<receiver android:name="com.BillManager.DateChanged">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED"/>
in class...
if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_DATE_CHANGED))
I am devloping an Android app and I use this broadcast to announce when the user changes the date manually.
For some reason I get the broadcast at 12:00 without changing the date manually.
Does anyone have an explanation why is it?
I am working on a application and my requirement is to store all incoming and outgoing call details like number,duration,time
I am using broadcast receiver for this along with run time permissions READ_PHONE_STATE,READ_CALL_LOG
With the current code app is working fine when app is in foreground as well as background BUT when I kills the app,it is not working,it is not detecting incoming/outgoing calls.
Below is my code of manifest file
<intent-filter >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL" />
<action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.QUICKBOOT_POWERON" />
Broadcast receiver
override fun onReceive(context: Context?, intent: Intent) {
//We listen to two intents. The new outgoing call only tells us of an outgoing call. We use it to get the number.
if (intent.action == "android.intent.action.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL") {
savedNumber = intent.extras!!.getString("android.intent.extra.PHONE_NUMBER")
} else {
val stateStr =
val number =
var state = 0
if (stateStr == TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE_IDLE) {
state = TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE
} else if (stateStr == TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE_OFFHOOK) {
state = TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK
} else if (stateStr == TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE_RINGING) {
state = TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING
if (number != null && !number.isEmpty() && !number.equals("null")) {
onCallStateChanged(context, state, number);
Log.d("TEST :","NUMBER =>"+number);
I need solution which can detect incoming call when app is killed like true caller app and want to start receiver on Android 7,8,9 when call happens
when an app is killed via "FORCE CLOSE" by the user, all the app's broadcast receiver are immediately put on pause, and the system prevents them from receiving future broadcasts until the user manually reopens that app.
This is to prevent apps working around a force-close by the user that obviously wants that app shutdown, while an incoming broadcast receiver can wake that app up again.
see here
This rule has one exception - if the app had been set to be the default Phone/SMS app, it will still be able to wake up upon getting a call / sms.
I assume TrueCaller was set as a default handler to be able to workaround this limitation.
To become the default Phone handler on Android P and below - see the documentation here: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/telecom/TelecomManager#ACTION_CHANGE_DEFAULT_DIALER
On Android Q, call this method: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/role/RoleManager#createRequestRoleIntent(java.lang.String) with ROLE_DIALER
I am using Android Studio.
I added a BroadcastReceiver for my app that receives android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED, the receiver just shows up a Toast for testing. The problem is I get "App has stopped" message just after Android starts up.
My first question is: is there anyway to debug that at startup and see where is the problem by myself? Because I can't see any log referring to that problem in Android Studio.
My second question is related to the problem itself. Here is the code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />
<activity android:name="MainActivity">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
Java: BroadcastReceiver
public class AutoStartReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Toast.makeText(context, "loaded", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented");
The third question is: Is it OK to do some heavy work (read some files and set the AlarmManager) in the receiver rather than creating a service? because as of API 26 Android is putting a lot of restriction to services.
Thank you
For the debugging part I used this (in the Terminal, when the emulator is on) :
adb shell am set-debug-app -w --persistent <your.app.package>
to start debugging, then click Attach debugger to android process when the app prompts for it on the emulator.
To disable this:
adb shell am clear-debug-app <your.app.package>
Found answer here : https://medium.com/#elye.project/debug-app-deeplink-at-launch-time-bdb2cf04a9e6
Apps that launch on boot can be debugged the second your device gets a debugging connection, which usually happens just before the app itself would boot. Just open logcat and watch for the device and app to pop up after reboot. Note that this assumes the app is debuggable. Apps that aren't will simply not show any logs.
You get the MyApp has unfortunately stopped message for the obvious reason of this code:
public class AutoStartReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Toast.makeText(context, "loaded", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented");
You throw an exception, meaning it'll stop.
As for what you do in the service, as long as it uses within a reasonable amount of RAM and processor (extremely heavy services are more likely to be killed to save battery and memory) you're good to go
in the manifest i have :
<activity android:name="com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity" ... >
<service android:name="me.myFirebaseMessagingService">
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT"/>
and myFirebaseMessagingService is inside a dedicated jar
now the problem is that from myFirebaseMessagingService i want to launch an activity via intent. normally i must do like this :
import com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity;
Intent intent = new Intent(this, FMXNativeActivity.class);
however from inside the jar i don't have access to the code of FMXNativeActivity (because the jar is to be used in a generic way).
How can i do? can i set the activity name inside the <service ..></service> as params ?
Set an action for your activity in manifest and start the activity from service using that action.
<activity android:name="com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity" ... >
<action android:name="com.example.foo.bar.YOUR_ACTION" />
In your service,
String CUSTOM_ACTION = "com.example.foo.bar.YOUR_ACTION";
Intent i = new Intent();
Create a broadcast receiver that starts your service and when you want to invoke the service simply broadcast with appropriate action this way your broadcast receiver can start the service
I have a bit of a predicament. I am trying to implement the Android 6.0 Direct Sharing feature to my app. However, when I implemented it, the direct share targets did not show up. I decided to try putting the exact same code into a different app of mine and it worked perfectly. Does anyone have any ideas why it would work on one but not the next?
Here is the manifest.xml:
<activity android:name=".DirectShareReceiver"
android:label="Direct Share Receiver">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
<data android:mimeType="text/plain"/>
android:value=".PluginChooserTargetService" />
<service android:name=".PluginChooserTargetService"
<action android:name="android.service.chooser.ChooserTargetService" />
From what I see the code most of worked in a older version of android. Android 6.0+ has a new way of setting permissions.
You will need to use the new permission for newer versions of android (6.0+).
Here is some examples from the site:
// Here, thisActivity is the current activity
if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(thisActivity,
!= PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
// Should we show an explanation?
if (ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(thisActivity,
Manifest.permission.READ_CONTACTS)) {
// Show an expanation to the user *asynchronously* -- don't block
// this thread waiting for the user's response! After the user
// sees the explanation, try again to request the permission.
} else {
// No explanation needed, we can request the permission.
new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_CONTACTS},
// app-defined int constant. The callback method gets the
// result of the request.
I know, I am not the first onbe with this problem, but I tried so many solutions, I have found and no one works... maybe you could find the error
The error (also came so without .class and with /.Client depending on other settings)
12-02 16:40:15.359: W/ActivityManager(74): Unable to start service
Intent { act=com.android.fh.EnOceanApp.Client.class }: not found
In the manifest, this is included in application, out of activities (tried it also in activities and with ".Client"
The code in onCreate()
startService(new Intent(this, Client.class));
startService(new Intent(this.getApplicationContext(), Client.class));
Intent intent=new Intent("com.android.fh.EnOceanApp.Client.class");
Intent intent=new Intent("com.android.fh.EnOceanApp.Client");
And now, I dont have an Idea anymore....
com.android.fh.EnOceanApp is the package, Client.java the service-class in this package
and the manifest I forgot:
android:label="#string/app_name" >
android:name=".EnOceanAppActivity" >
<intent-filter >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<activity android:name=".ListView"
android:label="List View">
<activity android:name=".GraphView"
android:label="Graph View">
android:name=".Client"></service> //with and without ., of course without this comment
Thanks to user njzk2 for letting me notice what was happening.
I've had the same problem. It seem that Android OS can't find the service class that you've requested if you haven't registered before in the manifest file of your proyect.
Remember that a service is like an activity but without graphic interface. It means that the services needs to be registered before you can use them
This is how you register the service in your Android project:
<!-- your code -->
<!-- your code -->
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<service android:name="com.your.own.service.class"></service>
Just Remember that YourService class needs to extend from Service, if not your class won't be a service.
public class YourService extends Service{}
Sometimes you'll need to fully qualify your class name in the manifest, rather than using the shortform (.classname). I've seen that when I used classes from a different package, but perhaps it would help here since the service intent may go outside of the app.
So.. just to eventually help others or not:
I made a new project, copied the sources and tried to run it: the service was found now.
What was the difference, or in other words: what do I think, might give problems:
the long package name or the beginning with com.android... In the new project I just chose com.enocean
Despite ALL the answers in this post and many related Unable to start service Intent: not found Unable to start Service Intent , I still struggled and it took some time for me to get this going. My scenario was slightly more complicated since I'm trying to start a service in a DIFFERENT app that the one I'm calling it with. I figured it out and here are ALL the details, along with some bonus code.
MainActivity of calling intent (or whereever)
Intent intent=new Intent("com.example.core.MusicService.1234");
//Or Intent intent=new Intent("com.example.core.MusicService.TOGGLE_PLAYBACK");
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(this, 99, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT);
Manifest: of Service (Service tag inside Application tag)
<service android:name="com.example.core.MusicService">
<action android:name="com.example.core.MusicService1234"></action>
<action android:name="com.example.core.MusicService.TOGGLE_PLAYBACK"></action>
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
if(intent != null){
if(intent.getAction() != null){
//Do work here
Service does NOT need to be started, this intent will start it
"com.example.core.MusicService1234" and "com.example.core.MusicService.TOGGLE_PLAYBACK" can be whatever you want it to be, but obviously needs to match the intent-filter in the service manifest with the calling intent. You can put multiple of these so you can do different actions when your service starts depending on the value from your intent
99 can be whatever you want, but must be unique if you're using notifications
I'm not sure it's possible to call a service in a different app (like this) without using the intent-filter - if it is, someone please enlighten us. I tried and it doesn't work.
Credit to: the cumulative information from all the posts :)
I made the silly mistake of adding the tag to a separate in the manifest.
In that case, the current application was unable to find the service defined.
Hope you skip that mistake :)
It is stupid mistake of android
This will not work
But this will work, have separate closing tag
Well, in my case i had to clean the project. It sometimes happens when you have made a new Java class for the service in your package/project but did not build/clean the project afterwords. In my case, i just had to clean the project to get rid of the error.
If anyone sees this and has the same problem that I did, it was because I followed a guide and used context.startService() instead of context.startActivity()