Nightmare Class - floats/strings - java

This is my class reponsible for new item entries, and from the start it has been a complete nightmare, I can't seem to resolve the issues I am facing which are:
setStock(float) in Item cannot be applied to ()
Item entry:
private void writeItemRecord()
// Check to see if we can connect to database table
if ( DataBaseHandler.makeConnectionToitemDB() == -1)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (frame, "Unable to connect to database table (Item)");
else // Ok, so first read data from the text fields
// Read data from form and store data
String Itemname = ItemnameTxtField.getText();
String Itemcode = ItemcodeTxtField.getText();
String Description = DescriptionTxtField.getText();
String Unitprice = UnitpriceTxtField.getText();
String Style = StyleTxtField.getText();
String Finish = FinishTxtField.getText();
String Stock = StockTxtField.getText();
// Convert priceStr to a float
Float fvar = Float.valueOf(Unitprice);
float price = fvar.floatValue();
Float svar = Float.valueOf(Stock);
float stock = svar.floatValue();
// Create a Item oject
Item Item = new Item();
// Set the attributes for the Item object
Item.setItemname (Itemname);
Item.setItemcode (Itemcode);
Item.setDescription (Description);
Item.setUnitprice (price);
// Write Item record. Method writeToItemTable() returns
// 0 of OK writing record, -1 if there is a problem. I store
// the returned value in a variable called error.
int error = DataBaseHandler.writeToItemTable(Item.getItemname(),
// Check if there is a problem writing the record, in
// which case error will contain -1
if (error == -1)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (frame, "Problem writing record to Item Table");
// Clear the form - actual method is coded below
// Close database connection. Report an error message
// if there is a problem.
if ( DataBaseHandler.closeConnection() == -1 )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (frame, "Problem closing data base conection");
} // End
Any help is much appreciated!
And item extracts:
public void setStock(float StockIn)
Stock = StockIn;
public float getStock()
return Stock;

For starters, adhere to Java naming conventions. Nothing except class/interface names is allowed to use CamelCase. Use lowerCamelCase. As for your "problem", you wrote
so obviously it's giving you the error. It is also giving you the exact line number of the error, something that would obviously have helped us to diagnose your problem.
Solution: use Item.getStock() (i suppose, it's hard to tell). Calling Item.setStock at that position (as an argument to a method call) is meaningless anyway, given that setStock is a void method.

Java compiler errors come with a line number - pay attention to it. This is your problem:
setStock() requires a parameter, you are trying to call it without one. Perhaps you meant getStock()? And I suspect that all the calls to set methods in the parameter list to writeToItemTable are also wrong, as those set methods will have void as return value, so you can't use them that way.

The setStock method looks like this:
public void setStock(float StockIn)
To call it, you need to pass a float as an argument. Somewhere in your code, you call the method, like this:
The method needs to be called with the float argument, but instead it's called with none, hence you see a compilation error.

In this code:
int error = DataBaseHandler.writeToItemTable(Item.getItemname(),
// Right here --> Item.setStock(),
Notice that you're calling Item.setStock(), Item.setStyle(Style), etc. instead of Item.getStock(), Item.getStyle(), etc. This is probably the source of your problem - you're trying to call the setStock() method with no arguments, hence the error.
Hope this helps!

This line
// Create a Item oject
Item Item = new Item();
Is problematic. Not only is it bad style in Java to use uppercase names for variables, this particular instance results in a compile error. Also, you're calling setStock without a parameter. You need to fix that as well.

Here is your error:
int error = DataBaseHandler.writeToItemTable(Item.getItemname(),
Item.setStock(), // <<< here! should be getStock()
But again... consider naming/coding conventions.


Converting Optional<> to List<>

I have a section of code that used to utilize Optional<Department>, but due to some errors I worked out I am now converting it to List<Department>. Obviously this means I now have to change the return types and other method calls. Here are my questions:
I changed my returns to "new LinkedList<>()" (indicated in the code below) but is that correct?
There is a red error under ".isPresent" (indicated in the code below) with error message "The method isPresent() is undefined for the type List<Department>". What should I be changing that to?
Below is the updated code with comments indicating where errors are now occurring. Any help and explanations would be GREATLY appreciated!
public List<Department> delete(String department_ID) {
if ((department_ID == null) || (department_ID.isEmpty())) {
return new LinkedList<>(); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< used to be "return Optional.empty();"
List<Department> existing = get(department_ID);
if (existing.isPresent()) { //<<<<<<<<<<< red error under ".isPresent()"
String sql = "DELETE employee.*, department.* " + "FROM employee, department "
+ "WHERE employee.department_ID = :department_ID AND department.department_ID = :department_ID;";
MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
parameters.addValue("department_ID", department_ID);
int rows = jdbcTemplate.update(sql, parameters);
if (rows > 0) {
return existing;
return new LinkedList<>(); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< used to be "return Optional.empty();"
I changed my returns to "new LinkedList<>()" (indicated in the code below) but is that correct?
I have googled the error message for my ".isPresent" error and cant find any explanations that fit
if (existing.isPresent()) { …
… to:
if ( ! list.isEmpty() ) { …
You said:
red error under ".isPresent" (indicated in the code below) with error message "The method isPresent() is undefined for the type List".
The variable existing holds a reference to a List object. If you look at the Javadoc for List, you find no method named isPresent. So of course trying to call a non-existent method generates an error from the compiler.
That isPresent method was from the Optional class. The method checks to see if the optional holds a payload or if the optional is empty.
You seem to be switching to a style where you always expect a List, even if the list is empty (no elements).
If you want to be defensive, you can check that the list object exists.
if ( Objects.nonNull( existing ) ) { … }
But you can omit that null check if you are confident that such a condition cannot exist.
You may want to check if the list is empty, to avoid a needless call to your database. If so, change that code to:
if ( ! list.isEmpty() ) // Perform database work only if list has some elements.
You have other issues. Among them:
Generally the convention in Java is to avoid underscores in names. And generally best to avoid ALL-CAPS. So departmentId, not department_ID.
When returning lists, generally best to return an unmodifiable list. If the calling programmer needs a modifiable list, they can easily make from the returned unmodifiable list.
To get an unmodifiable list, use List.of rather than new LinkedList<>().
I cannot understand why your delete method would return a list. You may believe that you are reporting rows that got deleted, but technically you are not.
By the way, a tip: Text blocks can help with embedded SQL.
Instead of returning new LinkedList<>() you could return List.emptyList().
isPresent() is a method of Optional, but you assign the outcome of method get(department_ID) to an instance of List. You can check the List using
if(!(existing == null || existing.isEmpty())) {

WEKA classifier returns one classification regardless of value

I'm trying to use/import a J48 classifier made in WEKA 3.8.3 (the GUI one) in an Android app, but the resulting class only returns one classification result regardless of the incoming values.
The raw dataset looks like this, so the first answer I could find on SO was to use SMOTE to compensate for this. I couldn't find SMOTE, but from what I can see the ClassBalancer filter achieves the same results. The resulting data looks like this.
These are the results for the raw data, and these are the results for the filtered data.
The J48 class using the raw data only returns a value of 2.0, which would correspond with walking, which I'm guessing is due to the fact that walking is by far the most common classification in the training set. The J48 class using the filtered data only returns a value of 1.0, which I can't quite explain.
I've already tried loading a working classifier from a previous project into the app; this (J48) classifier did return different values. I've also tried manually removing rows of data until all activities had the same amount of entries, but this did not resolve the problem. I've also tried putting in a value I know should correspond to "sitting" manually, but this also did not work.
The instance sent to the classifier looks perfectly fine when I print out the value to the log, so I don't think it's something to do with the input. Just in case I'm missing something obvious though, I'll include the code below:
public double createInstances(double x, double y, double z){
double result = 0;
Instances dataRaw = new Instances("TestInstances", atts, 3);
Log.d(TAG,"Rawdata:" + dataRaw);
Instance inst = new DenseInstance(3);
Log.d(TAG,"NEWDATARAW:" + inst);
try {
result = weka.classifyInstance(inst);
Log.d(TAG,"RESULT:" + result);
catch (Exception e){
Log.e(TAG,"DID NOT WORK:" + e);
return result;
I have also made sure that the attributes are getting added to the Attributes ArrayList "atts".
The only remaining option I can come up with is that there is something wrong with the data format, but I would imagine it would already show signs of problems when creating the algorithm then. This is an example of the ARFF file containing the data.
I've tried entering both datasets (raw/filtered) in a default J48 algorithm, and one with all pruning options disabled in case it was pruning the other activities, but none of these classifiers returned more than one activity.
I think that's all the relevant information, but if I missed anything please tell me so I can add it. I'm fairly sure the problem is somewhere in the classifier itself, but I have no clue what it is exactly.
Turns out WEKA placed the following code in the classifyInstance method:
// set class value to missing
s[i.classIndex()] = null;
This caused the last value in the array (in this case the accel_z value) to be set to null, resulting in the classifier always returning the same value, since this was the first check in the classifier (note the "if(i[2] == null" statement):
static double N69cd8e58128(Object []i) {
double p = Double.NaN;
if (i[2] == null) {
p = 1;
} else if (((Double) i[2]).doubleValue() <= 6.43) {
p = WekaClassifier.Nad3034129(i);
} else if (((Double) i[2]).doubleValue() > 6.43) {
p = WekaClassifier.N26ef16ed242(i);
return p;
I'm not sure what purpose this line normally serves, but removing it seems to have fixed the issue.

Calling Constructor with specified arguments on run time using reflection [Java]

I'm working on this program which takes input from user in form of "new id class arg0 arg1 …" (e.g. new obj1 String int:5 bool:true ...). After parsing this command, i need to create a new instance of the specified class and call its constructor with the "specified arguments". Now this is the part I've been stuck in, because all the examples i saw are like constructor.newInstance(String.class, bool.class) but in my case i'm getting the arguments in form of strings and i'm confused in how to convert them to that above form and call that specific constructor. Number of arguments are also not clear, so is there any easy solution to my problem? (making instance of the given class and calling constructor with the specified number of arguments)
An example command and the action i need to perform is:
new x java.util.ArrayList int:5 --> x refers to “new ArrayList(5)”
Once you have successfully parsed your string, you can use either the Class.getConstructor() or Class.getDeclaredConstructor() to fetch the constructor you want. The main difference between those two methods for your case is that Class.getDeclaredConstructor() will also allow you to call private constructors (anything declared in the source code, hence the name). Here is an example of your test case:
int argListLength = 1; // This should really be the number of parsed arguments
Class[] argumentTypes = new Class[argListLength];
Object[] argumentValues = new Object[argListLength];
// In reality you will want to do the following statement in a loop
// based on the parsed types
argumentTypes[0] = Integer.TYPE;
// In reality you will want to do the following statement in a loop
// based on the parsed values
argumentValues[0] = 5;
Constructor<ArrayList> constructor = null;
try {
consrtuctor = java.util.ArrayList.class.getConstructor(argumentTypes);
} catch(NoSuchMethodException ex) {
System.err.println("Unable to find selected constructor..."); // Display an error
// return or continue would be nice here
ArrayList x = null;
try {
x = constructor.newInstance(argumentValues);
} catch(InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
System.err.println("Unable to call selected constructor..."); // Display an error
// return or continue would be nice here
You may notice that there are a lot of things that can go wrong when calling a constructor. The only special one is InvocationTargetException, which wraps an exception that the successfully invoked constructor threw.

Using User input for the reflection process in java

basically am trying to make java command prompt. Suppose user enters as input from the user:
new x java.util.ArrayList
here x is the object name and java.util.ArrayList is the class. So this script inputed by the user means create an object of class java.util.ArrayList.
Now suppose that user enter:
new x java.util.ArrayList int:5
means create an object x of the java.util.ArrayList and make its size 5. Like this i want that everytime i input something related to object creation as input i should be able to create class its object and its method based on the input that the user does. Am new to java and reflection so kindly help! here is the code i thought so far using my mind:
public static void token_classification() throws ClassNotFoundException
my_hash = new HashMap();
Keep_Obj_Info = new HashMap();
my_hash.put("Object", expression_keeper[1]);
Class Obj= Class.forName(expression_keeper[2]);
Keep_Obj_Info.put("Modifier", Obj.getModifiers());
Constructor[] constructors = Obj.getConstructors();
System.out.println("Invalid Script!");
ExpressionKeeper is basically a String array that keeps the user input in tokenized form. Meaning anything next to a white space to a new location.
Well for Object creation in java; the constructor and it's arguments are required.
you can have a generic framework which will accept input from command prompt and interpret them means find out the data type of the input ex : number/string/char/boolean etc..
Also your framework should know the argument index for example say a constructor has 2 parameter and one is string and another is int. and say first parameter is int and 2nd parameter is String and while passing the parameter from the command line the user first pass string and then int in that scenario your program should be smart enough to properly arrange them in order. So many such things you need to take care of....Now coming to the example which you have mentioned for ArrayList you can write a program as follows : (I have just given you a pseudocode you can implement your own way)
int howManyParametersFromCommandLine = getnoParameterCount; //it will maintain no.of parameters passed from command line
String[] parametersFromCommandLine = getParametersFromcommandLine(); // Ex : {1,"ABC",new Double(80.0d)};
List<Class> parameterTypesList = parseParameters(parametersFromCommandLine); //This will identify type of each of the parameter
Class clazz = Class.forName("youClassName");
Constructor[] cons = clazz.getConstructors();
for(Constructor c : cons)
Class[] parameterTypes = c.getParameterTypes();
if(parameterTypes.length == howManyParametersFromCommandLine)
//try to match the parameter type in parameterTypesList with parameterTypes if this matches then
boolean typeMatchingAndSequecneSucess = matchParameters(parameterTypes,parameterTypesList);
Object[] initargs = parseAndRetActualParamValue(parametersFromCommandLine);
return c.newInstance(initargs);
Hope this will help you !!
You may want to use the Interpreter design pattern. It is used just for that.
The Interpreter is a bit complex, but will ensure you code interpretation works right. Also, it gives you a easy inclusion of new commands.
Take a look at here:
Hope I could help.

Select object dynamically

Here's the situation :
I have 3 objects all named **List and I have a method with a String parameter;
gameList = new StringBuffer();
appsList = new StringBuffer();
movieList = new StringBuffer();
public void fetchData(String category) {
URL url = null;
BufferedReader input;
gameList.delete(0, gameList.length());
Is there a way to do something like the following :
public void fetchData(String category) {
URL url = null;
BufferedReader input;
"category"List.delete(0, gameList.length());
, so I can choose which of the lists to be used based on the String parameter?
I suggest you create a HashMap<String, StringBuffer> and use that:
map = new HashMap<String, StringBuffer>();
map.put("game", new StringBuffer());
map.put("apps", new StringBuffer());
map.put("movie", new StringBuffer());
public void fetchData(String category) {
StringBuffer buffer = map.get(category);
if (buffer == null) {
// No such category. Throw an exception?
} else {
// Do whatever you need to
If the lists are fields of your object - yes, using reflection:
Field field = getClass().getDeclaredField(category + "List");
List result = field.get();
But generally you should avoid reflection. And if your objects are fixed - i.e. they don't change, simply use an if-clause.
The logically simplest way taking your question as given would just be:
StringBuffer which;
if (category.equals("game"))
else if (category.equals("apps"))
else if (category.equals("movie"))
... some kind of error handling ...
As Jon Skeet noted, if the list is big or dynamic you probably want to use a map rather than an if/else/if.
That said, I'd encourage you to use integer constant or an enum rather than a String. Like:
enum ListType {GAME, APP, MOVIE};
void deleteList(ListType category)
if (category==GAME)
... etc ...
In this simple example, if this is all you'd ever do with it, it wouldn't matter much. But I'm working on a system now that uses String tokens for this sort of thing all over the place, and it creates a lot of problems.
Suppose you call the function and by mistake you pass in "app" instead of "apps", or "Game" instead of "game". Or maybe you're thinking you added handling for "song" yesterday but in fact you went to lunch instead. This will successfully compile, and you won't have any clue that there's a problem until run-time. If the program does not throw an error on an invalid value but instead takes some default action, you could have a bug that's difficult to track down. But with an enum, if you mis-spell the name or try to use one that isn't defined, the compiler will immediately alert you to the error.
Suppose that some functions take special action for some of these options but not others. Like you find yourself writing
if (category.equals("app"))
and that sort of thing. Then someone reading the program sees a reference to "app" here, a reference to "game" 20 lines later, etc. It could be difficult to determine what all the possible values are. Any given function might not explicitly reference them all. But with an enum, they're all neatly in one place.
You could use a switch statement
StringBuffer buffer = null;
switch (category) {
case "game": buffer = gameList;
case "apps": buffer = appsList;
case "movie": buffer = movieList;
default: return;
