I'm a student with quite some experience in Java but totally new to Maven.
I was trying to implement a RESTful service provider and client with jersey-server and jersey-client. Both also depends on jersey-json, to make use of automatic conversion between POJO and JSON. Both of them also depend on a service model I implemented myself, where the POJO definition resides.
However, the code doesn't work for me. I spent quite a few hours looking for solutions everywhere on the Internet. It turns out the reason of the failure is that I accidentally specified version of jersey-server and jersey-client as 1.14, but jersey-json as 1.9.1.
The server doesn't work at the beginning, but at some point suddenly starts working. (I have no idea how this happened.) The client never worked until I change jersey-json version to 1.14.
Why do I need to have the same version for these different dependencies?
Because one depends on the other or otherwise has a compatibility issue. This is what dependency management is all about. Run mvn dependency:tree to see exactly how these libraries relate to each other.
In this case, it seems Jersey libraries are all released together as a "bundle" - and you need to use the versions from those bundles together. See: http://jersey.java.net/nonav/documentation/latest/chapter_deps.html
Note that this is an attribute of the Jersey libraries, not Maven.
Often different jars from the same distribution are tested together and given the same version number.
If you try to mix different versions it might work, or it might not, as its not a combination which was intended or tested.
I need to support two builds with some set of differences in libraries versions, so I made two build profiles and this works fine, but now I have a versioning problem while preparing a release.
I use the major.minor.revision-qualifier versioning schema, where:
major - a breaking change
minor - a backward-compatible changes (new features)
revision - a bug fix
qualifier - the only qualifier I use now is SNAPSHOT to mark unreleased versions.
But since now I have two builds, I need to add some qualifiers to release versions e.g. 1.8.0-v1 and 1.8.0-v2, but then I won't be able to have two SNAPSHOT versions. Or I need to break the "rules" about major\minor version usage and make two "branches" e.g. release 1.8.0 and 1.9.0 and then increase only last number no matter when fixing a bug or adding a new features.
I have a feeling like I am doing something antipattern, could anyone please give me some advice?
P.S. I already have heavily reworked 2.x version, so I can't have separate "branches" as 2.x and 1.x versions, unless i change this new version to 3.0
I guess i can't make this story short, so here we go.
In my project i use to have ojdbc6 and aqapi jars(oracle libraries), my app was working on java 7 and Apache ServiceMix 5 with oracle 11 database. But then some clients updated to oracle 12 and i need new libraries for that, but they only work on java 8, but ActiveMQ i am using as part of ServiceMix 5 doesn't work on java 8. So i updated to servicemix 7 and and after some chances it works fine. So rest of the difference in build profiles are versions of servicemix provided libraries (a complete list is redundant here i guess).
In the end despite the fact that new jdbc driver is fully compatible with old database(not completely sure about aqapi and client side of ActiveMQ, but they should be also compatible), i can't force every client to update and reinstall java\servicemix at the same time, but i still wanna be able to fix\add stuff for all of them.
So i need to support two builds for different versions of servicemix, at least for now(its a temporary solution, but as proverb says: there is nothing more permanent than temporary, so i want to make it in the most right way possible)
I decided to make profiles instead of separate brunch in VCS, because it looks like much easier solution, but it doesn't metter in terms of the versioning problem.
So as #Software Engineer said, after thinking about reasons and writing a post update i realised its not multiprofile problem, it's purely versioning problem, it would be the absolutely the same if i make brunch in VCS.
So in the end i decided to make 1.x.x and 2.x.x versions despite the fact that changes are not that "breaking", but they are not fully backward-compatible(even tho new version can work with old database it still needs new servicemix).
This multiprofile workaround doesn't looks pretty, but i left it there, it allows me to build both versions in one go(i use mvn versions:set -DnewVersion command after the first build) and i don't need to support two brunches this way, so it saves some time.
Just as shown in the picture, one app (Java) referenced two third-party package jars (packageA and packageB), and they referenced packageC-0.1 and packageC-0.2 respectively. It would work well if packageC-0.2 was compatible with packageC-0.1. However sometimes packageA used something that could not be supported in packageC-0.2 and Maven can only use the latest version of a jar. This issue is also known as "Jar Hell".
It would be difficult in practice to rewrite package A or force its developers to update packageC to 0.2.
How do you tackle with these problems? This often happens in large-scale companies.
I have to declare that this problem is mostly occurred in BIG companies due to the fact that big company has a lot of departments and it would be very expensive to let the whole company update one dependency each time certain developers use new features of new version of some dependency jars. And this is not big deal in small companies.
Any response will be highly appreciated.
Let me throw away a brick in order to get a gem first.
Alibaba is one of the largest E-Commerces in the world. And we tackle with these problems by creating an isolation container named Pandora. Its principle is simple: packaging those middle-wares together and load them with different ClassLoaders so that they can work well together even they referenced same packages with different versions. But this need a runtime environment provided by Pandora which is running as a tomcat process. I have to admit that this is a heavy plan. Pandora is developed based on a fact that JVM identifies one class by class-loader plus classname.
If you know someone maybe know the answers, share the link with him/her.
We are a large company and we have this problem a lot. We have large dependency trees that over several developer groups. What we do:
We manage versions by BOMs (lists of Maven dependencyManagement) of "recommended versions" that are published by the maintainers of the jars. This way, we make sure that recent versions of the artifacts are used.
We try to reduce the large dependency trees by separating the functionality that is used inside a developer group from the one that they offer to other groups.
But I admit that we are still trying to find better strategies. Let me also mention that using "microservices" is a strategy against this problem, but in many cases it is not a valid strategy for us (mainly because we could not have global transactions on databases any more).
This is a common problem in the java world.
Your best options are to regularly maintain and update dependencies of both packageA and packageB.
If you have control over those applications - make time to do it. If you don't have control, demand that the vendor or author make regular updates.
If both packageA and packageB are used internally, you can use the following practise: have all internal projects in your company refer to a parent in the maven pom.xml that defines "up to date" versions of commonly used third party libraries.
For example:
Therefore, if your project "A" uses spring, if they use the latest version of your company's "parent" pom, they should both use 4.3.18.RELEASE.
When a new version of spring is released and desirable, you update your company's parent pom, and force all other projects to use that latest version.
This will solve many of these dependency mismatch issues.
Don't worry, it's common in the java world, you're not alone. Just google "jar hell" and you can understand the issue in the broader context.
By the way mvn dependency:tree is your friend for isolating these dependency problems.
I agree with the answer of #JF Meier ,In Maven multi-module project, the dependency management node is usually defined in the parent POM file when doing unified version management. The content of dependencies node declared by the node class is about the resource version of unified definition. The resources in the directly defined dependencies node need not be introduced into the version phase. The contents of the customs are as follows:
in the parent pom
<dependencies >
<dependency >
</dependency >
</dependencies >
in your module ,you do not need to set the version
<dependencies >
<dependency >
</dependency >
</dependencies >
This will avoid the problem of inconsistency .
This question can't be answered in general.
In the past we usually just didn't use dependencies of different versions. If the version was changed, team-/company-wide refactoring was necessary. I doubt it is possible with most build tools.
But to answer your question..
Simple answer: Don't use two versions of one dependency within one compilation unit (usually a module)
But if you really have to do this, you could write a wrapper module that references to the legacy version of the library.
But my personal opinion is that within one module there should not be the need for these constructs because "one module" should be relatively small to be manageable. Otherwise it might be a strong indicator that the project could use some modularization refactoring. However, I know very well that some projects of "large-scale companies" can be a huge mess where no 'good' option is available. I guess you are talking about a situation where packageA is owned by a different team than packageB... and this is generally a very bad design decision due to the lack of separation and inherent dependency problems.
First of all, try to avoid the problem. As mentioned in #Henry's comment, don't use 3rd party libraries for trivial tasks.
However, we all use libraries. And sometimes we end up with the problem you describe, where we need two different versions of the same library. If library 'C' has removed and added some APIs between the two versions, and the removed APIs are needed by 'A', while 'B' needs the new ones, you have an issue.
In my company, we run our Java code inside an OSGi container. Using OSGi, you can modularize your code in "bundles", which are jar files with some special directives in their manifest file. Each bundle jar has its own classloader, so two bundles can use different versions of the same library. In your example, you could split your application code that uses 'packageA' into one bundle, and the code that uses 'packageB' in another. The two bundles can call each others APIs, and it will all work fine as long as your bundles do not use 'packageC' classes in the signature of the methods used by the other bundle (known as API leakage).
To get started with OSGi, you can e.g. take a look at OSGi enRoute.
Let me throw away a brick in order to get a gem first.
Alibaba is one of the largest E-Commerces in the world. And we tackle with these problems by creating an isolation container named Pandora. Its principle is simple: packaging those middle-wares together and load them with different ClassLoaders so that they can work well together even they referenced same packages with different versions. But this need a runtime environment provided by Pandora which is running as a tomcat process. I have to admit that this is a heavy plan.
Pandora is developed based on a fact that JVM identifies one class by class-loader plus classname.
I am working on maven product that use some common-collection jar with version v3.2.1, which gets downloaded from our repository. Through out the project we are using ver1.1. Now I have to use third party jar which uses common-collection with v3.2.2 due to which I'm getting NoClassDefFound exception.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
I cant change the version in my project. How to solve this issue?
I cant change the version in my project which is v1.1
Now I have to use third party jar which uses common-collection with v3.2.2
You have a hard choice to make. Either change (upgrade) the version in your project, or don't use the 3rd-party library. (This assumes that the 3rd-party library's dependency is a hard one ... which seems likely if API classes have been moved, etcetera.)
The first alternative is probably better. The longer you stay on an outdated version of the commons-collection library, the more problems like this you will encounter.
Actually, there is third possibility but it is asking for trouble. You could try to build your own version of commons-collection that is compatible with both v1.1 and v3.2.2. But here's the problem:
You are buying into extra work maintaining this custom version of commons-collection, for as long as you need it in your codebase. (And that could be a long time if versions of your code are long-lived; e.g. if they released to customers who have long-term support requirements.)
It might not work. Suppose that one part of the code requires ReferenceMap in one package, and another part requires it in another package.
Another possibility (another bad idea!) might be to do tricky things with classloaders, but that can lead to problems as well. If you two versions of the same class are loaded by different class loaders into an application, the type system will insists that they are different types. They won't be assignment compatible. Type-casts will fail unexpectedly, etcetera.
seems it has been moved to
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.commons/commons-collections4 -->
I want to build a REST API using RestEasy. The generated file should be deployed in a WildFly application server.
I face the issue described in the following SO-question:
AsynchronousDispatcher error
The marked solution tells me, to set the dependency to "provided". Which as far as I understand means, that the library is not included in my war file but taken directly from the app-server...
Isn't that just wrong?
My idea would be to build a self-containing war file which contains all the needed libraries in the version I need.
When provided from the app-server I do get the currently available version from there. I have not really a clue about the version... when someone has the idea to update the RestEasy library on the server, it might break my app.
I'm not sure whether I missed something or did something completely wrong?
One of the big advantages to Java EE is developing towards the API and not having to worry about the implementation. Java EE containers provide the API's and implementations for the API's. If you include implementation dependencies one of two things is likely to happen.
You're dependencies will be ignored making it pointless to include them in your deployment.
You'll get conflicts between the dependencies you included vs what the server is expecting. This could be things like:
ClassCastException because it's finding two of the same class on the class path.
MethodNotFoundException because there is a version mismatch
Various other issues with conflcts
Developing towards the API instead of the implementation also allows you to easily switch between Java EE compliant containers with no to minimal changes to your deployment. The API's are generally backwards compatible as well making version upgrades not as big of an issue.
If you want to use a fat WAR (including implementations) instead of a skinny WAR (not including the implementations) then a servlet container is probably a better solution. WildFly does have a servlet only download. I'd encourage you though to trust container to do the right thing with the implementation dependencies :). Usually the only time there is an issue with upgrading is if you're upgrading Java EE versions. Even then it's usually pretty safe.
I am sure this is a very basic but important question, answer to which i dont know.
I want to know the answer because i spent several days and nights trying to fix the problems arising in my projects due to version problems in Maven artifacts. First i had problem integrating struts + hibernate. Now with SPRING+HIBERNATE. When i take a sample working project as base, it works fine.
But when in a zealous attempt, i updated the pom.xml with all the latest versions of dependencies, i get plenty of errors, and i try to fix them one by one and end up adding more dependencies/jars in the process which i think leads to the problem. But why it leads to problem, i am not sure. But for now, i have reverted to the original working (but older) versions of dependencies in pom.xml and everything has started working fine.
My question is In Maven project will adding the latest versions of dependencies guarantee a trouble free project??
My experience in Maven is not much. I have only experience in importing projects/changing dependencies.
Or is creating projects through Maven from scratch a panacea to my problems?(in which i dont have much experience)
Simply using the most recent versions of dependencies will not necessarily guarantee a trouble free project. If you are going to include a dependency that requires integration with another dependency, you will usually need to do some research before you determine what version to include. For example, if you had a Spring 3.0+ dependency in your pom.xml and you were going to add a version of Hibernate that works correctly with Spring, you could go to the Spring documentation (http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/3.0.x/spring-framework-reference/html/orm.html#orm-hibernate) and read about what versions of Hibernate will work with that version of Spring. Typically if a framework like Spring takes the time to provide integration with another framework like Hibernate, they will include documentation detailing what versions of the framework will correctly interact with the other framework.