I am saving a date formatted with Javas SimpleDateFormat with the format "E. MMM-dd-YYYY hh:mm a zzz" eg "Sat. Apr-15-2017 10:44 PM EST" to a table as a VARCHAR.
How would I go about changing all of the pre-existing data to be in DateTime format?
Have you tried this?
UPDATE `table`
SET `column` = STR_TO_DATE(`column`,'%Y-%m-%d')
refer to change mysql comumn from varchar to datetime and convert data post
Oracle date format on server is MM/DD/YYYY HH24:Mi:SS
I would like to insert a variable which contains a date with timestamp into Oracle date column.
I am getting error while inserting date into Oracle "date column ends before format picture ends".
All I want is append specific timestamp to java string date and insert that string/date format into Oracle database
String incoming_date = request.getParameter("insert_date"); //this comes as a string in dd-mon-yyyy format
formatted_incoming_date = incoming_date + " 00:00:01"; //I want to append time factor to above variable with 00:00:01
insert into testtable values(formatted_incoming_date);
Try this
insert into testtable values(TO_DATE (formatted_incoming_date, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss);
Why you try to insert date as a string? It seems like there is an implicit conversion from string to date in Oracle. Can java.sql.Date be used instead?
Anyway, as long as date comes in format dd-mon-yyyy you have to convert it either into java.sql.Date object or in proper for Oracle string representation as MM/DD/YYYY HH24:Mi:SS i.e.
incoming date "05-12-2016" string for Oracle "12/05/2016 00:00:00"
I have mysql datatype as date, my date format in database is 20/1/2015. Now I wish to retrieve data using date.
For example:
SELECT * FROM Device_Count where Date='20/1/2015'
I am getting error like:
Incorrect date value: '20/1/2015' for column 'Date' at row 1
Please find and post the status
MySQL's date format is yyyy-mm-dd
change your query as below and it should work, provided your Date column data type is date.
SELECT * FROM Device_Count where Date=STR_TO_DATE('20/1/2015', '%d/%m/%Y' )
Refer to Documentation:
Check your date format and compare it by the same format
Date is stored in MYSQL in the format of YYYY-mm-dd. Try this query:
SELECT * FROM Device_Count where Date='2015-01-20'
How to set date format in sybase?
Currently it's inserting default date format Jan 9 2014 1:07AM to Sybase DB,But i have to insert seconds also like "20140109 01:06:46"
Is there any way i can set date format in stored proc.
please suggest me,thanks!
select --cast(
dateformat('Jan 9 2014 1:07AM','YYYYMMDD HH:NN:SS') --returns varchar
--as datetime) --datetime object in database datetime format
I've the following problem, that showed up when I installed my webapp's war on a virtual linux server. Here it is: my server system time seems correct, in fact typing date on shell comes out with:
Mon Apr 11 11:47:30 CEST 2011
which is my "wall clock time". Even mysql works fine, if I do select now(), I get:
mysql> select now()
-> ;
| now() |
| 2011-04-11 11:52:57 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
But my application (Spring+hibernate on Java6 + tomcat 6) will save every date on DB with a GMT timezone (and the time is correctly offset with the difference from GMT, which is good). Now the problem is that I get all dates displayed with GMT, even if I do:
static final DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(
"dd/MM/yyyy 'alle' HH:mm", Locale.ITALY);
I don't get the hours correctly offset, but they remain in GMT and they display GMT if I put Z (that displays timezone) in the pattern.
Under Windows instead I had date values stored in my native timezone on mySQL. So on my windows machine where I develop I will have all the dates in CEST. This is annoying as I don't know how to predict the way the system will behave and I have to do boring tests and figure out how to change this.
Do you have ever seen this problem? How to deal with it?
DateFormat does support a notion of time zone. Add something like:
SimpleDateFormat sf1 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy 'alle' HH:mm:ss");
System.out.println(sf1.format(new Date()));
// List all Timezone
DateFormat does not care about time zones, only formatting. In order to change to timezone you need something like Calendar.setTimezone().
PreparedStatement st = con
.prepareStatement("insert into knjiga_osisi (rb_knjiz,Inv_br,Naziv_os,datum_k,rb_pk,opis,ulaz,izlaz,stanje,osnovica_zam,otpis,sadasnjav, vrednost_pp,rashodovanav) values (?,?,?,STR_TO_DATE(?, '%d-%m-%Y'),?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
This is code for java.
Mysql - java european date format
This line is for date
STR_TO_DATE(?, '%d-%m-%Y')
U can test in mysql only date row:
SELECT ID, DATE_FORMAT(Date, '%d-%M-%Y') FROM table1;