Why won't STS / m2eclipse track my Maven dependencies? - java

I use SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) with Maven + m2eclipse. On my latest project, I am facing an issue importing an existing Maven project correctly from SVN into STS. When I use import -> Maven -> 'existing Maven project', the project will import but will have the following issues:
The src/main/java and src/test/java are not picked up as source folders. STS will configure src as the source folder and main/test are added to the package names.
The Maven dependencies library is not added to the java build path.
I can manually correct the source folders, but when I try to add the 'Maven managed dependencies' library to the build path I get the message 'Use Maven Project Settings to configure Maven dependency resolution' and the library is not added. The only Maven project settings I seem to be able to set are the active profile and 'resolve dependencies from workspace projects' (checked), neither of which seem to make any difference.
If I run mvn install from the command line the project builds successfully. If I run mvn eclipse:eclipse and then import into STS, then everything works as expected, but then of course you have to re-run this every time you update the pom, which is undesirable.
I worked around it by running mvn eclipse:eclipse and then manually updating .classpath to eliminate the M2_REPO dependencies added by eclipse:eclipse and adding the m2eclipse dependency entry:
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER">
<attribute name="org.eclipse.jst.component.dependency" value="/WEB-INF/lib"/>
Then I imported existing Maven project and it worked as expected. However, this is a hack and I'm not sure what other consequences running eclipse:ecplise has when working with m2eclipse.
I have worked on other maven projects and I faced no issues importing them correctly.
Possibly relevant information:
This is a webapp project.
The subversion repo contains only the pom.xml and the src folder.
I use an external maven installation and it is version 3.0.3
We use an onsite Artifactory repo for artifact download
Things I have tried:
Download from SVN to local disk then import to STS using import existing Maven project
Import project into STS from SVN, configuration -> enable Maven nature
Run mvn eclipse:eclipse then import (works but requires manual classpath edits for m2e)
Search stackoverflow, found this question which is very similar but the answers do not seem to solve my issue.
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<name>My Project</name>
<description>My Project</description>
<!-- Lots of other versions omitted -->
<!-- Configurations required for deploy plugin. Artifacts are deployed to
artifactory -->
<!-- Lots of other dependencies omitted -->
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings
only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
<ignore />
<ignore />
<!-- Deployment profiles omitted -->
Does anyone have any ideas on how to:
get the m2eclipse import to work correctly? OR
configure STS to allow me to add maven managed dependecies to the build path after project creation / conversion?

The following section:
<ignore />
has the unfortunate consequence of disabling the java compiler in your build. Remove it and I would imagine that things work.
I also see this:
Is this a groovy project? If so are you using gmaven or groovy-eclipse-compiler?

I've had this issue a few times now and each time the solution is in the spirit of Andrew's answer: there is some section of the pom that maven accepts but m2eclipse barfs on.
So I recommend removing parts of the pom 1 by 1 until you can mavenize the project successfully. Just keep running maven -> update configuration after each pom edit until it works as it should. I usually start by removing the plugin configuration tag blocks one at a time, starting with the most suspicious (i.e. most complicated).
Once it mavenizes, you can revert the pom and it should still work as expected.
After I get running, I'd research the offending configuration(s) to try to figure out what the 'proper' fix is (according to m2eclipse, anyway).
The workaround I posted in my question will work temporarily, and I never discovered any negative side effects, but this solution feels less hacky and will help you isolate and solve the issue permanently.


determine repository URL for maven deploy-file

I am using Maven to build a particular project, and within the POM I am building 3 different variants of the primary artifact using the maven shade plugin (I'm creating uber jars with various combinations of included logging frameworks). The shade plugin creates jars with alternative artifact IDs and their respective dependency-reduced-poms.
My challenge is now how to deploy these new artifacts to my remote repositories. I'm using the maven install plugin to install them to my local repo, but the maven deploy plugin requires explicit configuration of a repository URL. What I want to happen is for the plugin to adopt whichever remote repo the default deploy uses, whether its the snapshot or release repo or another repo URL that I pass in via command-line. I was hoping to find some maven property like ${project.remoterepo.url} that equated to the resolved repo. It seems silly to have to explicitly configure the remote URL when the deploy goal already does this.
Any advice appreciated. Thanks!
This is what I did to automatically select either the SNAPSHOT or RELEASE repro based on the version pattern: (I know that this is a kind of code smell but as far as the ASF is not willing to include your code for what ever reason I could solve my requirement)
<deploy.repositoryUrl>.. url release repo ..</deploy.repositoryUrl>
<deploy.repositoryId>.. id release repo ..</deploy.repositoryId>
<deploy.repositorySnapshotUrl>.. snapshot repo ..</deploy.repositorySnapshotUrl>
<deploy.repositorySnapshotId>.. id snapshot repo ..</deploy.repositorySnapshotId>
<!-- sets the isSnapshot property to true if SNAPSHOT was used -->
<!-- set the properties deploy.Url and deploy.Id during validation to
either the snapshot repository or the release repository
depending on the version pattern.-->
pom.properties['deploy.Url']=pom.properties['isSnapshot'].equals('true') ? pom.properties['deploy.repositorySnapshotUrl'] : pom.properties['deploy.repositoryUrl'];
pom.properties['deploy.Id']=pom.properties['isSnapshot'].equals('true') ? pom.properties['deploy.repositorySnapshotId'] : pom.properties['deploy.repositoryId'];
Tiemo Vorschütz method is a good idea, but may not work for me.
It case some 'Exception in thread "main" BUG! exception in phase 'conversion' in source unit 'script' errors.
I have changed the gmaven plugin to a newer version and fixed errors, change it from 'gmaven-plugin' 1.x to 'groovy-maven-plugin' 2.x
like this:
<deploy.repositoryUrl>.. url release repo ..</deploy.repositoryUrl>
<deploy.repositoryId>.. id release repo ..</deploy.repositoryId>
<deploy.repositorySnapshotUrl>.. snapshot repo ..</deploy.repositorySnapshotUrl>
<deploy.repositorySnapshotId>.. id snapshot repo ..</deploy.repositorySnapshotId>
<!-- sets the isSnapshot property to true if SNAPSHOT was used -->
<!-- set the properties deploy.Url and deploy.Id during validation to
either the snapshot repository or the release repository
depending on the version pattern.-->
project.getProperties().put('deploy.Url',properties['isSnapshot'].equals('true') ? properties['deploy.repositorySnapshotUrl'] : properties['deploy.repositoryUrl']);
project.getProperties().put('deploy.Id',properties['isSnapshot'].equals('true') ? properties['deploy.repositorySnapshotId'] : properties['deploy.repositoryId']);
</plugin> <plugin>
A simple way to do this is leveraging distributionManagement and build-helper-maven-plugin as pointed our by Tiemo Vorschütz's answer.
<!-- sets the repoUrl property to the correct repository depending on the type of version -->
<repositoryId><!--repo as per settings.xml if credentials are the same--></repositoryId>
<packaging><!--your packaging--></packaging>

Export a jsprit maven project to an executable jar

I'm trying to create an executable .jar from a maven project using eclipse mars. The project itself can be found on https://github.com/jsprit/jsprit
So far I have successfully imported jsprit to eclipse as a maven project and I am able to run examples as Java Application.
I haven't yet been very successful at exporting it as an executable jar. Let's say I want to export SimpleExample.java. I have created the .jar but if I try to run jsprit-examples-1.6.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar I get the following error message:
Error: Could not find or load main class jsprit.examples.SimpleExample
The pom.xml which is located under jsprit-examples is following:
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
Everything else is as same as in the github repository.
I ran 'Maven Build...' on jsprit-examples. Under 'Edit Configuration->Goals' I did 'clean package assembly:single'.
This is my first experience with a maven build so it might be a very simple problem to someone who has some experience with maven.
I you want to put all the dependencies in one executable jar, you need to create an uber-jar. I usually do this with the maven shade plugin.

Copy all dependencies jars from child projects into parent project directory

I'm trying to build a Maven parent project script which incorporates a 3rd party project (with all its dependencies) and another couple of projects of mine.
I'd like to copy all dependencies (I mean ALL dependencies, including jars requested by other dependencies which in turn are requested by one of my child project) to a parent project directory, e.g. "lib", so that I can just run java with a wildcard classpath:
java -cp "lib/*" package.blah.blah.Main
I tried with various methods using the maven-dependency-plugin such as copy-dependencies, but all I can point Maven to is my own child projects, not their dependencies (I mean in the parent project pom).
This is the parent project pom I've been writing:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
It will copy just the two direct child project jars in the bin directory, but nothing else.
I'm thinking of doing a manual copy (as in a Maven copy) to brutally copy all jars from my child projects' target/dependency directories, but it just seems... brutal.
If it can't be done with the existing Maven software, I can even be content with using maven exec directly (which, I hope, should set up classpath automatically, right?)
EDIT: I'd like to modify the child projects poms as little as possible, especially the 3rd party one.
If you want to build a simply runnable jar file with maven then you can use this config:
then you can build it using mvn clean package -Pdist
edit: then you can run it with java -jar target/yourJarName.jar
I ended up using copy-dependencies. This is the main project pom:
In the submodules I've added to the same plugin this code:
Basically, the submodules copy their dependency jars into target/lib, then the main project copies those jars into its own jars folder.
It has some project-specific filenames and other hard-coded things, but still I think this is the best option if I want to use only Maven-provided tools. Probably a new Maven plugin would have been optimal, but I don't really have the time.

Java project compiles with Maven but Eclipse still shows errors

I am new to Maven and an using it to build my Java project. I have two questions:
I was able to successfully compile my project with Maven but Eclipse still reports compile time errors. I know these errors are because I have not added external jars to Eclipse's build path, but is there any other way I can resolve these errors?
How do I run my Java project with Maven?
Here's my pom.xml file:
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings
only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
The m2e plug in for Eclipse will integrate Maven so that Eclipse will automatically include JAR's from the local Maven cache based on the contents of the POM.xml.
And excluding all Java source files explains why Maven's build succeeds without any dependencies.
Put the third party libraries as dependencies in your pom.xml.
You can find them in here.
If those jars you mention are public frameworks, you should be able to find them in the maven central repository and add them to your project just like Eranda explained. If you have jars that cannot be found publicly, you have to add them first to your local maven repo using maven install-file plugin: https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-3rd-party-jars-local.html
May be your M2_Home is not set, can you confirm. You may be building the project from the command line not from the eclipse ( Guess).
1. Set M2_HOME.
2. Clean or Build the Project from eclipse, it will add all your dependent jars to references

Typical Maven Deploy Plugin for Nexus from Eclipse

I would like to put a project on the nexus repository on sonatype (oss.sonatype.or) directly from eclipse using the deploy-plugin. I was close, but no cigar. I can build the -source.jar, and the -javadoc.jar files, and get everything signed with gpg-plugin, but when I deployed there were some errors. Can anyone share a typical pom.xml for this? Thanks.
Update: Per request: Detailed instructions for Setting up Eclipse to Deploy to Maven Central Repository (repo1.maven.org)
Start with an Eclipse Java Project. Convert it to a Maven project using m2e.
The requirements for deploying a useful library to the Central Repository are
1: Good code. Just use common sense. Don’t put garbage up there. Test it.
2: Javadocs. Comment all your classes and methods. Create a /src/main/javadoc directory. Use a javadoc plugin:
3: Source Code: Use a source code plugin:
4: Get a gpg id and key and get it ‘registered’ by following the Sonatype instructions for setting it up with Maven: see
Add plugin …
And .m2/settings.xml
5: Add maven deploy plugin. This stops the regular deploy phase:
6: Add sonatype plugin: Note: you will be able to get he stagingProfileId once you have been granted access to the repository.
7: Read the Sonatype Maven Repository usage guide carefully: Do the extra things that your POM needs, such as a licenses section, scm section, developers section, and parent section.
It will tell you how to sign up and open a ticket. Once you have a ticket open, then you have access to the Sonatype Nexus site at https://oss.sonatype.org. That is where you can find your stagingProfileId that is needed above. Add the server information to your .m2/settings.xml
8: Finally, from eclipse, create a maven runtime configuration: Right click on the project, choose Run As->Run Configurations. Create a new Maven Build, set the base directory to your project directory, and the goals as “clean deploy” Apply and run, but first run Mavin->Install to create your javadocs and source files locally so you can check for errors or warning messages.
Documentation about staging
This is snippet from my working configuration (without stagging)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
Command for deploy to maven repository
mvn deploy
For attaching source:jar and javadoc:jar use configuration from Cookbook: How to attach source and javadoc artifacts?
