Isn't it possible that notify() in another thread gets called before the wait() in one thread?
It's happening with me.
A client requests a value from a target and waits on a result variable RV.
In case the target is the client itself, I update RV with the correct result and call notify() on RV in another thread.
class EMU {
ResultVar RV;
Address my_address;
ResultVar findValue(String key) {
String tgt = findTarget(key);
sendRequest(tgt, key);
synchronized(RV) {
return RV;
Runnable Server = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//code to receive connections. Assume object of type Request is read from the stream.
Request r = (Request) ois.readObject();
if(r.requesterAddr.compareTo(my_address) == 0) {
String val = findVal(key);
The problem is that before the requester has completed all the "networking" (sendReqest in the above example) with itself, the result is updated in the result variable. When the requester thread now calls wait(), the program doesn't continue, since notify has already been called.
How can we prevent it?
You check some flag before waiting (in a loop), see the tutorial:
Nothing stops you calling notify on an object that's not being waited by another thread.
It sounds like what you want is a wait only if some condition holds. For example:
synchronized (results) {
while (!results.hasResults()) {
// no results yet; wait for them
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) { /* ignore */ }
I'd strongly recommend not re-inventing the wheel.
Java's Future interface is designed for results that may only arrive later, and the FutureTask class implements this interface.
Have the first thread obtain access to the Future and get the second thread to run the FutureTask, and all of this stuff gets handled for you. You also get timeout support for free.
Use some condition before going to wait() and make sure that condition is thread safe :)
class EMU{
ResultVar RV;
Address my_address;
volatile boolean condition = true;
ResultVar findValue(String key){
String tgt = findTarget(key);
sendRequest(tgt, key);
while(condition == true)
return RV;
Runnable Server = new Runnable(){
public void run(){
//code to receive connections. Assume object of type Request is read from the stream.
Request r = (Request) ois.readObject();
if(r.requesterAddr.compareTo(my_address) == 0){
String val = findVal(key);
condition = false;
Let me first break down the code to a minimum reproducable:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Object RV = new Object();
new Thread() {
public void run() {
synchronized (RV) {
synchronized (RV) {
This method will theoretically never end and the program will never quit. It shall be a dispute if this is a deadlock.
My solution is to create a second lock:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Object RV = new Object();
Object lock = new Object();
new Thread() {
public void run() {
synchronized (lock) {
synchronized (RV) {
synchronized (RV) {
synchronized (lock) {
Lets inspect what the threads are doing while the main-thread is waiting one second:
The custom Thread will first join the synchronized(lock) block.
Then the lock will causes the custom Thread to wait.
After 1 second the main-thread is joining a RV-synchronization.
The lock gets notified and causes the custom Thread to continue the work.
The custom thread leaves the synchronized(lock) block.
The main thread will RV-wait-lock.
The custom thread notifies the RV-lock to continue.
The program ends.
I was looking for a way to make one thread wait/sleep until another thread signalled that something was ready. The waiting thread should wake up, process the data that was made available, then go back to sleep until the other thread signalled again.
The simplest method I could find was Object.wait() and Object.notify(), which behaved like a semaphore initialised to value 0. However, without the synchronized statements around notify/wait, Java always threw IllegalMonitorStateException when the thread was not the monitor owner. So I simply put them around the code like shown below.
THREAD 1: running infinite loop
public class Main {
private Handler handler; // only one instance (singleton pattern)
public void listen() {
while (true) {
try {
synchronized (handler) {
int value = handler.getSize();
// do something
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// ...
THREAD 2: Some other class calls removeItem
public class Handler {
private ArrayList<Integer> sharedList;
private Handler() {
sharedList = new ArrayList<>();
public void addItem(Integer i) {
synchronized (sharedList) {
// add to list
public void removeItem(int i) {
synchronized (sharedList) {
// remove item
// notify that something is removed
synchronized (this) {
this.notify(); // this == handler
public int getSize() {
synchronized (sharedList) {
return sharedList.size();
It seems to work perfectly fine but not sure if there is a hidden bug.
My question is: Is this safe? Does wait release the instance lock for handler/this so notify can acquire the lock?
Synchronized blocks are safe. The statement synchronized(obj) acquires the lock of the argument obj, so you can call wait and notify on it. They both require that the current thread holds the lock on the object.
You have to be careful about the double-locking you have in removeItem where you lock two objects. If you ever need this, you have to make sure that you always lock them in the same order, otherwise, you may create a deadlock.
Is there anyway one single thread can wait and notify itself to "wake" up, or only
I got something like this but it isnt working and i get the illegalmonitorstateexception
public class test extends Thread{
private int n;
private int lim;
public test(int lim) {
n = 0;
public synchronized void add() throws InterruptedException {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
//do something
The confusion here appears to be with the idea of "notifying a thread". You don't (usually) call notify, notifyAll or wait of a Thread object. Invoke it any object that you are using as a lock. (A particular problem with Thread is that it is used as a lock for a particular purpose already (Thread.join).)
So you need some kind of lock object:
private final Object lock = new Object();
To wait on the object, you need to hold the lock and the condition should be checked in a while loop.
synchronized (lock) {
while (!some_condition) {
To notify, hold the lock, notify (you might as well go for notifyAll, it'll be at least as good as notify and sometimes it may be necessary but not caught in testing) and change the condition.
synchronized (lock) {
some_condition = true;
Also, it good practice not to subclass Thread. Goes for other unnecessary subclassing too. Typically you would create a Runnable and pass it to the constructor.
IllegalMonitorStateException means you "don't own the monitor". To do that:
synchronized (this) {
What do you want to trigger the notification? As commented above, if a Thread is waiting, it can't take any action. Maybe you want to use a timeout?
To wait() until lim is reached, add this to the add() method:
if (n >= lim) {
Basically I want to pause my Thread after I called a method, before continuing to the other one. I can't loop, my method can only be ran once.
The idea behind this, is to be used in a game, where the methods will display messages, and each time a user presses a key, the next message sould be shown. I can't just go through a list, as the game takes input from the user. I looket at Thread.pause() and Thread.resume() but they woN't work either, and are deprecated.
My current code (Which isn't working):
private Thread thread;
private Thread managerThread;
private final Object lock = new Object();
private boolean shouldThreadRun = true;
private boolean storyRunning = true;
public Storyline() {
private void setUpThread() {
managerThread = new Thread(() -> {
while(storyRunning) {
synchronized (lock) {
if(!shouldThreadRun) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
thread = new Thread(() -> {
synchronized (lock) {
public void pauseThread() {
shouldThreadRun = false;
public void resumeThread() {
shouldThreadRun = true;
Take a look at my edits and see if it is any similar to what you were trying to achieve. I'm using a scanner to simulate user input, just press enter on your keyboard to try it out.
By the way I hope this is just an exercise and not a real life situation. You should try to avoid this kind of low level management of multithreading in a real product, unless really necessary, in which case you should still use appropriate data structures meant for this. In a real application buttons will be linked to callbacks and you will set some onClick() method to execute the code you need, as soon as the button is pressed.
For what concerns concurrency, I strongly suggest you to take a look at these tutorials: Oracle-Concurrency
PS: notice that I'm completely ignoring interrupts, which is a bad practice, those exception should be handled the right way: I was just trying to achieve the desired result by keeping the code as simple as possible. Also, like someone else pointed out, you should handle spurious wakeups by just calling the wait inside a loop.
private Thread thread;
private Thread managerThread;
private final Object lock = new Object();
Scanner in;
public Storyline() {
private void setUpThread() {
managerThread = new Thread(() -> {
while(true) {
in = new Scanner(;
thread = new Thread(() -> {
synchronized (lock) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
public void resumeThread() {
The first rule of Object.wait, as described in the documentation, is that it must be called in a loop which depends on the condition which is the basis for the wait.
So, your wait needs to look like this:
synchronized (lock) {
while (!shouldThreadRun) {
An interrupt is not something that happens by accident. A thread is only interrupted if another thread explicitly asks it to stop what it’s doing and exit cleanly.
Therefore, if you get an interrupt, the correct course of action is not to ignore it and print a stack trace. You need to exit cleanly.
The easiest way to do this is to simply enclose your entire while loop in a try/catch:
try {
while (storyRunning) {
synchronized (lock) {
while (!shouldThreadRun) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Exiting, because someone asked me to stop.");
This way, your while-loop will automatically exit when interrupted.
Lastly, Object.wait is useless unless another thread calls Object.notify or Object.notifyAll on the very same object on which the waiting thread is synchronized. The wait method will (probably) never return unless the object gets a notify:
public void pauseThread() {
synchronized (lock) {
shouldThreadRun = false;
// Tell waiting thread that shouldThreadRun may have changed.
public void resumeThread() {
synchronized (lock) {
shouldThreadRun = true;
// Tell waiting thread that shouldThreadRun may have changed.
Notice that the synchronizing is inside the methods. If you keep your thread synchronized on lock all the time, the manager thread will never have a chance to run at all, because it’s trying to acquire a synchronization lock on the same object. (However, the opposite is not true; the manager thread can stay synchronized on lock all the time, because the wait() method will temporarily release the synchronization lock, allowing the other thread to proceed.)
If all code which accesses shouldThreadRun is inside synchronized blocks, you don’t need to (and should not) make shouldThreadRun volatile, since the synchronization already ensures multi-threaded consistency.
class Downloader extends Thread {
private InputStream in;
private OutputStream out;
private ArrayList<ProgressListener> listeners;
public Downloader(URL url, String outputFilename) throws IOException {
in = url.openConnection().getInputStream();
out = new FileOutputStream(outputFilename);
listeners = new ArrayList<ProgressListener>();
public synchronized void addListener(ProgressListener listener) {
public synchronized void removeListener(ProgressListener listener) {
private synchronized void updateProgress(int n) {
for (ProgressListener listener: listeners)
public void run() {
int n = 0, total = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
try {
while((n = != -1) {
out.write(buffer, 0, n);
total += n;
} catch (IOException e) { }
The above code is from the book "seven concurrency models in seven weeks". The book says the above code is having potential for the deadlock as the the synchronized method updateProgress calls a alien method[onProgress] that might acquire another lock.
Since we acquire two locks without right order, the deadlock might occur.
Can anyone explain how the deadlock happens in the above scenario?
Thanks in advance.
It's best to make the objects you use with synchronized private.
Since you synchronize on the Downloader, you don't know whether other threads synchronize on the Downloader too.
The following listener causes a deadlock:
MyProgressListener extends ProgressListener {
public Downloader downloader;
public void onProgress(int n) {
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
synchronized(downloader) {
// do something ...
Code that deadlocks:
Downloader d = new Downloader(...);
MyProgressListener l = new MyProgressListener();
l.downloader = d;
The following will happen if you run that code:
the main thread reaches the updateProgress and aquires a lock on the Downloader
the MyProgressListener's onProgress method is called and the new thread t is started
the main thread reaches t.join();
In this situation the main thread cannot procede until t is finished, but for t to finish, the main thread would have to release it's lock on the Downloader, but that won't happen since the main thread can't procede -> Deadlock
First off, recall that the keyword synchronized, when applied to a a class, implies locking the whole object this method belongs to. Now, let's sketch out another couple of objects triggering the deadlock:
class DLlistener implements ProgressListener {
private Downloader d;
public DLlistener(Downloader d){
this.d = d;
// here we innocently register ourself to the downloader: this method is synchronized
public void onProgress(int n){
// this method is invoked from a synchronized call in Downloader
// all we have to do to create a dead lock is to call another synchronized method of that same object from a different thread *while holding the lock*
DLthread thread = new DLThread(d);
// this is the other thread which will produce the deadlock
class DLThread extends Thread {
Downloader locked;
DLThread(Downloader d){
locked = d;
public void run(){
// here we create a new listener, which will register itself and generate the dead lock
DLlistener listener(locked);
// ...
One way to avoid the dead lock is to postpone the work done in addListener by having internal queues of listeners waiting to be added/removed, and have Downloader taking care of those by itself periodically. This ultimately depends on inner working of course.
Probably the problem in this code:
for (ProgressListener listener: listeners)
When one thread, which holds a lock, calls an external method
like this one (onProgress) then you cannot guarantee that
implementation of this method won't try to obtain other lock,
which could be held by different thread. This may cause a deadlock.
Here's a classic example that shows the kind of hard-to-debug problems the author is trying to avoid.
The class UseDownloader is created and downloadSomething is called.
As the download progresses, the onProgress method is called. Since this is called from within the synchronized block, the Downloader motinor is locked. Inside our onProgress method, we need to lock our own resource, in this case lock. So when we are trying to synchronize on lock we are holding the Downloader monitor.
If another thread has decided that the download should be canceled, it will call setCanceled. This first tests done so it synchronized on the lock monitor and then calls removeListener. But removeListener requires the Downloader lock.
This kind of deadlock can be hard to find because it doesn't happen very often.
public static final int END_DOWNLOAD = 100;
class UseDownloader implements ProgressListener {
Downloader d;
Object lock = new Object();
boolean done = false;
public UseDownloader(Downloader d) {
this.d = d;
public void onProgress(int n) {
synchronized(lock) {
if (!done) {
// show some progress
public void downloadSomething() {
public boolean setCanceled() {
synchronized(lock) {
if (!done) {
done = true;
The following example leads to a deadlock because the MyProgressListener tries to acquire the Downloader lock while it's already acquired.
class MyProgressListener extends ProgressListener {
private Downloader myDownloader;
public MyProgressListener(Downloader downloader) {
myDownloader = downloader;
public void onProgress(int n) {
// starts and waits for a thread that accesses myDownloader
Downloader downloader = new Downloader(...);
downloader.addListener(new MyListener(downloader));;
I want to pause and start thread untill variable standby.
But wait() and notify() is not work for me.
Is this a collect way to pause thread?
private boolean _threadIsWaiting = true;
private Object _specialObjectFromHttp;
public void methodToUse() {
Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
while (_threadIsWaiting) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Callback method (Thread wait for this.)
private void getParamsFromHttpCallBack(Object result) {
_specialObjectFromHttp = result;
_threadIsWaiting = false;
You could use an object to wait on, and call notify on it. I believe that to be the better approach (Actually, it is almost always better to utilize such a mechanism instead of sleeping and bool checking).
private Object _specialObjectFromHttp;
public void methodToUse() {
Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
// Callback method (Thread wait for this.)
private void getParamsFromHttpCallBack(Object result) {
_specialObjectFromHttp = result;
In this case it seems plausible to just use the object that is being used in that control flow anyways, but you could also just add another object that has no purpose other than being waited for.
You could use a SynchronousQueue this will block until the information you need is provided. So in one thread call take, this will wait for a put on a different thread.
Both methods are blocking and no manual syncing is needed.