inline::java and strawberry perl - java

I Tried to install this module : Inline::Java with strawberry perl 5.10 i get the below error message :
dmake: Error code 129, while making '..\blib\arch\auto\Inline\Java\JNI\JNI.dll'
dmake.EXE: Error code 255, while making 'subdirs'
C:\strawberry\c\bin\dmake.EXE -- NOT OK
Running make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make install
Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Failed during this command:
PATL/Inline-Java-0.53.tar.gz : make NO
where the following environent varialbes are defined as below :
also all the jdk1.7.0 subdirectories are added to the path environment variable .
Could someone have a hint what could be this error?
and how can i correct it if possible ?

The issue is covered in this FAQ:
Strawberry Perl - Win32 Wiki
Please edit you post title to indicate you want help with an build issue.


Reason and fix for "Error: Could not find or load main class Anne" on Scala Getting started tutorial

I'm just starting out with Scala and have been following its Getting Started instructions. The second part of the instruction involves pulling the hello-world template by running the sbt new scala/hello-world.g8 command.
My problem is that it keeps on giving me this error:
Error: Could not find or load main class Anne
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Anne
I'd like to know the reason for this, as well as any possible fix I might use.
The following is my insight and attempts on fixing this problem.
1. I might have a problem with java installation/scala/sbt installation that needs this class Anne since even with other sbt commands like sbt sbtVersion I get the same error
1. Change command to retrieve from full url:
sbt new
2.(Edit): Previously I thought the repository scala/hello-world.g8 did not exist and tried getting from other repositories with no luck and with the same error as above. However it was pointed out below that the repository actually exists in this url, thanks Dmytro Mitin.
I was looking into the incorrect account (sbt) instead of (scala)
(Edit): Day 2
3. Uninstall/Reinstall sbt -- still getting the error
4. Checked if java running properly by compiling sample code and running ( successful )
I was actually running the command in Visual Studio Code's bash terminal. I tried running it with cmd and everything's now working fine.

Why couldn't "org.antlr.v4.runetime.misc.TestRig" not be found or load?

So, here's my problem. I've got my ANTLR4 code successfully compiled, without errors and now I want to test it out. The ANTLR4 Documentation tells me, to test my applications, I shall do this:
java org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.TestRig
I've tried this and got following error:
Error: Main Class org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.TestRig couldn't be found or load.
I've checked if my CLASSPATH wasn't set, but everything was correctly set as it should be. I also tried moving the file directly to my test folder and opened CMD there and tried it again, I occur the same error. Searching in the Internet didn't help, as no one seemed to have occurred this error with ANTLR4 before.
There seems to be something wrong with your classpath, contrary to your belief everything is okay.
When I download the ANTLR 4 JAR and run TestRig:
java -cp antlr-4.4-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.TestRig
I see the following on my console:
java org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.TestRig GrammarName startRuleName
[-tokens] [-tree] [-gui] [-ps] [-encoding encodingname]
[-trace] [-diagnostics] [-SLL]
Use startRuleName='tokens' if GrammarName is a lexer grammar.
Omitting input-filename makes rig read from stdin.

jython 2.5.3 on unix : interactive shell with command completion

After having spend 4 days on searching for a working solution, i guess i need to ask.
So far i'm successfully working withj jython 2.5.2 or 2.5.3, with a modifier that loads what i need. It connects successfully to a DeploymentManager with either IPC or SOAP connector.
However it lacks the readline module:
wsadmin>import readline
WASX7015E: Exception running command: "import readline"; exception information: exception from Jython:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr2/produits/websphere7/AppServer/thinClient/lib/jython/Lib/", line 20, in <module>
raise ImportError("Cannot access JLineConsole")
ImportError: Cannot access JLineConsole
The goal is to make it interactive, with colored prompt and sofort.
I tried so far with absolutely no success:
org.python.util.JLineConsole / org.python.util.ReadlineConsole (misses readline module)
Readline-1.7 (does nothing)
java-readline / libreadline-java-0.8.0 (misses readline module)
JLine (won't load the jar)
pyreadline (won't integrate to jython)
is it possible with jython 2.5.3 under IBM AIX 64, with a thinClient (jython-installer-2.5.3.jar) to have a real interactive shell with bash like completion and command recall using arrow keys, without having to build/compile something ?
if yes, please somebody describe a working solution:
what's the solution name ?
what's in your ?
which libraries to load in LIBPATH ?
which class to load in CLASSPATH ?
which command line to invoque with java ?
There are so many "solutions" or "propositions" to this frenquently asked question on the web, but nowhere did i found a well described or working solution. Too much information scattered all around just becomes a mess :(
thanks for any help !
ok i found a workaround, that was so easy to answer myself:
rlwrap -H $THIN_CLIENT_HOME/logs/rlwrap.history.log -f $THIN_CLIENT_HOME/etc/rlwrap.jython.words.txt -r -pBlue -z $THIN_CLIENT_HOME/etc/ $CMDLINE
org.python.util.* and are mutually incompatible

Writing CGI script in Java

I trying to figure out how to write CGI scripts in Java.
I followed this examples ->
It provide, hello.html and
Everything seems fine, but in the html part.
The action is pointed to cgi_lib/hello.cgi
There's no cgi provided. So I tried with cgi_lib/, and it print the entire source code in the
Then i tried to edit the extensions into hello.cgi, and tried again.
The browser returns me error 500.
What is the problem?
Is it that, there's some specific method to compile the into hello.cgi?
The script in hello.cgi is different from
Please help.
Thank you.
I added hello.cgi
java -Dcgi.content_type=$CONTENT_TYPE -Dcgi.content_length=$CONTENT_LENGTH - Dcgi.request_method=$REQUEST_METHOD -Dcgi.query_string=$QUERY_STRING -Dcgi.server_name=$SERVER_NAME -Dcgi.server_port=$SERVER_PORT -Dcgi.script_name=$SCRIPT_NAME -Dcgi.path_info=$PATH_INFO hello
So is the $CONTENT_TYPE, $CONTENT_LENGTH,... remain the same? Or should I enter something?
Just to make things clearer.
I put the the cgi_lib, and hello.cgi in the C:\xampp\cgi-lib
And the hello.html in C:\xampp\htdocs\test
When I tried to connect it returns me this
Server error!
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Error message:
couldn't create child process: 720002: hello.cgi
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 500
Apache/2.4.3 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.1c PHP/5.4.7
I had check the httpd.conf in c:\xampp\apache\conf and configure according to this
LoadModule cgi_module modules/
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/cgi-bin/"
Seems to be already enable.
So whats the problem right now?
The contents of hello.cgi is shown at the top of page 2 of the article.
java -Dcgi.content_type=$CONTENT_TYPE -Dcgi.content_length=$CONTENT_LENGTH -Dcgi.request_method=$REQUEST_METHOD -Dcgi.query_string=$QUERY_STRING -Dcgi.server_name=$SERVER_NAME -Dcgi.server_port=$SERVER_PORT -Dcgi.script_name=$SCRIPT_NAME -Dcgi.path_info=$PATH_INFO hello
The article says that you will execute the java jar from within a cgi script. You need to make sure that this script is set up to execute your jar file by making the correct calls to the java executable with your hello.jar file as the parameter. Also make sure your web server is configured correctly to allow the execution of cgi scripts.
You also have to chmod of your cgi and java files so others can execute them.

Error message when trying to write a xlsx.-file with R

I try to save some R-dataframes into .xlsx-files using the write.xlsx function of the xlsx package like this
whereas the object tab is a data frame, as prooved here
> class(tab)
[1] "data.frame"
When I run the code I get the following error message
> write.xlsx(tab,file="test.xlsx",sheetName="testsheet",col.names=TRUE,row.names=FALSE,append=FALSE)
Fehler in .jcall("RJavaTools", "Z", "hasField", .jcast(x, "java/lang/Object"), :
RcallMethod: cannot determine object class
and I have no particular idea what the problem could be.
PS: I'm running R 2.14.1 in the StatET 2.0 plugin in Eclipse 3.7 on a 64bit machine.
When you work in Eclipse, you can start R using either rj - a Java terminal, or RTerm - the native R terminal.
If you are using the rj terminal and something doesn't work, try the same thing with RTerm.
I have never tried to figure out why, but a few things don't work properly in rj. This includes all use of RCOM as well as printing of the return value of system().
I use rj by default because I like the way it deals with help (amongst other benefits).
But if things don't work, I try it in RTerm. One day I'll have some spare time and I'll take it up with the author.
PS. I want to stress that I absolutely love StatET in Eclipse. These oddities or rj are very minor inconveniences in the grand scheme of things.
From my experience these kind of errors are produced when the standard rj package is installed instead of the one supplied bij the StatET developer.
Check the installation guide here:
If you would happen to be using Debian or Ubuntu, you can also use the repository from OpenAnalytics to install StatET and the correct rj packages in one go.
I had same problem. Two codes work with my problem:
FIRST) Convert vector to dataframe:
data <- data.frame(c(1,2,3))
write.xlsx(data, file = "C:/Users/Name/Downloads/data.xlsx")
SECOND) Use another library:
`# Using openxlsx package
dataD1 <- data.frame(c(1,2,3))
write.xlsx(dataD1, "C:/Users/Name/Downloads/dataD1.xlsx")
I hope you have solved your problem.
