How does Java EE application server find the classpath? - java

Are .classpath and .project files as created by Eclipse, only used by Eclipse internally? Are these files being used by JDK? How do Java EE application servers find classes and path?
In between, when I create the ear, war using ant, I will use ant options to look out for the libraries for the project compilation.
Then does the application server use .classpath for compilation?

Java EE application servers don't need the classpath which we set in Eclipse for the war (web project) to run because while packaging the war, we stuff all the required jar's in the lib folder of the war file. When the application server starts , it loads all the jars from the lib folder without the need for any classpath declaration.
Also, in case any external dependencies are needed, most Java EE servers provide facility to define external jar dependencies.
And yes, .project, .settings folder etc. are all needed by Eclipse to handle the classpath and other settings of your workspace.

if we put it simply
.classpath and .project are eclipse metadata files and are used by eclipse only. They are meaning less for other applications.


usage and significance of .Classpath in Application EAR

I am currently working on an EAR application which has a WEB project and EJB project in it.
To work on eclipse with local set up i do so many build path setups and all.
All these buildpaths show up in .classpath of the project.
Now when i export the EAR and deploy on Server everything works on server.
My doubt is how does server know about my local system paths which are present in .classpath of my project.
Does it mean .classpath has no significance at runtime?
Please explain.
.classpath file is eclipse specific, it will not be bundled with the EAR. Eclipse uses it to set the classpath for the project.
An EAR has a well defined structure and Servlet container understands that structure, using it's knowledge it prods around in the EAR file and extracts classes to load in the runtime.
Obviously server doesn't have any knowledge of your local environment. An EAR (or WAR or JAR) file is a simple archive file (with some specification or the file order and all). You can unzip it using any utility (something like 7zip). Check the structure of the packed EAR, that will give you a better understanding of what goes to your server.

Java Dynamic web project classpath

I have a project which in the meantime runs locally on Tomcat but I'm planning to deploy to some server in the future.
I have a few questions:
I'm using tomcat-jdbc.jar. How should I include that jar in the project? copy it to WEB-INF/lib or add a library reference to tomcat? is the latter portable? Can I use this jar even if the server I'm deploying to is using jetty?
When I added the JRE, eclipse asked me to point it to the JRE path. The line that was added in the classpath was
classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"
How does eclipse figure out from this line where the JRE is at?
When the project is deployed to the server, how would the project hierarchy look like?
My guess is:
<project name>
----<build> (.class files)
Is this correct? if so, how will the runtime know where to find the JRE? or the tomcat-jdbc.jar which is in the Tomcat installation folder?
Your application needs the following three types of "resources"
System Resources: JRE classes, some extensions/libraries provided by the server you deploy on.
Your dependencies: Any libraries you use, say common-utils, poi etc. These JAR files go in your web-inf/lib folder
Your classes. These are deployed with the WAR file at web-inf/classes
So, to answer your questions:
If you are deploying to Tomcat, the tomcat-jdbc.jar will be provided. Take care of the version though. If your prod server will be tomcat but dev is say Jetty, then you need to provide this jar in your local IDE, but not export it in the WAR file. But if you are developing on tomcat and say deploying on some other server, then this jar has to be bundled with your war file (web-inf/lib folder). Dev and Prod servers need not be same, but take care of the JRE version and dependency on Prod server provided libraries.
JRE is a configurable setting for your server and also your IDE (Eclipse)
Project hierarchy is correct, but you will most probably deploy as WAR file, so your build folder is exported in web-inf/classes. You can verify by opening the WAR file with any zip editor.
Regarding the portability of tomcat-jdbc.jar
Unfortunately this depends on the tomcat library and version. There might be more dependencies of this jar file which might cause problems later on. I would recommend not relying on this jar unless you plan to deploy on tomcat.
you should test your application with the same server you're going to use in production.
to see and set the jre properties eclipse->preferences->java->Installed JREs.
If you export a war file, all files in WebContent will be in the war and the .class files from src folder will be in WEB-INF/classes.
When you uses a server like tomcat, it uses the configuration you setted on it.
If you want the application to always reference your jar, put it in the web-inf lib.
As Daniel has mentioned below,eclipse gets the JREs from the installed JREs under the preferences tab. You can have multiple JREs installed and configured in your eclipse and then select individually for a project and also select default.
3.Your project hierarchy is correct. The runtime will get the JRE from the JAVA_HOME environment variable set on the server.
1) Pool connections, it's a service provided by Application Server (Tomcat in this case). IMHO you have to avoid bind your application with specific implementation, in that case use generic javax.sql.DataSource for expample, and then "inject" or lookup the implmementation from the server. Then if you use Jetty, configure what you want as connection pool implementation
So dont´t include in your web-inf/lib tomcat-jdbc.jar.
2) The "org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER" it's a internal variable of eclipse and the value is what you configure on eclipse properties. It's used for eclipse to compile and run your app.
3) in your project structure ".class" files, must go in "WEB-INF/classes". That it's defined by servlet specification. Eclipse automatically generate the correct structure if you select yor project and with right click run "Export" --> "War file". Or you can use maven.

Eclipse Dynamic Web Application putting jar files in WEB-INF/lib and Java Build Path

I have a very "basic" question regarding Java web application development (servlet). What is the difference between putting a jar file in WEB-INF/lib and putting it in Java Build Path/Library/External Jar?
Java Build Path/Library/External Jar is only managed by eclipse so if you build war and if your builder (or if you build externally) doesn't copy over these jars to WEB-INF/lib then you would loose them at runtime
also when you share that code with other developers, or if you use other IDE it will not help
better to use some standard and mature dependency manager / build tool like maven than copying over library to WEB-INF/lib manually

Difference between Deployment Assembly and J2EE Module Dependencies in Eclipse

When using a Eclipse 3.7 Indigo for Java EE Developers, there is something called Deployment Assembly . I could find on google and understood that it is similar to the J2EE Module dependencies where in we could select the jar and which goes and sits in the EAR folder or in WEB-INF/lib in case of WAR. Now the doubt I have is,
I have a JavaProject Dependencies. I have added all the dependent Jars via classpath variable. Now the Dependencies Project is added as dependency to my Web Project TestWebProject. The compilation of the Web Project is correct but during runtime I get an error because some jar was not found. I could fix this my include jar in Deployment Assembly of Dependencies Project, which is a standalone project.
The question is that, why I had to fix the jar in deployment assembly since ,first, its a standalone project and second is if I would not have this deployment assembly , how could this be fixed?
I could find on google and understood that it is similar to the J2EE Module dependencies
It was called "J2EE Module Dependencies" until with Eclipse 3.5. After that version, it was renamed to "Deployment Assembly". But it's effectively the same in case of Java EE web projects.
The question is that, why I had to fix the jar in deployment assembly since its a standalone project
Because this way Eclipse will autobuild a JAR file of the project and put in /WEB-INF/lib of the web project's deployment. If you don't do that, the JAR isn't available during webapp's runtime, but only during compiletime and Eclipse expects that you've already built and placed it anywhere else in runtime classpath, e.g. server's own /lib.
if I would not have this deployment assembly , how could this be fixed?
Manually build/export the JAR and drop in webapp's own /WEB-INF/lib or server's own /lib. The "Deployment Assembly" configuration is however more easy and the recommended way.
See also:
Business Logic Layerin Servlet and JSP
When assembling a WAR, Eclipse cannot tell just by looking at your build path dependencies whether they are something that should be bundled in WAR's WEB-INF/lib directory or if they are something that you expect to be available on your server classpath. Extra metadata is needed to differentiate among those cases.
If you look in your problems view, you should see numerous warnings that look like this:
"Classpath entry [something] will not be exported or published..."
Right click on these and select "Quick Fix". You will see a dialog with available fixes. One of them is going to say something like "Mark the associated classpath entry as publish/export dependency...". Use that option.
The above will make a slight alteration to your Java project's .classpath file to tag the dependencies for inclusion in the assembly. You can test without running by exporting a WAR file and checking the contents of WEB-INF/lib folder.
Build path - place your jar's here directly, it will be available for code runtime and compile time.
Deployment assembly - eclipse expects the projects under this path to be bundled and deployed as .jar in web-inf/lib folder. So that it is available for both compile time and run time. If the project is not deployed in deployment assembly then the code is available only for compile time, eclipse won't bundle it and at run-time dependent projects are unavailable to the code.

eclipse tomcat: take the classpath from the project

I have a java web project in eclipse and want to define a tomcat server.
It seems that in the tomcat server I must define again my classpath. How can I tell tomcat to just use the classpath from my project (shouldn't this be obvious?).
Unfortunately my jars are scattered all around and it is an headache to add them one by one to my tomcat configuration and maintain this.
Here you go :
Run -> Run Configurations... -> Classpath
You don't have to tell tomcat to look for jars scattered all around the places. This can be easily taken care by eclipse. Configure your eclipse build path properly. Create Libraries (in eclipse) and group jar together. Try to export the war and check if eclipse is packaging all the required jars in WEB-INF/lib.
No, Tomcat and web apps have a pretty well-defined CLASSPATH. You shouldn't have to specify anything if you package your app properly:
All the packages and .class files in WEB-INF/classes are in CLASSPATH.
So are all the JARs in WEB-INF/lib
You should figure out how to put your JARs in the right place - that's WEB-INF/lib of your WAR file. Maybe Ant or Maven can help you.
