JTree update nodes without collapsing - java

I have a Java SE 7 application that needs to have the JTree nodes updated. From the tutorial given by Oracle using this thread, there's no given hint on how I could update the label (displayed text of the node on the Tree) on code. Currently I am using DefaultTreeModel as the model of my JTree and DefaultMutableTreeNode as the nodes of the said Tree.
To further detail about the application I am working on, I am developing a chat facility having the contact(s) displayed with their availability status (whether Online, Offline, etc.) per account.
The question is, how can I update the displayed text of a particular node without (at most) removing it from it's parent and adding it on it's designated index. Like a DefaultMutableTreeNode.setText("<new label>")?
UPDATE : January 20, 2013
Redefined the question for clarifications.

Perhaps if you use 'nodeChanged()' instead of 'reload()' you will get the effect you desire.
There are a bunch of methods on the DefaultTreeModel class that cause various parts of the tree to be changed and redrawn. There are also other methods on DefaultTreeModel that only cause redrawing to take place.
You mentioned 'reload(node)' and commented that it causes the tree to collapse when you call it. 'reload' causes the entire sub-tree to be completely redrawn starting at that node. (But if that node isn't visible, it changes nothing.) That is called a 'structure change'.
'insertNodeInto()' and 'removeNodeFromParent()' modify the tree structure by adding or removing the node and then redrawing.
I think 'nodeChanged()' is the one you need since it just notifies the model that something changed in the node that will cause it to display differently. Perhaps the displayable text is now different than it was. Perhaps you changed the user object in the node. That's when you call 'nodeChanged()' on a node.
You should try 'nodeChanged()' in place of the 'reload()' call in your own code that was collapsing and in the example program vels4j provided. This might take care of the problem.
Note that there are also two other families of methods on the DefaultTreeModel that are used in other cases:
These methods work with the tree nodes and use the tree path to define where the change took place. They do not change the data structures underlying the tree but notify the model that something changed so it can notify the listeners that actually redraw things or otherwise respond to changes.
There are also a set of fire...() methods that are used internally to the DefaultTreeModel and any sub-classes you may create. They merely notify any listeners that something changed. Notice that they are protected.

May this simple and executable program help you to resolve your issue.
public class JTreeDemo extends JPanel
implements Runnable {
private JTree tree;
private DefaultTreeModel treeModel ;
private Random rnd = new Random();
private List<User> userList;
public JTreeDemo() {
super( );
//Create the nodes.
DefaultMutableTreeNode top =
new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Users");
treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(top);
//Create a tree that allows one selection at a time.
tree = new JTree(treeModel);
//Create the scroll pane and add the tree to it.
JScrollPane treeView = new JScrollPane(tree);
//Add the split pane to this panel.
public String getRandomStatus() {
int nextInt = rnd.nextInt(100);
if( nextInt%2==0) {
return "Online";
} else {
return "Offline";
public void run() {
while(true) {
try {
int nextInt = rnd.nextInt(10);
User user = userList.get(nextInt);
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// handle it if necessary
private class User extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {
public String userName;
public String status;
public User(String name) {
userName = name;
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
public String getStatus() {
return status;
public String toString() {
String color = status.equals("Online") ? "Green" : "Red";
return "<html><b color='"+color+"'>"+
userName +"-"+status +"</b></html>";
private void createNodes(DefaultMutableTreeNode top) {
userList = new ArrayList() ;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
User u1 = new User("User " + (i+1));
private static void createAndShowGUI() {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("TreeDemo");
//Add content to the window.
JTreeDemo jTreeDemo = new JTreeDemo();
// update status randomly
Thread thread = new Thread(jTreeDemo);
public static void main(String[] args) {
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
I've added a Thread to update Status randomly, hope you can modify base on your need.
Output :
1. Based on suggestion I've removed reload(node) and added tree model reload.

It's easy if nodes contains objects which are unique in the tree and have implemented method equals and hashCode (for example you show strings or object with unique ID from database). First of all you iterate over all expanded nodes and save objects from the nodes in a set. Then you perform update of the model. After update you iterate over all nodes and if they are in the set you expand the node in the tree.
If nodes are not unique - you need to save in the set the complete tree path (for example as list) and check it after update to expand the nodes.
If objects has neither equals nor hashCode (both these methods must be implemented) - this variant cannot be used.

Just for the record (I voted for Lee Meador), DefaultTreeModel#nodeChanged(javax.swing.tree.TreeNode) is the way to go:
public class TestFrame extends JFrame {
public TestFrame() {
//create gui with simple jtree (and DefaultTreeModel)
JButton changeBtn = new JButton();
final JTree jTree = new JTree();
changeBtn.setText("update selected node");
getContentPane().add(changeBtn, java.awt.BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode1 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("root");
DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode2 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("blue");
treeNode2 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("violet");
DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode3 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("red");
treeNode3 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("yellow");
jTree.setModel(new DefaultTreeModel(treeNode1));
getContentPane().add(jTree, BorderLayout.CENTER);
//add listener to button, to change selected node on button click
changeBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode dmt = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)jTree.getSelectionPath().getLastPathComponent();
//update content/representation of selected node
dmt.setUserObject("My update: " + new Date());
((DefaultTreeModel) jTree.getModel()).nodeChanged(dmt);
public static void main(String args[]) {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new TestFrame().setVisible(true);


Java Alter Swing Element from Child Class

I'm having a problem with something I don't understand. I have a java class that is building up my program and another class full of functions called by action listeners.
I'm hoping to use the the child's class functions to alter the contents of a JLabel (just an example) using a setter function which doesn't seem to be doing anything and not crashing.
My main class has
public class Parent extends JFrame {
static JPanel dummyPanel = new JPanel();
static JLabel dummyLabel = new JLabel("label");
static JButton dummyButton = new JButton("button");
static Child child = new Child();
public Parent() {
// main setup goes here
// add elements goes here
ActionListener alterLabel = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent dummyButton) {
// main function goes here
public void newText() {
System.out.println("new text function has been executed");
Then the child I am using to call the function to change the text contains
public class Child {
public void childFunc() {
Parent parent = new Parent();
When I click the button it runs and I see it outputs the string which I expect but it does not seem to change the label.
Why is this and is there a way to fix it?

Problems updating JTree changes with JButton

I'm on a project with several people, and my task is to compile a working JTree to show the structure of a set directory. As it is, the JTree shows the correct structure of files and folders when the class starts. However, I can't seem to get it to be able to update when files are added or subtracted (not with the JTree). In my happy ignorance (quite presistant that one) I added a JButton with;
...and hoped that would do the trick. It reloaded the JTree sure enough, but didn't change the file structure, even though several files were added after the class loaded.
And it is thus I place my trust in this community to both point out the source of my issues, and other lackings in semantics and logic. I'm a willing learner.
public class FileTree extends JPanel {
private JTree tree;
private DefaultMutableTreeNode root;
private DefaultTreeModel treeModel;
public FileTree(JPanel jp) {
jp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
final File directory = getDir();
tree = new JTree(treeModel);
tree.setCellRenderer(new FileTreeCellRenderer());
tree.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
TreePath selPath = tree.getPathForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
if(e.getClickCount() == 2) {
Object n = selPath.getLastPathComponent();
String sel = n.toString();
File nodeFile = new File(sel);
if(nodeFile.isDirectory() && (!nodeFile.isHidden())) {
UserWindow.printToLog("doubble-click event on folder: " + nodeFile.getName());
//TODO:stuff happening here
if(nodeFile.isFile() && (!nodeFile.isHidden())) {
UserWindow.printToLog("doubble-click event on file: " + nodeFile.getName());
new FileTreeEventHandler(nodeFile);
JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(tree);
JButton updateButton = new JButton("Update");
updateButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
jp.add(updateButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
private void createTree(File directory) {
root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode();
treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(root);
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(directory);
populate(directory, node);
private void populate(File directory, DefaultMutableTreeNode node) {
String[] files = directory.list();
for(String file : files) {
File currentFile = new File(directory, file);
addLeaf(node, currentFile);
private void addLeaf(DefaultMutableTreeNode node, File currentFile) {
if(currentFile.isFile() && !currentFile.isHidden()) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode leafFile = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(currentFile);
if(currentFile.isDirectory() && !currentFile.isHidden()) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode folder = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(currentFile);
populate(currentFile, folder);
private File getDir() {
String path = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "downloaded content").getAbsolutePath();
File dir = new File(path);
if(!dir.exists()) {
return dir;
Instead of just invoking the above code, I would guess you need to invoke:
to recreate the TreeModel to reflect the new directory structure.
DefaultTreeModel#reload basically states...
Invoke this method if you've modified the TreeNodes upon which this
model depends. The model will notify all of its listeners that the
model has changed below the given node.
This assumes that the model itself has changed.
You have at least two basic course of actions...
You could...
Create a new DefaultTreeModel or
Remove all the nodes from the existing DefaultTreeModel...
And then re-build the model.
If you create a new TreeModel, make sure you set it against the JTree.
This is a little heavy handed, but even if you choose to write the population algorithm so that it checked the existing content of the model, you're still going to have to walk the file structure.
Updating the model could allow you to preserve some of the state of the JTree (ie what nodes are expanded or not, for example)
If you're lucky enough to be using Java 7, you could also take advantage of the File Watcher API, which would allow you to, for example, set each directory node up as a watcher service to monitor it's own content and update itself (add/remove nodes) when changes occur.
Take a look at Watching a Directory for Changes

How to disable expand sign in Swing JTree?

I'm working in Swing and I would like to disable the expand (plus [+]) sign on a certain type of nodes.
Not sure how to do it because my nodes aren't leaves and I also cannot use setShowsRootHandles (which is only for the root).
I'm referring to to JTree: suppose i got this structure:
--[+] node1
--[+] node2
when I load this structure i would like not to see the [+] sign on node2 (because it a special type node). But I also would like to expand it by using a special command.
I've overridden isLeaf() (method from DefaultMutableTreeNode) so it would set to to TRUE when i'm in the special type node, but then when I'm trying to expand it, it wouldn't expand because isLeaf() == TRUE...
Hope this will make things more clear.
While it is not possible to remove the handles, it is possible to restrict the expansion of nodes. The way to go is a TreeWillExpandListener combined with a custom treeNode that has state to restrict expansion:
the custom node below has an expandable property that's false by default
when detecting custom nodes, the listener allows/vetoes expansion based on that expandable property
for programmatic expansion, the expandable property is set to true temporarily to pass the listener
Example code:
// mixed tree of normal/restricted noded
DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("root");
DefaultMutableTreeNode normalSubTree = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("normal");
normalSubTree.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("normalChild"));
MyNode restrictedSubTree = new MyNode("restrictedSubtree");
restrictedSubTree.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("restrictedChild"));
final JTree tree = new JTree(root);
// the listener which vetos expansion of MyNodes that are not expandable
TreeWillExpandListener l = new TreeWillExpandListener() {
public void treeWillExpand(TreeExpansionEvent event)
throws ExpandVetoException {
TreePath path = event.getPath();
if (path.getLastPathComponent() instanceof MyNode) {
if (!((MyNode) path.getLastPathComponent()).isExpandable()) {
throw new ExpandVetoException(event, "node not expandable");
public void treeWillCollapse(TreeExpansionEvent event)
throws ExpandVetoException {
Action expand = new AbstractAction("Expand") {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
TreePath selected = tree.getSelectionPath();
if (selected == null) return;
if (selected.getLastPathComponent() instanceof MyNode) {
MyNode last = (MyNode) selected.getLastPathComponent();
boolean old = last.isExpandable();
JXFrame frame = wrapWithScrollingInFrame(tree, "veto expand");
addAction(frame, expand);
// custom node which has an expandable property
public static class MyNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {
private boolean expandable;
public MyNode() {
public MyNode(Object userObject) {
public void setExpandable(boolean expandable) {
this.expandable = expandable;
public boolean isExpandable() {
return expandable;
It's possible to remove the handles - despite what others have mentioned.
I've attached a snippet on how to do this below. The key thing is to override shouldPaintExpandControl in BasicTreeUI.
jtree.setUI(new BasicTreeUI() {
protected boolean shouldPaintExpandControl(final TreePath path, final int row
, final boolean isExpanded, final boolean hasBeenExpanded, final boolean isLeaf)
boolean shouldDisplayExpandControl = false;
return shouldDisplayExpandControl;
This should really be documented in the JTree API but that's another issue.
Another approach to consider:
If you call DefaultTreeModel(TreeNode root, boolean asksAllowsChildren) the model will "ask" the nodes you insert if they are allowed to have children. If they cannot, it should not display the expand icon.
Be sure to override javax.swing.tree.TreeNode.getAllowsChildren() in your class.

Checking if JTree node exist using path

I have a classic JTree populated with some nods. Lets assume tree looks like this:
Is there any way in java to check if node exists using assumed path like this:
TreeNode found = model.getNodeOrNull("\\Fruit\\Apple")
so if node in given location exists it's returned, if not null is returned? Is there any such mechanism in Java?
You might experiment with something along these lines.
Example Output
food:pizza found true
od:pizza found false
sports:hockey found true
sports:hockey2 found false
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.Position;
import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
public class TreeNodeLocation {
private JTree tree = new JTree();
TreeNodeLocation() {
JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(2,2));
final JTextField find = new JTextField("food:pizza");
find.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
boolean found = findText(find.getText());
System.out.println(find.getText() + " found " + found);
p.add(find, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
for (int row=tree.getRowCount(); row>=0; row--) {
p.add(new JScrollPane(tree),BorderLayout.CENTER);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, p);
public boolean findText(String nodes) {
String[] parts = nodes.split(":");
TreePath path = null;
for (String part : parts) {
int row = (path==null ? 0 : tree.getRowForPath(path));
path = tree.getNextMatch(part, row, Position.Bias.Forward);
if (path==null) {
return false;
return path!=null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new TreeNodeLocation();
You can search using one of model's Enumeration instances, as shown here.
Unfortunately, no there is nothing out of the box that does that. That makes some assumptions about nodes that Swing didn't want to impose of their design because it would constrain what it means to be a node in a tree (namely all nodes have some sort of string that uniquely identifies them). That doesn't mean you can't easily implement it yourself. You maybe aware TreePath is a common idea in JTree so here is a simple method that returns a TreePath to the node given a path:
You could use that as a basis to implement what you are after.

Help making a JTree with a JCheckBox

I have an unusual situation where I need to have a JTree with each node containing 2 checkboxes and a label (with the ability to add a listener to tell when any of the potential checkboxes are checked). I also need the root node to have the same layout (which I'm assuming means creating a JPanel with 2 JCheckBoxes and a JLabel), with the ability to select all the checkboxes down the tree if one in the root is checked.
Any guidance or examples? I've checked out previous questions on here and associated examples...some of which allowed me to get to the point of having the tree "look" but without giving me a direction for implementing the action behind it.
This might be a good time to look at the old JTreeTable code, which will give you a tree rendered in the first column, and the freedom to render the cells for each column to the right of the tree node as you wish, in your case putting in checkboxes and a label, and allowing you to have TableCellEditors working with your JTable as you are used to. A warning is that, while the code in that link works, it is a little convoluted.
There is an alternative. I have demoed below a Tree Table implementation that is supposed to be better, called Outline, provided by NetBeans (though you don't need to develop with the NetBeans IDE, you just need the jar). This article indicates how easy it is to be to get started.
I was able to mock up a quick example of the Outline tree table in Eclipse (with the org-netbeans-swing-outline.jar imported to my project) in about 30 minutes (I am slow at typing):
private void buildFrame() {
frame = new JFrame("Demo");
frame.setSize(300, 300);
private void addStuffToFrame() {
MyTreeNode top = new MyTreeNode("top");
DefaultTreeModel model = new DefaultTreeModel(top);
//here are the netBeans tree table classes
OutlineModel outlineModel =
DefaultOutlineModel.createOutlineModel(model, new MyRowModel());
Outline outline = new Outline();
frame.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(outline));
private void createNodes(MyTreeNode top) {
MyTreeNode child = new MyTreeNode("child 2");
top.add(new MyTreeNode("child 1"));
child.add(new MyTreeNode("g-child1"));
child.add(new MyTreeNode("g-child2"));
child.add(new MyTreeNode("g-child3"));
top.add(new MyTreeNode("child3"));
top.add(new MyTreeNode("child4"));
I create a TreeNode to hold the Booleans that will interoperate well with the JTable's built-in checkbox rendering mechnanism.
public class MyTreeNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {
Boolean data1 = null;
Boolean data2 = null;
String name = null;
MyTreeNode (String name) {
void setData1(Boolean val) {data1=val;}
void setData2(Boolean val) {data2=val;}
Boolean getData1() {return data1;}
Boolean getData2() {return data2;}
String getName() {return name;}
The netBeans RowModel is the key to making this a table instead of a simple JTree:
public class MyRowModel implements RowModel {
public Class getColumnClass(int col) {
switch (col) {
case 0: return String.class;
case 1: return Boolean.class; //these return class definitions will
case 2: return Boolean.class; //trigger the checkbox rendering
default:return null;
public int getColumnCount() {
return 3;
public String getColumnName(int col) {
return "";
public Object getValueFor(Object node, int col) {
MyTreeNode n = (MyTreeNode)node;
switch (col) {
case 0: return n.getName();
case 1: return n.getData1();
case 2: return n.getData2();
default:return null;
public boolean isCellEditable(Object node, int col) {
return col > 0;
public void setValueFor(Object node, int col, Object val) {
MyTreeNode n = (MyTreeNode)node;
if (col == 1) {n.setData1((Boolean)val);}
else if (col == 2) {n.setData2((Boolean)val);}
//EDIT: here is a recursive method to set all children
// selected for one of the two checkboxes as it is
// checked by the parent
for (Enumeration children = n.children();
children.hasMoreElements(); ) {
MyTreeNode child = (MyTreeNode) children.nextElement();
setValueFor(child, col, val);
here is the finished, albeit simplistic, product:
alt text http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/6643/picture1hz.png
I have updated the setValueFor method to iterate over a node's children and set the checkboxes as selected or deselected when a parent has been modified.
Take a look at http://www.java2s.com/Code/Java/Swing-JFC/CheckBoxNodeTreeSample.htm
It wasn't clear where the buildFrame(), addStuffToFrame() and createNodes() methods go. I put them all into an OutlineJFrame class I created that extends JFrame, and deleted the 'frame.' preface where-ever it appeared. Then in my project's main() method, it just created one of those OutlineJFrame objects and set its visible to true. When it ran, I got a resizable but empty window. Where were the rows? Where were the nodes?
Then I asked Geertjan, the NetBeans guru, what I was doing wrong, and he sent me a re-write. But it had the same behaviour.
But I know that my java is fine, because another demo project I did (FileTreeJFrame) displays outline.java objects just fine.
