I have an Android project let's call it SimpleProject in that project I get strings in this way getString(R.string.error) I keep all my strings in the projects /res/values/strings.xml. Besides SimpleProject is not a library project. Now I add my SimpleProject src folder as a linked resource to another project lets call it TestProject and then I try to build my TestProject Eclipse give me error that he can't find R.string.error. What can I do to solve this problem ?
I think about following issue
If I change all my applications packages to the same for example com.android.victor in that case all R-s will be same com.android.victor.R and if I add one project to another it will not bring to that that R will not be found. Am I right ? and what problems can appear in this case ?
I think you need to change the order,
1.go to Java Build Path
2.go to Order and Export and move the SimpleProject reference to be above the TestProject folders
Simple problem:
I wanna build my project and have it automatically be named after my project-directory.
Any clean way on how I can get my project name as a variable?
Thanks in advance
As described in docs https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/absolute-path-variables.html
in IntelliJ IDEA, there are some pre-defined variables.
It seems you could work around this one
$PROJECT_DIR$ - stands for the directory where your project is stored.
When I try to make a project in IntelliJ I receive the following error on this line:
Sentence sent = new Sentence();
Error:(151, 10) java: cannot access javax.xml.bind.RootElement
class file for javax.xml.bind.RootElement not found
Sentence is a class which implements the RootElement interface
import javax.xml.bind.RootElement;
public class Sentence extends MarshallableRootElement implements RootElement {
All packages exist and I can jump to declaration of each interface or class but I don't know why IntellJ says it cannot access or find them? However RootElement is an interface and not a class
public interface RootElement extends Element {
void validate() throws StructureValidationException;
The above declaration is in a jar file named jaxb-rt-1.0-ea.jar and it exists in the Project librarians.
Try this
Go to File
Invalidate Caches/Restart
You can choose only Invalidate and restart
(See Invalidate caches on IntelliJ's manual)
The project contained several modules. While the library was added to the project libraries, some modules lacked it in their dependency part. So I solved the problem using the following steps in IntelliJ
Creating a module library and adding it to the module dependencies:
Open the Project Structure dialog (e.g. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S).
In the left-hand pane of the dialog, select Modules.
In the pane to the right, select the module of interest.
In the right-hand part of the dialog, on the Module page, select the Dependencies tab.
On the Dependencies tab, click + (on the top right) and select Jars or directories.
In the dialog that opens, select the necessary files and folders. These may
be individual .class and .java files, directories and archives
(.jar and .zip) containing such files as well as directories with
Java native libraries (.dll, .so or .jnilib).
Click OK. If necessary, select the Export option and change the dependency scope.
Click OK in the Project Structure dialog.
File -> Invalidate Caches/ Restart
this worked for my after long hours of effectiveless
Rebuilding project worked for me.
Deleting the .idea folder and then running Invalidate Caches/Restart worked for me.
It also may be because you don't have dependencies in classpath, which used in dependencies.
For example: you use library A, but class you're using from A has superclass from library B. But you didn't add B to classpath.
If it is a single file, you can try deleting the file and undoing it. It seems to reindex that particular file alone, which is much faster than Invalidate Caches/Restart. As a precautionary measure, you can take a backup of the file before deleting, just in case if something goes awry.
Another reason might be different versions of same library with more/less methods. This happened for me with Gradle. Sometimes it compiles fine and sometimes, it doesn't. Just find and remove the unnecessary ones.
My Gradle/IntelliJ "big hammer"
(Optional, but preferred). Close all instances of IntelliJ or any other Java IDE.
delete the ".idea" folder (<< intellij specific, or whatever "workspace" folder your IDE uses)
./gradlew --stop
gradle --stop
(now delete the folders)
rm -rf $HOME/.gradle/caches/
rm -rf $HOME/.gradle/build-cache-tmp/
(now resume normal gradlew commands like:)
./gradlew clean build
For me just worked, turn off windows defender / add exclusion project folder / idea process.
Similar problem can happen if a library is imported with maven scope runtime.
In such case it isn't accessible by your classes located under src/main/java.
Only classes in src/test/java can directly use runtime dependencies.
I removed this location "amazonaws" file and clean install later run
If you've made it this far because rebuilding or invalidating the cache didn't work work you, I found that deleting the class and adding a new one with the same code worked.
In my case there was an old .iml file in the module causing these problems. So if nothing else worked for you, try looking for one.
⬇ Download the last version of IntelliJ.
▶ Install it.
Worked for me. ✌
I am attempting to incorporate admob ads in my app. So far I have added the following code
in the onCreate method of my app's main activity...
adView = new AdView(this,AdSize.BANNER,"my code number");
adView.loadAd(new AdRequest());
The program compiles without error but at run time I get the message java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.google.ads.AdView. I have seen a supposed explanation of the problem and the cure here but I could not see how it was applicable to my project because I do not have either a "lib" or "libs" directory within my project.
According to eclipse's SDK manager, I have the most up to date version of everything that I use.
I had a similar problem, but did not have to add the libs folder; I tried, with no success, then removed them afterwards, when I realized that I had just forgotten to export the included Jar archived.
Select project settings > Java Build Path, then Order and export.
Here, check the GoogleAdMobAdsSdk-package.
This should solve the NoClassDefFoundError-issue.
Just create manually the "libs" folder, and add your libraries there. By default, they doesn't exist
Project-> Clean
Project settings -> Java Build Path. Open "Order and export" tab.
Check GoogleAdMobsAdsSDK.
It is worked for me.
Was getting this error updating from android 16 to 20.
Solved by going to Java Build Path, Order and Export tab, checked and moved GoogleAdMobAdsSdk just under my source. For some reason that fixed it.
Changing the order back didn't break it. So some setting must have needed to be initialized.
I had this problem, and this problem too:
Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/ads/AdRequest$ErrorCode and Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/ads/AdRequest$ErrorCode
Despite many hours of following all solutions listed the only way I could get my app to work was to use the AdMob banner example here:
And re-build my project around it, copying my files in to that project. If you are stuck, try it.
Don't know why it worked, but now it does. Something in my project was very wrong. Now I can carry on with my work. I love Google/Android, but really what a mess!
See this answer Android update 17 seems incompatible with external Jars.
You need to put all jars in libs folder insted of lib.
It's not enough only to add "GoogleAdMobAdsSdk-6.4.1.jar" in Java Build Path,then you should switch to table:Order and export.check the "GoogleAdMobAdsSdk-6.4.1.jar" here.
Select project settings > Java Build Path, then Order and export.
Here, check the google-play-services.jar.
This should solve the NoClassDefFoundError-issue.
In my case I needed to click on the "Android Private Libraries" on the "Order and Export" Tab
Go to Properties - Java Build Path - Order and Export and check every Checkmark! That did the trick for my project.
I have a problem when trying to reuse a project class and resources, I always get a ClassNotFoundException. I dont know what I'm doing wrong.
The easier steps for reproduce my problem is create this two projects:
MyLibrary project:
Creating a example launcher activity ("Activity1") and in properties/Android
section mark as librayy
MyProject project:
It is just an empty project (no classes), in Java Build Path\Projects tag add the
project "MyLibrary" and declare in the manifest that it MAIN & LAUNCHER activity
is "Activity1"
Press play and there you have the ClassNotFoundException.
My target is inherit a whole project for making a free version from a paid version and keeping the common code in a single place for keep the maintain easy
I want to access a class which is present in another project . For that i use java reflections,but first i need to get the class object which is in another project.I want to get it programatically.I can do that like right click on my project then go to build configure path and then to project tab and add project.I want to do it programmatically .How can i do that?Help
You need a custom class loader.
tutorial link1
tutorial link 2
I think you can do it by creating a jar of the dependent project and adding it to class path before you run your application.
It seams you are working in eclipse and want do use the classes from projet B in projet A, is it so?
If so you could specify in eclipse that project A depends from project B by adding the project in the 'java build properties'.
Do get the right answer, you ask to be more specific in your question like Steven wrote.