current server status information for tomcat7 - java

I am currently load testing my web application ( Spring + Hibernate based) on a standalone tomcat server (v7.0.27)on a Windows Server 2008 machine. I need to know how tomcat behaves as bulk requests come. e.g.
300 requests recevied - current heap size, server is hung up, server is unable to process, heap size, size of objects, number of objects. So on and so forth.
Is there a way to see this already ? (Info from the manager app is insufficient "current Threads active and memory occupied is not for my requirement).
P.S. maxThreads property for Connector element is 350.
Update : Another issue I faced while load testing - (Tomcat hangs up when i send 300 requests in some cases).
Any help would be highly and greatly appreciated.

you can use jconsole that ships with jdk.

If the server hangs, there might be a deadlock.
You can try to attach with JProfiler, the monitoring section will show you the current locking situation and a possible deadlock.
Disclaimer: My company develops JProfiler.


Failed to connect to Tomcat server on ec2 instance

My goal is to learn what factors could overwhelm my little tomcat server. And when some exception happens, what I could do to resolve or remediate it without switching my server to a better machine. This is not a real app in a production environment but just my own experiment (Besides some changes on the server-side, I may also do something on my client-side)
Both of my client and server are very simple: the server only checks the URL format and send 201 code if it is correct. Each request sent from my client only includes an easy JSON body. There is no database involved. The two machines (t2-micro) only run client and server respectively.
My client is OkHttpClient(). To avoid timeout exceptions, I already set timeout 1,000,000 milli secs via setConnectTimeout, setReadTimeout, and setWriteTimeout. I also go to $CATALINA/conf/server.xml on my server and set connectionTimeout = "-1"(infinite)
I'm trying to stress out my server by having a client launching 3000+ threads sending HTTP requests to my server. Both of my client and server reside on different ec2 instances.
Initially, I encountered some timeout issues, but after I set the connection, read and write timeout to a bigger value, this exception has been resolved. However, with the same specification, I'm getting Failed to connect to my_host_ip:8080 exception. And I do not know its root cause. I'm new to multithreading and distributed system, can anyone please give me some insights of this exception?
Below is some screenshot of from my ec2:
1. Client:
2. Server:
Having gone through similar exercise in past I can say that there is no definitive answer to the problem of scaling.
Here are some general trouble shooting steps that may lead to more specific information. I would suggest trying out tests by tweaking a few parameters in each test and measure the changes in Cpu, logs etc.
Please provide what value you have put for the timeout. Increasing timeout could cause your server (or client) to run out of threads quickly (cause each thread can process for longer). Question the need for increasing timeout. Is there any processing that slows your server?
Check application logs, JVM usage, memory usage on the client and Server. There will be some hints there.
Your client seems to be hitting 99%+ and then come down. This implies that there could be a problem at the client side in that it maxes out during the test. Your might want to resize your client to be able to do more.
Look at open file handles. The number should be sufficiently high.
Tomcat has some limit on thread count to handle load. You can check this in server.xml and if required change it to handle more. Although cpu doesn't actually max out on server side so unlikely that this is the problem.
If you a database then check the performance of the database. Also check jdbc connect settings. There is thread and timeout config at jdbc level as well.
Is response compression set up on the Tomcat? It will give much better throughout on server especially if the data being sent back by each request is more than a few kbs.
Based on update on question few more thoughts.
Since the application is fairly simple, the path in terms of stressing the server should be to start low and increase load in increments whilst monitoring various things (cpu, memory, JVM usage, file handle count, network i/o).
The increments of load should be spread over several runs.
Start with something as low as 100 parallel threads.
Record as much information as you can after each run and if the server holds up well, increase load.
Suggested increments 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000.
At some level you will see that the server can no longer take it. That would be your breaking point.
As you increase load and monitor you will likely discover patterns that suggest tuning of specific parameters. Each tuning attempt should then be tested again the same level of multi threading. The improvement of available will be obvious from the monitoring.

Appdynamics Agent connection causing memory leak in Java applications

We're using Appdynamics Java agent for monitoring our production applications. We have noticed slow growth in memory and the application eventually stalls. We ran a head dump on one of the JVMs and got the below reports.
Problem Suspect 1:
The thread 0x1267......
AD thread config Poller keeps local variable config size of 28546.79(15.89%) KB
Problem Suspect 2:
280561 Instances of loaded by 0x6c000....
occupy 503413.3(28.05%) KB. These instances are referenced from one instance of java.util.HashMap$Node[]...
We figured that these classes were from the Appdynamics APM that hooks on to the running JVM and sends monitored events to the controller. There is so much convoluted process associated with reaching out to the vendor, so I am wondering if there are any work arounds for this like we enabling our java apps with JMX and Appd getting the monitoring events from JMX rather than directly hooking on to the applications' JVM. Thanks for your suggestions.

Tomcat 8 - POST and PUT requests slow when deployed on RHEL

I have developed a REST API using Spring Framework. When I deploy this in Tomcat 8 on RHEL, the response times for POST and PUT requests are very high when compared to deployment on my local machine (Windows 8.1). On RHEL server it takes 7-9 seconds whereas on local machine it is less than 200 milliseconds.
RAM and CPU of RHEL server are 4 times that of local machine. Default tomcat configurations are used in both Windows and RHEL. Network latency is ruled out because GET requests take more or less same time as local machine whereas time taken to first byte is more for POST and PUT requests.
I even tried profiling the remote JVM using Visual JVM. There are no major hotspots in my custom code.
I was able to reproduce this same issue in other RHEL servers. Is there any tomcat setting which could help in fixing this performance issue ?
The profiling log you have placed means nothing, more or less. It shows the following:
The blocking queue is blocking. Which is normal, because this is its purpose - to block. This mean there is nothing to take from it.
It is waiting for connection on the socket. Which is also normal.
You do not specify what is your RHEL 8 physical/hardware setup. The operating system here might not be the only thing. You can not eliminate still network latency. What about if you have SAN, the SAN may have latency itself. If you are using SSD drive and the RHEL is using SAN with replication you may experience network latecy there.
I am more inclined to first check the IO on the disk than to focus on operating system. If the server is shared there might be other processes occupying the disk.
You are saying that the latency is ruled out because the GET requests are taking the same time. This is not enough to overrule it as I said this is the latency between the client and the application server, it does not check the latency between your app server machin and your SAN or disk or whatever storage is there.

Tomcat 7 stops responding

I have a REST (Jersey) web server using Tomcat 7 + Hibernate + Spring + Ehcache (as local cache).
The server randomly stops responding. I haven't captured (reproduced) the stopping behavior so it is hard to tell exactly when the server hangs. Once the server hangs, if I send a request, the request can't even hit the server (I don't see any request coming in from the application log file)
I understand it is very generic questions. But where do I need to take a look to find out more info?
After spending googling quite some time, I found out that I need to look at catalina.out log file and need to see the heap dump for possible deadlock, and JDBC connection, etc.
Where/How do I find out the heap dump? And where do I see any logs for JDBC connections?
I am using Spring + Hibernate and use transaction manager to manage the transaction. Is there any particular configuration I need to specify in the data source?
Very hard to give any definitive advice with such a generic question.
Before going for a heap dump, I would start with a thread dump using the jstack tool found in a JDK install.
This could give you an idea of what your Tomcat is doing (or not doing) when it stops responding.

Tomcat not recovering from excess trafic

When my tomcat (6.0.20) maxThreads limit is reached, i get the expected error:
Maximum number of threads (XXX) created for connector with address null and port 80
And then request starts hanging on queue and eventually timing out. so far, so good.
The problem is that when the load goes down, the server does not recover and is forever paralysed, instead of coming back to life.
Any hints?
Consider switching to NIO, then you don't need to worry about the technical requirement of 1 thread per connection. Without NIO, the limit is about 5K threads (5K HTTP connections), then it blows like that. With NIO, Java will be able to manage multiple resources by a single thread, so the limit is much higher. The border is practically the available heap memory, with about 2GB you can go up to 20K connections.
Configuring Tomcat to use NIO is as simple as changing the protocol attribute of the <Connector> element in /conf/server.xml to "org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol".
I think may be a bug in Tomcat and according to the issue:
should be fixed in Tomcat 6.0.27 and 5.5.30
