Accessing websphere 8 admin console remotely - java

I am working on test env setup of WAS 8 on linux machine. can some one tell me how we will be able to access the admin console remotely after the installation? or rather what needs to be done so that we can access the admin console remotely?
Also it would be great if some one can provide some links about installing WAS 8 on linux.

If you have installed your WebSphere Server on a Internet Enabled server, you must be having the IP of the server. Using the IP address, you can access the WebSphere Admin console as :
https://<Server IP Address>:9090/admin
or using host name as:
https://<Server Host Name>:9090/admin
Please find the installation documentation here: --> WebSphere 8 Installation


Unable to access java web application with windows server static ip

I was unable to access java web application with static ip(public ip) of Windows Server it was getting that site cant be reached,
but it was working with local IP.
This is the first time i am deploying my java web application in windows server, I exported the WAR from eclipse and deployed in Apache tomcat server of Windows Server.
Please help me how to deploy in live windows server. and what is the process to deploy in live windows server.
I found the solution for this question, the issue is that, the port i have given in tomcat, the same port is running on some other application, so i have change the port then it works fine.

Accessing Google Cloud VM Instance Tomcat using External IP

I am trying to access my Tomcat HomePage which is inside my Google Cloud VM Instance with External IP address and Internal IP On my local machine, in my browser I tried and but got error
The connection has timed out. The server at is taking too long to respond.
I have seen all the questions and replies on stackoverflow regarding this question but still I found no clear solution.
The steps that I've done so far:
I have setup a Google Cloud VM instance in Compute Engine. I am using Windows Server 2016 as the image.
Using RDP I log on to Windows Server.
I successfully installed Java 1.7 and Tomcat 7 on Windows Server.
I tested Java and Tomcat 7, both are working fine i.e. I open browser and type localhost:8080 and it shows Tomcat HomePage.
I replaced localhost with my VM Instance Internal IP i.e. and it again correctly shows Tomcat HomePage.
Now I try to access Tomcat HomePage using my VM Instance External IP (Static) but in my browser I get error
The connection has timed out. The server at is taking too long to respond.
Faced the same issue today.
Noticed from your question that you're using an Windows environment.
On Windows
Be sure that the Windows Firewall is properly configured to allow traffic under the ports you need (or deactivate it).
Under "VPC Network/Firewall Rules", create a new firewall rule and configure as below:
Firewall Rule Parameters (image)
Or, you have the option to check the "Allow HTTP traffic" option under the Instance Configuration menu and edit Tomcat's server.xml to startup at port 80, as described here:
Change Tomcat Port Tutorial # StackOverflow
Option1: If it's just tomcat. GCP offers a click to launch Tomcat instance with an external IP. You can SSH and also have a temp tomcat username and password to manage any of your deployments.
Option 2:
If you wish to have a Google Cloud VM instance in Compute Engine.
You will need to setup security groups and assign it to your instance.
Eg. Define rules to Open Tomcat port 8080(or any) externally / range. Assign that group/rule to your VM instance.
There are many options available, it all depends on how you wish to organize things. You could create a VPC and add your instances there or keep them under the same subnet or have them accessible externally etc.

Not able to connect localhost with system ip

I have deployed my java web application using apache tomcact in my system through Eclipse. I can access the same page with
as well
But the same page is not able to connect
https://mysystemip:8080/Home.jsp over the network through other systems. Previously it was working and now not. What issue causing this ?
Your Tomcat server is only bound to your local network interface. You need to bind it to all interfaces for it to be available.
There is already a solution (Can't access Tomcat using IP address):
Add address="" to Connector string

Tomcat 7.0 issue

I have a tomcat7.0 running in a remote desktop machine say
When I log into the remote desktop and try "http://localhost:8080" it is working fine.However is not working.
I am able to ping from outside the remote desktop machine.
Do you know how can I access tomcat outside the remote desktop machine.
The firewall rules for that host may not allow connections to 8080. Talk to your system administrator for details.
Also, make sure you have the correct IP bindings set up for tomcat. It is possible to allow connections to localhost:8080, but disallow them from See How do you configure tomcat to bind to a single ip address (localhost) instead of all addresses?

How to connect to machine ip address & port via grails app

I'm running MacOS 10.6 with the default settings for my machine with Internet Sharing turned on.
What needs to be configured to allow access to my machine's grails/jetty instance on a specific port?
I can do 'http://localhost/' as well as 'http://192.x.x.x/' but if I were to set my grails app to run on a specific port, I can't access it with: 'http://192.x.x.x:8081/'.
The browser can't establish a connection with this address from my own machine and I know that I need to establish an accessible port in some config file.
I used to be able to do this prior to an upgrade from the last version of the OS but it's been so long I don't remember what I did the last time.
NOTE: I can use 'grails run-app -Dserver.port=' to specify a port number for jetty to run my grails application but that still doesn't allow my machine to be accessible by ip address & port number.
grails run-app -Dserver.port=<port number>
run-app Runs a grails app using the default Jetty container. The default http port is 8080. This can be customised by appending -Dserver.port= to the command line
See the grails website for more details.
