As title states I have problem with thread based structure. What I need to do is:
one thread running in loop and checking if there exists something in list and if so then performing some operation on object and then removing it from list
function which is called from 'outside' and adding new objects to this list.
here is my approach:
public class Queue implements Runnable {
private List<X> listOfObjects = new ArrayList<X>;
public void addToList(X toAdd){
public void run() {
Is it proper approach? Should I also synchronize adding to this list?
Looks like you should try an implementation of java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue, rather than try and write your own! I suspect a LinkedBlockingQueue will work nicely for you. You can write entries into the queue from multiple sources, and your consumer thread will take each entry off and process it in turn, in a thread-safe fashion.
Note that your consumer thread for a BlockingQueue will wait (by calling the take() method). Your implementation above, however, will spin and consume CPU whilst waiting for entries to be processed in the queue (this should be evident if you run it and monitor your CPU usage).
Here's an explanatory article.
You need to synchronize all accesses to your list:
public void addToList(X toAdd){
synchronized(listOfObject) {
Alternatively you could use a thread safe implementation of List such a CopyOnWriteArrayList, in which case you can remove all the synchronized blocks.
ps: as mentioned in another answer, you seeem to be reimplementing an ArrayBlockingQueue.
It appears you are trying to create a queue for a thread to process elements added.
A simpler approach is to use an ExecutorService.
ExecutorService service = Executors.newSingleThreadedPool();
// to add a task.
service.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// process X here
It's better to use Collections.synchronizedList() wrapper instead of a manually synchronized block.
I was asked a question in an interview, where i have list available in the main method and and i was told there is some operation to be performed on each item in the list, how would i achieve this using threads concept.
Consider the following scenario:
I have a list of integers. I need to print all the values from the list. Can it be done using threads concept where i have multiple threads running on each item in the list and where each thread is used to print out a value rather than one thread printing all the values? I am not trying to modify any value in the list.
I hope you are looking for something like that:
public class MaltiThreadExample {
* #param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
for (int i : list) {
Thread th = new Thread() {
public void run() {
The output is for one execution:
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)
Yes, it is a typical producer-consumer paradigm:
Imagine a Runnable class who receives an Iterator as parameter, and waits over a certain monitor, and then consumes one item from the iterator, and last notifies the same monitor. Loops while the iterator has more items.
Upon this, it will be enough to create the list of numbers, create the consumer threads passing them the list's iterator, and start them.
The code below is not tested at all. It's just something that comes into mind. The last implementation using parallelStream() might be what you are looking for.
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final List<Integer> myIntegerList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
// Good old for-each-loop
for (Integer item : myIntegerList) {
// Java 8 forEach with Consumer
final Consumer<Integer> consumer = new Consumer<Integer>() {
public void accept(Integer item) {
// Java 8 forEach with Lambda
myIntegerList.forEach((item) -> System.out.print(item));
// Java 8 forEach on parallelStream with Lambda
myIntegerList.parallelStream().forEach((item) -> System.out.print(item));
i am trying to understand the advantage of threads.
There are basically two reasons for using multiple threads in a program:
(1) Asynchronous event handling: Imagine a program that must wait for and respond to several different kinds of input, and each kind of input can happen at completely arbitrary times.
Before threads, we used to write a big event loop, that would poll for each different kind of event, and then dispatch to different handler functions. Things could start to get ugly when one or more of the event handlers was stateful (i.e., what it did next would depend on the history of previous events.)
A program that has one thread for each different kind of event often is much cleaner. That is to say, it's easier to understand, easier to modify, etc. Each thread loops waiting for just one kind of event, and its state (if any) can be kept in local variables, or its state can be implicit (i.e., depends on what function the thread is in at any given time).
(2) Multiprocessing (a.k.a., "parallel processing", "concurrent programming",...): Using worker threads to perform background computations probably is the most widespread model of multiprocessing in use at this moment in time.
Multithreading is the lowest-level of all multiprocessing models which means (a) it is the hardest to understand, but (b) it is the most versatile.
It can be done. We can make use of concurrenthashmap. We can add the list to this map and pass it to the threads. Each thread will try to get the lock on the resource to operate.
I need to write a CSV file ,So I need to hit web service for more than 2k records(Each time once) ,So I am using threads to hit the webservice,
Currently I am doing like below,
for(String customer: Customers)
Thread th=new Thread(new TaskFile(customer))
iterate map...**
public class TaskFile implements runnable
private String customer;
public static Map map=new HashMap();
public taskFile(String customer)
public void run()
websrivce call..
so I am using static map to club the results of all values but is there any other way to combine all the thread results. Since static is loaded by jvm.
I may have 100k records in future.
Ok I have my own frame work to take care of this thread which I can't share due to security issues. What about static ..This just an example. So help me on static Map and clubbing the results
The simplest answer for this environment is to use a Queue.
Create one queue, create as many threads as you like (recommend ThreadPools but that's your choice) and tell each thread about the queue. Each thread then pushes items onto the queue as fas as it likes.
You then have one consumer that reads all of the results out of the queue.
Queue<Type> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
for (String customer : Customers) {
Thread t = new Thread(new Producer(queue, customer));
Thread consumer = new Thread(new Consumer(queue));
I would not want to spawn 100k threads at once - you may easily end up overwhelming the web service. Rather use a ThreadPoolExecutor to spawn the tasks, it also has methods to wait for a result. That way you can easily tune the number of concurrent requests.
If you just want to add your results to a CSV file, I would add a central disruptor where your web service client threads are the producers and your CSV writing thread is the consumer. That way you neatly decouple hitting the web service from writing the file, minimizing latency in the process.
First, you need to use a thread-safe map, like ConcurrentHashMap
Second, you don't need a static map, you can pass the map in the constructor to each Runnable:
public class TaskFile implements runnable
private String customer;
private Map map;
public taskFile(String customer, Map map)
this.customer=customer; = map;
public void run()
// websrivce call..
// ...
Map map = new ConcurrentHashMap();
for(String customer: Customers)
Thread th=new Thread(new TaskFile(customer, map))
Notice that I have ignored generics as you did not specify which types you use, but you should definitly use generics.
Also, as #Marko Topolnik said, starting a thread for each row is an overkill.
This looks like you are creating one thread for each customer record, which will probably do something bad to your system (for reference, try looking at task manager to see how many threads other processes like to use)
My approach here would be to add the customer records to some form of (concurrent!) Queue object, and then create a handful of Runnable objects whose task is to pull from this queue as fast as they can, processing records, looping until the queue is empty, at which point they terminate.
I'm not sure whether this approach would have much performance benefit over simply handling the records single-threaded, but it is a much more sane way of doing multithreading.
I think your concern is if the application is deployed and there are more than one requests, your static map doesn't seem applicable (as both jobs results will be put in the same static map!).
In this case I would suggest creating a hashmap for each job and pass it along the constructor of thread. You can remove the static within thread for the map, thereby making all threads for a job refer a single map on whom you store the results.
Map<> map = new HashMap<>();
for(String customer: Customers)
Thread th=new Thread(new TaskFile(customer,map ));
Iterate over map upon completion, as the reference is retained and results are accessible.
But, as mentioned by others, there are lots of possible leaks in your approach! Do keep an eye out.
I have two threads which both need to access an ArrayList<short[]> instance variable.
One thread is going to asynchronously add short[] items to the list via a callback when new data has arrived : void dataChanged(short[] theData)
The other thread is going to periodically check if the list has items and if it does it is going to iterate over all the items, process them, and remove them from the array.
How can I set this up to guard for collisions between the two threads?
This contrived code example currently throws a java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
//instance vairbales
private ArrayList<short[]> list = new ArrayList<short[]>();
//asynchronous callback happening on the thread that adds the data to the list
void dataChanged(short[] theData) {
//thread that iterates over the list and processes the current data it contains
Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while (true) {
for(short[] item : list) {
//process the data
//clear the list to discared of data which has been processed.
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
You might want to use a producer consumer queue like an ArrayBlockingQueue instead or a similar concurrent collection.
The producer–consumer problem (also known as the bounded-buffer problem) is a classic example of a multi-process synchronization problem. The problem describes two processes, the producer and the consumer, who share a common, fixed-size buffer used as a queue. The producer's job is to generate a piece of data, put it into the buffer and start again. At the same time, the consumer is consuming the data (i.e., removing it from the buffer) one piece at a time. The problem is to make sure that the producer won't try to add data into the buffer if it's full and that the consumer won't try to remove data from an empty buffer.
One thread offers short[]s and the other take()s them.
The easiest way is to change the type of list to a thread safe list implementation:
private List<short[]> list = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<short[]>();
Note that this type of list is not extremely efficient if you mutate it a lot (add/remove) - but if it works for you that's a simple solution.
If you need more efficiency, you can use a synchronized list instead:
private List<short[]> list = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<short[]>());
But you will need to synchronize for iterating:
synchronized(list) {
for(short[] item : list) {
//process the data
EDIT: proposals to use a BlockingQueue are probably better but would need more changes in your code.
You might look into a blockingqueue for this instead of an arraylist.
Take a look at Java's synchronization support.
This page covers making a group of statements synchronized on a specified object. That is: only one thread may execute any sections synchronized on that object at once, all others have to wait.
You can use synchronized blocks, but I think the best solution is to not share mutable data between threads at all.
Make each thread to write in its own space and collect and aggregate the results when the workers are finished.
You can ask the Collections class to wrap up your current ArrayList in a synchronized list.
I'm loosely following a tutorial on Java NIO to create my first multi-threading, networking Java application. The tutorial is basically about creating an echo-server and a client, but at the moment I'm just trying to get as far as a server receiving messages from the clients and logging them to the console. By searching the tutorial page for "EchoServer" you can see the class that I base most of the relevant code on.
My problem is (at least I think it is) that I can't find a way to initialize the queue of messages to be processed so that it can be used as I want to.
The application is running on two threads: a server thread, which listens for connections and socket data, and a worker thread which processes data received by the server thread. When the server thread has received a message, it calls processData(byte[] data) on the worker, where the data is added to a queue:
1. public void processData(byte[] data) {
2. synchronized(queue) {
3. queue.add(new String(data));
4. queue.notify();
5. }
6. }
In the worker thread's run() method, I have the following code:
7. while (true) {
8. String msg;
10. synchronized (queue) {
11. while (queue.isEmpty()) {
12. try {
13. queue.wait();
14. } catch (InterruptedException e) { }
15. }
16. msg = queue.poll();
17. }
19. System.out.println("Processed message: " + msg);
20. }
I have verified in the debugger that the worker thread gets to line 13, but doesn't proceed to line 16, when the server starts. I take that as a sign of a successful wait. I have also verified that the server thread gets to line 4, and calls notify()on the queue. However, the worker thread doesn't seem to wake up.
In the javadoc for wait(), it is stated that
The current thread must own this object's monitor.
Given my inexperience with threads I am not exactly certain what that means, but I have tried instantiating the queue from the worker thread with no success.
Why does my thread not wake up? How do I wake it up correctly?
As #Fly suggested, I added some log calls to print out System.identityHashCode(queue) and sure enough the queues were different instances.
This is the entire Worker class:
public class Worker implements Runnable {
Queue<String> queue = new LinkedList<String>();
public void processData(byte[] data) { ... }
public void run() { ... }
The worker is instantiated in the main method and passed to the server as follows:
public static void main(String[] args)
Worker w = new Worker();
// Give names to threads for debugging purposes
new Thread(w,"WorkerThread").start();
new Thread(new Server(w), "ServerThread").start();
The server saves the Worker instance to a private field and calls processData() on that field. Why do I not get the same queue?
Update 2:
The entire code for the server and worker threads is now available here.
I've placed the code from both files in the same paste, so if you want to compile and run the code yourself, you'll have to split them up again. Also, there's abunch of calls to Log.d(), Log.i(), Log.w() and Log.e() - those are just simple logging routines that construct a log message with some extra information (timestamp and such) and outputs to System.out and System.err.
I'm going to guess that you are getting two different queue objects, because you are creating a whole new Worker instances. You didn't post the code that starts the Worker, but assuming that it also instantiates and starts the Server, then the problem is on the line where you assign this.worker = new Worker(); instead of assigning it to the Worker parameter.
public Server(Worker worker) {
this.clients = new ArrayList<ClientHandle>();
this.worker = new Worker(); // <------THIS SHOULD BE this.worker = worker;
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e("An error occurred when trying to start the server.", e,
The thread for the Worker is probably using the worker instance passed to the Server constructor, so the Server needs to assign its own worker reference to that same Worker object.
You might want to use LinkedBlockingQueue instead, it internally handles the multithreading part, and you can focus more on logic. For example :
// a shared instance somewhere in your code
LinkedBlockingQueue<String> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<String>();
in one of your thread
public void processData(byte[] data) {
queue.offer(new String(data));
and in your other thread
while (running) { // private class member, set to false to exit loop
String msg = queue.poll(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (msg == null) {
// queue was empty
} else {
System.out.println("Processed message: " + msg);
Note : for the sake of completeness, the methode poll throws in InterruptedException that you may handle as you see fit. In this case, the while could be surrounded by the try...catch so to exit if the thread should have been interrupted.
I'm assuming that queue is an instance of some class that implements the Queue interface, and that (therefore) the poll() method doesn't block.
In this case, you simply need to instantiate a single queue object that can be shared by the two threads. The following will do the trick:
Queue<String> queue = new LinkedList<String>();
The LinkedList class is not thread-safe, but provided that you always access and update the queue instance in a synchronized(queue) block, this will take care of thread-safety.
I think that the rest of the code is correct. You appear to be doing the wait / notify correctly. The worker thread should get and print the message.
If this isn't working, then the first thing to check is whether the two threads are using the same queue object. The second thing to check is whether processData is actually being called. A third possibility is that some other code is adding or removing queue entries, and doing it the wrong way.
notify() calls are lost if there is no thread sleeping when notify() is called. So if you go notify() then another thread does wait() afterwards, then you will deadlock.
You want to use a semaphore instead. Unlike condition variables, release()/increment() calls are not lost on semaphores.
Start the semaphore's count at zero. When you add to the queue increase it. When you take from the queue decrease it. You will not get lost wake-up calls this way.
To clear up some confusion regarding condition variables and semaphores.
There are two differences between condition variables and semaphores.
Condition variables, unlike semaphores, are associated with a lock. You must acquire the lock before you call wait() and notify(). Semaphore do not have this restriction. Also, wait() calls release the lock.
notify() calls are lost on condition variables, meaning, if you call notify() and no thread is sleeping with a call to wait(), then the notify() is lost. This is not the case with semaphores. The ordering of acquire() and release() calls on semaphores does not matter because the semaphore maintains a count. This is why they are sometimes called counting semaphores.
In the javadoc for wait(), it is stated that
The current thread must own this object's monitor.
Given my inexperience with threads I am not exactly certain what that
means, but I have tried instantiating the queue from the worker thread
with no success.
They use really bizarre and confusing terminology. As a general rule of thumb, "object's monitor" in Java speak means "object's lock". Every object in Java has, inside it, a lock and one condition variable (wait()/notify()). So what that line means is, before you call wait() or notify() on an object (in you're case the queue object) you much acquire the lock with synchronized(object){} fist. Being "inside" the monitor in Java speak means possessing the lock with synchronized(). The terminology has been adopted from research papers and applied to Java concepts so it is a bit confusing since these words mean something slightly different from what they originally meant.
The code seems to be correct.
Do both threads use the same queue object? You can check this by object id in a debugger.
Does changing notify() to notifyAll() help? There could be another thread that invoked wait() on the queue.
OK, after some more hours of pointlessly looking around the net I decided to just screw around with the code for a while and see what I could get to. This worked:
private static BlockingQueue<String> queue;
private BlockingQueue<String> getQueue() {
if (queue == null) {
queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<String>();
return queue;
As Yanick Rochon pointed out the code could be simplified slightly by using a BlockingQueue instead of an ordinary Queue, but the change that made the difference was that I implemented the Singleton pattern.
As this solves my immediate problem to get the app working, I'll call this the answer. Large amounts of kudos should go to #Fly and others for pointing out that the Queue instances might not be the same - without that I would never have figured this out. However, I'm still very curious on why I have to do it this way, so I will ask a new question about that in a moment.
I frequently need to have a thread wait for the result of another thread. Seems like there should be some support for this in java.util.concurrent, but I can't find it.
Exchanger is very close to what I'm talking about, but it's bi-directional. I only want Thread A to wait on Thread B, not have both wait on each other.
Yes, I know I can use a CountDownLatch or a Semaphore or Thread.wait() and then manage the result of the computation myself, but it seems like I must be missing a convenience class somewhere.
What am I missing?
// An Example which works using Exchanger
// but you would think there would be uni-directional solution
protected Exchanger<Integer> exchanger = new Exchanger<Integer>();
public void threadA() {
// perform some computations
int result = ...;;
public void threadB() {
// retrieve the result of threadA
int resultOfA =;
Are you looking for Future<T>? That's the normal representation of a task which has (usually) been submitted to a work queue, but may not have completed yet. You can find out its completion status, block until it's finished, etc.
Look at ExecutorService for the normal way of obtaining futures. Note that this is focused on getting the result of an individual task, not rather than waiting for a thread to finish. A single thread may complete many tasks in its life time, of course - that's the whole point of a thread pool.
So far, it seems like BlockingQueue may be the best solution I've found.
BlockingQueue<Integer> queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Integer>(1);
The waiting thread will call queue.take() to wait for the result, and the producing queue will call queue.add() to submit the result.
The JDK doesn't provide a convenience class that provides the exact functionality you're looking for. However, it is actually fairly easy to write a small utility class to do just that.
You mentioned the CountDownLatch and your preference regarding it, but I would still suggest looking at it. You can build a small utility class (a "value synchronizer" if you will) pretty easily:
public class OneShotValueSynchronizer<T> {
private volatile T value;
private final CountDownLatch set = new CountDownLatch(1);
public T get() throws InterruptedException {
return value;
public synchronized void set(T value) {
if (set.getCount() > 0) {
this.value = value;
// more methods if needed
Since Java 8 you can use CompletableFuture<T>. Thread A can wait for a result using the blocking get() method, while Thread B can pass the result of computation using complete().
If Thread B encounters an exception while calculating the result, it can communicate this to Thread A by calling completeExceptionally().
What's inconvenient in using Thread.join()?
I recently had the same problem, tried using a Future then a CountdownLatch but settled on an Exchanger. They are supposed to allow two threads to swap data but there's no reason why one of those threads can't just pass a null.
In the end I think it was the cleanest solution, but it may depend on what exactly you are trying to achieve.
You might use java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch for this.
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
// thread one
// do some work
// thread two