I'm really confused with this method, mainly because I'm confused why he bit shifts in some parts.
I have no idea why a map width mask is used or anything here its all so confusing, can someone dissect this all for me?
public static final int MAP_WIDTH = 64;
public static final int MAP_WIDTH_MASK = MAP_WIDTH - 1;
public int[] tiles = new int[MAP_WIDTH * MAP_WIDTH];
public int[] colours = new int[MAP_WIDTH * MAP_WIDTH * 4];
public int xOffSet = 0;
public int yOffSet = 0;
public int width;
public int height;
public void render(int[] pixels, int offset, int row) {
for(int yTile = yOffSet >> 3; yTile <= (yOffSet +height) >> 3; yTile++) {
int yMin = yTile * 8 - yOffSet;
int yMax = yMin + 8;
if(yMin <0) yMin = 0;
if(yMax > height) yMax = height;
for(int xTile = xOffSet >> 3; xTile <= (xOffSet + width) >> 3; xTile++) {
int xMin = xTile * 8 - xOffSet;
int xMax = xMin + 8;
if(xMin <0) xMin = 0;
if(xMax > width) xMax = width;
int tileIndex = (xTile & (MAP_WIDTH_MASK)) + (yTile & (MAP_WIDTH_MASK)) * MAP_WIDTH;
for(int y= yMin; y<yMax; y++) {
int sheetPixel = ((y + yOffSet) & 7) * sheet.width + ((xMin + xOffSet) & 7 );
int tilePixel = offset + xMin + y * row;
for(int x = xMin; x < xMax; x++) {
int colour = tileIndex * 4 + sheet.pixels[sheetPixel++];
pixels[tilePixel++] = colours[colour];
For the xOffset >> 3 sorts of things, it appears he's just trying to divide by 8 (and doesn't know how to make readable code). As for why he's masking all of the bits except the last 3, I couldn't say without knowing more about the code.
This will probably help:
y >> 3 is equivalent to y / 8 rounded down; it moves everything over to erase the last three bits.
y * 8 is the equivalent to y << 3. Beats me why he didn't stay consistent between the two of them.
y & 7 is the equivalent to y % 8; it keeps only the last three bits.
You didn't mention sheet in your description, but it looks like you're working with "tiles" of 8 pixels by 8 pixels on a map of 64 pixels by 64 pixels. One thing that may help is a refactoring tool--see if you can extract some methods that make sense.
This is a little bit of my project code:
public void render(int[] pixels, int offset, int row) {
for (int yTile = yOffset <<3; yTile <= (yOffset + height) >>3; yTile++) {
int yMin = yTile * 8 - yOffset;
int yMax = yMin + 8;
if (yMin < 0) yMin = 0;
if (yMax > height) yMax = height;
for (int xTile = xOffset <<3; xTile <= (xOffset + width) >>3; xTile++) {
int xMin = xTile * 8 - xOffset;
int xMax = xMin + 8;
if (xMin < 0) xMin = 0;
if (xMax > width) xMax = width;
int tileIndex = (xTile &(MAP_WIDTH_MASK)) + (yTile &(MAP_WIDTH_MASK)) * MAP_WIDTH;
for (int y = yMin; y <yMax; y++) {
int sheetPixel = ((y + yOffset) & 7) * sheet.width + ((xMin + xOffset) & 7);
int tilePixel = offset + xMin + y * row;
for (int x = xMin; x < xMax; x++) {
int colour = tileIndex * 4 + sheet.pixels[sheetPixel++];
pixels[tilePixel++] = colours[colour];
When I run my project, it gives me an error on this line:
int colour = tileIndex * 4 + sheet.pixels[sheetPixel++];
Can you please tell me how can I can fix this error?
In your code, I did not see where sheet is defined.
Try change it
int colour = tileIndex * 4 + pixels[sheetPixel++];
I assume you are trying to access the value from int[] pixels passing as a parameter in the function call.
I just went across some code on how to draw a pixel array on top of another pixel array that looks like this:
public class Bitmap {
private int[] pixels;
private int w, h;
public void draw(Bitmap b, int xp, int yp) {
int x0 = xp;
int x1 = xp+b.w;
int y0 = yp;
int y1 = yp+b.h;
if(x0 < 0) x0 = 0;
if(x1 > w) x1 = w;
if(y0 < 0) y0 = 0;
if(y1 > h) y1 = h;
for (int y = y0; y < y1; y++) {
int sp = (y - yp) * b.w - xp;
int dp = (y) * w;
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++) {
int c = b.pixels[sp + x];
if (c < 0) pixels[dp + x] = b.pixels[sp + x];
As You can see, one is able to draw a Bitmap object on specific coordinates on top of another Bitmap.
The thing I don't get are the two for loops. I know, that the outer for loop is the y axis of the Bitmap drawn, and starts the inner for loop to draw the x axis of the Bitmap.
Now I came over this:
int sp = (y - yp) * b.w - xp;
int dp = (y) * w;
What exactly do sp and dp stand for? And what does 'c' mean later on in
int c = b.pixels[sp + x];
if (c < 0) pixels[dp + x] = b.pixels[sp + x];
Thanks in advance, best regards
Given the algorithm, we can guess what the original author was thinking:
sp is "source position": the start of the row in the source bitmap
dp is "destination position": the start of the row in the destination bitmap
c is "color": the source pixel value (where negative values are transparent).
I am trying to implement window level functionality( To apply bone, brain, lung etc on CT) for DICOM images in my application and implemented formula as per the DICOM specification.
I am changing pixel values based on below formula and creating a new image, but images are becoming blank. What am doing wrong and is this correct way to do this. Please help :(:( Thanks
BufferedImage image = input image;
double w = 2500; // Window width
double c = 500; // window Center
double ymin = 0;
double ymax = 255;
double x = 0;
double y = 0;
double slope = dicomObject.get(Tag.RescaleSlope).getFloat(true);
double intercept = dicomObject.get(Tag.RescaleIntercept).getFloat(true);
int width = image.getWidth();
int height = image.getHeight();
double val = c - 0.5 - (w - 1) / 2;
double val2 = c - 0.5 + (w - 1) / 2;
for (int m = 0; m < height; m++) {
for (int n = 0; n < width; n++) {
int rgb = image.getRGB(n, m);
int valrgb = image.getRGB(n, m);
int a = (0xff000000 & valrgb) >>> 24;
int r = (0x00ff0000 & valrgb) >> 16;
int g = (0x0000ff00 & valrgb) >> 8;
int b = (0x000000ff & valrgb);
x = a + r + g + b;
if (x <= val)
y = ymin;
else if (x > val2)
y = ymax;
else {
y = ((x - (c - 0.5)) / (w - 1) + 0.5) * (ymax - ymin)+ ymin;
y = y * slope + intercept;
rgb = (int) y;
image.setRGB(n, m, rgb);
String filePath = "out put fileName";
ImageIO.write(image, "jpeg", new File(filePath));
First of all whats in your BufferedImage image ?
There are three steps you want to take from raw (decopressed) pixel data:
Get stored values - apply BitsAllocated, BitsStored, HighBit transformation. (I guess you image already passed that level)
Get modality values - thats your Slope, Intercept transformation. Ofter this transformation, your data will be in Hounsfield Units for CT.
Then you apply WW/WL (Value Of Interest) transformation, which will transform this window of walues into grayscale color space.
You've got to tell me where did you get "input image" from? After decompression pixel data should be in a byte array of size byte[width*height*2] (for CT Image BitsAllocated is always 16, thus *2). You can get stored values like this:
ushort code = (ushort)((pixel[0] + (pixel[1] << 8)) & (ushort)((1<<bitsStored) - 1));
int value = TwosComplementDecode(code);
I am trying to add some texture to my game. I am running into some problems getting the image to display properly.
This is what the texture should look like, just a boring black square:
And this is what I get. A little bit of black with blue lines.
This is the code I used to import the image. The BufferedImage is set to Type_INT_RGB:
package com.mime.minefront.graphics;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
public class Texture {
public static Render floor = loadBitmap("/textures/floorb.png");
public static Render loadBitmap(String fileName) {
try {
BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(Texture.class.getResource(fileName));
int width = image.getWidth();
int height = image.getHeight();
Render result = new Render(width, height);
image.getRGB(0, 0, width, height, result.pixels, 0, width);
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Any help or advice would be great. I have tried to search for the answer but with no luck.
This is my Render class.
package com.mime.minefront.graphics;
public class Render {
public final int width;
public final int height;
public final int[] pixels;
public Render(int width, int height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
pixels = new int[width * height];
public void draw(Render render, int xOffset, int yOffset) {
for (int y = 0; y < render.height; y++) {
int yPix = y + yOffset;
if (yPix < 0 || yPix >= height) {
for (int x = 0; x < render.width; x++) {
int xPix = x + xOffset;
if (xPix < 0 || xPix >= width) {
int aplha = render.pixels[x + y * render.width];
if (aplha > 0) {
pixels[xPix + yPix * width] = aplha;
and this is my Render3D class
package com.mime.minefront.graphics;
import com.mime.minefront.Game;
import com.mimi.minefront.input.Controller;
import com.mimi.minefront.input.InputHandler;
import java.awt.Robot;
import java.util.Random;
public class Render3D extends Render {
public double[] zBuffer;
private double renderDistance = 5000;
private double forward, right, up, cosine, sine;
public Render3D(int width, int height) {
super(width, height);
zBuffer = new double[width * height];
public void floor(Game game) {
double floorPosition = 8;
double cellingPosition = 8;
forward = game.controls.z;
right = game.controls.x;
up = game.controls.y;
double walking = Math.sin(game.time / 6.0) * 0.5;
if (Controller.crouchWalk) {
walking = Math.sin(game.time / 6.0) * 0.25;
if (Controller.runWalk) {
walking = Math.sin(game.time / 6.0) * 0.8;
double rotation = 0;//Math.sin(game.time / 20) * 0.5; //game.controls.rotation;
cosine = Math.cos(rotation);
sine = Math.sin(rotation);
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
double celling = (y - height / 2.0) / height;
double z = (floorPosition + up) / celling;
if (Controller.walk) {
z = (floorPosition + up + walking) / celling;
if (celling < 0) {
z = (cellingPosition - up) / -celling;
if (Controller.walk) {
z = (cellingPosition - up - walking) / -celling;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
double depth = (x - width / 2.0) / height;
depth *= z;
double xx = depth * cosine + z * sine;
double yy = z * cosine - depth * sine;
int xPix = (int) (xx + right);
int yPix = (int) (yy + forward);
zBuffer[x + y * width] = z;
pixels[x + y * width] = //((xPix & 15) * 16 | ((yPix % 15) * 16) << 8);
Texture.floor.pixels[xPix & 7] + (yPix & 7) * 8;
if (z > 500) {
pixels[x + y * width] = 0;
public void renderWall(double xLeft, double xRight, double zDistance, double yHeight) {
double xcLeft = ((xLeft) - right) * 2;
double zcLeft = ((zDistance) - forward) * 2;
double rotLeftSideX = xcLeft * cosine - zcLeft * sine;
double yCornerTL = ((-yHeight) - up) * 2;
double yCornerBL = ((+0.5 - yHeight) - up) * 2;
double rotLeftSideZ = zcLeft * cosine + xcLeft * sine;
double xcRight = ((xRight) - right) * 2;
double zcRight = ((zDistance) - forward) * 2;
double rotRightSideX = xcRight * cosine - zcLeft * sine;
double yCornerTR = ((-yHeight) - up) * 2;
double yCornerBR = ((+0.5 - yHeight) - up) * 2;
double rotRightSideZ = zcRight * cosine + xcRight * sine;
double xPixelLeft = (rotLeftSideX / rotLeftSideZ * height + width / 2);
double xPixelRight = (rotRightSideX / rotRightSideZ * height + width / 2);
if (xPixelLeft >= xPixelRight) {
int xPixelLeftInt = (int) (xPixelLeft);
int xPixelRightInt = (int) (xPixelRight);
if (xPixelLeftInt < 0) {
xPixelLeftInt = 0;
if (xPixelRightInt > width) {
xPixelRightInt = width;
double yPixelLeftTop = (yCornerTL / rotLeftSideZ * height + height / 2);
double yPixelLeftBottom = (yCornerBL / rotLeftSideZ * height + height / 2);
double yPixelRightTop = (yCornerTR / rotRightSideZ * height + height / 2);
double yPixelRightBottom = (yCornerBR / rotRightSideZ * height + height / 2);
double tex1 = 1 / rotLeftSideZ;
double tex2 = 1 / rotRightSideZ;
double tex3 = 0 / rotLeftSideZ;
double tex4 = 8 / rotRightSideZ - tex3;
for (int x = xPixelLeftInt; x < xPixelRightInt; x++) {
double pixelRotation = (x - xPixelLeft) / (xPixelRight - xPixelLeft);
double xTexture= (int) ((tex3+tex4*pixelRotation)/tex1+(tex2-tex1)*pixelRotation);
double yPixelTop = yPixelLeftTop + (yPixelRightTop - yPixelLeftTop) * pixelRotation;
double yPixelBottom = yPixelLeftBottom + (yPixelRightBottom - yPixelLeftBottom) * pixelRotation;
int yPixelTopInt = (int) (yPixelTop);
int yPixelBottomInt = (int) (yPixelBottom);
if (yPixelTopInt < 0) {
yPixelTopInt = 0;
if (yPixelBottomInt > height) {
yPixelBottomInt = height;
for (int y = yPixelTopInt; y < yPixelBottomInt; y++) {
pixels[x + y * width] = (int) xTexture*100;
zBuffer[x + y * width] = 0;
public void renderDistanceLimiter() {
for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++) {
int colour = pixels[i];
int brightness = (int) (renderDistance / (zBuffer[i]));
if (brightness < 0) {
brightness = 0;
if (brightness > 255) {
brightness = 255;
int r = (colour >> 16) & 0xff;
int g = (colour >> 8) & 0xff;
int b = (colour) & 0xff;
r = r * brightness / 255;
g = g * brightness / 255;
b = b * brightness / 255;
pixels[i] = r << 16 | g << 8 | b;
From getRGB() :
Returns an array of integer pixels in the default RGB color model
(TYPE_INT_ARGB) and default sRGB color space, from a portion of the
image data. Color conversion takes place if the default model does not
match the image ColorModel
See if using TYPE_INT_ARGB instead of TYPE_INT_RGB works.
I'm trying to rotate a Bitmap where the pixels are stored in an Array int pixels[]. I got the following method:
public void rotate(double angle) {
double radians = Math.toRadians(angle);
double cos, sin;
cos = Math.cos(radians);
sin = Math.sin(radians);
int[] pixels2 = pixels;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
int centerx = this.width / 2, centery = this.height / 2;
int m = x - centerx;
int n = y - centery;
int j = (int) (m * cos + n * sin);
int k = (int) (n * cos - m * sin);
j += centerx;
k += centery;
if (!((j < 0) || (j > this.width - 1) || (k < 0) || (k > this.height - 1)))
try {
pixels2[(x * this.width + y)] = pixels[(k * this.width + j)];
} catch (Exception e) {
pixels = pixels2;
But it just gives me crazy results. Does anyone know where the error is?
The line
int[] pixels2 = pixels;
is supposed to copy the array, but you are just copying the reference to it. Use pixels.clone(). In fact, you just need a new, empty array, so new int[pixels.lenght] is enough. In the end you need System.arraycopy to copy the new content into the old array.
There are other problems in your code -- you are mixing up rows and columns. Some expressions are written as though the image is stored row by row, others as if column by column. If row-by-row (my assumption), then this doesn't make sense: x*width + y. It should read y*width + x -- you are skipping y rows down and then moving x columns to the right. All in all, I have this code that works OK:
import static java.lang.System.arraycopy;
public class Test
private final int width = 5, height = 5;
private int[] pixels = {0,0,1,0,0,
public Test rotate(double angle) {
final double radians = Math.toRadians(angle),
cos = Math.cos(radians), sin = Math.sin(radians);
final int[] pixels2 = new int[pixels.length];
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
final int
centerx = this.width / 2, centery = this.height / 2,
m = x - centerx,
n = y - centery,
j = ((int) (m * cos + n * sin)) + centerx,
k = ((int) (n * cos - m * sin)) + centery;
if (j >= 0 && j < width && k >= 0 && k < this.height)
pixels2[(y * width + x)] = pixels[(k * width + j)];
arraycopy(pixels2, 0, pixels, 0, pixels.length);
return this;
public Test print() {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
System.out.print(pixels[width*y + x]);
return this;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Test().print().rotate(-45).print();
public void render(float nx, float ny, float nz, float size, float rotate) {
int wid = (int) ((width - nz) * size);
int hgt = (int) ((height - nz) * size);
if (wid < 0 || hgt < 0) {
wid = 0;
hgt = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < wid; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < hgt; y++) {
double simple = Math.PI;
int xp = (int) (nx +
Math.cos(rotate) * ((x / simple) - (wid / simple) / 2) + Math
.cos(rotate + Math.PI / 2)
* ((y / simple) - (hgt / simple) / 2));
int yp = (int) (ny + Math.sin(rotate)
* ((x / simple) - (wid / simple) / 2) + Math.sin(rotate
+ Math.PI / 2)
* ((y / simple) - (hgt / simple) / 2));
if (xp + width < 0 || yp + height < 0 || xp >= Main.width
|| yp >= Main.height) {
if (xp < 0
|| yp < 0
|| pixels[(width / wid) * x + ((height / hgt) * y)
* width] == 0xFFFF00DC) {
Main.pixels[xp + yp * Main.width] = pixels[(width / wid) * x
+ ((height / hgt) * y) * width];
This is only a new to rotating for me, but the process of this is that of a normal rotation. It still needs much fixing -- it's inefficient and slow. But in a small program, this code works. I'm posting this so you can take it, and make it better. :)