The goal is to create a URL to the Portlet with this code:
ExternalContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
RenderResponse response = (RenderResponse)ctx.getResponse();
PortletURL portletUrl = response.createRenderURL();
String url = portletUrl .toString();
But if I call this in a backing bean's JSF-actionListener method, I get a ClassCastException because ctx.getResponse() gives me an javax.portlet.ActionResponse instead.
I know that a RenderResponse is accessible from the doView method in the Portlet class. But how can I access it in my backing bean?
I'd like to put link into an email that leads the user to the portlet. I'm using WebSphere Portal 6.1.
The render URL is not normally available at that point in the portlet lifecycle.
Consider using the URL mapping features
Consider using a servlet with the URL engine service to perform a redirect
In both these cases, you don't need the huge encoded URL usually generated by Portal; you use something like http://host/foo/bar as your entry point.
I've used the second approach in production. Unique names are added to the target pages and portlet instances for easy lookup. These are added to the page configuration via XMLAccess scripts - they are not available via the admin user interface in version 6.1.
I use the following approach now, which causes some (very little) workload overhead, but works well:
Grab the RenderResponse in the doView method
Use PortletURL portletUrl = response.createRenderURL(); and store this object in the portlet session (with every request, I know).
In your action listener method, retrieve the PortletURL object, append neccessary parameters and render the URL for whatever.
I am using Portlet to Portlet Communication.In which I created Portlet Session in one Portlet and set attribute.Getting that attribute in second portlet.Now I want to end that session.How can I do this?
If you are catching session value in another portlet controller simply use
and if you are using Session scope it is better to use
scopeId can be either one of them
PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE or PortletSession.PORTLET_SCOPE
And now for handling session in jsp (which i rather don't),
PortletRequest portletRequest = (PortletRequest) request.getAttribute(JavaConstants.JAVAX_PORTLET_REQUEST);
is their a neat way to pass a model to jsp, render the jsp and return the html as string using Spring. The html is then used in an e-mail that is fired off programmitcally, I do not want to use freemarker, but maybe I should ?
The url being requested is part of the same app.
I want one of my service layer classes to be able to call a view and use the html as a String.
You can call requestDispatcher.include(request, response) method.
You will need to implement the request and response objects. The request object will provide all information to the dispatcher which page should be rendered, the response object you will pass to the call will then capture the result to a string (using e.g. a StringBuilder).
See e.g. this tutorial for more info.
I'm guessing a servlet filter will do the trick? Not really a Spring solution, but easy enough to do.
Also this answer seems relevant, although it is DWR that you may not necessarily want to use in this instance.
You can use Velocity to create an email template:
String text = VelocityEngineUtils.mergeTemplateIntoString(
velocityEngine, "emailTemplate.vm", model);
There is a complete chapter in the Spring reference docs of how Spring can be used to send emails of various types.
Hey guys i'm working on admin module for my project. When a person logs-in, a request is sent to login servlet. When it further ask for some other report by clicking other options a request for the report is sent to other servlet which gives the result on the page which is shown at the time of user which is of normal type. The session is lost between two servlets.
I am trying to navigate the generated report on some other page but for that i need to know user type in second servlet. This can be done by fetching value of user_type from login module bean class.
How to handle this situation? thanks
My login servlet is :
LoginService user = new LoginService();
user = UserDAO.login(user);
if (user.isValid())
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
response.sendRedirect("homepage.jsp"); //logged-in page
response.sendRedirect("invalidlogin.jsp"); //error page
i tried using this in second servlet:-
LoginService session = (LoginService)request.getAttribute("currentSessionUser");
String drake = session.getUser_type();
System.out.println("usertype = " +drake);
Here LoginService is the bean class of login module. i'm get a nullpointer exception here.
I think you're trying to do stuff that your web container should handle for you... A session should automatically be maintained over the course of multiple servlet calls from the same client session. Methods from HttpServlet are given a HttpServletRequest. You can obtain the corresponding HttpSession using one of the getSession methods of that class.
You can bind stuff to the HttpSession using setAttribute and getAttribute.
EDIT: I'm taking this from the Servlet spec 2.5:
A servlet can bind an object attribute into an HttpSession implementation by name.
Any object bound into a session is available to any other servlet that belongs to the
same ServletContext and handles a request identified as being a part of the same
I think you're better off getting the HttpSession object from the HttpServletRequest (at least assuming it's a HttpServlet) and setting/getting attributes through that. If you choose a proper name (it follows the same convention as Java package naming) for your attribute, you can be sure the returned object, as long as it's not null, can be cast to whatever type you put in there. Setting and getting attributes on the request itself isn't gonna help, I don't think stuff will get carried over from one servlet call to the next unless you call one servlet from the other with a RequestDispatcher, but that's not what you're after here.
So in your second code sample, do (LoginService)request.getSession().getAttribute("currentSessionUser");, that ought to work. Make sure to check for nulls and maybe choose an attribute name that uses your project's package name convention (like com.mycompany...).
I wouldn't mind a second opinion here since I'm not much of an EE/web developer.
Is posible for a portlet to read a request parameter of its surrounding page?
E.g. the URL of the page the portlet resides in is Is it possible to read the "foo" parameter from a portlet that is on that page?
Portlet Container is Liferay 6.0.5.
I have already tried:
com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil.getOriginalServletRequest(com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil.getHttpServletRequest((javax.portlet.PortletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest())).getParameter("foo")
but I always get null for productId
Have you tried
The following code will do the trick:
javax.portlet.PortletRequest pr = (javax.portlet.PortletRequest)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestMap().get("javax.portlet.request");
java.lang.reflect.Method method = pr.getClass().getMethod("getOriginalHttpServletRequest");
HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest)method.invoke(pr, new Object[] {});
return httpServletRequest.getParameter(YOUR_PARAM_KEY);
In a partial submit, the icefaces ajax bridge (which replaces a usual jsf portlet bridge) is avoiding the normal portal action/render request, contacting directly the blocking servlet (in order to avoid invalidating other request-scoped portlets and in general, to be faster). Because of this, all those params/attributes which are set in a normal portal request are not set in ajax. They are set only in the initial GET type request for that page. So, actually what you should do is saving those params in the #PostConstruct or some other method of your controlling bean, and then reuse them later. (They wouldn't change in a partial submit anyway, right?).
Keep in mind though, that this will not work if you use IceFaces in conjuction with Spring (and their EL Resolver, since that eliminates your extended request scope).
if you are in JSF environment then try this:
String param = LiferayFacesContext.getInstance().getRequestQueryStringParameter("foo");
It is posible for a portlet to read a request parameter of its surrounding page?
E.g. the URL of the page the portlet resides in is
Is it possible to read the "foo" parameter from a portlet that is on that page?
Portlet Container is Liferay 5.2.5.
Yes this can be achieved with something like this -
HttpServletRequest convertReq = PortalUtil.getHttpServletRequest(request);
HttpServletRequest originalReq = PortalUtil.getOriginalServletRequest(convertReq);
String productId = originalReq.getParameter("foo");
Where request is RenderRequest.
PortletRequest class has method getAttribute()
You can treat it like HttpServletRequest.
I haven't yet found a way besides using platform specific class com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil.