SQL rawQuery if contains - java

A quick question, I can't find it on the internet, probably I am looking at the wrong "term".
But how do you make a SQL query statement with "if contains"
"SELECT something FROM " + TABLE_NAME + " WHERE name **contains** '*String*'", null);
I know you got these statements: = > < >= <= but what to use for if contains?

You want the LIKE keyword
Depending on the variety of SQL for the wildcard.
...Where name like '%string%'
SQLite uses % for a sequence of 0 or more unspecified characters (like a *), and an underscore _ for any single character

SELECT something FROM table WHERE name LIKE '%spam%'
(percent signs act like asterisks in a "conventional" search, give or take.)
You can get much more complicated with dbms specific functions (eg, here's Oracle's) that can, situationally, add regular expressions and other ways of searching.
As always, watch out for collation issues and case.

you can use LIKE
"SELECT something FROM " + TABLE_NAME + " WHERE name like '%yourstring%'";
refer to: http://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html

Instead of "if contains" you can use the "like" statement...
the query will be...
"SELECT something FROM tablename where name like %'string'%"
This will return what u want,,,
For Example:
Your table name "abc" contains Jarry,Jack,John,Josh,.....
if u run the query
select * from abc where name like %Ja%
it will return


Dynamic column name using prepared statement + sql query with variable containing 's

My query
attributes.replace(" ' ", "");
//also used SET "+attributes+"
String sql;
sql = "UPDATE diseaseinfo"
+ " SET ?=?"
+ "WHERE companyname = 'mycom' && diseaseName =?";
PreparedStatement preparedStmt = connects.prepareStatement(sql);
preparedStmt.setString(1, attributes);
preparedStmt.setString(2, attrData);
preparedStmt.setString(3, medname);
it is giving me an error because query set the column name in string so it become like this on causes
UPDATE diseaseinfo SET 'causes'='abc' WHERE companyname = 'mycom' and diseaseName ='fever'
and through this question I get to know that I can't add dynamic column by prepared statement: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3136049/7794329
Now, the real question comes up: suppose if I will use a simple update query like in this question: jdbc dymanic sql query with variable containg 's
It says you can't enter value with 's in your simple sql query because it will again make the query syntactical error for example :
SELECT * FROM diseaseinfo WHERE diseaseName = 'Adult Still's disease' AND name = 'add';
Here it wont execute because of ' 's on 'Adult Still's
Then it won't work with simple query. What should I do now? What to use? To set dynamic column with taking care of 's in the query.
I am not worried about SQL injection because i am working on local. And I just want my query to be executed.
Right. We can't supply identifiers as bind parameters. The name of the column has to be part of the SQL text.
We can dynamically incorporate the name of the column into the SQL text with something like this:
sql = "UPDATE diseaseinfo"
+ " SET `" + colname + "` = ?"
+ " WHERE companyname = 'mycom' AND diseaseName = ?";
And supply values for the two remaining bind parameters
preparedStmt.setString(1, attrData);
preparedStmt.setString(2, medname);
And you are absolutely correct about being concerned about SQL Injection.
Supplied as bind values, single quotes in the values of attrData and medname won't be an issue, in terms of SQL Injection.
But the example I've provided is vulnerable through incorporating the colname variable into the SQL text, if we don't have some guaranteed that colname is "safe" to include in the statement.
So we need to make the assignment of a value to colname "safe".
Several approaches we can use do that. The most secure would be a "whitelist" approach. The code can ensure that only specific allowed "safe" values get assigned to colname, before colname gets included into the SQL text.
As a simple example:
String colname;
if (attributes.equals("someexpectedvalue") {
colname = "columnname_to_be_used";
} else if (attributes.equals("someothervalid") {
colname = "valid_columname";
} else {
// unexpected/unsupported attributes value so
// handle condition or throw an exception
A more flexible approach is to ensure that a backtick character doesn't appear in colname. In the example, the value of colname is being escaped by enclosing it in backticks. So, as long as a backtick character doesn't appear in colname, we will prevent a supplied value from being interpreted as anything other than as an identifier.
For a more generic (and complicated) approach to using hardcoded backtick characters, we could consider making use the supportsQuotedIdentifiers and getIdentifierQuoteString methods of java.sql.DatabaseMetaData class.
(In the OP code, we don't see the datatype of contents of attributes. We see a call to a method named replace, and the arguments that are supplied to that. Assuming that attributes is a String, and that's supposed to be a column name, it's not at all clear why we would have "space single quote space" in the string, or why we need to remove that. Other than this mention, this answer doesn't address that.)

How to check if a pair exists using HQL in query?

I have a list of different ids and their names. For every id[0] we have name[0] that needs to be matched.
list of ids, l{1,2,3,4};
list of names, n{a,b,c,d};
Now suppose if I want to get an exact match for both above combination, is there any way in HQL to get the result?
I am looking to find a replacement for a query like:
select any_column
from table_name
where (id[0]=1 and name[0]=a) or (id[1]=2 and name[1]=b and so on...);
The HQL query should be something like below:
select any_column
from table_name
where (id,name) IN {(id[0],name[0]), (id[1], name[1]),...};
Any suggestions?
I am not hql/sql guy, however one way I can think of is, in your hql, you concatenate the id and name with a space (or other special char) then with in sub-clause. something like:
select * from table where concat(id, ' ', name) in (:pairList)
The pairList parameter is a java collection, you should prepare before the hql query call, which has element id[x] + " " + name[x].
I think this should work.
If you are using hibernate, another possible solution is, make use of the hibernate's #Formular annotation on your table entity, to create a calculated column, such as:
#Formula(value = " concat(id, ' ', name) ")
private String idNamePair;
Then you can in hql use it as a normal field. like ... from table where idNamePair in (:paramList)

How to separate between data selecting from multiple tables?

I want to search in 16 different tables, but I don't wanna repeat the "select from DB" 16 times; I think that's not really help in performance!!!
I am using:
query="SELECT * FROM table1, table2,..., table16 WHERE id=?";
Is it correct ??
my problem is how to separate between data of tables ??
also maybe I can get from one table two or more results for one "id"; So I want to know which data is from which table !!
Best regards,
Your query will not work, because you are trying to join those multiple tables, whereas what you want to do is search (filter) those 16 tables.
You could use a union all to do this in a single query:
select xxx, 'table1' as source_table
from table1
where id = ?
union all
select xxx, 'table2' as source_table
from table2
where id = ?
and so on. The second derived field source_table can be used to determine which table returned which result.
You have to list all fields using aliases for fields with same name, and prefix with table names.
For example :
query = "SELECT table1.id as id_1, table2.id as id_2, ... WHERE id_1 = 23"
Probably a very long query to write, but you have solution to generate and paste it : You can do this for example with FlySpeed SqlQuery (free for personal use)
FlySpeed SqlQuery will generate all aliases for you, and automatically prefix with table names.
A little clarification would help. If all 16 tables have the same fields and you want them in a continuous list, you can use UNION as suggested above. On the other hand, if there are only a few fields that match and you want to compare the values for each table side-by-side, you'll want to use joins and provide aliases with the table names, as also suggested above.
However, looking at the snippet of code you've provided, I'm going to guess that you're either building some kind of stored procedure or else implementing SQL in some other language. If that's the case, how about loading your table names into an array and using a for loop to build the query, such as the following psuedo-code:
tableList = ["table1", "table2"...]
fieldnames = ["field1", "field2"...]
query = "SELECT "
for i = 0 to count(tableList):
for j = 0 to count(fieldnames):
query = query + tablelist[i] + "." + fieldnames[j] + ", "
query = query + "FROM "
for i = 0 to count(tableList):
query = query + tableList[i] + ", "
query = query + "WHERE " ...
And so forth. Much of this depends on what exactly you're looking to do, how often you're looking to do it, and how often the variables (like which tables or fields you're using) are going to change.

Why does this SQL-Statement lead to an error?

I am getting quite angry with this, so I seek help from the crowd ;)
What I want to do: We have a Unity learning game which shall implement a login window. The entered credentials are then hashed (the pw is) and sent to the server, who then should check this against a database.
I have the following table:
xy.users_confirms with the following colums:
id username email password hashcode created
Why does my code
String sql = "SELECT " + "xy.users_confirms.password as pwhash, "
+"FROM xy.users_confirms " +"WHERE xy.users_confirms.username = " +"\"userNameToGetHashFor\"";
lead me to the SQLException "Parameter index out of range (1 > number of parameters, which is 0)"
Thanks, any input is much appreciated!
Try this:
String parameter = "'"+ strNameToGetHashFor + "'";
String sql = "SELECT " + "xy.users_confirms.password as pwhash, "
+"FROM xy.users_confirms "
+"WHERE xy.users_confirms.username ="+ parameter;
You are using varchar value as a parameter so it's need to be quot like this.'username'. or you can use Stored Procedure.
Personally, I would try getting a working query using the custom query box directly in phpmyadmin. Once you have a working query you can re-write it in java.
And I would try writing the syntax like this into the phpmyadmin query box:
SELECT password as pwhash
FROM xy.users_confirms
WHERE username ='userNameToGetHashFor'
Using the above syntax I don't see anyway your error could persist.
Phpmyadmin screen cap showing custom query box: http://screencast.com/t/9h8anH0Aj
(the 2 empty text boxes in screen cap are just me hiding my database info)
The comma after pwhash is one potential cause:
+ "xy.users_confirms.password as pwhash*!*,*!* "
Depending on the DBMS, you may also need to use single quotes instead of double quotes like this:
+ "'userNameToGetHashFor'";
Also this code is potentially vulnerable to a SQL Injection attack so you may want to make the userNameToGetHashFor a parameter rather than concatenating the string into the SQL statement.

String formatting prob for making database value inside a file

I have a bean class which does maintain user data:
soppose I have created a postgresql DB table like this:
StringBuffer sqlStr = new StringBuffer();
sqlStr.append("CREATE TABLE Users ("
user_id bigint,
username character varying NOT NULL,
biography character varying NOT NULL
& I want to make a query command and inject my String data inside it:
sqlStr.append("INSERT INTO users(" +
"user_id, username, biography)" +
"\n\tVALUES (" + user.getID()+ "," + user.getUsername() + "," + user.getBiography()+");";
my problem is for example if the data coming from my method has quote or double quote or "," my command will become wrong suppose that the user biography is something like this :
hello, I'm Mr X an "IT Pro" ...
If I run my application and save the output inside a file called query.sql I can't use it because my query command is wrong because of quote & double quote, something like this:
INSERT INTO users(userid, username, biography)
VALUES(2, 'Mehdi', 'hello, I'm Mr X an "IT Pro" ..');
how Can I fix this problem ?
You should never ever use the above method for constructing SQL queries.
"Why not?" you ask, well; where to start. The classic example is Bobby Tables, the more general problem is SQL injection. This leaves your program open to attack but also to random failure - like the situation you describe.
Now, the solution. Always use PreparedStatement to construct your query. In your example
final String query = "INSERT INTO users(user_id, username, biography) VALUES (?,?,?)";
final PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(query);
ps.setInt(1, user.getID());
ps.setString(2, user.getUsername());
ps.setString(3, user.getBiography());
A much nicer syntax to use with is the the SET syntax rather than the traditional VALUES syntax. The query would then look like
final String query = "INSERT INTO users SET user_id = ?, username = ?, biography = ?";
The OP is building a query for a script file, not executing a query in the code.
There is a utility class in Apache Commons Lang, StringEscapeUtils. This has an escapeSql method. Looking at the source code, all this does is escape single quotes with another single quote.
This works if you build your queries with single quotes:
VALUES (" + user.getID()+ ",'" + user.getUsername() + "'...
So the query, once the example value is inserted will go from:
VALUES (10 ,'hello, I'm Mr X an "IT Pro"'...
Will become
VALUES (10 ,'hello, I''m Mr X an "IT Pro"'...
The apostrophe in "I'm" is now escaped and harmless.
Note that you obviously need to escape the values and not the query, so (assuming you have a static import for the class)
VALUES (" + user.getID()+ ",'" + escapeSql(user.getUsername()) + "'...
But does not escape other sql characters, percent signs for example.
This is really a stop-gap measure to make the code work while you come up with a more robust solution. And you should come up with a more robust solution.
Why dont you use PreparedStatement? That will also give you better performance as the SQL will be pre-compiled on DB side.
You can escape the quotes using
String.replaceAll http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#replaceAll(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
