I'm making a game where the player will (on release of mouseclick) shoot a "star" in a certain direction at an initial speed determined by how far he dragged the mouse before releasing. I have a "planet" (stationary circle) on the canvas that I want to exert a gravitational pull on the moving planet. I believe I'm using the right formulas for gravitational force and such, and I have it partially working - the planet affects the planet's trajectory up until a certain point, when the star seems to endlessly speed up and stop changing direction based on it's angle to the star. Any advice? (I know that stars aren't supposed to orbit planets, it's the other way around. I coded the whole thing with the names interchanged so forgive that).
main class:
import acm.graphics.GCompound;
import acm.graphics.GImage;
import acm.graphics.GLabel;
import acm.graphics.GLine;
import acm.graphics.GMath;
import acm.graphics.GObject;
import acm.graphics.GPen;
import acm.graphics.GPoint;
import acm.graphics.GRect;
import acm.graphics.GOval;
import acm.graphics.GRectangle;
import acm.program.GraphicsProgram;
import acm.util.RandomGenerator;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.util.*;
public class Space extends GraphicsProgram {
public static int APPLICATION_WIDTH = 1000;
public static int APPLICATION_HEIGHT = 1000;
private int size = 15;
public static double pMass = 1000;
public static int sMass = 20;
public static double G = 200;
private RandomGenerator rand = new RandomGenerator();
GOval planet, tempstar;
shootingStar star;
GLine line;
double accel, xAccel, yAccel, xspeed, yspeed, angle;
public void init(){
planet = new GOval(APPLICATION_WIDTH/2, APPLICATION_HEIGHT/2, 30, 30);
public void mousePressed(GPoint point) {
// draw a line
tempstar = new GOval(point.getX() - size/2, point.getY() - size/2, size, size);
line = new GLine(tempstar.getX() + size/2, tempstar.getY() + size/2,
point.getX(), point.getY());
public void mouseDragged(GPoint point) {
line.setEndPoint(point.getX(), point.getY());
public void mouseReleased(GPoint point){
xspeed =
line.getStartPoint().getY(), line.getEndPoint().getX(), line.getEndPoint().getY());
yspeed =
line.getStartPoint().getY(), line.getEndPoint().getX(), line.getEndPoint().getY());
System.out.println(xspeed + " " + yspeed);
star = new shootingStar(xspeed, yspeed, this);
if(xspeed != 0)
add(star, tempstar.getX(), tempstar.getY());
new Thread(star).start();
private double getAngle(GLine line) {
return GMath.angle(line.getStartPoint().getX(), line.getStartPoint().getY(),
line.getEndPoint().getX(), line.getEndPoint().getY());
public void checkPlanet(){
accel = .06*GMath.distance(star.getX(), star.getY(), planet.getX(),
angle = correctedAngle(GMath.angle(planet.getX(), planet.getY(), star.getX(),
xAccel = accel*GMath.cosDegrees(GMath.angle(planet.getX(), planet.getY(),
star.getX(), star.getY()));
yAccel = accel*GMath.sinDegrees(GMath.angle(planet.getX(), planet.getY(),
star.getX(), star.getY()));
double newX = xspeed - xAccel*.01;
double newY = yspeed + yAccel*.01;
xspeed = newX + xAccel*Math.pow(.01, 2)/2;
yspeed = newY + yAccel*Math.pow(.01, 2)/2;
star.setSpeed(xspeed, yspeed);
public double correctedAngle(double x) {
return (x%360.0+360.0+180.0)%360.0-180.0;
Pertinent parts of shootingStar class:
public void run() {
// move the ball by a small interval
while (alive) {
// a helper method, move the ball in each time step
private void oneTimeStep() {
shootingStar.move(xSpeed, ySpeed);
public void setSpeed (double xspeed, double yspeed){
xSpeed = xspeed;;
ySpeed = yspeed;
Current Main Class Method:
public void checkPlanet(){
double xDistance = star.getX() - planet.getX();
double yDistance = star.getY() - planet.getY();
double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xDistance, 2) + Math.pow(yDistance, 2));
accel = G*pMass/Math.pow(distance, 2);
xAccel = accel * xDistance/distance;
yAccel = accel * yDistance/distance;
xspeed += xAccel;
yspeed += yAccel;
star.setSpeed(xspeed, yspeed);
Current Star class Method:
public void run() {
while (alive) {
private void oneTimeStep() {
shootingStar.move(xSpeed, ySpeed);
public void setSpeed (double xspeed, double yspeed){
xSpeed = xspeed;;
ySpeed = yspeed;
Wow, that's a lot more effort than what you "HAVE" to do.
If the thing is on the board calculate it's distance from the object. If it's farther away than D do nothing. If it's D away then it's within the objects gravitational pull. Just add a small amount of velocity to it pointing at the object. Let's say it was 1000 X away and 500 z away. Just do something simple like divide by 100, and add that to the objects velocity so it moves 10 x and 5 y towards the object. Each time you update add the velocity again.
You'll probably want a maximum velocity also. This is a LOT easier to calculate works well, and will give you effects like in the game STAR CONTROL where there's a planet, or the ships gravitationally pull towards each other a tiny bit. I did this with 10 planets and a star, and the user could basically do lunar lander with each planet. It was a blast but I never turned it into a real game. This has the advantage of being rockingly fast to calculate. There some edge conditions like if you make the map a torus so they warp through the sides of the map, but basically it's all just simple addition and subtraction.
It's GOOD enough for a game. You're not making a simulator. You're making a game.
I am not sure, but try to change the part where you calculate the xAccel and yAccel values to something like this.
xDistance = XComponentObject1 - XComponentObject2;
yDistance = YComponentObject1 - YComponentObject2;
(xDistance and yDistance can have negative values)
Distance = sqrt( xDistance^2 + yDistance^2 );
gConstant = constant Value for gravitational strenght in your world;
MassObject1 = some Mass;
MassObject2 = some other Mass;
Accel = gConstant*MassObject1*MassObject2 / (Distance^2 );
xAccel = Accel * xDistance/Distance;
yAccel = Accel * yDistance/Distance;
I think your whole yadayada with sine and cosine creates a whole bunch of hard-to-trackdown-errors.
I have a video game in which an arrow moves towards the side where it is pointing, after rotation the arrow, example:
I need to move the sprite To the same direction in which the arrow points after it has been rotation.
A bit of code As I'm trying to do:
int count = 0;
protected void handleInput() {
// move to the direction of pointing:
arrow.setPosition(x, y);
public void update(float dt){
// rotate sprite:
In the book "Beginning Java Game Development with LibGDX" the author makes a game that I think demonstrates the behaviour you want. The game is "Starfish Collector" from chapter 3. The player moves a turtle to collect starfish. The left and right arrow keys rotate the turtle, and the up arrow key moves the turtle forward in the direction he is currently facing.
The source code for the game can be downloaded from the author's Github account here. (I don't know why he put it in a zip file.)
The relevant code looks like this:
public void update(float dt) {
// process input
turtle.setAccelerationXY(0, 0);
if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.LEFT)) {
turtle.rotateBy(90 * dt);
if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.RIGHT)) {
turtle.rotateBy(-90 * dt);
if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.UP)) {
// ...
Where turtle extends some custom classes that extend Actor.
The code for accelerateForward looks like this:
public void accelerateForward(float speed) {
setAccelerationAS(getRotation(), speed);
And then the code for setAccelerationAS looks like this:
// set acceleration from angle and speed
public void setAccelerationAS(float angleDeg, float speed) {
acceleration.x = speed * MathUtils.cosDeg(angleDeg);
acceleration.y = speed * MathUtils.sinDeg(angleDeg);
Note that this last bit of code is probably exactly what user unexistential was referring to.
(I recommend this book if you're learning LibGDX and game development. It's very good.)
See also:
Beginning Java Game Development with LibGDX by Lee Stemkoski
Book's source code
The simplest way would be to use the sine and cosine of the rotation amount to determine the x and y components of the translation vector.
I resolved with this page: enter link description here
float mX = 0;
float mY = 0;
int velocity = 5;
private float posAuxX = 0;
private float posAuxY = 0;
int count = 0;
public void update(float dt){
if (count2 >= 360){
count2 = 0;
position = new Vector2((float) Math.sin(count2) * velocity,
(float) Math.cos(count2 * velocity));
mX = (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(flecha.getRotation()));
mY = (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(flecha.getRotation()));
position.x = mX;
position.y = mY;
if (position.len() > 0){
position = position.nor();
position.x = position.x * velocity;
position.y = position.y * velocity;
posAuxX = flecha.getX();
posAuxY = flecha.getY();
flecha.setPosition(posAuxX, posAuxY);
i have made a game with a spaceship but i have a problem with moving of it.
this is the script:
public class spaceship {
private final local_client local_client;
private final int startX;
private final int startY;
private final int startR;
private double x,y,r;
public static double rotation;
public static double velo;
public static AffineTransform at;
public spaceship(local_client local_client,int startX,int startY,int startR) {
this.local_client = local_client;
this.startX = startX;
this.startY = startY;
this.startR = startR;
public void drawImage(Graphics2D g2d) {
g2d.drawImage(local_client.spaceship_img,200,200, local_client.game);
at = g2d.getTransform();
at.translate(x , y);
System.out.println(at.getTranslateX() + " - " + at.getTranslateY());
g2d.drawImage(local_client.spaceship_img,0,0, local_client.game);
So with this script i can rotate image (see the screen):
My problem is that if i increment X or Y move on the normal axis (screen) :
and not in diagonal
at.translate(x , y);
This line of code moves your ship around, correct? Incrementing x and y will only move them up and down according to the axis.
You will have to use trigonometry like you have with your rotations to calculate the actual x and y to move if you want to move along the ship's path.
The following is the approximate pseudocode that should get you in the right direction. May or may not be accurate depending on your r.
//drive along the ship's nose line
void moveAlongShipAxis(int magnitude) {
x += magnitude * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(r));
y += magnitude * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(r));
//strafe left and right, if you have that, otherwise you can skip this one
void moveYAlongTransverseAxis(int magnitude) {
y += magnitude * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(r));
x += magnitude * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(r));
My final goal is to have a method, lets say:
Rectangle snapRects(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2);
Imagine a Rectangle having info on position, size and angle.
Dragging and dropping the ABDE rectangle close to the BCGF rectangle would call the method with ABDE as first argument and BCGF as second argument, and the resulting rectangle is a rectangle lined up with BCGF's edge.
The vertices do not have to match (and preferrably won't so the snapping isn't so restrictive).
I can only understand easily how to give the same angle, but the position change is quite confusing to me. Also, i believe even if i reached a solution it would be quite badly optimized (excessive resource cost), so I would appreciate guidance on this.
(This has already been asked but no satisfatory answer was given and the question forgotten.)
Edit: It seems my explanation was insufficient so I will try to clarify my wishes:
The following image shows the goal of the method in a nutshell:
Forget about "closest rectangle", imagine there are just two rectangles. The lines inside the rectangles represent the direction they are facing (visual aid for the angle).
There is a static rectangle, which is not to be moved and has an angle (0->360), and a rectangle (also with an angle) which I want to Snap to the closest edge of the static rectangle. By this, i mean, i want the least transformations possible for the "snap to edge" to happen.
This brings many possible cases, depending on the rotation of the rectangles and their position relative to each other.
The next image shows the static rectangle and how the position of the "To Snap" rectangle changes the snapping result:
The final rotations might not be perfect since it was done by eye, but you get the point, it matters the relative position and also both angles.
Now, in my point of view, which may be completely naive, I see this problem solved on two important and distinct steps on transforming the "To Snap" rectangle: Positioning and Rotation
Position: The objective of the new position is to stick to the closest edge, but since we want it to stick paralell to the static rectangle, the angle of the static rectangle matters. The next image shows examples of positioning:
In this case, the static rectangle has no angle, so its easy to determine up, down, left and right. But with angle, there are alot more possibilities:
As for the rotation, the goal is for the "to snap" rectangle to rotate the minimum needed to become paralell with the static rectangle:
As a final note, in regard of implementation input, the goal is to actually drag the "to snap" rectangle to wherever position i wish around the static rectangle and by pressing a keyboard key, the snap happens.
Also, it appears i have exagerated a little when i asked for optimization, to be honest i do not need or require optimization, I do prefer an easy to read, step by step clear code (if its the case), rather than any optimization at all.
I hope i was clear this time, sorry for the lack of clarity in the first place, if you have any more doubts please do ask.
The problem is obviously underspecified: What does "line up" for the edges mean? A common start point (but not necessarily a common end point)? A common center point for both edges? (That's what I assumed now). Should ALL edges match? What is the criterion for deciding WHICH edge of the first rectangle should be "matched" with WHICH edge of the second rectangle? That is, imagine one square consists exactly of the center points of the edges of the other square - how should it be aligned then?
(Secondary question: In how far is optimization (or "low resource cost") important?)
However, I wrote a few first lines, maybe this can be used to point out more clearly what the intended behavior should be - namely by saying in how far the intended behavior differs from the actual behavior:
EDIT: Old code omitted, update based on the clarification:
The conditions for the "snapping" are still not unambiguous. For example, it is not clear whether the change in position or the change in the angle should be preferred. But admittedly, I did not figure out in detail all possible cases where this question could arise. In any case, based on the updated question, this might be closer to what you are looking for.
NOTE: This code is neither "clean" nor particularly elegant or efficient. The goal until now was to find a method that delivers "satisfactory" results. Optimizations and beautifications are possible.
The basic idea:
Given are the static rectangle r1, and the rectangle to be snapped, r0
Compute the edges that should be snapped together. This is divided in two steps:
The method computeCandidateEdgeIndices1 computes the "candidate edges" (resp. their indices) of the static rectangle that the moving rectangle may be snapped to. This is based on the folowing criterion: It checks how many vertices (corners) of the moving rectangle are right of the particular edge. For example, if all 4 vertices of the moving rectangle are right of edge 2, then edge 2 will be a candidate for snapping the rectangle to.
Since there may be multiple edges for which the same number of vertices may be "right", the method computeBestEdgeIndices computes the candidate edge whose center has the least distance to the center of any edge of the moving rectangle. The indices of the respective edges are returned
Given the indices of the edges to be snapped, the angle between these edges is computed. The resulting rectangle will be the original rectangle, rotated by this angle.
The rotated rectangle will be moved so that the centers of the snapped edges are at the same point
I tested this with several configurations, and the results at least seem "feasible" for me. Of course, this does not mean that it works satisfactory in all cases, but maybe it can serve as a starting point.
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
public class RectangleSnap
public static void main(String[] args)
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
private static void createAndShowGUI()
JFrame f = new JFrame();
RectangleSnapPanel panel = new RectangleSnapPanel();
class SnapRectangle
private Point2D position;
private double sizeX;
private double sizeY;
private double angleRad;
private AffineTransform at;
double x, double y,
double sizeX, double sizeY, double angleRad)
this.position = new Point2D.Double(x,y);
this.sizeX = sizeX;
this.sizeY = sizeY;
this.angleRad = angleRad;
at = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(
angleRad, position.getX(), position.getY());
double getAngleRad()
return angleRad;
double getSizeX()
return sizeX;
double getSizeY()
return sizeY;
Point2D getPosition()
return position;
void draw(Graphics2D g)
Color oldColor = g.getColor();
Rectangle2D r = new Rectangle2D.Double(
position.getX(), position.getY(), sizeX, sizeY);
AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(
angleRad, position.getX(), position.getY());
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
Point2D c = getCorner(i);
Ellipse2D e = new Ellipse2D.Double(c.getX()-3, c.getY()-3, 6, 6);
g.drawString(""+i, (int)c.getX(), (int)c.getY()+15);
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
Point2D c = getEdgeCenter(i);
Ellipse2D e = new Ellipse2D.Double(c.getX()-3, c.getY()-3, 6, 6);
g.drawString(""+i, (int)c.getX(), (int)c.getY()+15);
Point2D getCorner(int i)
switch (i)
case 0:
return new Point2D.Double(position.getX(), position.getY());
case 1:
Point2D.Double result = new Point2D.Double(
position.getX(), position.getY()+sizeY);
return at.transform(result, null);
case 2:
Point2D.Double result = new Point2D.Double
(position.getX()+sizeX, position.getY()+sizeY);
return at.transform(result, null);
case 3:
Point2D.Double result = new Point2D.Double(
position.getX()+sizeX, position.getY());
return at.transform(result, null);
return null;
Line2D getEdge(int i)
Point2D p0 = getCorner(i);
Point2D p1 = getCorner((i+1)%4);
return new Line2D.Double(p0, p1);
Point2D getEdgeCenter(int i)
Point2D p0 = getCorner(i);
Point2D p1 = getCorner((i+1)%4);
Point2D c = new Point2D.Double(
p0.getX() + 0.5 * (p1.getX() - p0.getX()),
p0.getY() + 0.5 * (p1.getY() - p0.getY()));
return c;
void setPosition(double x, double y)
this.position.setLocation(x, y);
at = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(
angleRad, position.getX(), position.getY());
class RectangleSnapPanel extends JPanel implements MouseMotionListener
private final SnapRectangle rectangle0;
private final SnapRectangle rectangle1;
private SnapRectangle snappedRectangle0;
this.rectangle0 = new SnapRectangle(
200, 300, 250, 200, Math.toRadians(-21));
this.rectangle1 = new SnapRectangle(
500, 300, 200, 150, Math.toRadians(36));
protected void paintComponent(Graphics gr)
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)gr;
if (snappedRectangle0 != null)
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
rectangle0.setPosition(e.getX(), e.getY());
snappedRectangle0 = snapRects(rectangle0, rectangle1);
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
private static SnapRectangle snapRects(
SnapRectangle r0, SnapRectangle r1)
List<Integer> candidateEdgeIndices1 =
computeCandidateEdgeIndices1(r0, r1);
int bestEdgeIndices[] = computeBestEdgeIndices(
r0, r1, candidateEdgeIndices1);
int bestEdgeIndex0 = bestEdgeIndices[0];
int bestEdgeIndex1 = bestEdgeIndices[1];
System.out.println("Best to snap "+bestEdgeIndex0+" to "+bestEdgeIndex1);
Line2D bestEdge0 = r0.getEdge(bestEdgeIndex0);
Line2D bestEdge1 = r1.getEdge(bestEdgeIndex1);
double edgeAngle = angleRad(bestEdge0, bestEdge1);
double rotationAngle = edgeAngle;
if (rotationAngle <= Math.PI)
rotationAngle = Math.PI + rotationAngle;
else if (rotationAngle <= -Math.PI / 2)
rotationAngle = Math.PI + rotationAngle;
else if (rotationAngle >= Math.PI)
rotationAngle = -Math.PI + rotationAngle;
SnapRectangle result = new SnapRectangle(
r0.getPosition().getX(), r0.getPosition().getY(),
r0.getSizeX(), r0.getSizeY(), r0.getAngleRad()-rotationAngle);
Point2D edgeCenter0 = result.getEdgeCenter(bestEdgeIndex0);
Point2D edgeCenter1 = r1.getEdgeCenter(bestEdgeIndex1);
double dx = edgeCenter1.getX() - edgeCenter0.getX();
double dy = edgeCenter1.getY() - edgeCenter0.getY();
return result;
// Compute for the edge indices for r1 in the given list
// the one that has the smallest distance to any edge
// of r0, and return this pair of indices
private static int[] computeBestEdgeIndices(
SnapRectangle r0, SnapRectangle r1,
List<Integer> candidateEdgeIndices1)
int bestEdgeIndex0 = -1;
int bestEdgeIndex1 = -1;
double minCenterDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i=0; i<candidateEdgeIndices1.size(); i++)
int edgeIndex1 = candidateEdgeIndices1.get(i);
for (int edgeIndex0=0; edgeIndex0<4; edgeIndex0++)
Point2D p0 = r0.getEdgeCenter(edgeIndex0);
Point2D p1 = r1.getEdgeCenter(edgeIndex1);
double distance = p0.distance(p1);
if (distance < minCenterDistance)
minCenterDistance = distance;
bestEdgeIndex0 = edgeIndex0;
bestEdgeIndex1 = edgeIndex1;
return new int[]{ bestEdgeIndex0, bestEdgeIndex1 };
// Compute the angle, in radians, between the given lines,
// in the range (-2*PI, 2*PI)
private static double angleRad(Line2D line0, Line2D line1)
double dx0 = line0.getX2() - line0.getX1();
double dy0 = line0.getY2() - line0.getY1();
double dx1 = line1.getX2() - line1.getX1();
double dy1 = line1.getY2() - line1.getY1();
double a0 = Math.atan2(dy0, dx0);
double a1 = Math.atan2(dy1, dx1);
return (a0 - a1) % (2 * Math.PI);
// In these methods, "right" refers to screen coordinates, which
// unfortunately are upside down in Swing. Mathematically,
// these relation is "left"
// Compute the "candidate" edges of r1 to which r0 may
// be snapped. These are the edges to which the maximum
// number of corners of r0 are right of
private static List<Integer> computeCandidateEdgeIndices1(
SnapRectangle r0, SnapRectangle r1)
List<Integer> bestEdgeIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int maxRight = 0;
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
Line2D e1 = r1.getEdge(i);
int right = countRightOf(e1, r0);
if (right > maxRight)
maxRight = right;
else if (right == maxRight)
//System.out.println("Candidate edges "+bestEdgeIndices);
return bestEdgeIndices;
// Count the number of corners of the given rectangle
// that are right of the given line
private static int countRightOf(Line2D line, SnapRectangle r)
int count = 0;
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
if (isRightOf(line, r.getCorner(i)))
return count;
// Returns whether the given point is right of the given line
// (referring to the actual line *direction* - not in terms
// of coordinates in 2D!)
private static boolean isRightOf(Line2D line, Point2D point)
double d00 = line.getX1() - point.getX();
double d01 = line.getY1() - point.getY();
double d10 = line.getX2() - point.getX();
double d11 = line.getY2() - point.getY();
return d00 * d11 - d10 * d01 > 0;
I'm trying to make a java 2d game, and it seems to work out fine in general. The only problem is, that I can't figure out how to place my "delta" time, to make the movements move the same on 30 FPS as on 1000 FPS.
This is my code for the Entity class:
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import map.Tile;
import graphics.Sprite;
public class Entity {
private String name;
private float positionx, positiony; // Current coordinate
private int targetx,targety; // Target coordinate
private double vx, vy; // Current vector
private double lx, ly; // Last vector
private float speed;
private Sprite sprite;
public Entity(String name, int x, int y, Sprite sprite){
this.name = name;
this.speed = 1f;
this.positionx = x;
this.positiony = y;
this.sprite = sprite;
main.Main.e.addEntity(this); // These kind of calls are ugly, and should be fixed.
public void remove(){
public void setVector(double vx, double vy){
this.vx = vx;
this.vy = vy;
public void update(long delta){
//Multiply modifier to make it act the same on 30 fps as 1000 fps.
vx = vx*delta;
vy = vy*delta;
// Calculate vector
double distance = Math.sqrt((vx * vx) + (vy * vy));
if(distance > 0){ // Have we reached the target yet?
vx = ((vx / distance));
vy = ((vy / distance));
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
//Check collision with objects:
Rectangle rx = new Rectangle((int) (vx+positionx), (int)positiony, 32, 32);
Rectangle ry = new Rectangle((int) positionx, (int)(vy+positiony), 32, 32);
for(Entity e : main.Main.e.getEntities()){
if(this != e){
if(isIntersecting(rx, e.getBounds())){
vx = 0; // Disallow x direction.
if(isIntersecting(ry, e.getBounds())){
vy = 0; // Disallow y direction.
//Check tiles:
for(Tile t : main.Main.m.getNeighbours(positionx,positiony)){
if(isIntersecting(rx, t.getBounds())){
vx = 0;
if(isIntersecting(ry, t.getBounds())){
vy = 0;
//Update the position:
positionx += vx*speed;
positiony += vy*speed;
animate(vx, vy);
public boolean isIntersecting(Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2){
return r1.intersects(r2);
public Rectangle getBounds(){
return new Rectangle((int) positionx,(int) positiony,32,32);
public void setMoveTo(int x, int y){
this.targetx = x;
this.targety = y;
//This function is used by the bots, and not on players (they are setting the vector and use update directly):
public void moveTo(long delta){
public void animate(double dx, double dy){
sprite.setPosition((int)positionx, (int)positiony);
if(dx > 0){
sprite.setAnimation(0, 7, 100); // Walk right.
}else if(dx < 0){
sprite.setAnimation(1, 7, 100); // Walk left.
if(lx > 0){
sprite.setAnimation(2, 3, 200); // Stand right.
}else if(lx < 0){
sprite.setAnimation(3, 3, 200); // Stand left.
lx = dx;
ly = dy;
The two problems, that I always run into:
1# The game runs differently on 60FPS than on 500FPS.
2# The game runs the same on 60FPS as 500FPS, but my collision screws up, and I can't move closer than 15px from the other object. I think I need to implement something like: If I can't get 10px closer, then move it 10px closer, but I don't know how to implement it.
How can I implement it correctly? That would help a lot!
The easiest way would be to consider that if you want a constant displacement with a constant velocity you can scale all the deltas relative to the delta of 30 FPS like so:
So if you run at 60 FPS but want the same displacement as on 30FPS alpha would be (1/30)/(1/60) = 2
Remove vx = vx*delta;
vy = vy*delta;
and change your position update to
alpha = (1.0/30)*delta;
positionx += alpha*vx*speed;
positiony += alpha*vy*speed;
This is only a crude solution, let me know how it works, I will drop in later and update for a more correct solution (taking into account that delta is not always 1/FPS due to rendering and computation taking some time).
Edit: Variable delta will come later. But some optimizations:
You don't need to construct a rectangle in both Y and X for collisiondetection, try drawing two rectangles, if they intersect they do so on both axis. Just create a rectangle from vx + posx, vy+posy and check for intersection with this.
The above should half your collisionchecks. For further optimization consider using a QuadTree an implementation can be found here.
For the problem of "blocky" collision testing (where you stop X pixels from the blocking object). You can do the following, in pseudocode:
if(new position will make this colide)
while(this.position is more than one pixel away from blocking object)
keep moving one pixel
This will make you stop 1px from the target.
I am making a simulation of a pendulum, but it only performs one swing before sending close to random positions for the bob to be at. Essentially, it does not go backwards.
I have tried to change the direction using the goingForward boolean, but it still doesnt work.
public class AnimationPane extends JPanel {
private double startAngle = -60.0; // degrees
private double mass = 1; // kilogrammes
private int radius = 10; // m
private double gravity = 9.80665; // m/s^2 // on earth: 9.80665
private BufferedImage ball;
private BufferedImage rope;
private int pointX = 180;
private int pointY = 50;
private double endAngle = Math.abs(startAngle); // absolute value of startAngle
private double angle = startAngle; // current angle
private double circum = (2 * Math.PI * radius); // m
private double distance = 0; // m
private double velocity = 0; // m/s
private double totalEnergy = ((radius) - (Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)) * radius)) * gravity * mass + 0.00001;
private double previousE;
private int xPos = 0; // for program
private int yPos = 0; // for program
private boolean goingForward = true;
private double height = 0;
public AnimationPane() {
try {
ball = ImageIO.read(new File("rsz_black-circle-mask-to-fill-compass-outline.png"));
Timer timer = new Timer(100, new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
double angleRad = Math.toRadians(Math.abs(angle));
double potentialE = ((radius) - (Math.cos(angleRad) * radius)) * gravity * mass;
Double pE = new Double(potentialE);
height = (radius - (Math.cos(angleRad) * radius));
double kineticE = totalEnergy - pE;
if (kineticE <= 0 || angle >= endAngle) {
if (goingForward == true) {
goingForward = false;
goingForward = true;
kineticE = 0.1;
angle = 60;
velocity = Math.sqrt(2 * kineticE / mass);
double ratio = distance / circum;
if (goingForward == true) {
distance = distance + (velocity / 10);
angle = startAngle + (360 * ratio);
else {
distance = distance - (velocity / 10);
angle = startAngle - (360 * ratio);
double angles = Math.toRadians(angle);
double xDouble = Math.sin(angles) * (radius * 10);
Double x = new Double(xDouble);
xPos = x.intValue() + 150;
double yDouble = Math.cos(angles) * (radius * 10);
Double y = new Double(yDouble);
yPos = y.intValue() + 50;
} catch (IOException ex) {
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g.drawLine(xPos + 20, yPos + 20, pointX, pointY);
g.drawImage(ball, xPos, yPos, this);
I would really appreciate some help getting this to work.
Thank you
I could not debug your code, which was uneasy to work with and sometimes to understand (you use a lot of integer literals in your code, which hides their semantic, I have no idea what was your intention on some statements).
Therefore, I rewrote it using the solution of the differential equation for small oscillations. It works, you can take it as a clean base to implement it again the way you wanted. Note that as Andy Turner pointed it, you should not have to worry about the fact of going forward or backward. You have an equation, you solve it, it gives you the position of the ball at any time. If you want something which is accurate for large angles, I suggest you go on Wikipedia to see the movement equation in this case. Last option, you could numerically solve the differential equation although I would personally don't know how to do it at first glance.
package stackoverflow;
public class AnimationPane extends JPanel {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final double GRAVITY = 9.80665;
private BufferedImage ball;
private final Point fixedCordPoint;
private final int cordLength;
private final double startAngle;
private double currentAngle;
private final double pulsation;
private final Point ballPos = new Point();
private int time = 1;
public AnimationPane(Point fixedCordPoint, int cordLength, double startAngleRadians) {
this.fixedCordPoint = new Point(fixedCordPoint);
this.cordLength = cordLength;
this.pulsation = Math.sqrt(GRAVITY / cordLength);
this.startAngle = startAngleRadians;
this.currentAngle = startAngleRadians;
this.ball = loadImage(new File("ball.jpg"));
private BufferedImage loadImage(File file) {
try {
return ImageIO.read(file);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not load file : " + file, e);
public void start() {
Timer timer = new Timer(100, event -> {
ballPos.x = fixedCordPoint.x + (int) Math.round(Math.sin(currentAngle) * cordLength);
ballPos.y = fixedCordPoint.y + (int) Math.round(Math.cos(currentAngle) * cordLength);
currentAngle = startAngle * Math.cos(pulsation * time);
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g.drawLine(ballPos.x, ballPos.y, fixedCordPoint.x, fixedCordPoint.y);
g.drawImage(ball, ballPos.x - ball.getWidth() / 2, ballPos.y - ball.getHeight() / 2, this);
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
AnimationPane pendulumAnimationPane = new AnimationPane(new Point(160, 25), 180, - Math.PI / 10);
I really can't follow your code. If I had to say where I thought the problem is, I would say that it is the distance variable, and its consequent use in ratio: this seems to be defined as being zero when the pendulum starts. When you switch the direction of the pendulum, I think that it needs to be rebased to zero... Somehow.
You should also separate out your GUI code from your simulation. You can just make it print out the x and y coordinates while you are debugging. For instance, you can write the values to a CSV file, so you can visualize them in Matlab (or whatever) to ensure that your simulation looks right over time.
I would make two suggestions to help you with the simulation:
Don't model it in terms of energy, which is a scalar quantity, meaning that you have to use additional state like a "direction flag" to model which way it is going;
You are going to need an additional state variable. Storing x and y is redundant, since these can be derived directly from the angle (and R, although that is constant). You are modelling a second-order system, so you need that second state variable which models the movement of the system at an instant, as well as its position. For example, you could model the angle and angular velocity over time.
And, of course, don't mess around with degrees - stick to radians :)
(On the matter of velocity, your variable of that name is actually speed - you don't know which direction it moves in, and that information is highly relevant to the dynamics of the system).
The derivation of the method using angle and angular velocity is quite straightforward, although my maths is rusty enough to caution its use without checking carefully!
The rotational form of Newton's second law of motion is:
Torque = moment of inertia * angular acceleration
The torque on the bob is given by -mgR sin angle (m is mass, g is gravity, R is length of pendulum, angle is the angular displacement of the pendulum from vertical). The minus sign is because the force tends to return the bob to vertical;
The moment of inertia of a point mass is mR^2 - this is a reasonable approximation if the pendulum is very long compared to the radius of the bob.
Therefore the angular acceleration is -g sin theta / R. Hopefully this should look like simple harmonic motion - an acceleration proportional to the distance from an equilibrium (for small theta, sin theta is approximately theta) and directed towards it.
You can now put this together into a numerical scheme to simulate the pendulum. For example, using Euler's method:
New angle = old angle + dt * old angular velocity
New angular velocity = old angular velocity vel - dt * g * sin(angle) / R
where dt is your time step.
You can, of course, use higher-order methods like Runge-Kutta to reduce the numerical errors in the simulation, but it is (slightly) more involved.