Is it possible to generate Google Sitemap by maven-site-plugin?
If you still need you can try my sitemapxml plugin.
To test please run:
mvn site com.github.s4u.plugins:sitemapxml-maven-plugin:gen
After run you will have sitemap.xml in your site directory.
Next you can add this plugin to your project:
And plugin will run with standard command:
mvn site
More info about plugin you can find on site:
I have a multi-module maven project where I want to generate java wrappers from .sol files, to achieve this I'm using web3j's maven plugin. Here are the (relevant sections of the) poms:
main pom.xml:
child pom.xml:
I'm build the project with maven with the following command: call mvn clean -U install.
The files do generate, and in the correct location, but when maven begins the compile phase of install it runs into the following error:
Compilation failure
[ERROR] /C:/source/project/project-name/src/main/java/org/example/child/[4,51]
package org.example.project-name.wrappers does not exist
TestFile is an empty file that tries to import one of the generated files.
I also have an openapi code generator plugin, it does generate files properly, and I run into no issues when importing those.
I didn't find any configuration options in the web3j plugin that I missed and I also didn't find any way to help mvn install or mvn compile consider the directory in which the wrappers are generated.
I tried manually extracting the bundled calls that install makes and manually interjecting the web3j:generate-sources:
call mvn clean
call mvn web3j:generate-sources
call mvn process-resources
call mvn compile
call mvn process-test-resources
call mvn test
call mvn package
call mvn install
call mvn deploy
But this too fails at compile. I'm assuming that the web3j plugin doesn't update a variable storing all generated sources, but that's just a guess and I don't know how I would fix that.
I managed to solve the issue using org.codehaus:build-helper-maven-plugin.
I added the plugin to the dependencies of my main pom and the relevant child (I use dependency management), then added the plugin to the child's pom:
I also figured out that my assumption was correct: web3j's plugin does not update the project's sources directory.
I need to export a jar file which could be execute in server. I try many of answers in this site and other site, but I guess my main problem is :
[ERROR] Failed to parse plugin descriptor for mybot:energyBot:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT (/Users/narges/.m2/repository/bot/mBot/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/energyBot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar): No plugin descriptor found at META-INF/maven/plugin.xml -> [Help 1]
Here is part of my pom.xml:
Use this in your pom.xml, plugin works fine with boot applications as well.
You probably wrote myBot/energyBot yourself? You added it as a Maven plugin, but it seems like it is not a Maven plugin, but maybe just a plain jar.
If you want to put all dependencies into your jar, you need the assembly plugin or the shade plugin.
Is it possible to run an executable jar file using Maven?
A brief introduction to setup:
Environment is running on Centos
I have included the exec plugin into my maven POM and have it running a shell script that is meant to run the jar file and works fine using the terminal but I get Unable to access jarfile error when run in maven.
I have chmod the jar, shell and other files to 777
I have editted the sudoers file as suggested by other posts
I have also given maven and Jenkins root access
All of these changes still result in the above error and I have run out of ideas.
POM File
<!-- Run our Password Checker script -->
<id>Password Checker</id>
<value>message=Tests Completed</value>
I had this exact same need to execute a Spring Boot packaged application and solved it by using the maven dependency plugin to copy the artifact to /tmp (or anywhere for that matter) and then using the maven exec plugin to execute that jar using the exec:exec goal.
I do not have much experience with Maven profiles ....
I do not know if Maven can do this, but it definitely could be useful to me ...
Is possible to define a profile, which when called, automatically run the maven release plugin prepare goal?
I explained better ....
instead of:
mvn release: prepare
I would like to call
mvn install-pProfileThatPerformThePrepare
that automatically perform the prepare ...
Thank you....
You just have to bind an execution of the plugin to a phase (e.g. "install" in your example):
Specifically, I run the launch4j-maven-plugin plugin to generate me an .exe file. This only works on Windows, so I was wondering if I could 'opt-out' of this step on other platforms?
The plugin is tied to the execution phase like this
You can wrap that plugin under separate build profile and just enable that profile on the build that you want
For example:
<!_- your plugin configuration -->
Now pass parameter while launching maven to specify profile
For example:
mvn clean install -Pgenerate-exe