I have seen that one can null (or clear) a System property by using System.clearProperty("propertyName"). However, I am unable to locate a similar mechanism for Security.
How does one perform the equivalent of Security.clearProperty("propertyName")?
Obviously, using Security.setProperty("propertyName", null) does not work for the same reasons it does not work for System.setProperty("propertyName", null).
I would like to do this as there are optional security properties that may not be updated when required properties are changed. I would like the optional properties to reset to their default values when a change is made to the required properties.
Apologies having re-looked into this I believe
will not work for security properties. I'm not sure how to do it programmatically however you can create a new security policy file with your required settings within it and use that:
Djava.security.manager -Djava.security.policy=/path/to/new/policy_file
We are working on moving our application to use only Spring-Boot application.properties files. The old way we were doing was that each library/dependency would have their properties stored in a dedicated properties file like res/environment/some-library-override.properties. The values would then be retrieved in the library using #Value("$some-library-{PROPERTY_NAME}").
However, since moving all of these override properties to dedicated application.properties files, it is no longer resolving the properties and we get errors like java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "$some-library-{PROPERTY_NAME}".
I assume this is because it is still expecting the property to be in that dedicated properties file.
Is there a solution to this that doesn't involve modifying the library/dependency? Is it possible to have it ignore the prefix and only look for the PROPERTY_NAME in the application.properties files?
if you have declared propertie var likeproperty.name=XXXX or added environment var like PROPERTY_NAME=XXXX.
you need to use this way
// will inject value "some-library" + "XXXX"
I have a .properties file with bunch of properties in it. Here's an example:
cookie.sso.domain = .stuffStuff.com
blabla.endpoint = blabla.com
test.value.property = myValue
The problem is with the last one (Which I have just added to the project we're working on).
I read the properties using #Value("${PropertyName}") annotation and it was working perfectly until lately, when I use the same thing, the variable gets the propertyName instead of its value:
private String mProperty;
so, mProperty gets "test.value.property" where what I'm looking for is for it to get "myValue".
What's happening exactly? Is there something wrong with my project? I have tested in my friend's computer and it works perfectly.
By the way, i'm using Spring Tool Suite.
EDIT: It turns out that it doesn't detect the changes I make in the properties file. So if I change an old property's value; it acts as if nothing happened.
Does anyone has any idea why it's doing like this?
When you declare a Property Placeholder Configurer to load the properties files, you can set it to ignore unresolvable placeholders.
This means that if the property you are injecting with #Value is not found, its name (or key) will be assigned to the variable.
In your case, this option is enabled and the file that has been loaded by the application is not the one you are editing.
To see from where the file is been loaded, check the placeholder configurer location property.
I'm looking at:
Let's say I want to have a default configuration, e.g. reference.conf, and then I want to have dev/prod overrides (two different application.conf's), and then I also wanted to have host-specific overrides that inherited from both the application.conf and ultimately the default reference.conf. How would I do this?
e.g., I'm imagining a directory structure something like:
Or maybe it would be resources/dev/master/application.conf?
Somewhere I would specify an environment, i.e. maybe extracted from the hostname the application was started on.
If the application was master.dev.example.com, I'm expecting I should be able to do something like:
But I'm having a hard time understanding what exactly that would look like using the given library.
I see I could set a config.resource system property, but it looks like that would only allow for one level of overrides, dev-application.conf -> resources.conf, not something like master-node.conf -> dev-application.conf -> resources.conf.
I see a .withFallback method, but that seems to be if I wanted to mix two kinds of configuration in a single file, not to chain resources/files together.
Use multiple withFallback with the configs that have the highest priority first. For example:
Config finalConfig =
Each of the configs like masterConfig would have been loaded with Config.parseFile. You can also use ConfigFactor.load as a convenience, but the parseXXX methods give you more control over your hierarchy.
I want to override standart osgi cq component configuration for
Default configuration is fine for me but I want to change only one option.
I don't want to override full configuration but override only single option(minify should be set as false) .
As per the documentation, it should be fine to create a configuration node & only override the value that you wish to change:
For each parameter that you want to configure create a property on
this node:
Name: the parameter name as shown in the Felix Console; the name is
shown in brackets at the end of the field description. For example,
for Create Version on Activation use
Type: as appropriate.
as required.
You only need to create properties for the parameters that you want to configure, others will still take the default values as set by CQ. [emphasis mine]
Just make sure not to override values with blank defaults, e.g.:
<jcr:root xmlns:sling="http://sling.apache.org/jcr/sling/1.0"
Should leave the cq.homeaclsetup.privileges.group value at its default, as it hasn't been included in the config node at all.
As far as I'm aware though, it will choose the default value for the component, rather than the default value for AEM — there could be an out-of-the-box OSGi config node in the libs/ folder that you may override, so be careful of this.
In that case, you'd need to copy config into your node so that it is not lost.
Create a node named "com.adobe.granite.ui.clientlibs.impl.HtmlLibraryManagerImpl" under /apps/system/config and make changes as you need
If I modify the XML to change the value of init parameter
I see the changes only when web-app is redeployed.
My question is cant I get around this by setting the values at run time.Is there any API that allow me to change the values dynamically.
It's called init-parameter for a reason. So, you can't.
But you can change values at runtime, that's no problem.
After reading the init parameters put them as attributes of the ServletContext (ctx.setAttribute("name", value))
Create a small (password-protected) page that lists all attributes of the ServletContext and gives the ability to change them.
Maybe you could use apache commons configuration, specifically have a look at Automatic Reloading...
Make use of properties files instead and write code so that it 1) reads the value from it everytime, or 2) can reload the value on command, or 3) reloads the file automatically at certain intervals.
If you put the properties file somewhere in the webapp's runtime classpath or add its path to the webapp's runtime classpath, then you can easily access/load it as follows:
Properties properties = new Properties();
String value = properties.get("key");