doesn't move in the list, only the objects the Node holds. This means that each Node will end up holding a different item than it held before. This could be fine or not, depending on your needs.

This is pretty high-level, but I think it'll give some guidance.
I'd have a helper method like void swap3(Node first, Node last) that take three elements at an arbitrary position of the list and reverses them. This shouldn't be hard, and could could be done recursively (swap the outer elements, recurse on the inner elements until the size of the list is 0 or 1). Now that I think of it, you could generalize this into swapK() easily if you're using recursion.
Once that is done, then you can just walk along your linked list and call swapK() every k nodes. If the size of the list isn't divisble by k, you could either just not swap that last bit, or reverse the last length%k nodes using your swapping technique.

A usual requirement of list reversal is that you do it in O(n) time and O(1) space. This eliminates recursion or stack or temporary array (what if K==n?), etc.
Hence the challenge here is to modify an in-place reversal algorithm to account for the K factor. Instead of K I use dist for distance.
Here is a simple in-place reversal algorithm: Use three pointers to walk the list in place: b to point to the head of the new list; c to point to the moving head of the unprocessed list; a to facilitate swapping between b and c.
A->B->C->D->E->F->G->H->I->J->L //original
A<-B<-C<-D E->F->G->H->I->J->L //during processing
^ ^
| |
b c
`a` is the variable that allow us to move `b` and `c` without losing either of
the lists.
Node simpleReverse(Node n){//n is head
if(null == n || null ==
return n;
Node a=n,,;;;
while(null != c){
return b;
To convert the simpleReverse algorithm to a chunkReverse algorithm, do following:
1] After reversing the first chunk, set head to b; head is the permanent head of the resulting list.
2] for all the other chunks, set to b; recall that b is the head of the chunk just processed.
some other details:
3] If the list has one or fewer nodes or the dist is 1 or less, then return the list without processing.
4] use a counter cnt to track when dist consecutive nodes have been reversed.
5] use variable tail to track the tail of the chunk just processed and tmp to track the tail of the chunk being processed.
6] notice that before a chunk is processed, it's head, which is bound to become its tail, is the first node you encounter: so, set it to tmp, which is a temporary tail.
public Node reverse(Node n, int dist) {
if(dist<=1 || null == n || null == n.right)
return n;
Node tail=n, head=null, tmp=null;
while(true) {
Node a=n, b=a.right; n=b.right;
a.right=null; b.right=a;
int cnt=2;
while(null != n && cnt < dist) {
a=n; n=n.right; a.right=b; b=a;
if(null == head) head = b;
else {
if(null == n) return head;
if(null == n.right) {
return head;

E.g. by Common Lisp
(defun rev-k (k sq)
(if (<= (length sq) k)
(reverse sq)
(concatenate 'list (reverse (subseq sq 0 k)) (rev-k k (subseq sq k)))))
other way
E.g. by F# use Stack
open System.Collections.Generic
let rev_k k (list:'T list) =
seq {
let stack = new Stack<'T>()
for x in list do
if stack.Count = k then
while stack.Count > 0 do
yield stack.Pop()
while stack.Count > 0 do
yield stack.Pop()
|> Seq.toList

Use a stack and recursively remove k items from the list, push them to the stack then pop them and add them in place. Not sure if it's the best solution, but stacks offer a proper way of inverting things. Notice that this also works if instead of a list you had a queue.
Simply dequeue k items, push them to the stack, pop them from the stack and enqueue them :)

This implementation uses ListIterator class:
LinkedList<T> list;
//Inside the method after the method's parameters check
ListIterator<T> it = (ListIterator<T>) list.iterator();
ListIterator<T> reverseIt = (ListIterator<T>) list.listIterator(k);
for(int i = 0; i< (int) k/2; i++ )
T element =;


Modify LinkedList after traverse

I am using a LinkedList, I need to add an element to the LinkedList immediately after traversing it.
I mean, let's suppose I have a LinkedList of unsorted integers.
LinkedList<Integer> list = new LinkedList<>();
I want to add a zero after each even number.
var itr = list.listIterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
int i =;
if (i % 2 == 0) {
After executing this, I get the LinkedList containing: [4, 0, 2, 0, 5]
Now suppose I want to add a zero only after the smallest even number.
I know I can first search the smallest even number traversing the LinkedList in O(n) and then using the .add(index, element) to add the zero after the smallest even number. The add(index, element) method runs in average O(n) since it needs to traverse some nodes of the list, I would like to avoid it and perform my operation of adding a zero after the smallest even number in a single traverse. Is that possible?
Thanks so much guys for your answers. I'll try to write a pseudocode, I think if I was working with a custom double linked list the problem could be solved in the following way
Node smallest = new Node(99998); // reference to smallest even number
While (current != Null){
If (current.value %2 == 0 && current.value < smallest.value){
smallest = current:
current =
// Link zero after smallest even number in constant time
Node zero = new Node (0);
zero.prev = smallest; =; = zero: = zero;
Something like that. What do you think about it?
Though it might not be the most efficient, but you might use two iterators.
First for list traversal
Second for smallest numbers traversal
The issue is, when the smallest number is found, then the second iterator must catch up with the first iterator, so you end up calling Iterator#next() n-times, where n is difference between indices of the old and the new smallest number.
while (itr.hasNext()) {
int i =;
if (i % 2 == 0 && i < smallest) {
smallest = i;
while (smallestItr.nextIndex() != itr.previousIndex()) {;
Otherwise, I would say if you need to put number into specified index in reasonable time complexity, use reasonable data structure for it.

Reverse a singly linked list recursively by dividing linked list in half in each recurrence

How can I write a function in java that reverse a singly linked list by dividing it into half that means (n/2) nodes for first part and rest is second Part (n is size of the liked list) until it reaches one Node and then merge this divided parts. Using two new Linked list is allowed in each divide but using list Node is not. The function must be void and there are no parameters for the function. I have n, head and tail of main Linked list.
I found this code on websites but it doesn't divide Linked list into half, so it is not helpful.
static ListNode reverseR(ListNode head) {
if (head == null || == null) {
return head;
ListNode first = head;
ListNode rest =;
// reverse the rest of the list recursively
head = reverseR(rest);
// fix the first node after recursion = first; = null;
return head;
Because you're working with a linked list, the approach you suggest is unlikely to be efficient. Ascertaining where the midpoint lies is a linear time operation, and even if the size of the list was known, you would still have to iterate up to the midpoint. Because you have a linear term at each node of the recurrence tree, the overall performance will be O(n lg n), slower than the O(n) bound for the code which you have provided.
That being said, you could still reverse the list by the following strategy:
Step 1: Split the list L into A (the first half) and B (the second half).
Step 2: Recurse on each of A and B. This recursion should bottom out
when given a list of length 1.
Step 3: Attach the new head of the reversed A to the new tail of the reversed B.
You can see that to begin with, our list is AB. We then recurse to get A' and B', each the reversed version of the half lists. We then output our new reversed list B'A'. The first element of the original A is now the last element of the list overall, and the last element of the original B is now the first overall.

Cracking the Coding Interview, 6th edition, 2.8

Problem Statement: Given a circular linked list, implement an algoirthm that returns the node at the beginning of the loop.
The answer key gives a more complicated solution than what I propose. What's wrong with mine?:
public static Node loopDetection(Node n1) {
ArrayList<Node> nodeStorage = new ArrayList<Node>();
while ( != null) {
if (nodeStorage.contains( {
return n1;
else {
n1 =;
return null;
Your solution isO(n^2) time (each contains() in ArrayList is O(n) time) and O(n) space (for storing nodeStorage), while the "more complicated" solution is O(n) time and O(1) space.
The book offers the following solution, to whomever is interested, which is O(n) time and O(1) space:
If we move two pointers, one with speed 1 and another with speed 2,
they will end up meeting if the linked list has a loop. Why? Think
about two cars driving on a track—the faster car will always pass the
slower one! The tricky part here is finding the start of the loop.
Imagine, as an analogy, two people racing around a track, one running
twice as fast as the other. If they start off at the same place, when
will they next meet? They will next meet at the start of the next lap.
Now, let’s suppose Fast Runner had a head start of k meters on an n
step lap. When will they next meet? They will meet k meters before the
start of the next lap. (Why? Fast Runner would have made k + 2(n - k)
steps, including its head start, and Slow Runner would have made n - k
steps. Both will be k steps before the start of the loop.) Now, going
back to the problem, when Fast Runner (n2) and Slow Runner (n1) are
moving around our circular linked list, n2 will have a head start on
the loop when n1 enters. Specifically, it will have a head start of k,
where k is the number of nodes before the loop. Since n2 has a head
start of k nodes, n1 and n2 will meet k nodes before the start of the
loop. So, we now know the following:
1. Head is k nodes from LoopStart (by definition).
2. MeetingPoint for n1 and n2 is k nodes from LoopStart (as shown above). Thus, if we move n1 back to Head and keep n2 at MeetingPoint,
and move them both at the same pace, they will meet at LoopStart.
LinkedListNode FindBeginning(LinkedListNode head) {
LinkedListNode n1 = head;
LinkedListNode n2 = head;
// Find meeting point
while ( != null) {
n1 =;
n2 =;
if (n1 == n2) {
// Error check - there is no meeting point, and therefore no loop
if ( == null) {
return null;
/* Move n1 to Head. Keep n2 at Meeting Point. Each are k steps
/* from the Loop Start. If they move at the same pace, they must
* meet at Loop Start. */
n1 = head;
while (n1 != n2) {
n1 =;
n2 =;
// Now n2 points to the start of the loop.
return n2;
I had trouble visualizing what was going on with this algorithm. Hopefully this helps someone else.
At time t = k(3), p2 is twice the distance from the head(0) as p1, so for them to get back in line, we need p2 to 'catch up' to p1 and it will take L - k(8) 5 more steps to occur. p2 is travelling at 2x the speed of p1.
At time t = k + (L - k) (8), p2 needs to travel k steps forward to get back to k. If we reset p1 back to the head(0), we know that p1 and p2 will both meet back at k(3, 19 respectively) if p2 is travelling at the same speed as p1.
There is the solution given by amit. The problem is that you either know it or you don't, but you won't be able to figure it out in an interview. Since I have never had a need to find a cycle in a linked list, knowing it to me is pointless except for passing interviews. So for an interviewer, stating this as an interview question, and expecting amir's answer (which is nice because it has linear time and zero extra space), is quite stupid.
So your solution is mostly fine, except that you should use a hash table, and you must make sure that the hash table hashes references to nodes and not nodes. Say you have a node containing a string and a "next" pointer, and the hash function hashes the string and compares nodes as equal if the strings are equal. In that case you'd find the first node with a duplicate string, and not the node at the start of the loop, unless you are careful.
(amir's solution has a very similar problem in languages where == compares the objects, and not the references. For example in Swift, you'd have to use === (compares references) and not == (compares objects)).

Efficiently determine the parity of a permutation

I have an int[] array of length N containing the values 0, 1, 2, .... (N-1), i.e. it represents a permutation of integer indexes.
What's the most efficient way to determine if the permutation has odd or even parity?
(I'm particularly keen to avoid allocating objects for temporary working space if possible....)
I think you can do this in O(n) time and O(n) space by simply computing the cycle decomposition.
You can compute the cycle decomposition in O(n) by simply starting with the first element and following the path until you return to the start. This gives you the first cycle. Mark each node as visited as you follow the path.
Then repeat for the next unvisited node until all nodes are marked as visited.
The parity of a cycle of length k is (k-1)%2, so you can simply add up the parities of all the cycles you have discovered to find the parity of the overall permutation.
Saving space
One way of marking the nodes as visited would be to add N to each value in the array when it is visited. You would then be able to do a final tidying O(n) pass to turn all the numbers back to the original values.
I selected the answer by Peter de Rivaz as the correct answer as this was the algorithmic approach I ended up using.
However I used a couple of extra optimisations so I thought I would share them:
Examine the size of data first
If it is greater than 64, use a java.util.BitSet to store the visited elements
If it is less than or equal to 64, use a long with bitwise operations to store the visited elements. This makes it O(1) space for many applications that only use small permutations.
Actually return the swap count rather than the parity. This gives you the parity if you need it, but is potentially useful for other purposes, and is no more expensive to compute.
Code below:
public int swapCount() {
if (length()<=64) {
return swapCountSmall();
} else {
return swapCountLong();
private int swapCountLong() {
int n=length();
int swaps=0;
BitSet seen=new BitSet(n);
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (seen.get(i)) continue;
for(int j=data[i]; !seen.get(j); j=data[j]) {
return swaps;
private int swapCountSmall() {
int n=length();
int swaps=0;
long seen=0;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
long mask=(1L<<i);
if ((seen&mask)!=0) continue;
for(int j=data[i]; (seen&(1L<<j))==0; j=data[j]) {
return swaps;
You want the parity of the number of inversions. You can do this in O(n * log n) time using merge sort, but either you lose the initial array, or you need extra memory on the order of O(n).
A simple algorithm that uses O(n) extra space and is O(n * log n):
inv = 0
mergesort A into a copy B
for i from 1 to length(A):
binary search for position j of A[i] in B
remove B[j] from B
inv = inv + (j - 1)
That said, I don't think it's possible to do it in sublinear memory. See also:
Consider this approach...
From the permutation, get the inverse permutation, by swapping the rows and
sorting according to the top row order. This is O(nlogn)
Then, simulate performing the inverse permutation and count the swaps, for O(n). This should give the parity of the permutation, according to this
An even permutation can be obtained as the composition of an even
number and only an even number of exchanges (called transpositions) of
two elements, while an odd permutation be obtained by (only) an odd
number of transpositions.
from Wikipedia.
Here's some code I had lying around, which performs an inverse permutation, I just modified it a bit to count swaps, you can just remove all mention of a, p contains the inverse permutation.
permute_inverse (std::vector<int> &a, std::vector<size_t> &p) {
size_t cnt = 0
for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) {
while (i != p[i]) {
std::swap (a[i], a[p[i]]);
std::swap (p[i], p[p[i]]);
return cnt;

Optimize Algorithm Required- Arrays

We have an array A of integers of size N. Given another array B which contains indices, where size of B <= N and 0<=B[i]<=N-1.
Now we have to remove all elements from array A at position B[i].
So with deletion we mean we are also shifting elements in array A.
Can someone help me in reaching to O(n) solution for this problem? And possibly O(1) space.
The first solution that comes to my mind is, traversing the array B and deleting elements in A sequentially( including shifting) but it is O(n^2).
Similar to iliaden's solution except you could do the removing of deleted elements in place.
int[] a =
int[] b =
int nullValue =
for(int i: b) a[i] = nullValue;
int j=0;
for(int i=0; i < a.length; i++) {
if(a[i] != nullValue)
a[j++] = a[i];
// to clear the rest of the array, if required.
a[j] = nullValue;
note: a won't be shorter, but it avoid creating any more space. 'j' will have the number of valid entries in a
in O(n) space, you can do:
traverse array A deleting every
element at b[i] (no shifting, O(n))
create a new array C, copy all the non-empty elements
from A into C sequentially (also O(n))
return array C or copy it back
onto a cleared array A (O(n)) .
thus you get to do it in O(n) tim
and O(n) space
No marking, O(n) time, but also O(n) space, in pseudo-code:
// create a boolean array indicating which elements are to be deleted
D = new boolean[N]
fill(D, false)
for (b in B) {
D[b] = true
// compact `A in place
src = 0
dest = 0
while (src < N) {
if (!D[src]) {
A[dest++] = A[src]
new_N = dest
if you can assume b is sorted you can shift as you iterate (you can sort the b in O(n*log(n)) if not)
int[] b;
int[] a;
int first=0,bInd=0;
for(int i = 0;i<a.length;i++){
if(bInd>=b.length || b[bInd]!=i){
Two obvious solutions: sort B in reverse order before starting, so you
always delete the highest index (and so never shift a deleted element),
or iterate through B to create a bitmap of elements to delete (and
then do those in the reverse order). The first requires an additional
O(lg n) step beforehand, and the second additional space. But I'm not
sure there are any better alternatives.
