Using gson to parse json to java object - java

I want to parse a json data into a java object, then post it to a .jsp to then turn it back into a json object so I can put it into a javascript array.
Here is an example of the data I want to parse:
"LoanList" = [ {"Loan" : "One","Lat" : "35.65365", "Lng" : "123.1331" , "Bal" : "4565" , "Address" : "Address 1" , "Delinquency" : "True')]
After reading about it, I decided to use gson to parse the data: After reading other questions about this topic, I wrote two classes.
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class JSON1 {
ArrayList<innerData> Loanlst;
public ArrayList<innerData> getLoanlst() {
return Loanlst;
public void setLoanlst(ArrayList<innerData> Loanlst) {
this.Loanlst = Loanlst;
import java.math.*;
public class innerData {
public String loan;
public BigDecimal lat;
public BigDecimal lng;
public BigDecimal bal;
public String addrs;
public String delinq;
public String getLoan() {
return loan;
public void setLoan(String loan){ = loan;
public BigDecimal getLat() {
return lat;
public void setLat(BigDecimal lat){ = lat;
public BigDecimal getLng() {
return lng;
public void setLng(BigDecimal lng){
this.lng = lng;
public BigDecimal getBal() {
return bal;
public void setBal(BigDecimal bal){
this.bal = bal;
public String getAddrs() {
return addrs;
public void setAddrs(String addrs){
this.addrs = addrs;
public String getDelinq() {
return delinq;
public void setDelinq(String delinq){
this.delinq = delinq;
Here is where I am stuck, Where do I create my new Gson() to parse the data before I send it?

Using your class you should be able to do something like:
InnerData obj = new InnerData(...);//fill in with data
Gson gson = new Gson();
// convert java object to JSON format,
// and returned as JSON formatted string
String json = gson.toJson(obj);
check an example here and here
Tip: try creating a main class to run it separately.

try this:
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonObject jsonObject=parser.parse("your string").getAsJsonObject();
also if it is a jsonArray ,change getAsJsonObject to getAsJsonArray
also jackson offers an easy to to parser string to json
you can search jackson apache


Java - Extract array String from JSON and convert to JSON format

I have a JSON String as below:
"{ \"password\":\"des123\",\"ROU_DATA\":[{\"FORM_RECEIVING_TIME\":\"12:00:00\",\"REMARKS\":\"Redemption of Unit\"}, {\"FORM_RECEIVING_TIME\":\"13:00:00\",\"REMARKS\":\"sALE of Unit\"}] }";
Now I want to extract the Array from it and need to use it as a separate pojo class so that I can iterate over each value..
Now the problem is, when I try to convert the complete String to Map and get the Array value from the map.. It transforms its format to MAp format like:
{FORM_RECEIVING_DATE = 12:00:00, etc..}
However json string should be {"FORM_RECEIVING_DATE": "12:00:00", etc..}
due to the MAp format its now allowing me to parse it using my POJO Class..
Please help to convert it to my JSONFormat ...
**NOTE: Please note that I can only use Jackson **.
ObjectMapper mapper2 = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, Object> map;
map = mapper2.readValue(json, new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>(){});
System.out.println("map: " + map.get("ROU_DATA") );
String array = map.get("ROU_DATA").toString();
String json2 = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(array.replace("[", "").replace("]", ""));
String json3 = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(json2);
System.out.println("json2>>" + json2);
System.out.println("json2>>" + json3);
mapper.configure(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_UNQUOTED_FIELD_NAMES, true);
// 1. convert JSON array to Array objects
ROU[] pp1 = mapper.readValue("{" + array.replace("=", ":") + "}", ROU[].class);
for (ROU person : pp1) {
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
public class ROU {
private String formdate;
private String remarks;
public String getFormdate() {
return formdate;
public void setFormdate(String formdate) {
this.formdate = formdate;
public String getRemarks() {
return remarks;
public void setRemarks(String remarks) {
this.remarks = remarks;
map.get("ROU_DATA") returns a List object, and the toString() method of List does not generate JSON text.
You don't need to convert back to a JSON text just to get the ROU[] created, just call convertValue(...).
String input = "{ \"password\":\"des123\",\"ROU_DATA\":[{\"FORM_RECEIVING_TIME\":\"12:00:00\",\"REMARKS\":\"Redemption of Unit\"}, {\"FORM_RECEIVING_TIME\":\"13:00:00\",\"REMARKS\":\"sALE of Unit\"}] }";
ObjectMapper mapper2 = new ObjectMapper();
Map<?, ?> json = mapper2.readValue(input, Map.class);
ROU[] pp1 = mapper2.convertValue(json.get("ROU_DATA"), ROU[].class);
for (ROU person : pp1)
Redemption of Unit
sALE of Unit
class A
public class ROU {
private String formdate;
private String remarks;
public String getFormdate() {
return formdate;
public void setFormdate(String formdate) {
this.formdate = formdate;
public String getRemarks() {
return remarks;
public void setRemarks(String remarks) {
this.remarks = remarks;
class B
public class ObjOuter {
private String password;
private List<ROU> rous;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
public List<ROU> getRous() {
return rous;
public void setRous(List<ROU> rous) {
this.rous = rous;
json to Object
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
ObjOuter outer = mapper.readValue(str, ObjOuter.class);
for (ROU rou : outer.getRous()) {
} catch (IOException e) {

Gson property order in android

I have integrated Gson to create the json used in a request for an android application.
Here is my model class
public class TwitterUser {
public String gid;
public String icon_url;
public Boolean is_app_user;
public String displayName;
public TwitterUser(String l, String i, String url, Boolean app_user) {
gid = i;
displayName = l;
icon_url = url;
is_app_user = app_user;
public TwitterUser(String l, String i) {
gid = i;
displayName = l;
public String getGid() {
return gid;
public void setGid(String gid) {
this.gid = gid;
public String getIcon_url() {
return icon_url;
public void setIcon_url(String icon_url) {
this.icon_url = icon_url;
public Boolean getIs_app_user() {
return is_app_user;
public void setIs_app_user(Boolean is_app_user) {
this.is_app_user = is_app_user;
public String getDisplayName() {
return displayName;
public void setDisplayName(String displayName) {
this.displayName = displayName;
Here is how i create the json request
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation().create();
But when I send the request to the server - the order will be rejected. I have to change the request's field order to stay:
but gson creates other way around, is there any way to achieve this.
Gson doesn't support definition of property order out of the box, but there are other libraries that do. Jackson allows defining this with #JsonPropertyOrder, for example.
But of course Gson has it's way so you can do it by creating your very own Json serializer:
public class TwitterUserSerializer implements JsonSerializer<TwitterUser> {
public JsonElement serialize(TwitterUser twitterUser, Type type, JsonSerializationContext context) {
JsonObject object = new JsonObject();
object.add("gid", context.serialize(twitterUser.getGid());
object.add("displayName", context.serialize(twitterUser.getDisplayName());
// ...
return object;
Then of course you need to pass this serializer to Gson during Setup like this:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(TwitterUser.class, new TwitterUserSerializer()).excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation().create();
String json = gson.toJson(twitterUser);
See also:
Gson User Guide - Custom serializers and deserializers

Json API Parsing troubles with Java

I'm running into a few issues similar to what others have had in the past with Json parsing in Java. This is the first time I try something like this so any help/tips is extremely useful.
I'm trying to parse in data from this site:
I have tried numerous ways with both Json and Gson. And have tried looking for help here but to no avail.
Here are the classes that are set up (these were auto generated):
public class Info{
private String display_URL;
private String display_name;
private Rates[] rates;
private String source;
private Number volume_btc;
private Number volume_percent;
public String getDisplay_URL(){
return this.display_URL;
public void setDisplay_URL(String display_URL){
this.display_URL = display_URL;
public String getDisplay_name(){
return this.display_name;
public void setDisplay_name(String display_name){
this.display_name = display_name;
public Rates[] getRates(){
return this.rates;
public void setRates(Rates[] rates){
this.rates = rates;
public String getSource(){
return this.source;
public void setSource(String source){
this.source = source;
public Number getVolume_btc(){
return this.volume_btc;
public void setVolume_btc(Number volume_btc){
this.volume_btc = volume_btc;
public Number getVolume_percent(){
return this.volume_percent;
public void setVolume_percent(Number volume_percent){
this.volume_percent = volume_percent;
public class Rates {
private Number ask;
private Number bid;
private Number last;
public Number getAsk(){
return this.ask;
public void setAsk(Number ask){
this.ask = ask;
public Number getBid(){
public void setBid(Number bid){ = bid;
public Number getLast(){
return this.last;
public void setLast(Number last){
this.last = last;
public class MainClass {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Gson gson = new Gson();
String json = readUrl("");
Info page = gson.fromJson(json, Info.class);
private static String readUrl(String urlString) throws Exception {
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
URL url = new URL(urlString);
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
int read;
char[] chars = new char[1024];
while ((read = != -1)
buffer.append(chars, 0, read);
return buffer.toString();
} finally {
if (reader != null)
When I try to call a getter, a null is returned.
How do I go about parsing the data properly, and then being able to call an attribute from which ever object I want? For example, if I want an attribute from "anx_hk" or "bitfinex".
This is the first time me posting something here so I hope I'm following the proper guidelines.
I also plan on passing this over to Android once I get the fell for parsing Json better. Thanks for the help! It'll greatly be appreciated.
I'll be honest with you, that's a pretty lame API response. Here it is
"anx_hk": {
"display_URL": "",
"display_name": "ANXBTC",
"rates": {
"ask": 454.26,
"bid": 444.46,
"last": 443.78
"source": "bitcoincharts",
"volume_btc": 11.73,
"volume_percent": 0.02
"timestamp": "Fri, 04 Apr 2014 04:30:26 -0000",
There's no JSON array here, so you can get rid of all your array types. This response is a JSON object, which contains a bunch of JSON objects (which share a format) and a JSON name value pair where the name is timestamp.
The common JSON objects have two fields of type double (that's what type your field should be, not Number)
"volume_btc": 11.73,
"volume_percent": 0.02
, three fields of type String
"display_URL": "",
"display_name": "ANXBTC",
"source": "bitcoincharts",
and one that is a JSON object that contains three more doubles
"rates": {
"ask": 454.26,
"bid": 444.46,
"last": 443.78
The actual issue here is that, I'm assuming, the JSON objects in the root JSON object have names that may change or new ones may be added. This is not a good fit for a POJO. Instead you'd want to use a Map<String, Info>, but Gson can't map to that by default. It is not well suited for such deserialization. You'd have to provide your own TypeAdapter.
Instead, I'm going to suggest you use Jackson.
If we put that all together, we get something like
class ApiResponse {
private Map<String, Info> page = new HashMap<>();
private Date timestamp;
public Map<String, Info> getPage() {
return page;
public void setPage(String name, Info value) {
page.put(name, value);
public Date getTimestamp() {
return timestamp;
public void setTimestamp(Date timestamp) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
class Info {
private String display_URL;
private String display_name;
private Rates rates;
private String source;
private Double volume_btc;
private Double volume_percent;
public String getDisplay_URL() {
return this.display_URL;
public void setDisplay_URL(String display_URL) {
this.display_URL = display_URL;
public String getDisplay_name() {
return this.display_name;
public void setDisplay_name(String display_name) {
this.display_name = display_name;
public Rates getRates() {
return this.rates;
public void setRates(Rates rates) {
this.rates = rates;
public String getSource() {
return this.source;
public void setSource(String source) {
this.source = source;
public Double getVolume_btc() {
return this.volume_btc;
public void setVolume_btc(Double volume_btc) {
this.volume_btc = volume_btc;
public Double getVolume_percent() {
return this.volume_percent;
public void setVolume_percent(Double volume_percent) {
this.volume_percent = volume_percent;
class Rates {
private Double ask;
private Double bid;
private Double last;
public Number getAsk() {
return this.ask;
public void setAsk(Double ask) {
this.ask = ask;
public Double getBid() {
public void setBid(Double bid) { = bid;
public Double getLast() {
return this.last;
public void setLast(Double last) {
this.last = last;
With deserialization code such as
String json = readUrl("");
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
ApiResponse response = mapper.readValue(json, ApiResponse.class);
With appropriate toString() methods (mine were auto-generated with Eclipse), you would get something like
ApiResponse [pages={bitkonan=Info [display_URL=, display_name=BitKonan, rates=Rates [ask=475.0, bid=438.01, last=437.0], source=api, volume_btc=7.24, volume_percent=0.01], vaultofsatoshi=Info [display_URL=, display_name=Vault of Satoshi, rates=Rates [ask=460.0, bid=460.0, last=460.0], source=api, volume_btc=11.46, volume_percent=0.02], bitstamp=Info [display_URL=, display_name=Bitstamp, rates=Rates [ask=439.16, bid=436.34, last=436.34], source=api, volume_btc=22186.29, volume_percent=35.19], ...}, timestamp=Fri Apr 04 01:02:43 EDT 2014]
as output.
The api response contains many objects, but seems that you are trying to read them as a single Info object.
You may try to read the response as a Map<String, Info>, and iterate the entries.
Map<String, Info> hashMap = gson.fromJson(body, HashMap.class);
for (Map.Entry entry : hashMap.entrySet()) {
// your code

Mule JSON data to objects

I have a json object
data = {
'ad': {
"text":"John john",
'cc-info': {
"amount": "70",
"cardNumber": "4222222222222",
"expiryDate": "1215",
"currency": "ISK"
'dates': [
{ 'date': '2013-06-18', 'media': 1 },
{ 'date': '2013-06-19', 'media': 3 }
Then I have a subflow that takes the "cc-info" part of that json object and uses that data to call a third party service.
To extract the "cc-info" part of the json object I use #JsonAutoDetect class
public class Handpoint {
private String amount;
private String cardNumber;
private String expiryDate;
private String currency;
public String getAmount() { return this.amount; }
public void setAmount(String amount) { this.amount = amount; }
public String getCardNumber() { return this.cardNumber; }
public void setCardNumber(String cardNumber) { this.cardNumber = cardNumber; }
public String getExpiryDate() { return this.expiryDate; }
public void setExpiryDate(String expireDate) { this.expiryDate = expireDate; }
public String getCurrency() { return this.currency; }
public void setCurrency(String currency) { this.currency = currency; }
When I send in the whole json object I get an error.
The question is: Do I have to put every variable in the json object into my #JsonAutoDetect class ?
Or what would be best practice for this.
I have verified that my code works when I just send in the "cc-info" part of the json objcet.
You don't need that #JsonAutoDetect, it doesn't do anything different from defaults without arguments.
But if your question is whether you can just ignore unknown properties, answer is yes. Here are couple of ways.
For example:
would do the trick.
There is an easier way to convert your JSON element to a series of objects. Have you tried the Google GSon library? There is a sample:
Gson gson = new Gson();
Handpoint testing = gson.fromJson(data, Handpoint.class);
System.out.println("Amount: " + testing.getAmount());
On the other hand, if you want to deserialize the dates, that contain arrays, you'd better take a look here:
Gson Array deserialization

Gson json unable to get the result

Please i have a json response String like this:
{"result":{"id":21456,"name":"3mm nail","type":"2" }}
and this is my code:
class rootObj{
List<Result> result;
public class Result {
public String idItem;
public String name;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Gson gson = new Gson();
Result result = gson.fromJson(json,Result.class);
But the result is null :(
Thx in advance.
So.. This code is what i was aiming:
class ResultData{
private Result result;
public class Result {
private String id;
private String name;
Gson gson = new Gson();
ResultData resultData = new Gson().fromJson(json, ResultData.class);
Thx to BalusC gave me the idea about it.
Java - Gson parsing nested within nested
In your JSON string your result property is an Object not an Array. So to make it work with your two Java classes (rootObj and Result) you need to add [brackets] around your {braces}
{"result":{"id":21456,"name":"3mm nail","type":"2" }}
{"result":[{"id":21456,"name":"3mm nail","type":"2" }]}
This code works for me:
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestGson {
private static final String NAME = "3mm nail";
public void testList() {
final String json = "{\"result\":[{\"id\":21456,\"name\":\"" + NAME + "\",\"type\":\"2\" }]}";
Gson gson = new Gson();
ListWrapper wrapper = gson.fromJson(json, ListWrapper.class);
assertEquals(NAME, wrapper.result.get(0).name);
static class ListWrapper {
List<Result> result;
static class ObjectWrapper {
Result result;
static class Result {
public int idItem;
public String name;
refer this ..It explaining how to parse the json without using the GSON
