I would like to store a group of objects in a hashmap , where the key shall be a composite of two string values. is there a way to achieve this?
i can simply concatenate the two strings , but im sure there is a better way to do this.
You could have a custom object containing the two strings:
class StringKey {
private String str1;
private String str2;
Problem is, you need to determine the equality test and the hash code for two such objects.
Equality could be the match on both strings and the hashcode could be the hashcode of the concatenated members (this is debatable):
class StringKey {
private String str1;
private String str2;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if(obj != null && obj instanceof StringKey) {
StringKey s = (StringKey)obj;
return str1.equals(s.str1) && str2.equals(s.str2);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return (str1 + str2).hashCode();
You don't need to reinvent the wheel. Simply use the Guava's HashBasedTable<R,C,V> implementation of Table<R,C,V> interface, for your need. Here is an example
Table<String, String, Integer> table = HashBasedTable.create();
table.put("key-1", "lock-1", 50);
table.put("lock-1", "key-1", 100);
System.out.println(table.get("key-1", "lock-1")); //prints 50
System.out.println(table.get("lock-1", "key-1")); //prints 100
table.put("key-1", "lock-1", 150); //replaces 50 with 150
public int hashCode() {
return (str1 + str2).hashCode();
This seems to be a terrible way to generate the hashCode: Creating a new string instance every time the hash code is computed is terrible! (Even generating the string instance once and caching the result is poor practice.)
There are a lot of suggestions here:
How do I calculate a good hash code for a list of strings?
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
for ( String s : strings ) {
result = result * prime + s.hashCode();
return result;
For a pair of strings, that becomes:
return string1.hashCode() * 31 + string2.hashCode();
That is a very basic implementation. Lots of advice through the link to suggest better tuned strategies.
Why not create a (say) Pair object, which contains the two strings as members, and then use this as the key ?
public class Pair {
private final String str1;
private final String str2;
// this object should be immutable to reliably perform subsequent lookups
Don't forget about equals() and hashCode(). See this blog entry for more on HashMaps and keys, including a background on the immutability requirements. If your key isn't immutable, then you can change its components and a subsequent lookup will fail to locate it (this is why immutable objects such as String are good candidates for a key)
You're right that concatenation isn't ideal. For some circumstances it'll work, but it's often an unreliable and fragile solution (e.g. is AB/C a different key from A/BC ?).
I have a similar case. All I do is concatenate the two strings separated by a tilde ( ~ ).
So when the client calls the service function to get the object from the map, it looks like this:
MyObject getMyObject(String key1, String key2) {
String cacheKey = key1 + "~" + key2;
return map.get(cachekey);
It is simple, but it works.
I see that many people use nested maps. That is, to map Key1 -> Key2 -> Value (I use the computer science/ aka haskell curring notation for (Key1 x Key2) -> Value mapping which has two arguments and produces a value), you first supply the first key -- this returns you a (partial) map Key2 -> Value, which you unfold in the next step.
For instance,
Map<File, Map<Integer, String>> table = new HashMap(); // maps (File, Int) -> Distance
add(k1, k2, value) {
table2 = table1.get(k1);
if (table2 == null) table2 = table1.add(k1, new HashMap())
table2.add(k2, value)
get(k1, k2) {
table2 = table1.get(k1);
return table2.get(k2)
I am not sure that it is better or not than the plain composite key construction. You may comment on that.
Reading about the spaguetti/cactus stack I came up with a variant which may serve for this purpose, including the possibility of mapping your keys in any order so that map.lookup("a","b") and map.lookup("b","a") returns the same element. It also works with any number of keys not just two.
I use it as a stack for experimenting with dataflow programming but here is a quick and dirty version which works as a multi key map (it should be improved: Sets instead of arrays should be used to avoid looking up duplicated ocurrences of a key)
public class MultiKeyMap <K,E> {
class Mapping {
E element;
int numKeys;
public Mapping(E element,int numKeys){
this.element = element;
this.numKeys = numKeys;
class KeySlot{
Mapping parent;
public KeySlot(Mapping mapping) {
parent = mapping;
class KeySlotList extends LinkedList<KeySlot>{}
class MultiMap extends HashMap<K,KeySlotList>{}
class MappingTrackMap extends HashMap<Mapping,Integer>{}
MultiMap map = new MultiMap();
public void put(E element, K ...keys){
Mapping mapping = new Mapping(element,keys.length);
for(int i=0;i<keys.length;i++){
KeySlot k = new KeySlot(mapping);
KeySlotList l = map.get(keys[i]);
l = new KeySlotList();
map.put(keys[i], l);
public E lookup(K ...keys){
MappingTrackMap tmp = new MappingTrackMap();
for(K key:keys){
KeySlotList l = map.get(key);
if(l==null)return null;
for(KeySlot keySlot:l){
Mapping parent = keySlot.parent;
Integer count = tmp.get(parent);
if(count == null){
count = parent.numKeys-1;
if(count == 0){
return parent.element;
tmp.put(parent, count);
return null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
MultiKeyMap<String,String> m = new MultiKeyMap<String,String>();
m.put("brazil", "yellow", "green");
m.put("canada", "red", "white");
m.put("USA", "red" ,"white" ,"blue");
m.put("argentina", "white","blue");
System.out.println(m.lookup("red","white")); // canada
System.out.println(m.lookup("white","red")); // canada
System.out.println(m.lookup("white","red","blue")); // USA
public static String fakeMapKey(final String... arrayKey) {
String[] keys = arrayKey;
if (keys == null || keys.length == 0)
return null;
if (keys.length == 1)
return keys[0];
String key = "";
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
key += "{" + i + "}" + (i == keys.length - 1 ? "" : "{" + keys.length + "}");
keys = Arrays.copyOf(keys, keys.length + 1);
keys[keys.length - 1] = FAKE_KEY_SEPARATOR;
return MessageFormat.format(key, (Object[]) keys);}
public static string FAKE_KEY_SEPARATOR = "~";
OUTPUT: keyPart1~keyPart2~keyPart3
I’d like to mention two options that I don’t think were covered in the other answers. Whether they are good for your purpose you will have to decide yourself.
Map<String, Map<String, YourObject>>
You may use a map of maps, using string 1 as key in the outer map and string 2 as key in each inner map.
I do not think it’s a very nice solution syntax-wise, but it’s simple and I have seen it used in some places. It’s also supposed to be efficient in time and memory, while this shouldn’t be the main reason in 99 % of cases. What I don’t like about it is that we’ve lost the explicit information about the type of the key: it’s only inferred from the code that the effective key is two strings, it’s not clear to read.
Map<YourObject, YourObject>
This is for a special case. I have had this situation more than once, so it’s not more special than that. If your objects contain the two strings used as key and it makes sense to define object equality based on the two, then define equals and hashCode in accordance and use the object as both key and value.
One would have wished to use a Set rather than a Map in this case, but a Java HashSet doesn’t provide any method to retrieve an object form a set based on an equal object. So we do need the map.
One liability is that you need to create a new object in order to do lookup. This goes for the solutions in many of the other answers too.
Jerónimo López: Composite key in HashMaps on the efficiency of the map of maps.
I am fairly new in Java, so I have to rely on this community for this one.
I need to store an object in some sort of array/list where I can quickly access the object using a string and two interger keys. Something like a["string"][1][1] - I have looked over some different guides and tutorials, but not been able to come up with a good solution that's easy to manage.
I am creating a Minecraft plugin where I need to keep track of where specific Blocks are with world, chunk_x, and chunk_z- I am trying to create a method where I can provide a location, which has the three beforementioned values, and do a quick look up based on the world and chunk, so I do not have to iterate all stored blocks in the world, but can limit it to 9 chunks of the world. (Current chunk i am in and all surrounding neighbours)
How about this:
Map<String, Object[][]> store;
Does it have to be a multidimensional array? You could use just a hash map with a custom key that holds your string key and the two integer keys. Here is a complete example of what I mean:
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Objects;
public class multidim {
static class Key {
int index0, index1;
String str;
int _hash_code;
public Key(String s, int i0, int i1) {
_hash_code = Objects.hash(s, i0, i1);
str = s;
index0 = i0;
index1 = i1;
public int hashCode() {
return _hash_code;
public boolean equals(Object x) {
if (this == x) {
return true;
} else if (x == null) {
return false;
} else if (!(x instanceof Key)) {
return false;
Key k = (Key)x;
return (index0 == k.index0)
&& (index1 == k.index1)
&& Objects.equals(str, k.str);
public static void main(String[] args) {
HashMap<Key, Double> m = new HashMap<Key, Double>();
m.put(new Key("mjao", 3, 4), 119.0);
m.put(new Key("katt$k1t", 4, 6), 120.0);
System.out.println("Value that we put before: "
+ m.get(new Key("mjao", 3, 4)));
We define a class Key that represents the values you use to access elements and we override its equals and hashCode methods so that it can be used in a hash map. Then we just use it with the java.util.HashMap class. Running the above program will output Value that we put before: 119.0.
Edit: Add this == x comparison in equals (a small optimization).
What about combination of Map and Pair?
Map<String, Pair<Integer, Integer>> tripletMap = new HashMap<>;
tripletMap.put(Pair.with(23, 1););
You can access values from your triplet as any map and then retrieved Pair as:
Pair<Integer, Integer> myPair = tripletMap.get("key")
Why am i able to keep duplicate contains in Map as key,
i had heart about map is : it cat't contains duplicate keys
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
class LinkedHasMapDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
LinkedHashMap l = new LinkedHashMap();
//{116=kumar, 116=kumar, kumar=kumar, 117=Ram charan, 105=Yash}
//HashMap l = new HashMap();
//{116=kumar, 117=Ram charan, 116=kumar, kumar=kumar, 105=Yash}
l.put("116","kumar"); //key is String Object
l.put(116,"kumar"); //key is Integer Object
l.put(117,"Ram charan");
but is in this example i am able to keep duplicate keys in the both LinkedHashMap as well as in HashMap
You are right, a Map does not hold duplicate keys (this only applies to keys, values can be equal). If you put a value under an already added key the previous value will be overridden. Therefore consider the following example:
HashMap<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("key", 1);
System.out.println(map.get("key")); // Outputs 1
System.out.println(map.size()); // Outputs 1
map.put("key", 2);
System.out.println(map.get("key")); // Outputs 2
System.out.println(map.size()); // Still outputs 1
The problem with your counter-example is that you actually don't have duplicates in your map.
You put 116 (an int or Integer after boxing) and "116" (a String). Since both are of different type the map differentiates them, they are different objects. Consider the following example
HashMap<Object, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("116", 1);
System.out.println(map.size()); // Outputs 1
map.put(116, 2);
System.out.println(map.size()); // Now outputs 2
System.out.println("116".equals(116)); // Outputs false
In general you should never use raw-types, that is using HashMap without specifying the generic type to use, like HashMap<String, Integer>. If you don't specify anything it will use HashMap<Object, Object>. By that it allows every Object to be put into the map. In many cases you can and want to restrict this to a specific type only.
Try the following:
String s123="123";
Integer i123=123;
System.out.println(i123.equals(s123)); // you can try s123.equals(i123) too
You can even test it online, just copy/type these lines to http://www.javarepl.com/term.html - you will see that the String has a hashcode of 48690, the Integer has 123, and they do not consider equal to each other.
(Of course it works with 116 too just I did not have that number in front of me while typing this answer)
You don't have duplicates. Integer and String objects are not the same type so "116" and 116 are not equals and they have deferent Hash code
Objects that are equal must have the same hash code within a running process
in equals method if the type is not equals for both objects, it will return false, please check Integer equals implantation
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof Integer) {
return value == ((Integer)obj).intValue();
return false;
also for Hash code they will not be equals in your case :
how String hash code is calculated :
public int hashCode() {
int h = hash;
if (h == 0 && value.length > 0) {
char val[] = value;
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
h = 31 * h + val[i];
hash = h;
return h;
And for Integer hash code is it the same integer value so in your case it will be 116 for Integer instance, so those will never be the same.
please avoid raw-types, that is using HashMap without specifying the generic type, please read this article what-is-a-raw-type-and-why-shouldnt-we-use-it for more details
I am working on an assignment where I have to implement my own HashMap. In the assignment text it is being described as an Array of Lists, and whenever you want to add an element the place it ends up in the Array is determined by its hashCode. In my case it is positions from a spreadsheet, so I have just taken columnNumber + rowNumber and then converted that to a String and then to an int, as the hashCode, and then I insert it that place in the Array. It is of course inserted in the form of a Node(key, value), where the key is the position of the cell and the value is the value of the cell.
But I must say I do not understand why we need an Array of Lists, because if we then end up with a list with more than one element, will it not increase the look up time quite considerably? So should it not rather be an Array of Nodes?
Also I have found this implementation of a HashMap in Java:
public class HashEntry {
private int key;
private int value;
HashEntry(int key, int value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public int getKey() {
return key;
public int getValue() {
return value;
public class HashMap {
private final static int TABLE_SIZE = 128;
HashEntry[] table;
HashMap() {
table = new HashEntry[TABLE_SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++)
table[i] = null;
public int get(int key) {
int hash = (key % TABLE_SIZE);
while (table[hash] != null && table[hash].getKey() != key)
hash = (hash + 1) % TABLE_SIZE;
if (table[hash] == null)
return -1;
return table[hash].getValue();
public void put(int key, int value) {
int hash = (key % TABLE_SIZE);
while (table[hash] != null && table[hash].getKey() != key)
hash = (hash + 1) % TABLE_SIZE;
table[hash] = new HashEntry(key, value);
So is it correct that the put method, looks first at the table[hash], and if that is not empty and if what is in there has not got the key, being inputted in the method put, then it moves on to table[(hash + 1) % TABLE_SIZE]. But if it is the same key it simply overwrites the value. So is that correctly understood? And is it because the get and put method use the same method of looking up the place in the Array, that given the same key they would end up at the same place in the Array?
I know these questions might be a bit basic, but I have spend quite some time trying to get this sorted out, why any help would be much appreciated!
So now I have tried implementing the HashMap myself via a Node class, which just
constructs a node with a key and a corresponding value, it has also got a getHashCode method, where I just concatenate the two values on each other.
I have also constructed a SinglyLinkedList (part of a previous assignment), which I use as the bucket.
And my Hash function is simply hashCode % hashMap.length.
Here is my own implementation, so what do you think of it?
package spreadsheet;
public class HashTableMap {
private SinglyLinkedListMap[] hashArray;
private int size;
public HashTableMap() {
hashArray = new SinglyLinkedListMap[64];
size = 0;
public void insert(final Position key, final Expression value) {
Node node = new Node(key, value);
int hashNumber = node.getHashCode() % hashArray.length;
SinglyLinkedListMap bucket = new SinglyLinkedListMap();
bucket.insert(key, value);
if(hashArray[hashNumber] == null) {
hashArray[hashNumber] = bucket;
if(hashArray[hashNumber] != null) {
SinglyLinkedListMap bucket2 = hashArray[hashNumber];
bucket2.insert(key, value);
hashArray[hashNumber] = bucket2;
if (hashArray.length == size) {
SinglyLinkedListMap[] newhashArray = new SinglyLinkedListMap[size * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
newhashArray[i] = hashArray[i];
hashArray = newhashArray;
public Expression lookUp(final Position key) {
Node node = new Node(key, null);
int hashNumber = node.getHashCode() % hashArray.length;
SinglyLinkedListMap foundBucket = hashArray[hashNumber];
return foundBucket.lookUp(key);
The look up time should be around O(1), so I would like to know if that is the case? And if not how can I improve it, in that regard?
You have to have some plan to deal with hash collisions, in which two distinct keys fall in the same bucket, the same element of your array.
One of the simplest solutions is to keep a list of entries for each bucket.
If you have a good hashing algorithm, and make sure the number of buckets is bigger than the number of elements, you should end up with most buckets having zero or one items, so the list search should not take long. If the lists are getting too long it is time to rehash with more buckets to spread the data out.
It really depends on how good your hashcode method is. Lets say you tried to make it as bad as possible: You made hashcode return 1 every time. If that were the case, you'd have an array of lists, but only 1 element of the array would have any data in it. That element would just grow to have a huge list in it.
If you did that, you'd have a really inefficient hashmap. But, if your hashcode were a little better, it'd distribute the objects into many different array elements and as a result it'd be much more efficient.
The most ideal case (which often isn't achievable) is to have a hashcode method that returns a unique number no matter what object you put into it. If you could do that, you wouldn't ever need an array of lists. You could just use an array. But since your hashcode isn't "perfect" it's possible for two different objects to have the same hashcode. You need to be able to handle that scenario by putting them in a list at the same array element.
But, if your hashcode method was "pretty good" and rarely had collisions, you rarely would have more than 1 element in the list.
The Lists are often referred to as buckets and are a way of dealing with collisions. When two data elements have the same hash code mod TABLE SIZE they collide, but both must be stored.
A worse kind of collision is two different data point having the same key -- this is disallowed in hash tables and one will overwrite the others. If you just add row to column, then (2,1) and (1,2) will both have a key of 3, which means they cannot be stored in the same hash table. If you concatenated the strings together without a separator then the problem is with (12,1) versus (1, 21) --- both have key "121" With a separator (such as a comma) all the keys will be distinct.
Distinct keys can land in the same buck if there hashcodes are the same mod TABLE_SIZE. Those lists are one way to store the two values in the same bucket.
class SpreadSheetPosition {
int column;
int row;
public int hashCode() {
return column + row;
class HashMap {
private Liat[] buckets = new List[N];
public void put(Object key, Object value) {
int keyHashCode = key.hashCode();
int bucketIndex = keyHashCode % N;
Compare having N lists, with having just one list/array. For searching in a list one has to traverse possibly the entire list. By using an array of lists, one at least reduces the single lists. Possibly even getting a list of one or zero elements (null).
If the hashCode() is as unique as possible the chance for an immediate found is high.
I have a Treemap with Strings as keys. I want to get all the values whose keys start with the String search.
I think what I need to do here is something like:
myTreeMap.subMap(search.concat(X1), true, search.concat(X2), true);
where X1 and X2 are the highest and lowest possible character.
Is there a better approach? If not, what are X1 and X2?
Thanks in advance.
basically you need lexicographically next prefix as the second boundary:
public <T> Map<String, T> subMapWithKeysThatAreSuffixes(String prefix, NavigableMap<String, T> map) {
if ("".equals(prefix)) return map;
String lastKey = createLexicographicallyNextStringOfTheSameLenght(prefix);
return map.subMap(prefix, true, lastKey, false);
String createLexicographicallyNextStringOfTheSameLenght(String input) {
final int lastCharPosition = input.length()-1;
String inputWithoutLastChar = input.substring(0, lastCharPosition);
char lastChar = input.charAt(lastCharPosition) ;
char incrementedLastChar = (char) (lastChar + 1);
return inputWithoutLastChar+incrementedLastChar;
Hmmmm. I would say you should do myTreeMap.subMap(search, true, search2, false) where search2 isn't concatenated, but is instead "incremented". After all, if X2 was just a character, then your implementation would miss search.concat(X2).concat(X2).
The problem is the partial key search your trying to do.
myTreeMap.subMap(search.concat(X1), true, search.concat(X2), true);
Let's assume you have some key/value pairs:
fooBar -> Some value
fooBage -> Some other value
barBear -> Running out of value ideas
barTender -> Another value
Now you want to find all "foo*", in this example fooBar and fooBage. The key is treated as a single token, that happens to be a string in this case. There is no way to treat the key as a partial key. Even saying you want "fooA" through "fooZ" won't get you fooBar, or fooBage.
If you make the key class (I'll call it FractionalKey), and override the equals method, then you can define equals as "some regex", or "either the entire thing, or just the first part" etc. the problem with this is that if equals returns true, then the hashcodes must also be equal, and this would break that rule I think.
I think this is your only option, other then searching the list of keys for the one you want.
Since my edit to the answer above was rejected for being too original, I'll post it here. This answer fixes typos and handles int overflow which the original did not.
public <T> Map<String, T> subMapWithKeysThatAreSuffixes(String prefix, NavigableMap<String, T> map) {
if ("".equals(prefix)) return map;
String lastKey = createLexicographicallyNextStringOfTheSameLength(prefix);
return map.subMap(prefix, true, lastKey, false);
String createLexicographicallyNextStringOfTheSameLength(String input) {
final int lastCharPosition = input.length()-1;
String inputWithoutLastChar = input.substring(0, lastCharPosition);
char lastChar = input.charAt(lastCharPosition);
char incrementedLastChar = (char) (lastChar + 1);
// Handle int/char overflow. This wasn't done above.
if (incrementedLastChar == ((char) 0)) return input+incrementedLastChar;
return inputWithoutLastChar+incrementedLastChar;
I need a sorted set of objects and am currently using the TreeSet. My problem is that the compareTo of the objects will often return 0, meaning the order of those two objects is to be left unchanged. TreeMap (used by TreeSet by default) will then regard them as the same object, which is not true.
What alternative to TreeMap can I use?
Use case: I have a set of displayable objects. I want to sort them by Y coordinate, so that they are rendered in the correct order. Of course, two objects may well have the same Y coordinate.
You're defining one criteria to compare, but you need to add extra criteria.
You say:
I have a set of displayable objects. I want to sort them by Y coordinate, so that they are rendered in the correct order. Of course, two objects may well have the same Y coordinate.
So, If two elements have the same Y coordinate, what you you put first? What would be the other criteria?
It may be the creation time, it may be the x coordinate, you just have to define it:
Map<String,Thing> map = new TreeMap<String,Thing>(new Comparator<Thing>(){
public int compare( Thing one, Thing two ) {
int result = one.y - two.y;
if( result == 0 ) { // same y coordinate use another criteria
result = one.x - two.x;
if( result == 0 ) { //still the same? Try another criteria ( maybe creation time
return one.creationTime - two.creationTime
return result;
You have to define when one Thing is higher / lower / equal / than other Thing . If one of the attributes is the same as other, probably you should not move them. If is there other attribute to compare the use it.
The issue you're running into is that compareTo returning 0 means that the objects are equal. At the same time, you're putting them into a set, which does not allow multiple copies of equal elements.
Either re-write your compareTo so that unequal elements return different values, or use something like a java.util.PriorityQueue which allows multiple copies of equal elements.
I've done this before. It's an ordered multi-map and it is just a TreeMap of List objects. Like this..
Map<KeyType, List<ValueType>> mmap = new TreeMap<KeyType, List<ValueType>>();
You need to construct a new LinkedList every time a new key is introduced, so it might be helpful to wrap it in a custom container class. I'll try to find something.
So, I threw this custom container together quickly (completely untested), but it might be what you are looking for. Keep in mind that you should only use this type of container if you are truly looking for an ordered map of value lists. If there is some natural order to your values, you should use a TreeSet as others have suggested.
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class MTreeMap<K, V> {
private final Map<K, List<V>> mmap = new TreeMap<K, List<V>>();
private int size = 0;
public MTreeMap() {
public void clear() {
public boolean containsKey(K key) {
return mmap.containsKey(key);
public List<V> get(K key) {
return mmap.get(key);
public boolean isEmpty() {
return mmap.isEmpty();
public Set<K> keySet() {
return mmap.keySet();
public Collection<List<V>> valueLists() {
return mmap.values();
public void put(K key, V value) {
List<V> vlist = mmap.get(key);
if (null==vlist) {
vlist = new LinkedList<V>();
mmap.put(key, vlist);
public List<V> remove(Object key) {
List<V> vlist = mmap.remove(key);
if (null!=vlist) {
size = size - vlist.size() ;
return vlist;
public int size() {
return size;
public String toString() {
return mmap.toString();
Here's a rudimentary test:
public class TestAnything {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MTreeMap<Integer, String> mmap = new MTreeMap<Integer, String>();
mmap.put(1, "Value1");
mmap.put(2, "Value2");
mmap.put(3, "Value3");
mmap.put(1, "Value4");
mmap.put(3, "Value5");
mmap.put(2, "Value6");
mmap.put(2, "Value7");
System.out.println("size (1) = " + mmap.get(1).size());
System.out.println("size (2) = " + mmap.get(2).size());
System.out.println("size (3) = " + mmap.get(3).size());
System.out.println("Total size = " + mmap.size());
The output is this:
size (1) = 2
size (2) = 3
size (3) = 2
Total size = 7
{1=[Value1, Value4], 2=[Value2, Value6, Value7], 3=[Value3, Value5]}
I have one idea of my own, but it's more of a workaround
int compare(Object a, Object b) {
an = a.seq + (a.sortkey << 16); // allowing for 65k items in the set
bn = b.seq + (a.sortKey << 16);
return an - bn; // can never remember whether it's supposed to be this or b - a.
sortKey = what really matters for the sorting, for example an Y coordinate
seq = a sequence number assigned to objects when added to the set
There are 2 important things to remember when using sorted sets (e.g. TreeSet) :
1) They are sets; two equal elements are not allowed in the same collection
2) Equality must be consistent with the comparison mechanism (either comparator or comparable)
Therefore, in your case you should "break ties" by adding some secondary ordering criteria. For example: first use Y axis, then X, and then some unique object identifier.
See also http://eyalsch.wordpress.com/2009/11/23/comparators/