Java Executors and per-thread (not per-work unit) objects? - java

I have a task that would benefit from the Thread Pool design pattern (many small tasks to be performed in parallel). I initially implemented a naive thread pool from scratch, with n Runnables all pulling work units from the same ConcurrentLinkedQueue until the queue is empty, then terminating. I then decided "hey, let's try the Executor in Java, because that is probably better-tested and more reliable than my naively designed system." Problem: in my implementation, each thread persisted until the queue was empty, using a while (!queue.isEmpty()), and got its own instance of a non-threadsafe object, let's call it SlowObject foo, that is time-consuming to construct. Trying to pass all Runnables that go into the Executor's pool an instance of the time-inefficient object fails because it is not thread-safe. Creating a new instance of SlowObject for each Runnable is undesirable because they are costly to construct.
Is there a way to say "how many threads are we using? Let's create one SlowObject for each thread, and then let the Runnables detect what thread we're on and look up the correct object to use?" This sounds brittle and failure-prone -- not sure what design pattern I should be looking at instead, though.

You're better off using a resource pool. Use something like this:
public class SlowObjectPool {
private static final int POOL_SIZE = 10;
private BlockingQueue<SlowObject> slowObjectQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue(POOL_SIZE);
public SlowObjectPool() {
for (int i = 0; i < POOL_SIZE; i++) {
slowObjectQueue.put(new SlowObject());
public SlowObject take() throws InterruptedException {
return slowObjectQueue.take();
public void release(SlowObject slowObject) {
// TODO You may want to log a warning if this is false
You may want to make this a singleton as well. Then in your runnables:
public class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
private SlowObjectPool pool;
public MyRunnable(SlowObjectPool pool) {
this.pool = pool;
public void run() {
// The next line blocks until a SlowObject is available
SomeObject someObject = null;
try {
someObject = pool.take()
// Do something with someObject
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// Thread is being ended, allow to end
} finally {
if (someObject != null)
This will create the objects all at once when the pool is first created instead of creating them dynamically, that way none of your runnables have to wait for SomeObject instances to be created.

Java provides the concept of a ThreadLocal variable.
You can use it within your Runnable like this.
public class MyJob implements Runnable {
private static final ThreadLocal < SlowObject > threadLocal =
new ThreadLocal < SlowObject > () {
#Override protected SlowObject initialValue() {
// construct and return your SlowObject
public void run() {
// work with threadLocal.get()
Thereby for each thread running your Runnable only a single instance of your class SlowObject is created.


How to make Java runnable call a callback from the main thread, and not the background thread?

I was doing some thought experiment and here is my MyRunnable class:
class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
private final Integer mNumber;
private final CompleteHandler<Integer> mCallback;
public MyRunnable(Integer i, CompleteHandler<Integer> ch) {
mNumber = i;
mCallback = ch;
public void run() {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= mNumber; i++) {
sum += i;
This will be executed by a background thread which I create on the main thread, under the execute() method
public class Demo implements CompleteHandler<Integer>{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Demo d = new Demo();
public void onFinished(Integer i) {
String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
System.out.println(threadName); // thread-0
public void execute() {
MyRunnable mr = new MyRunnable(10, this);
Thread t = new Thread(mr);
As you can see, the MyRunnable calls onFinished() when the task is finished. Is there any way I can have the background thread to call this on the main thread? I know I can do similar thing with callables, but right now I want to know if this is possible with runnables,
thank you
Johannes: Take a look at CompletableFuture...
Brendon: I'm more interested in seeing how it work on code
Here's a simplistic implementation that ignores the issue of exceptions. (Pardon me if it's not actually valid Java code.)
class CompletableFuture<ValueType> {
private Object lock = new Object();
private boolean is_completed = false;
private ValueType completed_value;
public synchronized void complete(ValueType v) {
completed_value = v;
is_completed = true;
public synchronized ValueType await() {
while (! is_completed) {
return completed_value;
The idea is, the client thread creates a CompletableFuture instance, cf, and somehow passes it to the server thread, possibly along with other args that tell the server thread what to do. Then the client thread goes off to do other, unrelated things.
Meanwhile, the server thread does its thing, eventually produces a result, r, and then it calls cf.complete(r).
At some point, the client thread finishes doing whatever else it was doing, and now it needs the result, so it calls cf.await(). Either one of two things happen at that point:
The server already has set the is_completed flag, in which case, the client immediately gets the result, OR
The server has not yet finished, so the client goes in to the wait() loop to wait for it.
When you're looking at application code, you usually never see the part where the client thread creates the Future object or passes it to the other thread. That usually is all taken care of inside the library call when the client submits a task to a thread pool.

Return result of thread to a separate thread

For example if I have thread A and thread B. Thread A is my main thread where most of the application runs but when I need a value fetched from MySQL or another external source I create a new thread (thread B).
What is the best way of returning the value from thread B to thread A for further processing without causing thread A to wait until the value is available?
If you have a single task that needs to be done, you can use a Future and have the other Thread poll the (non-blocking) isDone() method whenever it is convenient.
If that task is executed frequently or you have many tasks to execute, using a ConcurrentLinkedQueue might be a better idea, which also comes in a variant that supports blocking till a result is delivered as LinkedBlockingQueue. Again: polling on the list whenever it is convenient will do the trick.
If you do not want to poll, you can instead work with a callback-functionality. For example if you use a Swing GUI, you can have the DB thread call invokeLater from the SwingUtilities class, so processing the request is done on the main Swing thread at the next possible time.
This is based on the EventQueue class, which might be more convenient to use in certain other scenarios.
Use a Queue, A will periodically poll the queue, B can put values to queue asynchroneously
You can use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor which will return Future and you dont need to wait.
Sample Usage (From java Docs on Future)
interface ArchiveSearcher { String search(String target); }
class App {
ExecutorService executor = ...
ArchiveSearcher searcher = ...
void showSearch(final String target)
throws InterruptedException {
Future<String> future
= executor.submit(new Callable<String>() {
public String call() {
displayOtherThings(); // do other things while searching
try {
displayText(future.get()); // use future
} catch (ExecutionException ex) { cleanup(); return; }
Same can be achieved from Future task too(visit above link, example are from there only)
The FutureTask class is an implementation of Future that implements Runnable, and so may be executed by an Executor. For example, the above construction with submit could be replaced by:
FutureTask<String> future =
new FutureTask<String>(new Callable<String>() {
public String call() {
For thread B, declare a class that implements Runnable. For example:
public class MyClass implements Runnable
private String input = null;
private String output = null;
public MyClass(String input)
this.input = input;
public String getOutput()
return output;
public void run()
output = func(input);
In thread A (which is your main thread), start thread B, and wait for it to complete only where you actually need its output. For example:
public String myFunc(String input) throws Exception
MyClass object = new MyClass(input);
Thread thread = new Thread(object);
// Do whatever you wanna do...
// ...
// ...
// And when you need the thread's output:
return object.getOutput();
If you don't want to deal with executors, just create a FutureTask and pass it to a new thread.
FutureTask<String> f = new FutureTask<String>(new Callable<String>() {
public String call() {
return "";
new Thread(f).start();
while (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
if (f.isDone()) {
//do smth else
Organize your main thread as an event loop:
BlockingQueue<Runnable> eventQueue=
new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
for (;;) {
Runnable nextEvent=eventQueue.take();;
Thread B:
Result r=fetchFromDB();
eventQueue.put(new ResultHandler(r));
where ResultHandler is a Runnable which knows how to handle the result.

can i know the Thread runnable class attributes in java?

probability this question have been asked before but i cant find anything in my searching mechanism. I am trying to create a multiple threads, in an array list but i want to retrieve them from an arraylist and filter them by the attribute of w1 i used in my code. any ideas ?
w1 = new FirstWorker(ProductsList, OrdersList, s);
FirstWorkerThread = new Thread(w1);
//I know i cant do the code below but i want to do that how ?
for(Thread x : ThreadArrayList){
this is FirstWorker class
import java.lang.String;
import java.util.HashMap;
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates and open the template in
* the editor.
* #author Dimitris
public class FirstWorker extends Thread implements Runnable {
private OrderList orderlist;
private ProductList productlist;
private String Worker;
boolean Stop;
private int speed = 1000;
public FirstWorker(ProductList productlist, OrderList orderlist, String Worker) {
this.productlist = productlist;
this.orderlist = orderlist;
this.Worker = Worker;
this.Stop = true;
public void run() {
if (Stop == true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
while (orderlist.returnLengthofOrder() != 0) {
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
System.out.println("I am in the thread inturrupt");
// We've been interrupted: no more crunching.
if (orderlist.getDone() == true) {
} else if (orderlist.getDone() == false) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public void setWork() {
Stop = false;
public void setSpeed(int speed) {
this.speed = speed;
If you want to access a member variable of your Runnable, you should extend Thread instead of implementing Runnable. Also, don't extend Thread AND implement Runnable. Pick one.
public class MyThread extends Thread
public int myarg;
public void run()
public void useThread(int inputArgs[])
ArrayList<MyThread> threadArray = new ArrayList<MyThread>();
for (int arg : inputArgs)
MyThread temp = new MyThread(arg);
for (MyThread t : threadArray)
The simple answer with constructing a Thread with a Runnable is no.
The constructor for Thread that you are using accepts a Runnable ... I assume that FirstWorker implements the Runnable interface.
But looking at the API docs for Thread there is no method to return the Runnable.
Without knowing more context about what your trying to do, the simplest approach might be to change FirstWorker to extend Thread then the loop you have would work.
That would probably work, but would need to know more about what your doing to reccomend anything else.
If you want to retrieve properties from the Runnable instance within a Thread object, I do not believe that is generally possible, since the Thread class does not have a method to return its target Runnable object.
That said, you can always extend the Thread class itself, which would allow you to use instanceof with the Thread instances themselves before casting and getting to whatever property you need.
Keep in mind, though, that extending Thread is not a recommended practice and if you are intending to get the result of some computation straight from the Runnable object, you could run into some severe trouble if you are not careful.
In any case, recent Java versions (i.e. 1.5+) offer substantial capabilities for concurrency and I suspect that your application would benefit from a re-design that uses them.
We might be able to help more if you explained what exactly you are trying to do in broader terms...
You should consider using the new java.util.concurrent package. What you are trying to do can be implemented a lot easier and intuitively with an ExecutorService and a collection of Callables.
Check out this sample and the Executors API (specifically the fixedThreadPool).

How to wrap a callable in a type-friendly way?

I'm trying to implement a work queue in Java that limits the amount of work that can be taken at a time. In particular, it is trying to protect access to an external resource. My current approach is to use a Semaphore and a BlockingQueue so that I have something like this:
interface LimitingQueue<V> {
void put(Callable<V> work);
Callable<V> tryPoll();
It should behave like this:
public void workLimit() throws Exception {
final int workQueue = 2;
final LimitingQueue<Void> queue = new LimitingQueue<Void>(workQueue);
queue.put(new Work()); // Work is a Callable<Void> that just returns null.
queue.put(new Work());
// Verify that if we take out one piece of work, we don't get additional work.
Callable<Void> work = queue.tryPoll();
assertNotNull(work, "Queue should return work if none outstanding");
assertNull(queue.tryPoll(), "Queue should not return work if some outstanding");
// But we do after we complete the work.;
assertNotNull(queue.tryPoll(), "Queue should return work after outstanding work completed");
The implementation of tryPoll() uses Semaphore#tryAcquire and, if successful, creates an anonymous Callable that wraps the Semaphore#release call in a try/finally block around the call to
This works, but is somewhat unsatisfying in that if the user of this class puts work that is of some specific class that implements Callable, the user does not get access to that class back when looking at the result of tryPoll. Notably, tryPoll() returns a Callable<Void>, not a Work.
Is there a way to achieve what the work limitation effect while giving the caller back a usable reference to the work object that was submitted? (It's fine to strengthen the type signature of LimitingQueue to be more like LimitingQueue<R, T extends Callable<R>>.) I can't think of a way to ensure that the semaphore is released after calling the work item without doing this kind of wrapping.
EDIT2 I have replaced what was here with a suggestion on how to implement what you're looking for. Let me know if you want some of the old info back and I can restore it.
public class MyQueue<T> {
private Semaphore semaphore;
public void put(Work<T> w) {
public Work<T> tryPoll() {
return null;
public abstract static class Work<T> implements Callable<T> {
private MyQueue<T> queue;
private void setQueue(MyQueue<T> queue) {
if(queue != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add a Work object to multiple Queues!");
this.queue = queue;
public final T call() throws Exception {
try {
return callImpl();
} finally {
protected abstract T callImpl() throws Exception;
Then use it like thus:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MyQueue<Integer> queue = new MyQueue<Integer>();
MyQueue.Work<Integer> work = new MyQueue.Work<Integer>() {
protected Integer callImpl() {
return 5;
MyQueue.Work<Integer> sameWork = queue.tryPoll();
Sounds to me like you should just use the builtin ExecutorService. Use Executors#newCachedThreadPool to get a pool, then submit Callable jobs which return back a Future.

Do I need synchronise on objects which guarantee happen-before?

I have a collection which guaranteed to be visible across threads. However that doesn't guarantee visibility of states of items which are stored in this collection(eg. if I have collection of StringBuilder(mutable, not thread safe) then I have to synchronize on each item in collection during write/read, right?). So, what happens when I have collection of objects which are used for guaranteeing happen-before by themselves(eg. countdownlatch). Do I need to synchronize on each item somehow when calling await/countDown? Code below roughly illustrate this dilemma:
public class SyncQuestion {
final List<CountDownLatch> lathces = new ArrayList<CountDownLatch>();
SyncQuestion() {
lathces.add(new CountDownLatch(1));
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
final SyncQuestion sync = new SyncQuestion();
final Thread sleepingThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (CountDownLatch latch : sync.lathces) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
final Thread wakingThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (CountDownLatch latch : sync.lathces) {
Please correct me in my assumptions, if they are wrong.
A CountDownLatch is basically a wrapper on AbstractQueuedSynchronizer whose state is a volatile int that is mutated via Unsafe.compareAndSwapInt (which is an atomic operation).
Therefore in this specific case, as Cameron Skinner said, there is no need to synchronize because it enforces that happens-before for you.
I don't believe you need to manually synchronize in this case because the latches are internally thread-safe.
