String concatenation translated to stringbuilder in Java - java

I saw this question and some similar and I think it's not duplicate :
StringBuilder vs String concatenation in toString() in Java
Here is the deal, I hear a very clever work colleague of mine talking this morning about how java optimizes up to 8 or 16 string concatenation(I'm not sure at this point) to string builder. Because this might have been a vague description of what I mean here is an example of 6 String concatenation :
public String test(){
return "a" + "b" + "c" + "d" + "e" + "f";
So that this is actually translated to :
public String test(){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
return sb.append("a").append("b").append("c").append("d").append("e").append("f").toString();
I had to leave the conversation earlier, is this true?If yes can someone provide more details of exact number up to when this optimization is done 8/16 or x?
I didn't know about this before I've heard it. good to know if true.

As per request, here my comment as answer to the question:
You can find a thorough explanation of how string concatenation works in Java in this blog post:

I don't know about the exact number but generally you shouldn't worry about concatenating strings with the + operator, unless if the concatenation happens in the iteration of some loop, because that's the case where the compiler cannot optimize and you need to use StringBuilder explicitly, or even String.concat.
Which way is fastest depends also on whether your data is constant or variable. In your example the string would be concatenated at compile time to "abcdef".


When should you explicitly use a StringBuilder? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
StringBuilder vs String concatenation in toString() in Java
(20 answers)
String concatenation in Java - when to use +, StringBuilder and concat [duplicate]
(9 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
As I understand it, when I do String baz = "foo" + "bar" + "123" the Java compiler internally replaces the expression with a StringBuilder. However our Java teacher told us that it is good practice to always use a StringBuilder explicitly...
Am I correct in assuming I will only need to explicitly use StringBuilder when concatenating inside loops as indicated in an answer to Stack Overflow question String builder vs string concatenation? Are there other cases where you should explicitly use a StringBuilder instead of + or +=?
It's more general than "inside loops" - it's any time you want to do concatenation over multiple statements, and don't need the intermediate result as a string. For example:
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Start");
if (someCondition) {
if (someOtherCondition) {
String result = builder.toString();
While you could write that as:
String result = "Start" + (someCondition ? "Foo" : "")
+ (someOtherCondition ? "Bar" : "") + "End";
... that becomes hard to read. And if there are more statements within the if bodies, it may not even be feasible.
To correct something within your question though:
As I understand it, when I do String baz = "foo" + "bar" + "123" the java compiler internally replaces the expression with a StringBuilder.
No, when you write that expression the compiler recognizes that it's a compile-time constant, and replaces it with
String baz = "foobar123";
That's a very good reason not to explicitly use a StringBuilder - the code above is clearly more efficient at execution time than
String baz = new StringBuilder("foo").append("bar").append("123").toString();
When it isn't a compile-time constant, the Java compiler will perform the concatenation using a StringBuilder, usually leaving you with easier-to-understand code than with the explicit use of StringBuilder, but with no performance hit. I suspect your teacher either doesn't properly understand string concatenation, or simply read somewhere else that you should use StringBuilder without fully understanding when it's appropriate.
Obi Wan has said that only Sith thinks in absolutes or something similar...
It's good you know that Java compiler internally replaces "+" on Strings with the usage of the StringBuilder. This is what are the compilers for: to make the life easier.
Unless you have loops, as in linked case, or conditionals from Jon Skeet's example, it's primarily the matter of readibility and the ease of maintanance.
return "User " + userName + " said";
new StringBuilder().append("User ").append(userName).append(" said").toString();
makes the code longer, probably harder to modify, is more likely to force line breaks, and gives you more performance.
However, when the addition apply not only to the strings, but there are numbers involved, probably the solution with StringBuilder sometimes may be more readable.
return "User" + a + b + " said: " + (c + d);
may be more confusing as:
return new StringBuilder().append("User ").append(a).append(b)
.append(" said: ").append(c+d).toString();
But it's primarily the matter of opinion and coding style. "Should" is not a good word here.
They're also good for implementing things like C#'s 'out' keyword with a String. Example
public int getInt(StringBuilder error)
int retVal = 0;
if (someErrorOccured)
error.append("Couldn't get int because of...");
retVal = whatItsSupposedToBe;
return retVal;

Java - how many string concat's should prompt the use of StringBuilder? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
StringBuilder vs String concatenation in toString() in Java
(20 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I understand that StringBuilder should be used for concatenating multiple strings rather than using +. My question is what is the cut off point?
I have been told that if concatenating 4 or more strings you should use the StringBuilder.append(), and for anything else, use +.
Is that the case? or is the point at which stringbuilder is more efficient more than 4?
As of Java 1.5, the compiler automatically uses StringBuilder when + is used in the source.
From the Javadoc for String:
The Java language provides special support for the string concatenation operator ( + ), and for conversion of other objects to strings. String concatenation is implemented through the StringBuilder(or StringBuffer) class and its append method.
Many years ago, in a Java version far far away (1.4), some people recommended replacing concatenation by StringBuffer (the thread-safe equivalent of StringBuilder, which had not been invented yet).
With the introduction of StringBuilder, and the redefinition of concatenation in terms of the faster StringBuilder, "optimized" code using StringBuffer incurred in unneeded synchronization, while non-optimal code with + was automatically enjoyed to the benefits of StringBuilder.
I would use StringBuilder when the concatenation is mixed with control structures or loops, or when I need to update some characters in the middle of the strings. Otherwise I assume that the compiler is smart enough to do a good job with the traditional concatenation.
Starting in jse 5, the + sign converts to a stringbuilder during compilation.
There is a caveat to this though, this:
String blam = a + b + c + d + e;
results in one stringbuilder and 5 appends (as expected)
This; however:
String blam = a;
blam += b + c;
blam := d + e;
results in 3 stringbuilders (one per line).
The point: + sign is fine, just stack it all in one line of code.
I would say that the compiler will substitute the plus with StringBuilder itself.
There are several situations you want to avoid in this case. For example using + in a loop. For each iteration a new StringBuilder will be created.
Might wanna read this question
The compiler is pretty good at optimizing this stuff, so usually, you won't gain much. But if you're doing concatenations in a loop for instance, you might gain some benefits from using a StringBuilder instead.
There is no defined answer because it's depends on JVM implementation. I use StringBuilder when I need to concat more than 3 strings.
I noticed a good case. When you need to concat static final String's you don't have to use StringBuilder. The compliler will concat it withour performance falling:
final class Example {
public static final String STRING_ONE = "string";
public static final String STRING_TWO = "string";
public static final String STRING_THREE = "string";
public static final String STRING_FOUR = "string";
public String getBigString() {
Also I very interested in that question. I tryed to implement a good test and asked about that here.

String concatenation in Java - when to use +, StringBuilder and concat [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
StringBuilder vs String concatenation in toString() in Java
(20 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
When should we use + for concatenation of strings, when is StringBuilder preferred and When is it suitable to use concat.
I've heard StringBuilder is preferable for concatenation within loops. Why is it so?
Modern Java compiler convert your + operations by StringBuilder's append. I mean to say if you do str = str1 + str2 + str3 then the compiler will generate the following code:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
str = sb.append(str1).append(str2).append(str3).toString();
You can decompile code using DJ or Cavaj to confirm this :)
So now its more a matter of choice than performance benefit to use + or StringBuilder :)
However given the situation that compiler does not do it for your (if you are using any private Java SDK to do it then it may happen), then surely StringBuilder is the way to go as you end up avoiding lots of unnecessary String objects.
I tend to use StringBuilder on code paths where performance is a concern. Repeated string concatenation within a loop is often a good candidate.
The reason to prefer StringBuilder is that both + and concat create a new object every time you call them (provided the right hand side argument is not empty). This can quickly add up to a lot of objects, almost all of which are completely unnecessary.
As others have pointed out, when you use + multiple times within the same statement, the compiler can often optimize this for you. However, in my experience this argument doesn't apply when the concatenations happen in separate statements. It certainly doesn't help with loops.
Having said all this, I think top priority should be writing clear code. There are some great profiling tools available for Java (I use YourKit), which make it very easy to pinpoint performance bottlenecks and optimize just the bits where it matters.
P.S. I have never needed to use concat.
From Java/J2EE Job Interview Companion:
String is immutable: you can’t modify a String object but can replace it by creating a new instance. Creating a new instance is rather expensive.
//Inefficient version using immutable String
String output = "Some text";
int count = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
output += i;
return output;
The above code would build 99 new String objects, of which 98 would be thrown away immediately. Creating new objects is not efficient.
StringBuffer is mutable: use StringBuffer or StringBuilder when you want to modify the contents. StringBuilder was added in Java 5 and it is identical in all respects to StringBuffer except that it is not synchronised, which makes it slightly faster at the cost of not being thread-safe.
//More efficient version using mutable StringBuffer
StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(110);
output.append("Some text");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
return output.toString();
The above code creates only two new objects, the StringBuffer and the final String that is returned. StringBuffer expands as needed, which is costly however, so it would be better to initialise the StringBuffer with the correct size from the start as shown.
If all concatenated elements are constants (example : "these" + "are" + "constants"), then I'd prefer the +, because the compiler will inline the concatenation for you. Otherwise, using StringBuilder is the most effective way.
If you use + with non-constants, the Compiler will internally use StringBuilder as well, but debugging becomes hell, because the code used is no longer identical to your source code.
My recommendation would be as follows:
+: Use when concatenating 2 or 3 Strings simply to keep your code brief and readable.
StringBuilder: Use when building up complex String output or where performance is a concern.
String.format: You didn't mention this in your question but it is my preferred method for creating Strings as it keeps the code the most readable / concise in my opinion and is particularly useful for log statements.
concat: I don't think I've ever had cause to use this.
Use StringBuilder if you do a lot of manipulation. Usually a loop is a pretty good indication of this.
The reason for this is that using normal concatenation produces lots of intermediate String object that can't easily be "extended" (i.e. each concatenation operation produces a copy, requiring memory and CPU time to make). A StringBuilder on the other hand only needs to copy the data in some cases (inserting something in the middle, or having to resize because the result becomes to big), so it saves on those copy operations.
Using concat() has no real benefit over using + (it might be ever so slightly faster for a single +, but once you do a.concat(b).concat(c) it will actually be slower than a + b + c).
Use + for single statements and StringBuilder for multiple statements/ loops.
The performace gain from compiler applies to concatenating constants.
The rest uses are actually slower then using StringBuilder directly.
There is not problem with using "+" e.g. for creating a message for Exception because it does not happen often and the application si already somehow screwed at the moment. Avoid using "+" it in loops.
For creating meaningful messages or other parametrized strings (Xpath expressions e.g.) use String.format - it is much better readable.
I suggest to use concat for two string concatination and StringBuilder otherwise, see my explanation for concatenation operator (+) vs concat()

what is the style recommendation for the Java string concatenation operator "+"?

What is the style recommendation for the Java string concatenation operator "+"?
Edit: Specifically, should it be used or not?
Thinking in Java (Eckel) says that the overloaded + operator is implemented using StringBuilder (although not all compilers may be supporting this as per alphazero's answer) and thus multiple String objects and the associated memory use and garbage collection are avoided. Given this, I would answer my own question by saying that the + operator is probably fine, style-wise. The only caveat is that the + is the only instance of overloading in the language and that exceptionalism might count as a minor reason not to use it. In retrospect, the advantage of terseness is pretty significant in some situations and that has got to count for a lot of style.
As long as your team members are comfortable with it.
Because there is no "correct" coding style. But I agree that you should always use white-spaces between strings and operator for better readability.
Following Java's coding conventions Strings should be concatenated like:
String str = "Long text line "
+ "more long text.";
Make sure the '+' operator always begins the next line.
It is perfectly fine to use the '+' operator for String concatenation, there are different libraries that provide other structure for it, but for me it is the most simple way.
Hope this helps!
Happy coding,
Is this what you meant?
"string1" + "string"
or, if you have long lines
"a really long string....." +
"another really long string......" +
"ditto once again" +
"the last one, I promise"
If you have the time to format this right, then:
"a really long string....." +
"another really long string......" +
"ditto once again" +
"the last one, I promise"
Basically, every time you use the + operator, you should use it with at least one whitespace before and after. If you're using it when concatenating long strings, put it at the end of the line.
The overall recommendation is not to use this form (at all) if performance is of concern, and to instead use StringBuilder or StringBuffer (per your threading model). The reason is simply this: Strings in java are immutable and the '+' operator will create many intermediary String objects when processing expressions of form S1 + S2 + ... + Sn.
[Edit: Optimization of String Concatenation]

append or + operator in StringBuffer?

In my project there are some code snippets which uses StringBuffer objects, and the small part of it is as follows
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
str.append("new " + "String()");
so i was confused with the use of append method and the + operator.
ie the following code could be written as
str.append("new ").append("String()");
So are the two lines above same?(functionally yes but) Or is there any particular usage of them? ie performance or readability or ???
In that case it's more efficient to use the first form - because the compiler will convert it to:
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
str.append("new String()");
because it concatenates constants.
A few more general points though:
If either of those expressions wasn't a constant, you'd be better off (performance-wise) with the two calls to append, to avoid creating an intermediate string for no reason
If you're using a recent version of Java, StringBuilder is generally preferred
If you're immediately going to append a string (and you know what it is at construction time), you can pass it to the constructor
Actually the bytecode compiler will replace all string concatenation which involve non constants in a Java program with invocations of StringBuffer. That is
int userCount = 2;
System.out.println("You are the " + userCount + " user");
will be rewritten as
int userCount = 2;
System.out.println(new StringBuffer().append("You are the ").append(userCount).append(" user").toString());
That is at least what is observable when decompiling java class files compiled with JDK 5 or 6. See this post.
The second form is most efficient in terms of performance because there is only one string object that is created and is appended to the stringbuffer.
The first form creates three string objects 1) for "new" 2)for "new String" 3) for the concatenated result of 1) and 2). and this third string object is concatenated to the string buffer.
Unless you are working with concurrent systems, use StringBuilder instead of StringBuffer. Its faster but not thread-safe :)
It also shares the same API so its more or less a straight find/replace-
