Related to : Executing rake tasks on an exploded war on tomcat without jruby being installed
I'm trying to run rake tasks in my Tomcat server that doesn't have JRuby installed. I'm using warbler to create a war file.
Using the answer to the linked question, I ran:
java -cp lib/jruby-core*.jar:lib/jruby-stdlib*.jar org.jruby.Main -S rake -T
This gets me the error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jruby/Main
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jruby.Main
ls lib gets me:
Opening up the jruby-core-1.6.8.jar file, I can see that there is indeed a org/jruby/Main.class file.
As one can see from the file listing, there is no jruby-complete jar file, so I can't run the command from
What am I doing wrong, and is there by now a better way to do this?
I was working on a similar problem 2 months ago, so things may have changed, but I needed to include all the jars in my class path, had to use bin stubs, and had to set GEM_HOME to get everything working. It may have been simpler, but the posts you referenced didn't work for me either.
I actually had jruby installed, (but I was only using it to build the concatenated class path), so my setup was something like:
cd /path/to/application/
export GEM_HOME=/path/to/application/gems
export CLASSPATH=$(jruby -e 'puts Dir["lib/*.jar"].join(":")')
RAILS_ENV=production java -cp $CLASSPATH org.jruby.Main bin/rake -T
Also useful, the jruby-jars gem can be included in your gemfile to set the version of jruby that warbler includes (I was using gem 'jruby-jars', '1.7.0.preview2' as 1.7.0 wasn't released yet)
RPI 2B, running Debian/Jessie, with java version 1.8.0_65.
Downloaded latest nukkitx from
Followed installation instructions at
Plugins I have installed:
Plot Squared 18.07.21-aaa7088-2022
FastAsyncWorldEdit 18.07.21-a00345f-1159-20.4.0
DbLib 0.2.3
Error I am encountering:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.sqlite.core.NativeDB._open(Ljava/lang/String;I)V
Stack trace:
Full server log:
As you can see, it says that PlotSquared has been loaded, but none of the plot commands are available. It just says unknown command when I type it. I have tried several different versions of all of the plugins, and a couple previous versions of nukkitx, all have the same problem. I'm thinking its something about my device, but I'm still pretty new to Linux and am not sure what to try next. Any suggestions would be amazing!
EDIT: I download the driver from, and added it to the class path when calling the nukkitx jar to start the server. This didn't fix the problem. Here is the .sh file to start the nukkit jar:
echo $USER
java -Xms1G -Xmx1G -cp ".;sqlite-jdbc-3.23.1.jar" -jar nukkit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
I figured it out! For whatever reason, the JbLib sqlite driver apparently wasn't working. The solution was to remove JbLib (jar and folder) from the plugins folder, change the file (which I created according to the installation instructions) to use a classpath command instead of a jar command, add the xerial sqlite driver to the class path, and specify the Main Nukkit class to execute, like so:
java -classpath nukkit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:sqlite-jdbc-3.23.1.jar cn.nukkit.Nukkit
I have an issue packing bazel-remote-worker into deployable jar.
I ran the following command:
bazel build //src/tools/remote_worker:remote_worker_deploy.jar
But when I try to run the jar I get this error:
➜ bazel git:(master) ✗ java -jar remote_worker_deploy.jar --work_path=/tmp/test --listen_port=3030
*** Initializing in-memory cache server.
*** Not using remote cache. This should be used for testing only!
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no unix in java.library.path
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
The only way I can start it is by running the executable from bazel-bin:
bazel-bin/src/tools/remote_worker/remote_worker --work_path=/tmp/test --listen_port=3030
I'm running bazel latest (currently a3e26835890a543ff84cce90c879f9196ae06348) on mac osx sierra.
I tried it with either oracle-jdk-1.8.131 or openjdk-1.8.91 and it behaved the same.
End goal is to create a docker image that runs this jar but even inside the openjdk:8 this jar acts the same...
Apparently we're not packing the native code into the deploy jar. I'd actually prefer to refactor the RemoteWorker to avoid most of Bazel's internal libraries, although it's unlikely to happen soon. You could ship the with the deploy jar and set the java.library.path appropriately. Alternatively, you can take the entire runfiles tree after building the remote worker (bazel-bin/src/tools/remote_worker/remote_worker.runfiles/).
Since the question was asked, the paths in Bazel source tree have changed. Nowadays the build commands to get the _deploy.jar are as follows.
bazel build src/tools/remote:worker_deploy.jar
mkdir -p /tmp/cas /tmp/cache /tmp/work
java -jar bazel-bin/src/tools/remote/worker_deploy.jar \
--cas_path /tmp/cas --disk_cache /tmp/cache --work_path /tmp/work
bazel build --spawn_strategy=remote \
--remote_cache=grpc://${IP}:8080 --remote_executor=grpc://${IP}:8080
Here's what I did:
Downloaded Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.6 (.tar file), extracted to C:\cygwin\home\user\zookeeper-3.4.6\
Ran ant at the root of the ZooKeeper folder (C:\cygwin\home\user\zookeeper-3.4.6)
Navigated to C:\cygwin\home\user\zookeeper-3.4.6\contrib\ZooInspector\
Ran ant, and I get the following error:
Buildfile: C:\cygwin\home\Jean\zookeeper-3.4.6\contrib\ZooInspector\build.xml
C:\cygwin\home\user\zookeeper-3.4.6\contrib\ZooInspector\build.xml:19: Cannot find C:\cygwin\home\user\zookeeper-3.4.6\contrib\build-contrib.xml imported from C:\cygwin\home\user\zookeeper-3.4.6\contrib\ZooInspector\build.xml
Total time: 0 seconds
This leaves me with no .cmd or .sh file to execute. How come the build-contrib.xml file isn't there?
Also, I noticed that there seems to be an already-compiled ZooInspector JAR file: zookeeper-3.4.6-ZooInspector.jar. However, attempting to run it with the following command yields failure too:
$ java -cp zookeeper-3.4.6-ZooInspector.jar:lib/* org.apache.zookeeper.inspector.ZooInspector
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.zookeeper.inspector.ZooInspector
This is a bit frustrating -- setting up the ZooKeeper server was straightforward but for some reason I just can't figure out how to run this standalone GUI. What am I missing?
For windows:
#echo off
set cp="./*;./lib/*;../../*;../../lib/*"
java -cp %cp% org.apache.zookeeper.inspector.ZooInspector
ZooInspector 3.4.6 (that's bundled with ZooKeeper 3.4.6) doesn't seem to be able to connect to a running ZooKeeper instance on Windows.
Better use zkui:
zooInspector just need 3 libraries and 1 jar to load the main class.
the mainclass lives zookeeper-3.3.0-ZooInspector.jar and it needs jtoaster-1.0.4.jar, zookeeper-3.3.0.jar and finally log4j-1.2.15.jar
After download the tar.gz file from apache servers, you must untar and build with ant. finally copy the zookeeper-3.3.0.jar and log4j-1.2.15.jar to contrib/ZooInspector/lib/. Finally cd to contrib/ZooInspector and launch this command
java -jar zookeeper-3.3.0-ZooInspector.jar -cp lib/*
I met the same issue today, and created a pre-compiled version, which should work on Windows as well. You can find details here:
I have just downloaded Leiningen but I cannot manage to run it. After downloading its own Jar archive, the script fails with a java error. By running bash -x lein I can see that it hangs at this line:
+ exec java -Xbootclasspath/a:/home/andrea/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.2.1/clojure-1.2.1.jar -client -Dleiningen.original.pwd=/home/andrea/bin -cp /home/andrea/.clojure/clojure.jar:::::test/:src/:resources/:/home/andrea/.lein/self-installs/leiningen-1.6.2-standalone.jar clojure.main -e '(use '\''leiningen.core)(-main)' /dev/null
Which produces:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: clojure.lang.KeywordLookupSite.<init>(ILclojure/lang/Keyword;)V
at clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
at clojure.core$eval.invoke(core.clj:2795)
at clojure.main$eval_opt.invoke(main.clj:296)
Interestingly, what fails is not the Java call, but the snippet '(use '\''leiningen.core)(-main)'. Running that line without it fires in fact a working clojure REPL. The leiningen-1.6.2-standalone.jar seem to be in the right path. Any ideas? I am new to both Java and Clojure...
According the the reference [1], you need to add Clojure home to the classpath.
echo "export CLOJURE_HOME=$HOME/Opt/clojure
Chui Tey's answer points in the right direction. If, however, you don't have a stand-alone Clojure installation, but instead solely use Leiningen to bootstrap your projects, you should instead add the Leiningen standalone JAR to the classpath.
export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:$HOME/.lein/self-installs/leiningen-VERSION-standalone.jar"
First off I'm on Ubuntu linux if that matters.
I have a simple project idea based off of FreeTTS and the JSAPI (Java Speech API)
I've downloaded and unpacked FreeTTS and run their build script. Then tried compiling my code linking several jar's required in the lib directory into the class path like this:
javac -cp /home/travis/Desktop/freetts-1.2/lib/jsapi.jar:/home/travis/Desktop/freetts-1.2/lib/freetts.jar
Which then compiles to java bytecode just fine.
However when I run:
java HelloUnleashedReader
I get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/speech/EngineModeDesc
Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated as there are many sites around the net discussing problems with getting it to work but not many that discuss their solution.
I see that you are using Ubuntu. You must agree to the binary license before you can use jsapi.jar. You agree to this license in the process of unpacking it. To unpack jsapi.jar in Ubuntu you would type the following:
cd ~/Desktop/freetts-1.2/lib
chmod +x ./
if you receive a message like
"./ 1428: uudecode: not found"
then install uudecode with
sudo apt-get install sharutils
and try again
You need to add the jsapi.jar into your classpath. The jsapi.jar can be unpacked by running lib/jsapi.exe inside the freetts installation directory.
I got this error despite I had jsapi.jar on classpath.
java -cp `ls *.jar | awk '{ORS=":";print}'` -jar WebStartClock.jar
What helped me was specifying the main class explicitely:
java -cp `ls *.jar | awk '{ORS=":";print}'` JSAPIClock
Probably something wrong in the JAR metadata or so.