I'm new to the Java language and I've tried to write my first relatively complex program. After I wrote a few classes I've realized that I barely use built-in classes (like BigInteger, MessageDigest, ByteBuffer) directly because they don't totally fit my needs. Instead I write my own class and inside the class I use the built-in class as an attribute.
public class SHA1 {
public static final int SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH = 20;
private MessageDigest md;
public SHA1() {
try {
md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
public void update(byte[] data) {
public void update(BigNumber bn) {
public void update(String data) {
public byte[] digest() {
return md.digest();
With the following simple class I don't have to use try catch when using SHA1, I can put my custom BigNumber class as parameter and I can also put String as parameter to update function.
The following BigNumber class contains all of the functions what I need and exactly how I need them.
public class BigNumber {
private BigInteger m_bn;
public BigNumber() {
m_bn = new BigInteger("0");
public BigNumber(BigInteger bn) {
m_bn = bn;
public BigNumber(String hex) {
//reversed no minsize
public byte[] asByteArray() {
return asByteArray(0, true);
//reversed with minsize
public byte[] asByteArray(int minSize) {
return asByteArray(minSize, true);
public byte[] asByteArray(int minSize, boolean rev) {
byte[] mag = m_bn.toByteArray();
//delete sign bit
//there is always a sign bit! so if bitNum % 8 is zero then
//the sign bit created a new byte (0th)
if(getNumBits() % 8 == 0) {
byte[] tmp = new byte[mag.length-1];
System.arraycopy(mag, 1, tmp, 0, mag.length-1);
mag = tmp;
//extend the byte array if needed
int byteSize = (minSize >= getNumBytes()) ? minSize : getNumBytes();
byte[] tmp = new byte[byteSize];
//if tmp's length smaller then byteSize then we keep 0x00-s from left
System.arraycopy(mag, 0, tmp, byteSize-mag.length, mag.length);
if(rev) ByteManip.reverse(tmp);
return tmp;
public String asHexStr() {
return ByteManip.byteArrayToHexStr(asByteArray(0, false));
public void setHexStr(String hex) {
m_bn = new BigInteger(hex, 16);
public void setBinary(byte[] data) {
//reverse = true
//set as hex (binary set has some bug with the sign bit...)
m_bn = new BigInteger(ByteManip.byteArrayToHexStr(data), 16);
public void setRand(int byteSize) {
byte[] tmp = new byte[byteSize];
new Random().nextBytes(tmp);
//reversing byte order, but it doesn't really matter since it is a random
public int getNumBytes() {
return (m_bn.bitLength() % 8 == 0) ? (m_bn.bitLength() / 8) : (m_bn.bitLength() / 8 + 1);
public int getNumBits() {
return m_bn.bitLength();
public boolean isZero() {
return m_bn.equals(BigInteger.ZERO);
public BigNumber modExp(BigNumber exp, BigNumber mod) {
return new BigNumber(m_bn.modPow(exp.m_bn, mod.m_bn));
public BigNumber mod(BigNumber m) {
return new BigNumber(m_bn.mod(m.m_bn));
public BigNumber add(BigNumber bn) {
return new BigNumber(m_bn.add(bn.m_bn));
public BigNumber subtract(BigNumber bn) {
return new BigNumber(m_bn.subtract(bn.m_bn));
public BigNumber multiply(BigNumber bn) {
return new BigNumber(m_bn.multiply(bn.m_bn));
My question is that how common in Java language to use these kind of classes instead of the built-in classes? Does it make my code unreadable for other programmers (compared to implementing everything with built-in classes)?
I've read that new C++ programmers desperately trying to write codes they used to write in C therefore the benefits of C++ remains hidden for them.
I'm afraid I do something like that in Java: trying to implement everything on my own instead of using the build-in classes directly.
Is this happening (for example in the BigNumber class)?
Thank you for your opinions!
I normally write a utility class which will support me to handle logics. Such as
public class CommonUtil{
public byte[] asByteArray(int minSize)
return "something".getBytes();
// add more utility methods
Wrapping a class makes sense when you add some value by doing so. If you are adding small functionality it can be worth using a Utility class instead of wrapping an existing one.
I think that if you do not have a very good reason for implementing the same functionality again you should not probably do it. Here are several reasons:
Built-in classes are used by a lot of people around the world and therefore there are less bugs than in your code
Users that are experienced in Java will be better in using standard classes than your classes and they will need less time to understand your code and write something new in your project
Built-in classes have good documentations and therefore it is much easier to use them
You are wasting your time by implementing something that was implemented and tested by Java professionals. It is better to concentrate on your own project
If you are writing a long-term project you will need to support all your classes. Oracle is already supporting built-in classes. Let them do their job!
The last but not the least. Are you sure that you know more about the problem than an author of a built-in class? Only if the answer is yes, consider writing your own implementation. Even implementation of daily used classes, such as collections or time-related classes can be tricky.
You're not gaining anything by making a class that does this stuff for you. If you're going to be doing certain operations a lot, then you might want to create a new class with static methods that do these important things for you.
Let's assume that you want a sorted array at all times. You could make a new class, let's call it SortedArray. You could sort it whenever you add something in, but why would you do that when you can just add in everything and then call the (utility) method Arrays.sort?
For common operations, take a look at Java's Arrays class - if you are doing something often, that's something you make a method for, like searching and sorting. In your case, you might make a utility method that turns the BigInteger into a byte array for you. You shouldn't be just making your own, 'better' version that does what you want it. When other people look at your code, when you use standard objects it's much better, instead of having custom objects that don't really do anything.
As #Shark commented, there's no point in creating your own solutions, because:
They take time to create
They become not as flexible
However, you can extend classes (it's recommended) or use 3rd party frameworks that might suit you better.
Most people understand the innate benefits that enum brings into a program verses the use of int or String. See here and here if you don't know. Anyway, I came across a problem that I wanted to solve that kind of is on the same playing field as using int or String to represent a constant instead of using an enum. This deals specifically with String.format(...).
With String.format, there seems to be a large opening for programmatic error that isn't found at compile-time. This can make fixing errors more complex and / or take longer.
This was the issue for me that I set out to fix (or hack a solution). I came close, but I am not close enough. For this problem, this is more certainly over-engineered. I understand that, but I just want to find a good compile-time solution to this, that provides the least amount of boiler-plate code.
I was writing some non-production code just to write code with the following rules.
Abstraction was key.
Readability was very important
Yet the simplest way to the above was preferred.
I am running on...
Java 7 / JDK 1.7
Android Studio 0.8.2
These are unsatisfactory
Is there a typesafe alternative to String.format(...)
How to get string.format to complain at compile time
My Solution
My solution uses the same idea that enums do. You should use enum types any time you need to represent a fixed set of constants...data sets where you know all possible values at compile time(docs.oracle.com). The first argument in String.format seems to fit that bill. You know the whole string beforehand, and you can split it up into several parts (or just one), so it can be represented as a fixed set of "constants".
By the way, my project is a simple calculator that you probably seen online already - 2 input numbers, 1 result, and 4 buttons (+, -, ×, and ÷). I also have a second duplicate calculator that has only 1 input number, but everything else is the same
Enum - Expression.java & DogeExpression.java
public enum Expression implements IExpression {
Number1 ("%s"),
Operator (" %s "),
Number2 ("%s"),
Result (" = %s");
protected String defaultFormat;
protected String updatedString = "";
private Expression(String format) { this.defaultFormat = format; }
// I think implementing this in ever enum is a necessary evil. Could use a switch statement instead. But it would be nice to have a default update method that you could overload if needed. Just wish the variables could be hidden.
public <T> boolean update(T value) {
String replaceValue
= this.equals(Expression.Operator)
? value.toString()
: Number.parse(value.toString()).toString();
this.updatedString = this.defaultFormat.replace("%s", replaceValue);
return true;
public enum DogeExpression implements IExpression {
Total ("Wow. Such Calculation. %s");
// Same general code as public enum Expression
Current Issue
IExpression.java - This is a HUGE issue. Without this fixed, my solution cannot work!!
public interface IExpression {
public <T> boolean update(T Value);
class Update { // I cannot have static methods in interfaces in Java 7. Workaround
public static String print() {
String replacedString = "";
// for (Expression expression : Expression.values()) { // ISSUE!! Switch to this for Expression
for (DogeExpression expression : DogeExpression.values()) {
replacedString += expression.updatedString;
return replacedString;
So Why Is This An Issues
With IExpression.java, this had to hacked to work with Java 7. I feel that Java 8 would have played a lot nicer with me. However, the issue I am having is paramount to getting my current implementation working The issue is that IExpression does not know which enum to iterate through. So I have to comment / uncomment code to get it to work now.
How can I fix the above issue??
How about something like this:
public enum Operator {
private final String expressed;
private Operator(String expressed) { this.expressed = expressed; }
public String expressedAs() { return this.expressed; }
public class ExpressionBuilder {
private Number n1;
private Number n2;
private Operator o1;
private Number r;
public void setN1(Number n1) { this.n1 = n1; }
public void setN2(Number n2) { this.n2 = n2; }
public void setO1(Operator o1) { this.o1 = o1; }
public void setR(Number r) { this.r = r; }
public String build() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" = ");
return sb.toString();
private String format(Number n) {
return n.toString(); // Could use java.text.NumberFormat
I would like to store a very simple pojo object in binary format:
public class SampleDataClass {
private long field1;
private long field2;
private long field3;
To do this, I have written a simple serialize/deserialize pair of methods:
public class SampleDataClass {
// ... Fields as above
public static void deserialize(ByteBuffer buffer, SampleDataClass into) {
into.field1 = buffer.getLong();
into.field2 = buffer.getLong();
into.field3 = buffer.getLong();
public static void serialize(ByteBuffer buffer, SampleDataClass from) {
Simple and efficient, and most importantly the size of the objects in binary format is fixed. I know the size of each record serialized will be 3 x long, i.e. 3 x 8bytes = 24 bytes.
This is crucial, as I will be recording these sequentially and I need to be able to find them by index later on, i.e. "Find me the 127th record".
This is working fine for me, but I hate the boilerplate - and the fact that at some point I'm going to make a mistake and end up write a load of data that can't be read-back because there's an inconsistency between my serialize / deserialize method.
Is there a library that generate something like this for me?
Ideally I'm looking for something like protobuf, with a fixed-length encoding scheme. Later-on, I'd like to encode strings too. These will also have a fixed length. If a string exceeds the length it's truncated to n bytes. If a string is too short, I'll null-terminate it (or similar).
Finally, protobuf supports different versions of the protocol. It is inevitable I'll need to do that eventually.
I was hoping someone had a suggestion, before I start rolling-my-own
Make your class inherit the java.io.Serializable interface. Then you can use java.io.ObjectOutputStream and java.io.ObjectInputStream to serialize / deserialize objects to / from streams. The write and read methods take byte arrays as arguments.
To make it fixed length, standardize the size of the byte[] arrays used.
The most difficult part here is capping your strings or collections. You can do this with Kryo for Strings by overriding default serializers. Placing strings into a custom buffer class (i.e. FixedSerializableBuffer) which stores or is annotated with a length to cut also makes sense.
public class KryoDemo {
static class Foo{
String s;
long v;
Foo() {
Foo(String s, long v) {
this.s = s;
this.v = v;
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Foo{");
sb.append(", v=").append(v);
return sb.toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Kryo kryo = new Kryo();
Foo foo = new Foo("test string", 1);
kryo.register(String.class, new Serializer<String>() {
public void write(Kryo kryo, Output output, String s) {
if (s.length() > 4) {
s = s.substring(0, 4);
public String read(Kryo kryo, Input input, Class<String> type) {
return input.readString();
// serialization part, data is binary inside this output
ByteBufferOutput output = new ByteBufferOutput(100);
kryo.writeObject(output, foo);
System.out.println("before: " + foo);
System.out.println("after: " + kryo.readObject(new Input(output.toBytes()), Foo.class));
This prints:
before: Foo{s='test string', v=1}
after: Foo{s='test', v=1}
If the only additional requirement over standard serialization is efficient random access to the n-th entry, there are alternatives to fixed-size entries, and that you will be storing variable length entries (such as strings) makes me think that these alternatives deserve consideration.
One such alternative is to have a "directory" with fixed length entries, each of which points to the variable length content. Random access to an entry is then implemented by reading the corresponding pointer from the directory (which can be done with random access, as the directory entries are fixed size), and then reading the block it points to. This approach has the disadvantage that an additional I/O access is required to access the data, but permits a more compact representation of the data, as you don't have to pad variable length content, which in turn speeds up sequential reading. Of course, neither the problem nor the above solution is novel - file systems have been around for a long time ...
I need to store value pair (word and number) in the Map.
I am trying to use TObjectIntHashMap from Trove library with char[] as the key, because I need to minimize the memory usage. But with this method, I can not get the value when I use get() method.
I guess I can not use primitive char array to store in a Map because hashcode issues.
I tried to use TCharArrayList but that takes much memory also.
I read in another stackoverflow question that similar with my purpose and have suggestion to use TLongIntHashMap , store encode values of String word in long data type. In this case my words may contains of latin characters or various other characters that appears in wikipedia collections, I do not know whether the Long is enough for encode or not.
I have tried using Trie data structure to store it, but I need to consider my performance also and choose the best for both memory usage and performance.
Do you have any idea or suggestion for this issue?
It sounds like the most compact way to store the data is to use a byte[] encoded in UTF-8 or similar. You can wrap this in your own class or write you own HashMap which allows byte[] as a key.
I would reconsider how much time it is worth spending to save some memory. If you are talking about a PC or Server, at minimum wage you need to save 1 GB for an hours work so if you are only looking to save 100 MB that's about 6 minutes including testing.
Write your own class that implements CharSequence, and write your own implementation of equals() and hashcode(). The implementation would also pre-allocate large shared char[] storage, and use bits of it at a time. (You can definitely incorporate #Peter Lawrey's excellent suggestion into this, too, and use byte[] storage.)
There's also an opportunity to do a 'soft intern()' using an LRU cache. I've noted where the cache would go.
Here's a simple demonstration of what I mean. Note that if you need heavily concurrent writes, you can try to improve the locking scheme below...
public final class CompactString implements CharSequence {
private final char[] _data;
private final int _offset;
private final int _length;
private final int _hashCode;
private static final Object _lock = new Object();
private static char[] _storage;
private static int _nextIndex;
private static final int LENGTH_THRESHOLD = 128;
private CompactString(char[] data, int offset, int length, int hashCode) {
_data = data; _offset = offset; _length = length; _hashCode = hashCode;
private static final CompactString EMPTY = new CompactString(new char[0], 0, 0, "".hashCode());
private static allocateStorage() {
synchronized (_lock) {
_storage = new char[1024];
_nextIndex = 0;
private static CompactString storeInShared(String value) {
synchronized (_lock) {
if (_nextIndex + value.length() > _storage.length) {
int start = _nextIndex;
// You would need to change this loop and length to do UTF encoding.
for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); ++i) {
_storage[_nextIndex++] = value.charAt(i);
return new CompactString(_storage, start, value.length(), value.hashCode());
static {
public static CompactString valueOf(String value) {
// You can implement a soft .intern-like solution here.
if (value == null) {
return null;
} else if (value.length() == 0) {
return EMPTY;
} else if (value.length() > LENGTH_THRESHOLD) {
// You would need to change .toCharArray() and length to do UTF encoding.
return new CompactString(value.toCharArray(), 0, value.length(), value.hashCode());
} else {
return storeInShared(value);
// left to reader: implement equals etc.
I'm fairly confident that there's no way this could work, but I wanted to ask anyway just in case I'm wrong:
I've heard many times that whenever you have a certain number of lines of very similar code in one batch, you should always loop through them.
So say I have something like the following.
There is no way to cut down on lines of code as, e.g., below, right?
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
setPos + i(getCard + i)());
I'm sure this will have been asked before somewhere, but neither Google nor SO Search turned up with a negative proof.
Thanks for quickly confirming this!
No way to do that specifically in Java without reflection, and I don't think it would be worth it. This looks more like a cue that you should refactor your getcard function to take an integer argument. Then you could loop.
This is a simple snippet that shows how to loop through the getters of a certain object to check if the returned values are null, using reflection:
for (Method m : myObj.getClass().getMethods()) {
// The getter should start with "get"
// I ignore getClass() method because it never returns null
if (m.getName().startsWith("get") && !m.getName().equals("getClass")) {
// These getters have no arguments
if (m.invoke(myObj) == null) {
// Do something
Like the others stated, probably it's not an elegant implementation. It's just for the sake of completeness.
You could do it via reflection, but it would be cumbersome. A better approach might be to make generic setPos() and getCard() methods into which you could pass the index of the current item.
You need to ditch the getter/setter pairs, and use a List to store your objects rather then trying to stuff everything into one God object.
Here's a contrived example:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class Foo {
public static class Card {
int val;
public Card(int val) {
this.val = val;
public int getVal() {
return val;
public static class Position {
int value;
public Position(Card card) {
this.value = card.getVal();
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Card> cards = new ArrayList<Card>(Arrays.asList(new Card(1), new Card(2), new Card(3)));
List<Position> positions = new ArrayList<Position>();
for (Card card : cards) {
positions.add(new Position(card));
You can't dynamically construct a method name and then invoke it (without reflection). Even with reflection it would be a bit brittle.
One option is to lump all those operations into one method like setAllPositions and just call that method.
Alternatively, you could have an array of positions, and then just loop over the array, setting the value at each index.
Card[] cardsAtPosition = new Card[12];
and then something like
public void setCardsAtEachPosition(Card[] valuesToSet) {
// check to make sure valuesToSet has the required number of cards
for (i = 0; i < cardsAtPosition.length; i++) {
cardsAtPosition[i] = valuesToSet[i];
Reflection would be your only option for your example case.
I hope in a good manner :-)
I wrote this piece of code.
What I wished to do, is to build something like "cache".
I assumed that I had to watch for different threads, as might many calls get to that class, so I tried the ThreadLocal functionality.
Base pattern is
The vector holds something like:
VECTOR.FieldName = "X"
VECTOR.FieldValue= "Y"
So many Vector objects in a set. Different set for different calls from different machines, users, objects.
private static CacheVector instance = null;
private static SortedSet<SplittingVector> s = null;
private static TreeSet<SplittingVector> t = null;
private static ThreadLocal<SortedSet<SplittingVector>> setOfVectors = new ThreadLocal<SortedSet<SplittingVector>>();
private static class MyComparator implements Comparator<SplittingVector> {
public int compare(SplittingVector a, SplittingVector b) {
return 1;
// No need to override equals.
private CacheVector() {
public static SortedSet<SplittingVector> getInstance(SplittingVector vector) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new CacheVector();
t = new TreeSet<SplittingVector>(new MyComparator());
s = Collections.synchronizedSortedSet(t);//Sort the set of vectors
} else {
//TreeSet<SplittingVector> t = new TreeSet<SplittingVector>();
s = Collections.synchronizedSortedSet(t);//Sort the set of vectors
return CacheVector.setOfVectors.get();
public SortedSet<SplittingVector> retrieve() throws Exception {
SortedSet<SplittingVector> set = setOfVectors.get();
if (set == null) {
throw new Exception("SET IS EMPTY");
return set;
private static void assign(SortedSet<SplittingVector> nSet) {
So... I have it in the attach and I use it like this:
CachedVector cache = CachedVector.getInstance(bufferedline);
The nice part: Bufferedline is a splitted line based on some delimiter from data files. Files can be of any size.
So how do you see this code? Should I be worry ?
I apologise for the size of this message!
Writing correct multi-threaded code is not that easy (i.e. your singleton fails to be), so try to rely on existing solutions if posssible. If you're searching for a thread-safe Cache implementation in Java, check out this LinkedHashMap. You can use it to implement a LRU cache. And collections.synchronizedMap(). can make this thread-safe.