I am trying to send a List by GET method.
Here is my Server side:
public List<User> getUsers(){
return managment.getUsers();
And my client side:
public static void getUsers(){
try {
ClientConfig clientConfig = new DefaultClientConfig();
clientConfig.getFeatures().put(JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING, Boolean.TRUE);
Client client = Client.create(clientConfig);
WebResource webResource = client
ClientResponse response = webResource.accept("application/json")
if (response.getStatus() != 200) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed : HTTP error code : "
+ response.getStatus());
List users = response.getEntity(List.class);
User user = (User) users.get(0); //cannot cast
I have problem with cast from Java Object to User. How can I send this List ?
Thanks in advance.
Use GenericType.
List<User> users = webResource.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
.get(new GenericType<List<User>>() {});
ClientResponse also overloads getEntity to accept GenericTypes.
List<User> users = response.getEntity(new GenericType<List<User>>() {});
I have to call one secured endpoint from rest client and at the controller side it require the authorities and user principal information to be sent from client.
String endpoint="http://localhost:8096/polygons/34";
// endpoint="https://dop-int.edosdp.ericsson.se/polygon-manager/polygons/34";
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.setBasicAuth("mahi", "ChangeM6");
HttpEntity<String> httpEntity = new HttpEntity<String>(headers);
ResponseEntity<Long> exchange = restTemplate.exchange(endpoint,HttpMethod.GET, httpEntity, Long.class);
how can send at least one role(ADMIN or GUEST_USER) information from client .
IS there any way I can wrap up all user info in a dummy session and send it to the serer.
Thanks ,
No! It's a bad idea for the client to modify any kind of session information including cookies. Only the server should be allowed to do that.
Since your requirement is to check for user role on a specific url, you can set a custom request header and check for it within the controller method itself:
Example code:
public String getPolygons(HttpServletRequest request) {
String userRole = request.getHeader("user-role");
if(userRole != null && userRole.toLowerCase().equals("admin")) {
System.out.print("Role provided: " + userRole);
// ...
return "some-data";
System.out.print("Role not provided!");
return "error";
You could also set the user role in the request body for a post request.
public class RequestParams {
private String userRole;
// ...
public String getPolygons(#RequestBody RequestParams requestParams) {
String userRole = requestParams.getUserRole();
if(userRole != null && userRole.toLowerCase().equals("admin")) {
System.out.print("Role provided: " + userRole);
// ...
return "some-data";
System.out.print("Role not provided!");
return "error";
If your requirement is to check for the user role on multiple urls then you should consider writing a servlet filter.
I think I too faced a similar situation in the past. I ended up using apache's httpclient library instead of resttemplate.
Here's some sample code:
private List<OrganizationDTO> getUserOrgUnits(String loggedInUserId, String token) {
List<OrganizationDTO> userList = new ArrayList<OrganizationDTO>();
CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault();
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(getUserOrgUnitsApiURL());
try {
// Setting header
httpGet.setHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
httpGet.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
// Setting custom header
httpGet.setHeader(USERID_HEADER_NAME, loggedInUserId);
CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpGet);
String result = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
JsonNode node = null;
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
node = mapper.readTree(result);
Iterable<JsonNode> list = node.path("data");
for (JsonNode jsonNode : list) {
OrganizationDTO dto = mapper.treeToValue(jsonNode, OrganizationDTO.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("getUserOrgUnits: Exception.");
return userList;
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget webTarget = client.target(urlApi);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : queryParams.entrySet()) {
webTarget.queryParam(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
Invocation.Builder builder = webTarget.request();
builder.header("id", "ABC");
String asB64 = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString("ABC:PWD".getBytes("utf-8"));
logger.debug("Calling API "+urlApi);
builder.header("Authorization", "Basic "+asB64);
builder.header("Content-type", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
response = builder.get();
responseData = response.readEntity(String.class);
I am trying to do GET request with searchCondition as Key and value as {mobileNo="+919999999999"}, I am unable to get this to work.
Apart from that, how can I print the Request "Headers" along with "Query params"? Thank you in advance
I think you need to encode the value inputs, something like this:
webTarget.queryParam("searchCondition", URLEncoder.encode("{mobileNo=\"+919999999999\"}", StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString()));
Example of the rest client with Spring:
public void testStack() throws Exception {
RestTemplate rest = new RestTemplate();
String fooResourceUrl="http://localhost:8080/usersParam?";
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
String parameter = "{mobileNo=\"+919999999999\"}";
ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.getForEntity(fooResourceUrl + "parameter=" + URLEncoder.encode(parameter, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString() ), String.class);
And this would be the rest service:
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value="/usersParam")
public User getUsersInfo(#RequestParam String parameter) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
System.out.println(URLDecoder.decode(parameter, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString() ));
return null;
I am trying to do a java rest web service using "POST" method.But i am unable to access the passed parameter. Here is my client part to invoke the web service.
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Client client = Client.create();
WebResource webResource = client.resource("http://localhost:8080/wsRevDash/rest/post/testing");
Form form=new Form();
ClientResponse response = webResource.type("application/json")
if (response.getStatus() != 201) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed : HTTP error code : "
+ response.getStatus());
System.out.println("Output from Server .... \n");
String output = response.getEntity(String.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
And here is my java rest web service.
public String createDataInJSON(#FormParam("sc") String data) {
JSONObject jObjDevice = new JSONObject();
return jObjDevice.toJSONString();
When i run on SoapUI,I am getting {"Hello":null}.
Please suggest me some way to cope with this.
Try changing form to a String:
String input = new Gson().toJson(form);
And pass in input to the response:
ClientResponse response = webResource.type("application/json")
And amend your web service to something like:
public Response createDataInJSON(String data) {
String result = "Hello: " + data;
return Response.status(200).entity(result).build();
And you need to remove 'testing' from your initial path:
WebResource webResource = client.resource("http://localhost:8080/wsRevDash/rest/post/testing"); <---- here
And include a slash before it in the web service:
I am just new to JAX-RS. When I Use query params with post request in the client it is returning null values. Here is my code.
Resource WebService Code:
public class JSONService {
public Response addUser(
#QueryParam("name") String name,
#QueryParam("age") int age) {
return Response.status(200).entity("addUser is called, name : " + name + ", age : " + age).build();
client code:
try {
Client client = Client.create();
WebResource webResource = client.resource("http://localhost:8080/simpleweb/rest/user").path("/add");
MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams = new MultivaluedMapImpl();
queryParams.add("name", "arunkumar");
queryParams.add("age", "25");
ClientResponse response = webResource.type(MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED).post(ClientResponse.class,queryParams);
if (response.getStatus() != 200) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed : HTTP error code : " + response.getStatus());
String output = response.getEntity(String.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
The OutPut is :
addUser is called, name : null, age : 0
Please Help me in this issue.Thanks
Use #FormParam instead of #QueryParam. The latter is for query string key/value pairs that go in the URL, e.g. /url?name=blah&age=2. #FormParam is for application/x-www-form-urlencoded entity data, which is what you're trying to send
I've created a rest api using Jersey/Jackson and it works well. I want to adjust my POST methods to receive a string token in addition to the POJO they are receiving as JSON. I've adjusted one of my methods like so:
public Response createObject(User o, String token) {
System.out.println("token: " + token);
String password = Tools.encryptPassword(o.getPassword());
String response = DAL.upsert(o);
return Response.status(201).entity(response).build();
I want to call that method, but for whatever reason token prints to null no matter what I try. Here is the client code I've written to send the post request:
public String update() {
try {
com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client daclient = com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client
WebResource webResource = daclient
User c = new User(id, client, permission, reseller, type, username,
password, name, email, active, createddate,
lastmodifieddate, token, tokentimestamp);
JSONObject j = new JSONObject(c);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String request = mapper.writeValueAsString(c) + "&{''token'':,''"
+ "dog" + "''}";
System.out.println("request:" + request);
ClientResponse response = webResource.type("application/json")
.post(ClientResponse.class, request);
if (response.getStatus() != 201) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed : HTTP error code : "
+ response.getStatus());
System.out.println("Output from Server .... \n");
String output = response.getEntity(String.class);
System.out.println("output:" + output);
return "" + output;
} catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
return "failue: " + e.getMessage();
} catch (ClientHandlerException e) {
return "failue: " + e.getMessage();
} catch (Exception e) {
return "failure: " + e.getMessage();
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is not the way JAX-RS works. The body of your POST request will get marshaled to the first argument of your annotated resource method (in this case, into the User argument). You have a couple options to get around this:
Create a wrapper object containing both a User object and token. Send that back and forth between your client and server.
Specify the token as a query parameter on your URL and access it on the server side as a #QueryParam.
Add the token as a header parameter and access it on the server side as a #HeaderParam.
Example - Option 1
class UserTokenContainer implements Serializable {
private User user;
private String token;
// Constructors, getters/setters
Example - Option 2
WebResource webResource = client.
public Response createObject(#QueryParam("token") String token, User o) {
System.out.println("token: " + token);
// ...
Example - Option 3
ClientResponse response = webResource
.header("Token", token)
.post(ClientResponse.class, request);
public Response createObject(#HeaderParam("token") String token, User o) {
System.out.println("token: " + token);
// ...
In case you're using Jersey 1.x, best approach is to post multiple objects as #FormParam
At least two advantages:
You don't need to use a wrapper object to post multiple parameters
The parameters are sent within the body rather than in the url (as with #QueryParam and #PathParam)
Check this example:
Client: (pure Java):
public Response testPost(String param1, String param2) {
// Build the request string in this format:
// String request = "param1=1¶m2=2";
String request = "param1=" + param1+ "¶m2=" + param2;
WebClient client = WebClient.create(...);
return client.path(CONTROLLER_BASE_URI + "/test")
public void test(#FormParam("param1") String param1, #FormParam("param2") String param2) {