parse json with forward slash - java

How should I parse this json?
I try
But have got an error:
at org.json.JSON.typeMismatch
Any ideas? Thanks.
ArrayList<Gate> gates = new ArrayList<Gate>();
JSONArray jGates = object.getJSONArray("gates_info");
int gatesLength = jGates.length();
for (int i=0; i<gatesLength; i++) {
Gate gate = new Gate();
JSONObject jGate = jGates.getJSONObject(i);
Part of response:

Try to escape forward slash, i.e. write \\/.
The back slash is written twice to escape itself, i.e. to make interpreter to treat it as a "real" back slash.
I have not tried this myself with JSON but typically such problems are solved using this kind of solutions.

Here I had this problem (it nothing to do with escape characters though. You just need to know how to use Json. You need to use the addProperty function: Here is an example you should be able to copy this and get it.
JsonObject temp = new JsonObject();


Converting malformed json array string to Java object

I have a malformed json array string which I get from an API call as follows:
[{\"ResponseCode\":1,\"ResponseMsg\":\"[{\"Code\":\"CA2305181\",\"Message\":\"Processed successfully\"}]\"}]
There is a double quote before open square bracket in the value of Response Msg property.
Is there a way to convert this into Java object ?
What I have tried so far:
I have used Jackson to parse it as follows but it gives error
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.setPropertyNamingStrategy(new ResponseNameStrategy());
Response[] response = mapper.readValue(strOutput1, Response[].class);
Error: Can not deserialize instance of java.util.ArrayList out of VALUE_STRING token
I have also tried using Gson to parse it but it also gives error
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
Response[] response = gson.fromJson(strOutput1, Response[].class);
Error: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was STRING at line 1 column 35 path $[0].ResponseMsg
I have gone through the following links on StackOverflow but none of them has addressed my issue:
How to Convert String Array JSON in a Java Object
Convert a JSON string to object in Java ME?
JSON Array to Java objects
Convert json String to array of Objects
converting 'malformed' java json object to javascript
I think the answer is in the comments, you appear to be trying to solve the issue on the wrong place.
You are receiving json which you wish to parse into java objects, unfortunately the json is malformed so will not parse.
As a general rule you should never be trying to solve the symptom, but should look for the root cause and fix that, it may sound trivial but fixing symptoms leads to messy, unpredictable, and unmaintainable systems.
So the answer is fix the json where it is being broken. If this is something or of your control, while you wait for the fix, you could put a hack in to fix the json before you parse it.
This way you won't compromise your parsing, and only have a small piece of string replacement to remove when the third party has fixed the issue. But do not go live with the hack, it should only be used during development.
As i mentioned in the comment, you should prepare your service response in order to parse it.
I implemented an example:
public class JsonTest {
public static void main(String args[]) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException{
String rawJson =
"[{\"ResponseCode\":1,\"ResponseMsg\":\"[{\"Code\":\"CA2305181\",\"Message\":\"Processed successfully\"}]\"}]";
String goodJson = "{"+rawJson.split("[{{.}]")[2]+"}";
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
final ObjectNode node = mapper.readValue(goodJson, ObjectNode.class);
System.out.println("Pretty Print: " + mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(node));
System.out.println("Just code: " + node.get("Code"));
Which returns:
This is how I finally solved my issue:
String inputJsonStr = "[{\"ResponseCode\":1,\"ResponseMsg\":\"[{\"Code\":\"CA2305181\",\"Message\":\"Claim has been added successfully.\"}"
+ "]\"}]";
int indexOfRes = inputJsonStr.indexOf("ResponseMsg");
inputJsonStr = inputJsonStr.substring(0,indexOfRes+13) + inputJsonStr.substring(indexOfRes+14);
int indexOfFirstClosingSquare = inputJsonStr.indexOf("]");
if(inputJsonStr.substring(indexOfFirstClosingSquare+1, indexOfFirstClosingSquare+2).equals("\"")) {
inputJsonStr = inputJsonStr.substring(0, indexOfFirstClosingSquare+1)+inputJsonStr.substring(indexOfFirstClosingSquare+2);
Now inputJsonStr contains a valid json array which can be parsed into Java custom object array easily with gson as given in this SO link:
Convert json String to array of Objects

Exception while parsing JSON

i have a JSON:
String jsonString = "{"Tech":"{id :[""],techInside :["Java","C++"]}","id1":"","state":""}";
So i need the value of techInside. How do i access that > I have tried:
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(jsonString);
string techInside = obj.getJSONObject("Tech").getJSONArray("techInside");
But it gave me an exception:org.json.JSONException: Expected a ',' or '}' at 17.Tried Many other ways but spent a lot of time on it. Need some suggestions please.
Note: i am using escape characters in the string.So please ignore about the escaping characters in the jsonString
Your JSON is invalid. There should be no "" around objects ({}).
Try with this JSON-String:
String jsonString = "{\"Tech\":{\"id\":[\"\"], \"techInside\":[\"Java\", \"C++\"]}, \"id1\":\"\", \"state\":\"\"}"
Or without escaping
{"Tech":{"id":[""], "techInside":["Java", "C++"]}, "id1":"", "state":""}
I think the kind of json you are looking for is
{"Tech": {"id" : "", "techInside" : ["Java","C++"]},"id1":"","state":""}
Not sure, what your requirement is.

Android - decode unicode characters without StringEscapeUtils?

When I use Gson (JsonParser.parse) to decode the following:
{ "item": "Bread", "cost": {"currency": "\u0024", "amount": "3"}, "description": "This is bread\u2122. \u00A92015" }
The "currency" element is returned as a string of characters (and is not converted to a unicode character). Is there a setting or method in Gson that could help me?
If not, is there any way in Android to convert a string that contains one or more escaped character sequences (like "\u0024") to an output string with unicode characters (without writing my own and without using StringEscapeUtils from Apache)?
I'd like to avoid adding another library (for just one small feature).
Looks like the server was double escaping the back slash in the unicode escape sequence. Thanks everyone for your help!
Is it only me or is it really more complicated than simply using TextView's setText() method? Anyhow, following is working just fine on my end with the given sample json (put the sample to assets and read it using loadJSONFromAsset()):
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonElement element = parser.parse(loadJSONFromAsset());
JsonObject obj = element.getAsJsonObject();
JsonObject cost = obj.getAsJsonObject("cost");
JsonPrimitive sign = cost.get("currency").getAsJsonPrimitive();
TextView tv = (TextView)findViewById(;
Gson returns "$". Something is wrong in your set up.
String s = "{ \"item\": \"Bread\", \"cost\": {\"currency\": "
+ "\"\\u0024\", \"amount\": \"3\"}, \"description\": "
+ "\"This is bread\\u2122. \\u00A92015\" }\n";
JsonElement v = new JsonParser().parse(s);
assertEquals("$", v.getAsJsonObject().get("cost").getAsJsonObject()
You can parse it as a hex number
char c = (char)Integer.parseInt(str.substring(2), 16);

Using Json with java returns string with \" instead of "

Am using jsonobject and json array and converting the final result to string using jsonobject.toString() function and returning the string to browser.
Code snippet:
JSONArray VMs= new JSONArray();
JSONObject resultSet = new JSONObject();
for(Vector<String> stages : mrs)
VMs.put(new JSONObject().put("Vm",stages.get(0)));
resultSet.append("ServerDetails",(new JSONObject().put("Server",sName).append("Vms", stageNames)));
return resultSet.toString();
output on browser:
I don't want it to return this way. How do i make this return as follows without slashes-
I don't understand why " gets replaced with \" everywhere. Please help.
If you are using net.sf.json json library, both jsonObject and jsonObject.toString() provide output values without string escape character. Which library you are using..?
Also try returning the original jsonObject itself than the one converted with toString. It might give you the desired result.
Alternate option would be to unescape the string which is send to browser. You can use stringescapeutils from org.apache.commons.lang for this return StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(resultSet.toString()) ;

Parsing JSON in J2ME

So, I've been trying for some time to parse this nested JSON string. If this was regular Java, or even php,I'm sure this would have been done long ago. Unfortunately I'm stuck with J2ME on this one. Through some searching I found that there exits a lone JSON parser. This I found through some digging on a similar question. I've tried some work on my own, with an example on another question. However, I'm still having a few difficulties. I will explain now.
This is the JSON string I'm trying to parse:
{"Result":"Success","Code":"200","CustomerInfo":"{\"clientDisplay\":{\"customerId\":429,\"globalCustNum\":\"0012-000000429\",\"displayName\":\"Hugo Daley\",\"parentCustomerDisplayName\":\"G-KINGSTON\",\"branchId\":12,\"branchName\":\"Bangalore_branch1244724101456\",\"externalId\":\"123000890\",\"customerFormedByDisplayName\":\"New User1244724101456\",\"customerActivationDate\":\"2012-06-17\",\"customerLevelId\":1,\"customerStatusId\":3,\"customerStatusName\":\"Active\",\"trainedDate\":null,\"dateOfBirth\":\"1950-10-10\",\"age\":61,\"governmentId\":\"100000090\",\"clientUnderGroup\":true,\"blackListed\":false,\"loanOfficerId\":17,\"loanOfficerName\":\"New User1244724101456\",\"businessActivities\":null,\"handicapped\":null,\"maritalStatus\":null,\"citizenship\":null,\"ethnicity\":null,\"educationLevel\":null,\"povertyStatus\":null,\"numChildren\":null,\"areFamilyDetailsRequired\":false,\"spouseFatherValue\":null,\"spouseFatherName\":null,\"familyDetails\":null},\"customerAccountSummary\":{\"globalAccountNum\":\"001200000001259\",\"nextDueAmount\":\"2128.0\"},\"clientPerformanceHistory\":{\"loanCycleNumber\":0,\"lastLoanAmount\":\"0.0\",\"noOfActiveLoans\":0,\"delinquentPortfolioAmount\":\"0.0\",\"totalSavingsAmount\":\"1750.0\",\"meetingsAttended\":0,\"meetingsMissed\":0,\"loanCycleCounters\":[],\"delinquentPortfolioAmountInvalid\":false},\"address\":{\"displayAddress\":null,\"city\":\"\",\"state\":\"\",\"zip\":\"\",\"country\":\"\",\"phoneNumber\":\"\"},\"recentCustomerNotes\":[{\"commentDate\":\"2012-06-17\",\"comment\":\"appr\",\"personnelName\":\"New User1244724101456\"}],\"customerFlags\":[],\"loanAccountsInUse\":[{\"globalAccountNum\":\"001200000001262\",\"prdOfferingName\":\"Hawker Loan\",\"accountStateId\":3,\"accountStateName\":\"Application Approved\",\"outstandingBalance\":\"15643.0\",\"totalAmountDue\":\"8977.0\"},{\"globalAccountNum\":\"001200000001279\",\"prdOfferingName\":\"Hazina Micro Loan\",\"accountStateId\":2,\"accountStateName\":\"Application Pending Approval\",\"outstandingBalance\":\"6439.0\",\"totalAmountDue\":\"1716.0\"},{\"globalAccountNum\":\"001200000001280\",\"prdOfferingName\":\"Car Finance\",\"accountStateId\":3,\"accountStateName\":\"Application Approved\",\"outstandingBalance\":\"381.5\",\"totalAmountDue\":\"120.0\"}],\"savingsAccountsInUse\":[{\"globalAccountNum\":\"001200000001260\",\"prdOfferingName\":\"Current Account\",\"accountStateId\":16,\"accountStateName\":\"Active\",\"savingsBalance\":\"1750.0\",\"prdOfferingId\":null}],\"customerMeeting\":{\"meetingSchedule\":\"Recur every 1 Week(s) on Monday\",\"meetingPlace\":\"KINGSTON\"},\"activeSurveys\":false,\"customerSurveys\":[],\"closedLoanAccounts\":[{\"globalAccountNum\":\"001200000001261\",\"prdOfferingName\":\"AUTO LOAN-2\",\"accountStateId\":10,\"accountStateName\":\"Cancel\",\"outstandingBalance\":\"2576.0\",\"totalAmountDue\":\"206.0\"}],\"closedSavingsAccounts\":[]}"}
Don't worry this is just sample data, nothing real here.
Now I require the Customers No, Name, Address, and Savings Account balance. This is the code I've used to parse it:
public CustomerInfo(String jsonTxt) {
try {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonTxt);
JSONObject customer = json.getJSONObject("CustomerInfo");
custNo = json.getString("globalCustNum");
custName = json.getString("displayName");
address = json.getString("DisplayAddress");
savAcctBal = json.getDouble("totalSavingsAmount");
} catch (final JSONException je) {
This of course throws an JSONException. I've learned that the JSON Library may have a few bugs. I've done some tricks, with print statements. It turns out that it likes to consume the 1st element of the JSON string. This heavily screws up going through nested elements like we have here in the example.
Is there an alternative I can use?
Boy, do I want to shoot myself. I figured out my issue before I went to bed. My approach was correct; it was just a matter of me reading the output of Print statements wrong as well as underestimated just how nested the JSON was.
Internally, the JSONOBject class stores the JSON elements, pairs, etc. in a Hashtable. The Hashtable has a side-effect where it will sort the data that's given to it. This of course through off how the JSON was ordered. I figured it was consuming some parts of the JSON, while it really was just putting them to the back...the waaay back if not the end of the JSON. This greatly through me off. I did not realise this until I just ran toString on the Hashtable itself. I then also realise that the JSON was actually more nested than I thought. The four parts I wanted to get, where in 3 different nested JSON objects.
Thus, my solution was to save myself even more grief and just put the JSON through a pretty printer and looked and the structure properly.
Here is my Solution code:
public CustomerInfo(String jsonTxt) {
try {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonTxt);
JSONObject customer = new JSONObject(json.getString("CustomerInfo"));
JSONObject client = new JSONObject(customer.getString("clientDisplay"));
custNo = client.getString("globalCustNum");
custName = client.getString("displayName");
JSONObject cph = new JSONObject(customer.getString("clientPerformanceHistory"));
JSONObject caddress = new JSONObject(customer.getString("address"));
address = caddress.getString("displayAddress");
savAcctBal = cph.getDouble("totalSavingsAmount");
} catch (final JSONException je) {
protip: Always use a Pretty Printer on your JSON, and appreciate it's structure before you do anything. I swear this wont happen to me again.
You can parse the JSON string by the following example
public CustomerInfo(String jsonTxt) {
try {
JSONObject json= (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(jsonTxt).nextValue();
test = (String) json2.get("displayName");
catch (JSONException e) {
