This question already has answers here:
Please explain the usage of Labeled Statements
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I'm busy studying for my certification and I stumbled upon a concept I've never even heard before - "Labeled Statements". e.g:
'label' : 'statement'
L1: while(i < 0){
L2: System.out.println(i);
So my question is.. why? How is this useful and when would one want to use something like this?
The only use that I'm aware of is that you can use labels in break or continue statements. So if you have nested loops, it's a way to break out of more than one level at a time:
OUTER: for (x : xList) {
for (y : yList) {
// Do something, then:
if (x > y) {
// This goes to the next iteration of x, whereas a standard
// "continue" would go to the next iteration of y
continue OUTER;
As the example implies, it's occasionally useful if you're iterating over two things at once in a nested fashion (e.g. searching for matches) and want to continue - or if you're doing normal iteration, but for some reason want to put a break/continue in a nested for loop.
I tend to only use them once every few years, though. There's a chicken-and-egg in that they can be hard to understand because they're a rarely-used construct, so I'll avoid using labels if the code can be clearly written in another way.
It can be used to avoid the need for a "not found" flag.
for(Type t: list)
if (t.isTrue())
break FOUND;
// handle not found.
This is perhaps a misuse of labels, but you can use them to break without a loop.
break LABEL;
// do something
It can also be used to confuse people, which is a good reason to avoid it. ;)
while(true) break http;
I used to use those as comment statements :) Jokes aside, it is like the Go to statements in basic, which allows you to jump to a line of code, ie during a deep looping structure...
scan: {
int c;
for (firstUpper = 0 ;
firstUpper < count ;
firstUpper += Character.charCount(c)) {
c = codePointAt(firstUpper);
if (c != Character.toLowerCase(c)) {
break scan;
return this;
Here is an example of inordinate break that is likely to be missed out by the rest of the replies. It allows to break a loop within switch{} statement:
loop: for(;;){
case -1:
case '\n':
break loop;
case 'a':
case ...
I think that they are required so that you can write Fortran while pretending to write Java. Without them, the aphorism Real programmers write in Fortran whatever language they are using might be invalidated.
As other answers have stated, labels are a seldom used part of the Java language.
But in your case some other things should be considered:
The labels are quite "generic" and are in fact line numbers: L1, L2, ...
The labels are not used in the code.
You are studying material for a certification.
This means, that the L1, L2 labels are simply line numbers. I assume, that the text explaining the code refers to that line numbers. In the same way some books and papers enumerate all mathematical terms just for referencing them in the text or to make citations easier.
This question already has answers here:
How to use labels in java code?
(4 answers)
Should I avoid using Java Label Statements?
(12 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
i'm working on a legacy project & i found something like that :
if(1 == 1) {
break test;
System.out.println("Hello World");
I google it, but nothing seems to match with this kind of structure.
Of course, this part of code compile & run ... ????
Do someone know what that do ?
Jump-out label (Tutorial):
label: for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (something(i, j)) break label; // jumps out of the i loop
// i.e. jumps to here
It is called label.
It is used with break to do something similar to goto in other languages.
More details you can find here
test: is called a label. Just like on a loop, the break jumps to the end of a block. The label is used to define where the break jumps to. Note the start of the scope doesn't mater provided the end is where you need it to be so really you are labelling the end not the start of the code to break to.
While it works, labels are generally too confusing with if statements, partly because they are rarely used, so I would avoid them. If you can write something with a label, you can usually write it without by using a method or in this case using an else to the if
Even using labels with loops should be avoided if you can.
This has been part of Java since version 1.0 and is still supported in Java 10.
As comments already said, this is a label that break can jump to / out of. More information here:
I have a code like this
public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
continue s;
System.out.println("I am not supposed to print this");
System.out.println("I am suppose to print this");
I get the error
java: undefined label: s
What is wrong ?
Basically, there is no practical way to do that in Java. You appear to be trying to do the equivalent of a "goto", and that is not supported in Java. The break label and continue label statements can only branch to an enclosing labelled statement.
Now according to the Java formal grammar you could write this:
s: {
continue s;
System.out.println("I am not supposed to print this");
System.out.println("I am suppose to print this");
but that still won't compile for two reasons:
The continue is only allowed to branch to a label on a loop statement. (A break doesn't have that restriction ... but ...)
The continue (or a break) makes the next statement unreachable.
See also: Alternative to a goto statement in Java
But there is one rather tricky way to get your code to "work":
static final boolean flag = true; // class attribute ...
s: {
if (flag) break s;
System.out.println("I am not supposed to print this");
System.out.println("I am suppose to print this");
The "test" there will be evaluated by the compiler so that the break is effectively unconditional. But the JLS says that the first println will be treated as reachable, so that you won't get an unreachable code error.
I guess this might be useful if you are generating this source code. Apart from that, it is (IMO) just a curiosity. It is simpler to do this with a regular if / else statement ... or by deleting the first "print" entirely.
Jumping like this is not possible in Java, only way to jump is from loops, while and do.
What is the "continue" keyword and how does it work in Java?
Read #Heinzi answer
2.2.6 No More Goto Statements
Java has no goto statement. Studies illustrated that goto is (mis)used more often than not simply "because it's there". Eliminating goto led to a simplification of the language--there are no rules about the effects of a goto into the middle of a for statement, for example. Studies on approximately 100,000 lines of C code determined that roughly 90 percent of the goto statements were used purely to obtain the effect of breaking out of nested loops. As mentioned above, multi-level break and continue remove most of the need for goto statements.
The Java Language Environment, James Gosling
and Henry McGilton, 1996
There is no "goto" in java. And "continue" does a little bit other function. You can use "continue" for example in loops like:
class ContinueDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String searchMe = "peter piper picked a " + "peck of pickled peppers";
int max = searchMe.length();
int numPs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
// interested only in p's
if (searchMe.charAt(i) != 'p')
// process p's
System.out.println("Found " + numPs + " p's in the string.");
In the example above, if for example searchMe.charAt(5) != 'p' then the loop will continue from the beginning of loop from i=6, and numPs++; will not be processed.
You can read more about this here:
Branching Statements
continue is a keyword in Java used to skip iterations of a loop.
If you are trying to find an equivalent to GOTO, you should reconsidering how you are trying to solve your problem, GOTO is never a valid option, ever.
As far as I know, there is no goto in Java (there is a keyword, but it has no meaning)
Theoretically, Java have Jump statements return and break.
The return statement jumps out of a method, with or without returning values to the calling statement.
The break statement jumps out of loops.
As mentioned in the earlier answers, goto is not available in Java, and is not considered to be a good programming practice in procedural or object oriented programming. It existed back in the days of sequential programming.
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've searched for this, but couldn't find an answer and for whatever reason I was too ashamed to ask professor, due to that feeling when hundreds of people stare at you...
Anyhow, my question is what's the importance of having brackets? Is it OK if I omit them? Example:
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
a += b;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
a += b;
I know both of them will work, but if I omit the brackets (which I tend to do a lot, due to visibility) will that change anything, anything at all? As I said, I know it works, I tested it dozen of times, but now some of my uni assignments are getting larger, and for some reason I have irrational fear that in the long run, this my cause some problems? Is there a reason to fear that?
It won't change anything at all apart from the maintainability of your code. I've seen code like this:
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
a += b;
which means this:
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
a += b;
... but which should have been this:
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
a += b;
Personally I always include the brackets to reduce the possibility of confusion when reading or modifying the code.
The coding conventions at every company I've worked for have required this - which is not to say that some other companies don't have different conventions...
And just in case you think it would never make a difference: I had to fix a bug once which was pretty much equivalent to the code above. It was remarkably hard to spot... (admittedly this was years ago, before I'd started unit testing, which would no doubt have made it easier to diagnose).
Using braces makes the code more maintainable and understandable. So you should consider them by default.
I sometimes skip using braces on guard clauses to make the code more compact. My requirement for this is that they're if statements that are followed by a jump statement, like return or throw. Also, I keep them in the same line to draw attention to the idiom, e.g:.
if (!isActive()) return;
They also apply to code inside loops:
for (...) {
if (shouldSkip()) continue;
And to other jump-conditions from methods that are not necessarily at the top of the method body.
Some languages (like Perl or Ruby) have a kind of conditional statement, where braces don't apply:
return if (!isActive());
// or, more interestingly
return unless (isActive());
I consider it to be equivalent to what I just described, but explicitly supported by the language.
There is no difference. The main problem with the second version is you might end up writing this:
for (...)
when you update that method, thinking that do_something_else() is called inside the loop. (And that leads to head-scratching debug sessions.)
There is a second problem that the brace version doesn't have, and its possibly even harder to spot:
for (int i=0; i<3; i++);
System.out.println("Why on earth does this print just once?");
So keep the braces unless you have a good reason, it is just a few keystrokes more.
I think that loosing curly braces is good, if you are also using auto-format, because than your indentation is always correct, so it will be easy to spot any errors that way.
Saying that leaving the curly braces out is bad, weird or unreadable is just wrong, as whole language is based on that idea, and it's pretty popular (python).
But I have to say that without using a formatter it can be dangerous.
For most cases, the answers mentioned so far are correct. But there are some disadvantages to it from the security perspective of things. Having worked in a payments team, security is a much stronger factor that motives such decisions. Lets say you have the following code:
if( "Prod".equals(stage) )
callBankFunction ( creditCardInput )
callMockBankFunction ( creditCardInput )
Now lets say you have this code is not working due to some internal problem. You want to check the input. So you make the following change:
if( "Prod".equals(stage) )
callBankFunction ( creditCardInput )
callMockBankFunction ( creditCardInput )
Logger.log( creditCardInput )
Say you fix the problem and deploy this code (and maybe the reviewer & you think this won't cause a problem since its not inside the 'Prod' condition). Magically, your production logs now print customer credit card information that is visible to all the personnel who can see the logs. God forbid if any of them (with malicious intent) gets hold of this data.
Thus not giving a brace and a little careless coding can often lead to breach of secure information. It is also classified as a vulnerability in JAVA by CERT - Software Engineering Institure, CMU.
If you have a single statement you can omit the brackets, for more that one statements brackets is necessary for declaring a block of code.
When you use brackets you are declaring a block of code :
//Block of code
The brackets should be used also with only one statement when you are in a situation of nested statement for improve readability, so for example :
for( ; ; )
if(a == b)
it is more readable written with brackets also if not necessary :
for( ; ; ) {
if(a == b) {
If you use brackets your code is more readable.
And if you need to add some operator in same block you can avoid possible errors
Using the brackets future proofs the code against later modifications. I've seen cases where brackets were omitted and someone later added some code and didn't put the brackets in at that time. The result was that the code they added didn't go inside the section they thought it did. So I think the answer is that its good practice in light of future changes to the code. I've seen software groups adopt that as a standard, i.e. always requiring brackets even with single line blocks for that reason.
using redundant braces to claim that code is more maintainable raises the following question: if the guys writing, wondering about and further maintaining the code have issues like the ones described before (indentation related or readability related) perhaps they should not program at all...
Nowadays, it is very easy to re-indent codes to find out which block of codes is in which if or for/while. If you insist that re-indenting is hard to do, then brackets placed at wrong indentation can confuse you equally badly.
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if(i < 10) {
} else { for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
If you do this everywhere, your brain is going to break down in no time. Even with brackets, you are depending on indentation to visually find the start and end of code blocks.
If indentation is important, then you should already write your code in correct indentation, so other people don't need to re-indent your codes to read correctly.
If you want to argue that the previous example is too fake/deliberate, and that the brackets are there to capture careless indentation problem (especially when you copy/paste codes), then consider this:
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if(i < 10) {
else {
for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
Yes, it looks less serious than the previous example, but you can still get confused by such indentation.
IMHO, it is the responsibility of the person writing the code to check through the code and make sure things are indented correctly before they proceed to do other things.
More support for the "always braces" group from me. If you omit braces for single-statement loops/branches, put the statement on the same line as the control-statement,
if (condition) doSomething();
for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) arr[i] += b;
that way it's harder to forget inserting braces when the body is expanded. Still, use curlies anyway.
If you remove braces, it will only read the first line of instruction. Any additional lines will not be read. If you have more than 1 line of instruction to be executed pls use curly brace - or else exception will be thrown.
Result wise , it is the same thing.
Only two things to consider.
- Code Maintainability
- Loosely coupled code. (may execute
something else. because you haven't specified the scope for the loop. )
Note: In my observation, if it is loop with in a loop. Inner Loop without braces is also safe. Result will not vary.
If you have only one statement inside the loop it is same.
For example see the following code:
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
we have only one statement in above code. so no issue
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
Here we are having two statements but only first statement comes into inside the loop but not the second statement.
If you have multiple statements under single loop you must use braces.
it should be a reflex to reformat the code as well... that is of course for professional programmers in professional teams
It's probably best to use the curly braces everywhere for the simple fact that debugging this would be an extreme nuisance. But other wise, one line of code doesn't necessarily need the bracket. Hope this helps!
I'm confused about this. Most of us have been told that there isn't any goto statement in Java.
But I found that it is one of the keywords in Java. Where can it be used? If it can not be used, then why was it included in Java as a keyword?
James Gosling created the original JVM with support of goto statements, but then he removed this feature as needless. The main reason goto is unnecessary is that usually it can be replaced with more readable statements (like break/continue) or by extracting a piece of code into a method.
Source: James Gosling, Q&A session
The Java keyword list specifies the goto keyword, but it is marked as "not used".
It was in the original JVM (see answer by #VitaliiFedorenko), but then removed. It was probably kept as a reserved keyword in case it were to be added to a later version of Java.
If goto was not on the list, and it gets added to the language later on, existing code that used the word goto as an identifier (variable name, method name, etc...) would break. But because goto is a keyword, such code will not even compile in the present, and it remains possible to make it actually do something later on, without breaking existing code.
The keyword exists, but it is not implemented.
The only good reason to use goto that I can think of is this:
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_I; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < MAX_J; j++) {
// do stuff
goto outsideloops; // to break out of both loops
In Java you can do this like this:
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_I; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < MAX_J; j++) {
// do stuff
break loops;
"The keywords const and goto are
reserved, even though they are not
currently used. "
So they could be used one day if the language designers felt the need.
Also, if programmers from languages that do have these keywords (eg. C, C++) use them by mistake, then the Java compiler can give a useful error message.
Or maybe it was just to stop programmers using goto :)
They are reserved for future use (see: Java Language Keywords)
The keywords const and goto are reserved, even though they are not currently used.
The reason why there is no goto statement in Java can be found in "The Java Language Environment":
Java has no goto statement. Studies illustrated that goto is (mis)used more often than not simply "because it's there". Eliminating goto led to a simplification of the language--there are no rules about the effects of a goto into the middle of a for statement, for example. Studies on approximately 100,000 lines of C code determined that roughly 90 percent of the goto statements were used purely to obtain the effect of breaking out of nested loops. As mentioned above, multi-level break and continue remove most of the need for goto statements.
An example of how to use "continue" labels in Java is:
public class Label {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int temp = 0;
out: // label
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
System.out.println("I am here");
for (int j = 0; j < 20; ++j) {
if(temp==0) {
System.out.println("j: " + j);
if (j == 1) {
temp = j;
continue out; // goto label "out"
System.out.println("temp = " + temp);
I am here // i=0
j: 0
j: 1
I am here // i=1
I am here // i=2
temp = 1
It is important to understand that the goto construct is remnant from the days that programmers programmed in machine code and assembly language. Because those languages are so basic (as in, each instruction does only one thing), program control flow is done completely with goto statements (but in assembly language, these are referred to as jump or branch instructions).
Now, although the C language is fairly low-level, it can be thought of as very high-level assembly language - each statement and function in C can easily be broken down into assembly language instructions. Although C is not the prime language to program computers with nowadays, it is still heavily used in low level applications, such as embedded systems. Because C's function so closely mirrors assembly language's function, it only makes sense that goto is included in C.
It is clear that Java is an evolution of C/C++. Java shares a lot of features from C, but abstracts a lot more of the details, and therefore is simply written differently. Java is a very high-level language, so it simply is not necessary to have low-level features like goto when more high-level constructs like functions, for, for each, and while loops do the program control flow. Imagine if you were in one function and did a goto to a label into another function. What would happen when the other function returned? This idea is absurd.
This does not necessarily answer why Java includes the goto statement yet won't let it compile, but it is important to know why goto was ever used in the first place, in lower-level applications, and why it just doesn't make sense to be used in Java.
Because it's not supported and why would you want a goto keyword that did nothing or a variable named goto?
Although you can use break label; and continue label; statements to effectively do what goto does. But I wouldn't recommend it.
public static void main(String [] args) {
boolean t = true;
first: {
second: {
third: {
System.out.println("Before the break");
if (t) {
break second;
System.out.println("Not executed");
System.out.println("Not executed - end of second block");
System.out.println("End of third block");
No, goto is not used, but you can define labels and leave a loop up to the label. You can use break or continue followed by the label. So you can jump out more than one loop level. Have a look at the tutorial.
No, thankfully, there isn't goto in Java.
The goto keyword is only reserved, but not used (the same goes for const).
No, goto is not used in Java, despite being a reserved word. The same is true for const. Both of these are used in C++, which is probably the reason why they're reserved; the intention was probably to avoid confusing C++ programmers migrating to Java, and perhaps also to keep the option of using them in later revisions of Java.
Yes is it possible, but not as nice as in c# (in my opinion c# is BETTER!). Opinions that goto always obscures software are dull and silly! It's sad java don't have at least goto case xxx.
Jump to forward:
public static void main(String [] args) {
myblock: {
if (some_condition)
break myblock;
System.out.println("Nice day");
// here code continue after performing break myblock
System.out.println("And work");
Jump to backward:
public static void main(String [] args) {
mystart: //here code continue after performing continue mystart
do {
if (some_condition)
continue mystart;
System.out.println("Nice day");
} while (false);
System.out.println("And work");
Note that you can replace most of the benign uses of goto by
break label
throw inside try-catch-finally
As was pointed out, there is no goto in Java, but the keyword was reserved in case Sun felt like adding goto to Java one day. They wanted to be able to add it without breaking too much code, so they reserved the keyword. Note that with Java 5 they added the enum keyword and it did not break that much code either.
Although Java has no goto, it has some constructs which correspond to some usages of goto, namely being able to break and continue with named loops. Also, finally can be thought of as a kind of twisted goto.
To prohibit declarations of variables with the same name.
int i = 0, goto;
It's very much considered one of those things you Do Not Do, but was probably listed as a reserved word to avoid confusion for developers.
If you have been told that there is no goto statement in Java you have been fooled. Indeed, Java consists two layers of 'source' code.
See the following link is shows all java reserved words and tells you what versions they where added.
goto is reserved, even though it is not currently used, never say never however :)
I'm not a fan of goto either, as it usually makes code less readable. However I do believe that there are exceptions to that rule (especially when it comes to lexers and parsers!)
Of Course you can always bring your program into Kleene Normalform by translating it to something assembler-like and then write something like
int line = 1;
boolean running = true;
case 1: /* line 1 */
case 2: /* line 2 */
case 42: line = 1337; // goto 1337
default: running = false;
(So you basically write a VM that executes your binary code... where line corresponds to the instruction pointer)
That is so much more readable than code that uses goto, isn't it?
Of course it is keyword, but it is not used on level of source code.
But if you use jasmin or other lower level language, which is transformed to bytecode, then "goto" is there
Because although the Java language doesn't use it, JVM bytecode does.
goto is not in Java
you have to use GOTO
But it don't work key java word it is not used.
public static void main(String[] args) {
GOTO me;
Is there a way to mechanically translate goto statements to if, switch, while, break, and continue statements, etc, or with function calls, objects, anything?
While it is not a good idea, it is possible using loops and swith-case. In the following example the goto variable decides what label (0, 1, 2 or default) to goto when you get to a continue.
int goTo=0;
case 0:
goTo = 1;
case 1:
goTo = 2;
case 2:
goTo = 0;
I thought this would be worth sharing here. I saw this on Reddit one day, it's an implementation of goto to an arbitrary line number (in the same .java file) via a custom class loader. It's a fun piece of code. . I take no credit for it.
For those who are curious but don't want to download the zip and run it, for the following file:
public class GotoDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 5;
i = i - 1;
if (i >= 0) {
try {
if (Math.random() < 2) throw new Exception();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.print("o ");
It will print:
Hello World!
Considering the complexity that goto's can create based on where its jumping between, it's very doubtful.
The Java language doesn't support the features necessary to simulate gotos to arbitrary position (not even within the same method). You can implement a few simple uses of goto using the constructs you mentioned, but can't implement all possible goto uses this way. (*)
On the byte code level you could probably implement goto (at least within a method), but that byte code could not be mapped back to valid Java code in this case.
As for gotos that cross method or object boundaries: That's definitely a big no-no on the JVM level. The entire Java security model depends on the fact that code is verifyable and thus has only defined entry points (also known as "methods").
(*) Disclaimer: this assumes that you don't want to completely restructure the method to implement the effect of goto, which could also invoke code duplication and obfuscating the "normal" flow of the method. Since you can implement a turing machine in a Java method you can definitely implement "goto" in a Java method ;-)
Sure: (abbreviating slightly for clarity)
int goTo = 0; boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
switch (goTo) {
case 1: System.out.println("We're at line 1!"); goTo = 2; break;
case 2: System.out.println("We're going to line 4!"); goTo = 4; break;
case 3: System.out.println("We're at line 3 and we're done!"); done = true; break;
case 4: System.out.println("We're at 4, going to 2! Screw you, line 3!"); goTo = 2; break;
Why you would want to do such a thing is beyond me, but hey, you can...
Yes, using a combination of the methods you is possible (anything is possible really, just figuring out how to do it properly is a pain in the ass).
Keep in mind that goto's can result in extremely complex execution paths...and therefore may result in unsightly large amounts of duplicate code in whatever is generated.
In practice, I imagine any given example goto can be translated to something else, particularly if method extraction is an allowed transformation. Is this an abstract question or do you actually have so many goto's that you really need an actual tool? Perhaps the java code itself was machine-translated from something?
I used to put one actual goto into every program I wrote just to annoy the purists.