Static Cache - Two "Instances" - java

I have an application where I need two static caches, once short-term and one long-term.
So I have an abstract class that looks something like this. My thought was that I would create two classes that inherit from this abstract class, thereby attaining my two static classes.
However, it occurs to me that I am creating 3 objects when I might be able to get by with one. But I am at a loss in how to do so. Do I want some sort of factory class?
Can someone suggest an appropriate pattern here?
public abstract class myCache {
static Map<String, Object> ObjectCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>();
public void put(String Key, T cmsObject) {
public xxx static get(String objectKey, Class<T> type) {

Your design is flawed:
A cache is a cache - let the caching class take care of caching... only
Unless the number of objects is large (1000's), don't let the "number of objects created" influence your design
Only the user of your cache class needs to know or care what how the cache is being used
public class MyClass {
private static MyCache shortTermCache = new MyCache();
private static MyCache longTermCache = new MyCache();
You may consider passing a time-to-live parameter into your cache class constructor to let it manage purging after a certain time.

public abstract class myCache {
static ConcurrentMap<Class<?>,Map<String, Object>> ObjectCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>,Map<String, Object>>();
ObjectCache.putIfAbsent(getClass(),new ConcurrentHashMap<String,Object>());
public void put(String Key, Object cmsObject) {
public Object get(String objectKey) {
return ObjectCache.get(this.getClass()).get(key);


Storing data for an instance of an interface

I would like to know if there is a more efficient way of storing values (like fields) for an instance of an interface (if implementing it is not guaranteed) than a static hashmap in an other non-visible class.
public interface myInterface {
public default Object getMyVariable() {
final class Storage {
static HashMap<myInterface, Object> data = new HashMap<myInterface, Object>();
Firs of all this is bad bracrice - you abstraction knows about implementations. The point of interface is to introduce abstraction - and get rig of rigit design.
You can define interface like that:
public interface MyInterface {
default Object getMyVariable() {
return getDefaultObject();
Object getDefaultObject()
As you can see i added required method getDefaultObject() - that all implementations have to implement. However this will not work if you already have implementation classes - and you have no control over them.

What's the best way to have different parent field initialization?

I have a class as below
public abstract class MyObjectManager {
private final Map<MyKey, MyObject> objects;
private final MySystem system;
MyObjectManager(MySystem inputSystem) {
system = inputSystem;
// also initialize the "objects" field.
public void write(MyKey myKey, MyObject myObject) {...}
public MyObject read(MyKey myKey) {...}
public abstract MyObject getNewestObject();
I need two types of ConcreteManagers which will have different map implementation, for example,
One uses new LinkedHashMap(CAPACITY_1, LOAD_FACTOR_1, true){ // override the removeEldestEntry(){// logic 1}}.
The other uses new LinkedHashMap(CAPACITY_2, LOAD_FACTOR_2, false){ // override the removeEldestEntry(){// logic 2}}.
I don't want to pass the map as a #param since the map implementation is fixed for each ConcreteManager.
Should I use a strategy pattern or factory pattern to have different map initialization?
Or should I move the objects field to each implementation classes? But their implementation of read and write methods duplicate a lot.
If I understood your question, it seems to me that you could add the map as a parameter the abstract class, then pass the concrete map instance in the children constructor. For example:
public abstract class MyObjectManager {
private final Map<MyKey, MyObject> objects;
private final MySystem system;
MyObjectManager(final Map<MyKey, MyObject> objects, MySystem inputSystem) {
this.objects = objects;
this.system = inputSystem;
public class ConcreteManager extends MyObjectManager {
public ConcreteManager(MySystem inputSystem) {
super(new LinkedHashMap(CAPACITY_1, LOAD_FACTOR_1, true), inputSystem);
This way fulfils your constraints:
The Map class is fixed to a concrete manager implementation
The objects attribute remains in the parent class

return and use different classes in java

Not sure if the title does this justice. I am kind of new to Java and trying to figure out how to have a single class use different "services". Let say I have an APIRequest class, this class needs to be able to use different APIs depending on what is needed. Example. I need to ship a package, if the package is below 32OZ I need to use Endicia, else I need to use FedEx. I have 2 "service" classes FedexRequest and EndiciaRequest. I am trying to allow the APIRequest class use either one depending on what the weight of the package. I created a class called APIService that has a static method called getService. it just creates a map of string name -> request class like so...
public class APIService {
private static Map<String, Object> services = new HashMap<>();
private static final Map<String, String> availableServices = new HashMap() {{
put("fedex", "FedexRequest");
put("endicia", "EndiciaRequest");
public static Object getService(String type) {
if(services.containsKey(type)) {
return services.get(type);
return null;
static {
for(Map.Entry<String, String> serv : availableServices.entrySet()) {
try {
Class<?> cls = Class.forName(serv.getValue());
services.put(serv.getKey(), cls.newInstance());
} catch(Exception e) {
services.put(serv.getKey(), new Class[1]);
So now I can call APIService.getService("fedex"); however I am having a really hard time trying to figure out how to use that in my APIRequest class, because I would need to do something like...
this.service = (FedexRequest) APIService.getService("fedex");
this.service = (EndiciaRequest) APIService.getService("endicia);
but that breaks the whole dynamic part of the equation, what if I need to add another service later?
I tried having both FedexRequest and EndiciaRequest implement a Request interface, then use
this.service = (Request) APIService.getService("fedex");
but that gives me a Java.lang.Class error saying it cannot be cast to Request. I am assuming it is because Request is an interface so you cannot use cls.newInstance() on an implementing class then cast to the interface.
I am really lost on how to allow my APIRequest class to use either FedexRequest or EndiciaRequest, without specifically using the type casting, so that it can be dynamic and we could add a service later without recoding the whole thing. I come from PHP where this would be extremely simple, since you do not have to explicitly define a type. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
If I were you I would do the following:
This is the implementation of Service interface:
public interface Service {
public void performAction();
//other common functions...
A small modification to your APIService class:
public class APIService {
private static Map<String, Service> services = new HashMap<>();
private static final Map<String, String> availableServices = new HashMap() {{
put("fedex", "com.finity.shipping.api.fedexapi.FedexRequest");
put("endicia", "com.finity.shipping.api.endiciaapi.EndiciaRequest");
public static Service getService(String type) {
return services.get(type);
static {
for(Map.Entry<String, String> serv : availableServices.entrySet()) {
try {
Class<?> cls = Class.forName(serv.getValue());
services.put(serv.getKey(), cls.newInstance());
} catch(Exception e) {
services.put(serv.getKey(), new Class[1]);
Every time you need a service to be added to your application just implement the Service interface:
public class FedexRequest implements Service {
public void performAction() {
//do something
And finally in your class where you use this.service:
Service service;
this.service = APIService.getService("fedex");
Pooya solution is good.
I will add something. You use some strings to represent things which are typable : constants and classes. Using reflection to initialize a factory where you handle only classes written in hard in some strings(for example com.finity.shipping.api.fedexapi.FedexRequest) and belonging to your own project seems to be a overhead.
In case where your factory don't know which classes it will instantiate, using reflection is meaningful. But it seems not be the case.
Besides, FEDEX and ENDICIA could be constant by using enum. It allows to type them and to avoid bad suprpises.
We would expect that your factory be more simple. Here an example :
public class APIService {
public static enum TypeRequest{
private static Map<String, Service> services = new HashMap<>();
static {
services.put(FEDEX, new FedexRequest());
services.put(ENDICIA, new EndiciaRequest());
public static Service getService(TypeRequest typeRequest) {
return services.get(typeRequest);

Efficient duplicates checking for multiple types of objects in Java

I'm working on a project where I've got multiple classes to hold data loaded from an xml file. The problem I would like to solve is that almost all of the classes have these methods:
However, there may be more types of objects in a class that need to be added this way. For example:
class Airspace {
private List airports;
private List waypoints;
public void addSingleAirport(Airport a) {...}
public void addMultipleAirports(Airport[] a {...}
public void addSingleWaypoint(Waypoint w) {...}
public void addMultipleWaypoints(Waypoint w) {...}
I was thinking of putting those addSingle and addMultiple methods into an interface and then decide, when implementing the methods, according to the objects type to which list it should be added, but wouldn't that be stupid?
Is there any more efficient way to do this? I want to avoid writing these methods into every class that needs them with the specific objects because they all do exactly the same.
I don't think you approach is stupid but it is true this type checking can affect performance.
Nevertheless, expanding your approach, I would keep a map of lists indexed by Class:
class Airspace {
private Map<Class, List<Object>> lists = new HashMap();
public void addSingle(Object o)
List<Object> list = lists.get(o.getClass());
if(list == null)
list = new ArrayList();
lists.put(o.getClass(), list);
public void addAirports(Airport... a ){...}
should be able to handle all cases - or did I miss something?
A very general
public void addThings( Object... o )
can be written, but do you want to lose readability and type checking? Runtime errors if there's no matching Foo-list in an object? Shudder.
You can use an Abstract class with generics then extends it from you class. Something like this:
public abstract class AbstractSomeclass<E>{
public void addObject(E... obj, List<E>){
//yourcode here
Then in your class:
public class MyClass extends AbstractSomeclass<Airport>{
public List<Airport> list;
public void someMethod(){
super.addObject( airportObject, list );
Maybe there is some minor errors (on this code), but hold on with the idea.

Factories in Java without a switch statement

I am trying to build a factory object, but having trouble working out a good way of doing it in Java.
The application I am writing is used for processing files in various formats, so there is a CodecInterface which applies to all classes which are used for reading and writing files. Let's assume it defines the following methods. Each of these files has a unique human-designated ID string which is used for id'ing the encoder\decoder.
String read();
void write(String data);
String getID();
The factory class would have a create method which is intended to create instances of these codec classes. I imagine the method signature would look something like this.
static CodecInterface CodecFactory.create(String filename, String codecid, String args);
The filename is the name of the file to read/write, and the codecid is the unique ID indicating what codec to use. The args parameter is a string of arguments passed to the decoder/encoder object being generated. The return of this should be an instance of the requested codec object.
All of the Factory examples I have seen typically have a switch statement inside of the create method which creates an object instance dependent on the ID. I want to avoid doing it this way as it doesn't seem like the 'right' way, and it also means that the list is more or less fixed unless you modify the create method. Ideally I would like to use something like a dictionary (indexed by the codec ID) which contains something which can be used to create an instance of the codec classes I want (I will call this mystery class ClassReference). Again to use some quasi-java code, here is what I was thinking as the body for the create method.
static Dictionary<String, ClassReference>;
static CodecInterface CodecFactory.create(String filename, String codecid, String args);
ClassReference classreference;
classreference = codeclibrary(codecid);
return classreference.instanceOf(args);
The dictionary of ID's is easy enough, but I can't work out what ClassReference should be. Class Reference should allow me to create an instance of the desired class, as in the example above.
From looking around online, the class method, and instanceOf seem to be heading in the right direction, but I haven't found anything which puts the two together. As an added complication, the constructors for the objects being created will have arguments.
Any tips on what I should be looking at would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks everyone for your advice. I've ended up taking bits and pieces from all of your suggestions and came up with the following which seems to work as I wanted.
Note that I have omitted much of the sanity\error checking code to show off the important bits.
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class CodecFactory
private static HashMap<String, Class<? extends CodecInterface>> codecs;
codecs = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends CodecInterface>>();
//Register built-in codecs here
register("codecA", CodecA.class);
register("codecB", CodecB.class);
register("codecC", CodecC.class);
public static void register(String id, Class<? extends CodecInterface> codec)
Class<? extends CodecInterface> existing;
existing = codecs.get(id);
if(existing == null)
codecs.put(id, codec);
//Duplicate ID error handling
public static CodecInterface create(String codecid, String filename, String mode, String arguments)
Class<? extends CodecInterface> codecclass;
CodecInterface codec;
Constructor constructor;
codec = null;
codecclass = codecs.get(codecid);
if(codecclass != null)
constructor = codecclass.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class);
codec = (CodecInterface)(constructor.newInstance(codecid, filename, mode, arguments));
catch(Exception e)
//Error handling for constructor/instantiation
return codec;
There's a zillion options. For example, you might create a base factory class that also has static methods to manage registered factories (untested code typed here, sorry for errors):
public abstract class CodecFactory {
private final String name;
public CodecFactory (String name) { = name;
public final String getName () {
return name;
// Subclasses must implement this.
public abstract Codec newInstance (String filename, String args);
// --- Static factory stuff ---
private static final Map<String,CodecFactory> factories = new HashMap<String,CodecFactory>();
public static void registerFactory (CodecFactory f) {
factories.put(f.getName(), f);
public static Codec newInstance (String filename, String codec, String args) {
CodecFactory factory = factories.get(codec);
if (factory != null)
return factory.newInstance(filename, args);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such codec.");
public class QuantumCodecFactory extends CodecFactory {
public QuantumCodecFactory {
#Override public Codec newInstance (String filename, String args) {
return new QuantumCodec(filename, args);
Of course this means at some point you must:
CodecFactory.registerFactory(new QuantumCodecFactory());
Then usage is:
Codec codec = CodecFactory.newInstance(filename, "quantum", args);
Another option is to use reflection and maintain a Map<String,Class<? extends CodecInterface>>, using Class.newInstance() to instantiate. This is convenient to implement because it works on top of Java's Class, which already supports a factory-style model for instantiating objects. The caveats are, like above the classes must be explicitly registered, and also (unlike above) you can't implicitly enforce constructor parameter types at compile-time (although you could at least abstract it behind some method instead of calling Class.newInstance() directly from client code).
For example:
public final class CodecFactory {
private static final Map<String,Class<? extends Codec>> classes = new HashMap<String,Class<? extends Codec>>();
public static void registerClass (String name, Class<? extends Codec> clz) {
classes.put(name, clz);
public static Codec newInstance (String filename, String codec, String args) {
Class<? extends Codec> clz = classes.get(codec);
if (clz != null)
return clz.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class, String.class).newInstance(filename, args);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such codec.");
Where every Codec is expected to have a constructor that takes (String filename, String args). Registration, then, is:
CodecFactory.registerClass("quantum", QuantumCodec.class);
Usage is the same as above:
Codec codec = CodecFactory.newInstance(filename, "quantum", args);
You could even leave out the map and just use Class.forName() -- this doesn't give you as much flexibility with codec names, but it essentially lets the class loader do all of the work for you and you don't need to explicitly register types ahead of time.
Edit: Re: Question in comments below. You could come up with a system that combined the two above examples to create a reusable, reflection based generic factory derived from CodecFactory, which still leaves you with the ability to create other more specialized factories, e.g.:
public class GenericCodecFactory extends CodecFactory {
private final String name;
private final Class<? extends Codec> clz;
public GenericCodecFactory (String name, String clzname) { = name;
this.clz = Class.forName(clzname);
public GenericCodecFactory (String name, Class<? extends Codec> clz) { = name;
this.clz = clz;
// parameter type checking provided via calls to this method, reflection
// is abstracted behind it.
#Override public Codec newInstance (String filename, String args) {
return clz.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class, String.class).newInstance(filename, args);
Then you could use that for whatever:
// you can use specialized factories
ClassFactory.registerFactory(new QuantumCodecFactory());
// you can use the generic factory that requires a class at compile-time
ClassFactory.registerFactory(new GenericCodecFactory("awesome", AwesomeCodec.class));
// you can use the generic factory that doesn't need to have class present at compile-time
ClassFactory.registerFactory(new GenericCodecFactory("ninja", "com.mystuff.codecs.NinjaCodec"));
As you can see, there's a ton of possibilities. Using Class.forName() in reflection-based factories is nice because the class doesn't need to be present at compile-time; so you can drop in codec classes on the class path and, say, specify a list of class names in a run-time configuration file (then you could have static ClassFactory.registerFactoriesListedInFile(String confgFilename) or something), or scan a "plugin" directory. You can even construct class names from simpler strings, if you're comfortable with that, e.g.:
public class GenericPackageCodecFactory extends GenericCodecFactory {
public GenericPackageCodecFactory (String name) {
super(name, "com.mystuff." + name + ".Codec");
You could even use something like that as a fallback in ClassFactory if the codec name is not found, to get around having to explicitly register types.
The reason reflection keeps popping up, by the way, is that it's very flexible and the Class interface is essentially an all-encompassing class factory, so it frequently parallels what specific factory architectures are trying to accomplish.
Another option is to use the second example I mentioned above (with the Map<String,Class>) but make a version of registerFactory that takes a String class name instead of a Class, similar to the generic implementation I just mentioned. That's probably the least amount of code required to avoid having to create instances of CodecFactorys.
I can't possibly give examples for every combination of things you can do here, so here is a partial list of the tools you have available, which you should use as you see fit. Remember: Factories are a concept; it's up to you to use the tools you have to implement that concept in a clean way that meets your requirements.
Reflection (Class<?> and Class.forName)
Static initializer blocks (sometimes a good place to register a factory; requires class to be loaded, but Class.forName can trigger this).
External configuration files
Plugin frameworks like or or (good comparison of OSGi, JPF, JSPF can be found here; I've never heard of jin-plugin prior to looking through the answers in the link).
Maps of registered factories and/or ability to use reflection to generate class names on the fly.
Don't forget concurrent maps and/or synchronization primitives for multi-threaded support if necessary.
Lots of other stuff.
Also: Don't go crazy implementing all of these possibilities if you don't have to; think about your requirements and decide on the minimum amount of work you need to do here to meet them. For example, if you need extensible plugins, JSPF alone might be enough to satisfy all of your requirements without you having to do any of this work (I haven't actually checked it out, so I'm not sure). If you don't need that kind of plugin "scanning" behavior, simple implementations like the examples above will do the trick.
Try something like that:
public class CodecFactory {
final private static Map<String, Class<? extends CodecInterface>> codecLibrary;
static {
codecLibrary = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends CodecInterface>>();
codecLibrary.put("codec1", Codec1.class);
static CodecInterface create(String filename, String codecid, String args) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
Class<? extends CodecInterface> clazz;
clazz = codecLibrary.get(codecid);
CodecInterface codec = clazz.newInstance();
return codec;
You can use enum as well, just like below :
interface CodecInterface {
class CodecA implements CodecInterface {
class CodecB implements CodecInterface {
class CodecC implements CodecInterface {
enum CodecType {
codecA {
public CodecInterface create() {
return new CodecA();
codecB {
public CodecInterface create() {
return new CodecB();
codecC {
public CodecInterface create() {
return new CodecC();
public CodecInterface create() {
return null;
class CodecFactory {
public CodecInterface newInstance(CodecType codecType) {
return codecType.create();
