I have a GWT application, and I want to embed its URL in another web page through an iFrame:
<iframe src=""/>
But I'm getting errors.
If I browsed it in firefox:
Permission denied to access property 'href' (from firebug console)
If I browsed it in chrome:
A dialog pops up saying: Plugin failed to connect to Development Mode server at
I researched a lot but all were in vain.
Using development mode of GWT.
Any help would be appreciated.
OK if someone ever get here cause
he has the same problem and want to know what happened
I will just summarize what we've got.
I'm not sure but I think that the problem was because internet browsers don't let sites to access url that are not in the main page domain (if it was able to do so very bad things would have happened) unless you let them do so.
It's called cross-domain access policy, so there are 2 options for handling it
The easy one- the gwt and the outer html must have the same host.
Let gwt plugin run from the outer html context, it's described here and here but for some reason it wasn't working. we still don't know why.
My workaround (Ubuntu, GWT 2.5.1) was to replace:
__gwt_HostedModePlugin -> parent.__gwt_HostedModePlugin
window.top -> window.parent
in hosted.html
I am dealing with a small problem. I am working on automating few tasks in a web application,i can open the webpage,enter the login,click login,BUT then it starts to act strange. If i click on the login manualy it logs in without a problem.
But if i try to do it via selenium (JAVA jdk1.7.0_75,selenium-java-2.53.1,running on IEDriverServer_Win32_3.4.0) the page opens with error An error has occured.
java.lang.NullPointerException. and with "Window language could not be determined "
The page is on the intranet. I guess the application has a problem with the Webdriver (everything works if i try to automate the task using the VBS).
Dont you know any "workaround" for that?
(I can use only IE,because chrome no longer supports NPAPI so the application does not work in chrome)
InternetExplorerDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
driver.get("*the webpage*");
I think the problem is somewhere in the settings,because as i mentioned,if o open the browser manualy and login,it works,no errors and i get into the app.
But the webdriver "browser" has somehow different settings (i think) so it does not work. Problem is,that we have restricted access to the settings of browser,so i cant do much about that.
Thank you very much for any suggestions/answers/tips!!
Kind Regards,
Jerry Woodburn
I have an angular 2 application that makes http get calls to a tomcat server (Java).
when I make the call, in the browser console, I see a long error ending with
Not sure what the cause is and what the solution might be.
Anyone dealt with this before?
Sorry, JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use this application.
In case you have error JavaScript must be enabled... than you need to turn JavaScript on.
Go to Delop tools (F12) and go to settings in the top-right corner of the window.
In preferences go down to Debugger you will have checkbox to Disable JavaScrip
In spring Tool suite there is no tab for Eclipse Market Place to search any new plugin for install..so i am trying to configure eclipse market place in my sts IDE
Below is the step:
1) go to help
2) select Install New Software Tab
3) After that i am getting window for location select but what location i have to put for market place configure in sts
i try with different kind of location from google but not any work for sts
so anyone having idea regarding this solution then please suggest?
Considering this as a general programming problem, some possible causes are:
The service could be temporarily broken
You could have a problem with a firewall. These could be local or they could be implemented by your ISPs.
Your proxy HTTP settings (if you need one) could be incorrect. This Answer explains how to adjust the Eclipse-internal proxy settings ... if that is where the problem lies.
It is possible that your access may be blocked by over-active antivirus software.
The service could have blacklisted some net range and your hosts IP address is "collateral damage".
Try connecting to that URL with a web browser to try to see if it is just Eclipse that is affected ... or a broader problem.
Considering this in the context of the Eclipse Marketplace service, first address any local proxy / firewall / AV issues, if they apply. If that doesn't help, the best thing that you can do is to be patient.
It has been observed that the Eclipse Marketplace service does sometimes go down. It doesn't happen often, and when it does happen the problem does get fixed relatively quickly. (Hours, not days ...)
I can't find a "service status" page or feed or similar for the Eclipse services. (If you know of one, please add it as a comment below.)
There may be an "outage" notice on the Eclipse front page. Check for that.
Try to connect to the service URL (refer to the exception message!) using a web browser and/or from other locations. If you succeed, the real problem may be a networking issue at your end.
If you feel the need to complain about Eclipse's services, please don't do it here!! (It is off topic.)
I have installed IE8 on my system. I usually test my application on this browser, but the problem arises when i got to know that the client is using IE5. Now how can i test my application on IE5?
I think you can use IEtester application for testing with IE5.5 and above. Just follow this image link to see the screen shot of this application.
currently I'm starting to learn JavaEE. I created a simple donation-management-system which is secured by a login form. In the past I've just deployed my code to JBoss AS 7.1.1 and accessed it via browser.
However I would like to debug my application using Eclipse, as my application is starting to get bigger. I found several tutorials on the web and here at so but they didn't bring the expected result.
Here is what I did:
I edited the "standalone.conf.bat" and uncommented the line
set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n"
Then I created a new "Remote Java Application"-Configuration in Eclipse using localhost as hostname and 8787 as port.
Now my problem is as follows:
When I try to debug the application, the integrated eclipse browser opens up and show the expected web page, but when I enter the credentials and click "Login" I this exception:
HTTP Status 408 - The time allowed for the login process has been exceeded. If you wish to continue you must either click back twice and re-click the link you requested or close and re-open your browser
When I open my application in f.e. Firefox everything works fine.
Any ideas how to fix that? I'm already getting grey hair..
Edit: For the Login-Form I use the j_security_check
Could potentially be an issue with the integrated browser in Eclipse. Perhaps it's not handling session cookies properly.
To eliminate that possibility, I believe that in your general Eclipse preferences you can change the "Web Browser" setting to an external web browser (like Firefox) and see if you still have the issue.