Missing APIs in Google Tasks API Java library - java

I'm trying to write a Tasks app for Android, using the v1.3 library here:
As per the Javadoc, the TaskList class has a getUpdated() API, returning the last-modification time of the list. However, it's missing in the library and I need this API. Any reason why it's missing and how I can get it?

The API was added in v1.6 of the library. Not sure why it was missing before.


How to send files to telegram bot kotlin?

I have a spring-boot kotling gradle project. I added this dependency to work with telegram-api:
I implemented my LongPolling bot. Sending plain text is pretty easy with SendMessage. But now I want to send files. In my attached library there is an entity SendDocument. But I have absolutely no idea how to work with it. And when I call and fill SendDocumentBuilder() I get the following message:
"Cannot access '': it is package-private in
Can you please tell me how to send a file without webHook bot implementation and without direct rest call of telegram-api end-points?
Is it possible to limit the api of the library I plugged in? How to initialize SendDocument entity to call execute() method later?
If you are using Kotlin, I would advise you to actually choose libraries written in it, they will provide a more elegant api.
I'm also recently switched to Kotlin and found a couple of interesting libraries, so far I've settled on some new library, I found the syntax more convenient.

How to get all AccountSubTypeEnums for a given AccountTypeEnum?

I am integrating Quickbooks Java API in my project. I am trying to get the AccountSubTypeEnums for a given AccountType. Is there an API to handle this?
There is no API for this.
However, Intuit does publish .XSDs for the schema, which contain all of the constants used, and are available here:

TWSz Java API current plan status

Is it possible to get Current Plan status using Java API? I try to call many methods from ZConnPlan but without success. Maybe is another way?
This information is currently not available via Java APIs for TWSz.
I suggest to open an RFE to TWSz for it.
If you can provide more details about the scenario you are trying to implement, I can try to find a workaround.

Whether it Library org.garret.prest?

I discovered this when decompiler an application, no one knows what it's kind of a Library? I found it in an Android app, because I want to look to try the library
It's a database library called Perst.

Podio API, attaching files to items

I have a problem with attaching a file to a specific item using Java API. I know it should be possible as this functionality described here in the Podio documentation https://developers.podio.com/doc/files/attach-file-22518 and examples for PHP and Ruby are given. However I cannot find such method in the podio java library. I could find in FileAPI just methods that provide uploading files, but not attaching them to specific objects as described in documentation.
I use Podio APi version 0.7.1
Any ideas how it should be done in Java?
Podio uses a REST-Style API. You send standard http-request, and you get back json-formatted data. So you can do it all without a special library for your programming language.
If there is no predefined java class for you, you can just do the call yourself. In the end it is just a HTTP-call.
From the ruby implemention, I see that you attach the file as multipart/form-data,
so it is the same a browser would do it. There should be http-handling java classes to help you.
You also need to add the information from the API-Page, like the POST-Parameters and of course the url. The most difficult part is probably the authentication headers, but you need to solve this problem only once.
