I am very new for Hadoop and Map Reduce. For starting bases i executed Word Count Program. It executed well but when i try running csv file into Htable which i followed [Csv File][1]
It throwing me in to following error which i am not aware of it, please can any one help me in knowing the above error
12/09/07 05:47:31 ERROR security.UserGroupInformation: PriviledgedActionException as:hduser cause:org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.InvalidInputException: Input path [1]: http://salsahpc.indiana.edu/ScienceCloud/hbase_hands_on_1.htm#shell_exercises
This error is really kiiling my time, please can any one help me with this exception
The problem why you are directing to path hdfs://HadoopMaster:54310/user/hduser/csvtable instead of csvtable is.
1) Add your Hbase jars into Hadoop class path because your Map reduce doesn't by default configure to hbase jars.
2) GO to hadoop-ev.sh and edit Hadoop_classpath and add all your hbase jars in it. hope it might work now
your job is attempting to read an input file from:
you should verify that this file exists on HDFS using the hadoop shell tools:
hadoop fs -ls /user/hduser/csvtable
my guess is that your file hasn't been loaded onto HDFS.
we have recently upgraded the DataStage from 9.1 to 11.7 on Server AIX 7.1 .
and i'm trying to use the new connector "File Connector" to write on parquet file. i created simple job takes from teradata as a source and write on the parquet file as a target.
Image of the job
but facing below error :
> File_Connector_20,0: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem
at java.lang.J9VMInternals.prepareClassImpl (J9VMInternals.java)
at java.lang.J9VMInternals.prepare (J9VMInternals.java: 304)
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor (Class.java: 594)
at com.ibm.iis.jis.utilities.dochandler.impl.OutputBuilder.<init> (OutputBuilder.java: 80)
at com.ibm.iis.jis.utilities.dochandler.impl.Registrar.getBuilder (Registrar.java: 340)
at com.ibm.iis.jis.utilities.dochandler.impl.Registrar.getBuilder (Registrar.java: 302)
at com.ibm.iis.cc.filesystem.FileSystem.getBuilder (FileSystem.java: 2586)
at com.ibm.iis.cc.filesystem.FileSystem.writeFile (FileSystem.java: 1063)
at com.ibm.iis.cc.filesystem.FileSystem.process (FileSystem.java: 935)
at com.ibm.is.cc.javastage.connector.CC_JavaAdapter.run (CC_JavaAdapter.java: 444)
i followed the steps in below link :
1- i uploaded the jar files into "/ds9/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSComponents/jars"
2- added them to CLASSPATH in agent.sh then restarted the datastage.
3- i have set The environment variable CC_USE_LATEST_FILECC_JARS to the value parquet-1.9.0.jar:orc-2.1.jar.
i tried also to add the CLASSPATH as an environment variable in the job but not worked.
noting that i'm using Local in File System.
so any hint is appreciated as i'm searching a lot time ago.
Thanks in advance,
Which File System mode you are using ? If you are using Native HDFS as File System mode, then you would need to configure CLASSPATH to include some third party jars.
Perhaps these links should provide you with some guidance.
Note : Based on the hadoop distribution and version you are using, the version of the jars could be different.
If the above information does not help in resolving the issue, then you may have to reach out to IBM Support to get this addressed.
TO use File Connector, there is no need to add CLASSPATH in agent.sh unless you want to import HDFS files from IMAM.
If your requirement is reading Parquet files, then set
If you are still seeing issue, then run job with $CC_MSG_LEVEL=2 and open IBM support case along with job design, FULL job log and Version.xml file from Engine tier.
I have successfully crawled a website using Nutch and now I want to create a warc from the results. However, running both the warc and commoncrawldump commands fail. Also, running bin/nutch dump -segement .... works successfully on the same segment folder.
I am using nutch v-1.17 and running:
bin/nutch commoncrawldump -outputDir output/ -segment crawl/segments
The error from hadoop.log is ERROR tools.CommonCrawlDataDumper - No segment directories found in my/path/
despite having just ran a crawl there.
Inside the segments folder were segments from a previous crawl that were throwing up the error. They did not contain all the segment data as I believe the crawl was cancelled/finished early. This caused the entire process to fail. Deleting all those files and starting anew fixed the issue.
I have two machines named: ubuntu1 and ubuntu2.
In ubuntu1, I started the master node in Spark Standalone Cluster and ubuntu2 I started with a worker (slave).
I am trying to execute the example workCount available on github.
When I submit the application, the worker send an error message
java.io.FileNotFoundException: File file:/home/ubuntu1/demo/test.txt does not exist.
My command line is
./spark-submit --master spark://ubuntu1-VirtualBox:7077 --deploy-mode cluster --clas br.com.wordCount.App -v --name"Word Count" /home/ubuntu1/demo/wordCount.jar /home/ubuntu1/demo/test.txt
The file test.txt has only to stay in one machine ?
Note: The master and the worker are in different machine.
Thank you
I got the same problem while loading the JSON file. I recognized by default windows storing file format as Textfile regardless of the name. identify the file format then you can load easily.
example: think you saved the file as test.JSON. but by default windows adding .txt to it.
check that and try to run again.
I hope your problem will get resolved with this idea.
Thank you.
You should put your file on hdfs by going to the folder and typing :
hdfs dfs -put <file>
Otherwise each node has to have access to it by having the same path folder existing on each machine.
Don't forget to change file:/ to hdfs:/ after you do that
So I've installed Hadoop File System on my machine and I'm using maven dependency to provide my code spark environment. (spark-mllib_2.10)
Now, My code is using spark mllib. And accessing data from Hadoop file system with this code.
String finalData = ProjectProperties.hadoopBasePath + ProjectProperties.finalDataPath;
JavaRDD<LabeledPoint> data = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(jsc.sc(), finalData).toJavaRDD();
With following properties set.
finalDataPath = /data/finalInput.txt
hadoopBasePath = hdfs://
I am starting the dfs nodes externally through command
Now, my code works perfectly fine when running from eclipse. But if I export the whole code to an executable jar, it gives me following exception.
Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: No FileSystem for scheme: hdfs
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.getFileSystemClass(FileSystem.java:2421)
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.createFileSystem(FileSystem.java:2428)
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.access$200(FileSystem.java:88)
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem$Cache.getInternal(FileSystem.java:2467)
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem$Cache.get(FileSystem.java:2449)
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.get(FileSystem.java:367)
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path.getFileSystem(Path.java:287)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat.listStatus(FileInputFormat.java:221)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat.getSplits(FileInputFormat.java:270)
I also checked different solutions online given for this issue where people are asking me to add following
<description>The FileSystem for file: uris.</description>
<description>The FileSystem for hdfs: uris.</description>
But I don't use any Hadoop context or hadoop config into my project. Simply load the data from Hadoop using the URL.
Can someone give some answer relevant to this issue?
Please mind that this totally works fine from Eclipse. And only doesn't work if I export the same project as an executable Jar.
As suggested in the comment and from the solutions found online, I tried two things.
Added dependencies into my pom.xml for hadoop-core, hadoop-hdfs and hadoop-client libraries.
Added the above properties configuration to hadoop's site-core.xml as suggested here http://grokbase.com/t/cloudera/scm-users/1288xszz7r/no-filesystem-for-scheme-hdfs
But still no luck in getting the error resolved. Gives the same issue locally on my machine as well as one of the remote machines I tried it on.
I also installed hadoop the same way I did on my machine using the link mentioned above.
I added KafkaLog4JAppender functionality to my MR job.
locally the job is running and sending the formatted logs into my Kafka cluster.
when I try to run it from the yarn server, using:
jar [jar-name].jar [DriverClass].class [job-params] -Dlog4j.configuration=log4j.xml -libjars
I get the following expception:
log4j:ERROR Could not create an Appender. Reported error follows.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: kafka.producer.KafkaLog4jAppender
the KafkaLog4JAppender class is in the path.
jar tvf [my-jar].jar | grep KafkaLog4J
finds the class
I'm kinda lost and would appreciate any helpfull input
thanks in advance!
If it works in local mode and not working in Yarn/distributed mode, then it could be problem of jar not being distributed properly. YOu might want to check Using third part jars and files in your MapReduce application(Distributed cache) for details on how to distribute your jar containing KafkaLog4jAppender.class