Calculating the value of a recursion formula in EXCEL using POI - java

I have an EXCEL Spreadsheet that has many computations some including recursive formula's (perfectly fine in excel which computes these with no problem).
I'm using version 3.8 of the Apache Poi API to open the existing spreadsheet, add updated values for the computations, save the spreadsheet and then read the results into my program.
All of this works except the in memory poi version of the spreadsheet does not perform the recursive calculation.
I'm calling the POI code to compute the entire workbook, each sheet and then each formula cell, but the cell formula never computes.
If I open the saved spreadsheet and compute it the formula computes the value accurately. I need to avoid having the user manually open the saved spreadsheet if possible.
Any insight in to this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the code I have tried. It all runs with no error but does not compute the formula.
The formula is already in the spreadsheet an works fine so I'm trying to force the formula to re-compute.
I have tried all these variations. The code runs and executes but does not compute the formula
System.out.println(wb.getSheet("Rate Report").getRow(16).getCell(0).getStringCellValue());
System.out.println(wb.getSheet("Rate Report").getRow(16).getCell(1).getNumericCellValue());
FormulaEvaluator evaluator = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
//String wbsheets[] = {"Original","Main_DB","Parameters","Translator","Workers Comp.","Rate Report","Notes Fields"};
String wbsheets[] = {"Notes Fields","Translator","Parameters","Rate Report"};
for(String sheetName : wbsheets) {
Sheet sheet = wb.getSheet(sheetName);
System.out.println("processing sheet: " + sheet.getSheetName());
for(Row r : sheet) {
for(Cell c : r) {
if(c.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) {
System.out.println("Recalcing: "+r.getRowNum()+c.getColumnIndex() + "in "+ sheet.getSheetName());
XSSFFormulaEvaluator.evaluateAllFormulaCells((XSSFWorkbook) wb);


Apache POI - Not implemented error with CONCAT function

I'm trying to edit a excel document that contains formulas, the editing works fine but the formulas don't update.
I'm trying to use the following code to get it to evaluate the formulas, however i get an error
FormulaEvaluator evaluator = workbook.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
for (Row r : sheet) {
for (Cell c : r) {
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" Error evaluating cell Sheet1!C17
at org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.BaseXSSFFormulaEvaluator.evaluateFormulaCellValue(
at Timetable.ExcelAPI.calculateFormula(
Cell C17 has the following formula.
I've also tried
If i programmatically create the formula it works
cell.setCellFormula("IF(C3=\"\",\"\",CONCAT($A17,$B17,C" + (start + 1) + ",$B17,$A$16))");
Since Excel function support of apache poi is at Excel 2007 standard, CONCATENATE is implemented but CONCAT is not. Furthermore functions which are introduced after Excel 2007 are prefixed with _xlfn..
So your full stacktrace should contain:
Caused by: _xlfn.CONCAT
A work around could be replacing "_xlfn.CONCAT" by "CONCATENATE" in formulas before evaluating.
Following code works for me and evaluates CONCATENATE as well as CONCAT formulas.
class ReadExcel {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream("./ExcelExampleConcatenate.xlsx"));
FormulaEvaluator evaluator = workbook.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
DataFormatter dataFormatter = new DataFormatter();
Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
for (Row row : sheet) {
for (Cell cell : row) {
if (cell.getCellType() == CellType.FORMULA && cell.getCellFormula().contains("_xlfn.CONCAT")) {
cell.setCellFormula(cell.getCellFormula().replace("_xlfn.CONCAT", "CONCATENATE"));
String value = dataFormatter.formatCellValue(cell, evaluator);
Good news - the CONCAT function is now supported! Bad news - not in your version...
If you upgrade (once available) to Apache POI 5.0.1 or later, the CONCAT function is now supported, see
If you're impatient and want to backport the missing function, it's
Resolved it by changing the call to the function to simply

Workbook takes long time to generate excel file

I'm trying to generate excel file with 200k records. But it is taking almost 2 hours to generate the file.
Here is my code of generating excel file.
Workbook workbook=null;
csvFileName = userId+"_Records_"+new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss")
.format(new Date())+".xls";
path = ReadPropertyFile.getProperties("download.reports.path");
misService.insertXLSRecord(ackNo,"-",null, VspCommonConstants.getIpFromRequest(request),
new Date(), userId,"N",userReportRoleId);
workbook = getWorkbook(path+csvFileName);
Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet(WorkbookUtil.createSafeSheetName(studAppForm.get(0)
Row row = sheet.createRow(++rowCount);
jspTableAppIds.remove(jspTableAppIds.indexOf(new BigInteger(currAppId)));
writeBook(studAppForm.get(j), row);
Here is my createXLSHeaders method to create header
void createXLSHeaders( Sheet sheet, List<SchemeMasterBean> schemeMasterBeanList){"Creating XLS SheetHeaders for sheet "+sheet.getSheetName());
// Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet();
Row header = sheet.createRow(0);
header.createCell(0).setCellValue("APPLICATION ID");
header.createCell(1).setCellValue("APPLICATION STATUS");
header.createCell(2).setCellValue("APPLICATION DATE");
header.createCell(3).setCellValue("SCHEME/SCHOLARSHIP APPLIED");
header.createCell(4).setCellValue("SCHEME ID");
header.createCell(5).setCellValue("STUDENT ID");
header.createCell(6).setCellValue("STUDENT FULL NAME");
62 heading...
int i=73;
for(SchemeMasterBean schemeMasterBean :schemeMasterBeanList){
if(!schemeMasterBean.getSmSchemeType().equals("5") &&
and finally writebook method
private void writeBook(StudentAppFormVsp saf, Row row) throws JSONException {
Cell cell = row.createCell(0);
cell = row.createCell(1);
cell = row.createCell(2);
cell = row.createCell(3);
cell = row.createCell(4);
cell = row.createCell(5);
62 rows
How to reduce the excel sheet generation time?
First: play around with memory for the application if possible.
Then: the tip on using a profiler is really worth the effort.
Any DOM, XML, Excel or otherwise often suffer from location references searching from top to the actual position.
Creating a DOM instead of writing sequentially is costly with respect to memory, and can slow things down. Maybe consider this.
You could make two loop: writing to a CSV file, and then creating an XLS(X).
Then you know where the complexity resides.
The following (I rewrote a bit) is slightly suspect: toString + new BigInteger points to a conversion; I hope not from BigInteger to String to BigInteger.
StudentAppFormVsp saf = studAppForm.get(j);
currAppId = saf.getApp_Id().toString();
writeBook(saf, row);

How can Apache POI use formulas in streaming mode?

I am using Apache POI 3.17 (current). When I use HSSFCell.setFormula() to insert a formula like "A1+17" it works. When I do the same in streaming mode, using SXSSFCell.setFormula() the formula appears (with a leading "=") in the input line but the displayed result in the cell is always 0.
I tried with the cell types NUMERIC and FORMULA. Here is my minimal not working example:
final SXSSFWorkbook wb = new SXSSFWorkbook();
final SXSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Test-S");
final SXSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
final SXSSFCell cell1 = row.createCell(0);
final SXSSFCell formulaCell1 = row.createCell(1);
formulaCell1.setCellFormula("A1 + 17");
final SXSSFCell formulaCell2 = row.createCell(2);
FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/test-s.xlsx");
The three cells display as 124/0/0, although in the input line the formulae are displayed correctly.
Any hints are appreciated.
It works for me with Excel 2016, I get the correct results in the cells when I open the sample file. Probably older versions of Excel handle this slightly differently, please try to force evaluation of formulas with the following two things
// evaluate all formulas and store cached results
// suggest to Excel to recalculate the formulas itself as well
Hopefully one of those two will make it work for you as well.
The answers does not answer the question why this problem with OpenOffice/Libreoffice only occurs if SXSSFCell is used as a formula cell. When using XSSFCell as a formula cell it does not occur.
The answer is that SXSSFCell always uses a cell value, even if the formula was not evaluated at all. And the worst thing is that it uses the value 0 (zero) if if the formula was not evaluated at all. This is a fundamental misusing of the value 0 in mathematics. The value 0 explicitly does not mean that there is not a value or that there is a unknown value. It means that there is the value 0 and nothing else. So the value 0 should not be used as the cached formula result of a not evaluated formula. Instead no value should be used until the formula is evaluated. Exact as XSSFCell does.
So the really correct answer must be that apache poi should correct their SXSSFCell code.
Workaround until this:
import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class CreateExcelSXSSFFormula {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
SXSSFWorkbook wb = new SXSSFWorkbook();
SXSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Test-S");
SXSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
SXSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
SXSSFFormulaonlyCell formulacell = new SXSSFFormulaonlyCell(row, 1);
cell = row.createCell(2);
formulacell = new SXSSFFormulaonlyCell(row, 3);
cell = row.createCell(4);
wb.write(new FileOutputStream("test-s.xlsx"));
private static class SXSSFFormulaonlyCell extends SXSSFCell {
SXSSFFormulaonlyCell(SXSSFRow row, int cellidx) throws Exception {
super(row, CellType.BLANK);
Field _cells = SXSSFRow.class.getDeclaredField("_cells");
#SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //we know the problem and expect runtime error if it possibly occurs
TreeMap<Integer, SXSSFCell> cells = (TreeMap<Integer, SXSSFCell>)_cells.get(row);
cells.put(cellidx, this);
public CellType getCachedFormulaResultTypeEnum() {
return CellType.BLANK;
Of course I should have mentioned that I use LibreOffice. I have now found that LibreOffice intentionally does not recalculate formulae from an Excel-created sheet, and it considers POI sheets as Excel-created.
See .
Changing the LibreOffice settings (Tools – Options – LibreOffice Calc – formula – Recalculation on file load) helps.

How to do Excel's "Convert to Number" in Java

I am reading data from Excel using Apache POI. I want to convert some cells to number while reading in Java as following:
Input 01.0234500
Output 1.02345
Input 412206362371
Output 4.12206E+11
Input 1234.201400002345
Output 1234.2014
When I am using "Convert to Number" in Excel, it works fine. But I want the same output while reading Excel cells in Java.
It can also be achieved using =VALUE() function in Excel. But how do I implement the same functionality in Java?
I think there are a number of ways to accomplish what you stipulate, but the most direct method is just to use the VALUE() function and then evaluate it. This certainly is not the most efficient method, but it works.
Essentially we just read in the value of the input cell, then create a new cell formula cell which contains the VALUE() function with the original value as the parameter. After that we call evalutateInCell to evaluate the VALUE() function and replace the cell value with the results.
XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook();
XSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("test");
Row row = sheet.createRow(0);
Cell inCell = row.createCell(0);
Cell outCell = row.createCell(1);
FormulaEvaluator fev = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
String value = inCell.getStringCellValue();
outCell.setCellFormula("VALUE(" + value + ")");
You can use the same method to replace the contents of the original cell if that is your preference.
This worked for me
new BigDecimal(cell.getNumericCellValue()).toPlainString()

Excel formula not updating on row delete from java application using Apache POI

I'm using Apache POI in my application to write data to an excel file. I've an excel file template and a few formulas are also there in it. In my application, i use the excel template, write into it ,then delete unused rows and calculate formulas in the end. I'm using SUM formula in the file. The problem is when rows are deleted, the SUM formula is not updating,due to which error values are coming up in excel.
Example : the formula being used is : for cell B215 : SUM(B15:B214). in the application,after writing to the file i delete unused rows. now I've data till 70th row in the file.All other rows have been deleted. So my formula should get updated to : SUM(B15:B69) for cell B70. But in the file it's still showing the formula as SUM(B15:B214). Hence the value of that cell is "VALUE#
Code snippet :
File file = new File(path)
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file)
POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is)
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs)
HSSFSheet excelSheet
int[] indexArray = populateSheet(excelSheet)
//indexArray is array with 3 values as startrow, lastrow, and first empty row.
//evaluate formula
FormulaEvaluator evaluator = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator()
for(HSSFRow r : excelSheet) {
for(HSSFCell c : r) {
if(c.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) {
String formula = c.getCellFormula();
private void removeBlankRows(HSSFSheet sheet, int[] shiftInfo){
for(int i = shiftInfo[2]; i <= shiftInfo[1]; ++i) {
//Shift up the rows
def startRow = shiftInfo[1]+1
def endRow = sheet.getLastRowNum()
def rowCount = -1* (shiftInfo[1] - shiftInfo[2] + 1)
sheet.shiftRows(startRow, endRow, rowCount)
This is an Excel bug. I've dealt with this in the past by doing the following:
Label the sum cell BSUM
We need a stable range that won't be affected by inserts/deletes.
Add a formula to a safe (one that won't get deleted) cell, for this example D15: ="B15:B"&ROW(BSUM)-1
This will produce a stable range.
Use INDIRECT in the BSUM cell like so:
