I want to make a security app for Android phones. Basically, I don't want anyone to be able to un-install it without having to enter a specific password first.
Also, is there a way to prevent the app from being stopped manually (like being closed via. Taskmanager) etc?
This sounds more akin to Malware-like behaviour than that of a regular Android application, anyway:
For a regular Android application, I'd imagine that making it 'uninstallable' is near enough impossible to achieve - try to contemplate what the state of the Android app market would be like right now if this were possible!
On the other hand, if privileged control (root access) was available then this might be a possibility - an example of that could be like how wireless carriers implement bundled software. However, like I mentioned, there is no regular avenue available for applications released via. the Android market to achieve what you've asked, it should be pretty clear to you why...
I find this question a couple places on the web, but never with a good answer. Let me be specific in the questions asked.
I want to build a custom Android ROM which only features one app. This app is not to interact with any hardware (per now). This app will be launched on the start up of the device. No locked-screen. The device will have to restart if the app malfunctions.
A resource told me that you can change the launcher app of the ROM.
-> Does this mean that the home screen, the one which displays all apps on our phones, is merely another app? If so, can you simply change the launcher app as it is stated here? What were to happen if this app fails?
If this is the case, it would solve the entire issue.
If not, how do you go about making this sort of project? It includes
Making an app on AOSP
Refuse users to leave the app or interact with anything else
Making this app part of the boot-up process
Remove locked screen
Make the app a dependency of the OS (to force shutdown if malfunction)
Thanks in advance for any replies
I just found Android have a topic about dedicated devices (formerly called corporate-owned single-use, or COSU) are a subset of company-owned devices that serve a specific purpose. maybe that can meet your requirement.
BTW, After into the sub-topic lock task mode that mentions about set DPC whitelist APPs and the device policy controller (DPC) needs setup by other steps.... FYR~
In Java we can get the highlighted text from native window by using JNA or JNI. For example we could use
Monitor text that is highlighted
Is there any way to do the same thing by using Android SDK??
You are welcome to use the accessibility APIs to write an accessibility service and watch for text selection events. This will require the user to agree to allow your app to spy on all user input, which will tend to make your app less popular.
Otherwise, this is not possible, for obvious privacy and security reasons.
Using purely the SDK without exploiting a security vulnerability is not possible.
There is a simple explanation of why this is not possible.
The first reason is the way Android apps are executed in the OS in a sandboxed way using linux's user groups and permission system.
Every running process and Application on Android has it's own user and group and permissions to access those resources only. So in a way they cannot communicate with other apps(or capture what a user is highlithing at the moment.
The only way for an app to communicate with other is using the binder IPC, which has to pass through the activity manager first. As far as my knowledge goes, there is not a defined way to do this. Notice this is a layer of protections inherited from linux below Android's usual permission system.
Adding to this, starting from Android 5(lollipop) add to this layer the now enforced selinux policies, which do not allow the application domain to access other domains that handle graphics, the mediaserver, and some others, I will not enter more in this topic due to it's complexity and relevance to the question, just know that these are some very secure mechanisms that prevent actions that might imply a security breach.
Is it possible? Yes, however it involes exploiting a vulnerability, but this is another topic and for that I should recommend to search papers on the web that talk about vulnerabilities in android.
I have very old Siemens CX70 in working state and just don't want to throw it out. My idea is to use its math power and peripherals (GSM module, USB, Camera and screen) to build some simple applications for home use (multichannel termometer, timer and cheap security system - for examples).
I know I should use Java ME and IDE (I love Netbeans, for example). Can you tell me what I need more to start developing? I know Java well, I just need to make an environment to developing, debug and deploy. Mobile library documentation will be very helpful too.
There are so many online tutorials about this topic that the only right thing to do is to refer you to google.com
Search after "getting started with j2me".
However, there's something else you should know upfront before getting too excited.
The security model in JavaME will prevent you from doing much useful stuff, in relation to some of the things you mention.
Every time you try to access certain things in the phone, like e.g. the camera, or send SMS, or read/write a file on SD card, etc etc - the phone will show a popup "This app is trying to access camera. Allow this?". And the app will only continue after a manual click on Yes.
As you can imagine, this of course renders a lot of ideas useless.
In order to prevent these popups, you can sign your app with a certificate you buy from Thawte or Verisign. But as that'll cost you $300 a year, it's not the way most sparetime hobby developers chooses.
Personally, I found another way, but it requires you to use a phone from Sony Ericsson.
Because the old Sony Ericsson phones can be patched in order to remove the Java security. After doing this on one of my old phones, I've been having fun making apps like the ones you mention. For example, an app that keeps an eye on my home when we're out, by taking a picture every second. If it detects a difference in the picture, it sends me an MMS with the picture. :-)
I have searched a long time for patching options for other brands, but I just can't find anything useful. Nokia should supposedly also be patchable, but I just can't find anything useful about it.
So in short: If you'd like to make some sparetime hobby apps on a phone like that, you should either find a Sony Ericsson phone and patch it - or go dig up an old used Android device.
Good luck.
I've worked with Android in the past, but haven't done anything super-advanced or what I'm about to describe so need some guidelines as to what the best approach/method is to do this before I proceed.
I'm not entirely sure how to google this, so it's best to explain.
I want to build an Android library project preferably with the source undisclosed. I read this can be done as follows: Create another jar that the Android library project references. However, not sure if all of the source code can be private. If anyone can point me somewhere, that would be great.
Asides from that, the library needs to expose an API for any Android app to use, and some sort of event mechanism to broadcast an event when certain events happen (e.g when the app is in foreground etc).
A scenario would be:
1) User loads the app which has the library embedded
2) The embedded library detects that the app has loaded and 'sends an event' to the app
3) The app captures the event and does some stuff specific to the app + an API call to the library
I guess what I'm interested mostly is figuring out what the best ways are to capture the callbacks by the app, once the library has sent some event to the app and to reduce the burden on the developer having to spend too much time implementing what needs to be done when certain events are captured.
Hope this makes sense.
Here's my requirement:
I often receive calls from unidentified numbers on my mobile phones. I would like an application which would use a reference list like this, and show me the carrier name and the area of origin along with the number on screen.
Mobile make : Sony Ericsson
Model : C902
Operating System: Propreitary
J2ME: MIDP 2.0
Here are my questions:
Is it possible to do something like this? I have installed a lot of java apps on my mobile, and all of them have to be launched seperately, can be run in the background, but they never seem to access anything native.
If it is possible, which area of J2Me should I start with, for creating an application that achieves the above requirement?
If it is not possbile, what are my alternatives?
I'm pretty sure this isn't possible. I dabbled in J2ME for a while, and came to the conclusion that it's basically just a big joke hard to do anything meaningful. Sorry.
can be run in the background? yes using Push Registry. access anything native? it depends on which native thing you want to access.
It is not possible.
On this model, you don't have alternatives, but on Symbian you can try Qt with help of Qt Mobility Project