How to get the TrimBar of a TrimWindow in Eclipse RCP 4? - java

I put a toolbar on the top of my TrimmedWindow in my application. I have a handler which has to check whether a check button is pressed on this menu bar or not.
I tried putting EMenuService in my execute() method of the handler but it has no useful methods. If I debug into my application I can see my menu in the EMenuService object however.
How can I get my menu from the Eclipse context?

Without code it's hard to help you.
But the basic idea for your handler is the following :
public class BrokerHandler {
// the services you need
public void execute(IEclipseContext context, #Named(IServiceConstants.ACTIVE_SHELL) Shell shell)
throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
// do some stuff
Then, in your application.e4xmi you need to create a Window>Trimmed Window>Trim Bars>Window Trim>Toolbar>Handled Tool Item wich points to your Commands>Command that is binded to your Handlers>Handler pointing to your java class with a method annotated #Execute as described above.
Then each execution of the #Execute method means the user has pressed the toolbar button.
You can pass messages to other parts of your app with the event broker service, or store some of your own stuff in the IEclipseContext.
You can have a look here:
Hope this helps, but your question is too blurry.


ZK 8.5.0 how to override button widget setLabel function

The ZK setLabel() function of Button widget does not work; when the code runs to the line like foobutton.setLabel(mystring), the button disappears from the browser.
In the eclipse IDE, if I hover on the setLabel() function, the IDE shows this message:
If label is changed, the whole component is invalidate.Thus, you want to smart-update, you have to override this method.
Using ZK 8.5.0
Inside the controller class, I declare:
Button delSelectedMonitor;
Inside the controller, I implement a class which implements EventListener:
public class onClickHolderEditMode implements EventListener{
public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception {
clickedDivEditMode = (Div) event.getTarget();
clickedDivIdEditMode = clickedDivEditMode.getId().split(myUtil.monitorholderString)[1];
String curName = getCamNameById(clickedDivIdEditMode);
event binding:
tmpdiv.addEventListener("onClick", new onClickHolderEditMode());
My expectation is that when someone clicks the tmpdiv, the button delSelectedMonitor will change its label according to the property of tmpdiv. However as I say previously, the button is just disappearing.
I have tried the section "Specify Your Own Widget Class" at the above website link, but the browser will be pending.
Please help, thank you.
I would prefer a different approach.
Why not use a
<button label="#load(" ... />
(I wrote using MVVM pattern) and modify variable xyz in clicking action?
Check out for implementing guide.

Persisting my state between uses

Newbie at netbeans-platform.
How can I save my state from one execution to the next.
The netbeans platform elegantly remembers the state and position of all my windows. How can I add to that state some of my own data? Very much like Netbeans saves what projects are open and reopens them when it starts up, along with their state.
Ass suggested here I added the following to my TopComponent but it doesn't work. getPersistenceType is called but neither writeExternal n'or readExternal are called.
public int getPersistenceType() {
return TopComponent.PERSISTENCE_ALWAYS;
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput oo) throws IOException {
public void readExternal(ObjectInput oi) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Comments here suggest tapping into readProperties and writeProperties but that doesn't feel right to me. I am not wanting to store Properties, I want to store State.
Some years ago I blogged about this, using the Session Storage feature of the Swing Application Framework in a NetBeans Platform application:
The following 3 classes should provide the integration into the NetBeans Platform:
The referenced XProperties and JXTable you only need if you want support for SwingX classes such as JXTable.
To use this feature in your own module you need to initialize the context in your ModuleInstall class:
public class Installer extends ModuleInstall {
private static ModuleApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void restored() {
applicationContext = new ModuleApplicationContext(Modules.getModuleInfo(
public static ModuleApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return applicationContext;
For a given contentPane you can then store the GUI session state using:
getContentPanel(), SESSION_STORAGE_XML);
and restore the state using:
restore(getContentPanel(), SESSION_STORAGE_XML);
Note: you need to set the component names of the relevant components
You can find the complete sample here:
Also note however that development of the Swing Application Framework (JSR-296) has been withdrawn.
There is a fork called Better Swing Application Framework, but I haven't used it yet.
I also had some problems with this but finally I could fix it.
Annotate Your topcomponent class with #TopComponent.Description and set the right persistence type inside the annotation.
Your topcomponent class has to be serializable so,
every fields inside the topcompent have to be serializable or transient.
You can implement Your custom serialization with readExtern/writeExternal but it is not necessary, You can remove them.
If it still does not work check the log after You closed Your netbeans app and You will see why the platform could not serialize Your topComponent.

What is the proper way to call complex operation from a wizard in Eclipse RCP?

I am trying to initiate complex operation from a wizard.
It includes showing some view and then initiating of this view, which is long.
First way I was just calling view creation code from wizard's performFinish()
But this was not beautiful, since wizard was hanging on pressing Finish button. User would not see that execution began.
Other way I was trying to call Eclipse command from performFinish() and wrote handler to handle this command. I was thinking this will add some asynchronicity.
Unfortunately, I found no way to pass complex objects to a command. Method org.eclipse.core.commands.Command.executeWithChecks(ExecutionEvent) accepts ExecutionEvent, which allows to pass map of parameters, but values should all be of String type. ExecutionEvent is final and I am unable to add by own properties to it.
So what is the proper way to call complex operation from a wizard in Eclipse RCP?
If I am trying to use Job, I am getting org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Invalid thread access
The same is with IRunnableWithProgress.
Probably I need put view initialization into another thread...
As an alternative to using a Job you can also get the wizard to display a progress bar at the bottom of the wizard while your code is running. To do this call
in the constructor of your Wizard.
In the performFinish use:
getContainer().run(true, true, new WorkClass());
where WorkClass is a class you define which implements IRunnableWithProgress:
class WorkClass implements IRunnableWithProgress
public void run(final IProgressMonitor monitor)
throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException
// Your work here updating the progress monitor
Using this code your wizard will remain open showing a progress bar until the work is done. Using a Job the wizard will close and progress will be show in the status line or a pop-up dialog.
In both cases you need to use Display.asycnExec or Display.syncExec to update the UI:
Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable()
public void run()
// Work which updates the UI
If you have a long-running or complex task to execute at the end of the wizard then it's best to just use the wizard to gather and validate information. On performFinish() you can then use the Eclipse Jobs API to asynchronously execute the task.
Job job = new Job("name") {
protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
// TODO Complex task
return Status.OK_STATUS;
If you feed progress information back to the IProgressMonitor then the status of the job will be visible in the Eclipse Progress view.
To pass in information from the wizard you can either extend Job with your own class or just have the job code access fields or final variables in the wizard class.

GWT app UI wont display

I have implemented a simple GWT app that uses 1 Place and 1 Activity (which I have implemented as a Presenter which extends an AbstractActivity and which contains a Composite "view" subclass). The 1 and only UI object in the view is a GWT-Bootstrap NavBar that I want presented at the very top of my "home page".
I'm running the app locally from inside Eclipse and am not getting any compiler or runtime errors. When I go to the URL that the Development Mode console points me to, I get a slight pause in the browser (I assume this is the browser "downloading" the JavaScript) and then I see a blank white screen (instead of my NavBar). The window title is correct (I set this in the module's HTML page) and when I view source I see the same HTML source, so I know that the app's JavaScript is getting to the browser properly. It's just not rendering the NavBar.
I have sprinkled System.out.println() statements throughout onModuleLoad(), my default ActivityManager, ActivityMapper, PlaceHistoryMapper, presenter and view Composite, and all these sysout statements print in the dev console; telling me that I have wired everything together correctly, and that at runtime when the PlaceHistoryHandler#handleCurrentHistory method is called (from inside onModuleLoad), I should be seeing my NavBar.
The only possibilities I can think of are:
I have configured gwt-bootstrap incorrectly; or
I'm not using UiBinder correctly
Something else is wrong with how I am using Activities and Places, or perhaps how I am attaching the UI to RootLayoutPanel inside onModuleLoad().
As for gwt-bootstrap:
I placed the JAR on my project's classpath (I know this because when I include a new UiField of type NavBar inside my widget/view, I don't get any compiler errors)
I added <inherits name="com.github.gwtbootstrap.Bootstrap"/> to my GWT module XML
So if there's anything else I have to configure, please let me know!
As for the UiBinder stuff, here's my widget/view:
public class WebRootDisplay extends BaseDisplay {
private static WebRootDisplayUiBinder uiBinder = GWT
interface WebRootDisplayUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, WebRootDisplay> {
Navbar navBar;
public WebRootDisplay(EventBus eventBus) {
System.out.println("I get this printing to the console at runtime.");
System.out.println("...and this too!");
<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "">
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=""
<b:Navbar ui:field="navBar">
<b:NavLink href="">
One thing I noticed is that I've got my NavBar inside an HTMLPanel in the UiBinder XML. I did this because I used the Google-Eclipse plugin to generate a new UiBinder for me (which autogenerated both the Composite (which I then modified to extend BaseDisplay, which itself extends Composite) as well as the UiBinder snippet. I figured GWT wants me to put all the UI fields inside this HTMLPanel...(?)
If I'm missing anything here please let me know. I'm not instantiating the NavBar field because I believe that's what createAndBindUi does for me.
If both my gwt-bootstrap config and my use of UiBinder looks correct, then something else is obviously wrong and I will have to post more code. I just wanted to hold off on that initially before these first two items were ruled out. Thanks in advance!
Here is onModuleLoad:
public void onModuleLoad() {
// Some homegrown DI stuff. I have verified that the injector works properly.
ApplicationScope appScope = new ApplicationScope();
setInjector(new ApplicationInjector(appScope,
// Add the sole composite child to the RootLayoutPanel.
// I have verified that injectWebRootDisplay returns a fully configured
// WebRootDisplay instance.
historyHandler.register(placeController, eventBus, defaultPlace);
Could you paste the onModuleLoad() part of your code please?
If you don't got any Exception and error message, I think you should check that you add the view properly to the RootPanel, or when you run the app you should check that the view is there in a div in the HTML and just unvisible or something similar.
The UiBinder part looks fine in a first look.
This onModuleLoad() doesn't said too much to me, but you could try something.
I always use the RootLayoutPanel.get() method in the following way:
So I always add a div or table to the placeholder HTML with a id, so you can refer to that div when you get the RootPanel. I'm not confident about this is necessary, but I saw this at the first time, and it's working properly.
If you have question or problem, please let me know. :)
Well, I've tried a local example looking exactly like yours code, and I think that problem is not in UI binder. The code you provided so far, is correct, so it most likely that the error is somewhere else.
The biggest suspect is the BaseDisplay class. As far as I can see, this class is not from GWT or gwt-bootstrap. You can really quickly check it, by changing WebRootDisplay class, so it extends classic GWT Composite class instead of BaseDisplay (and disabling all mvp stuff for while). If it works, you have a proof that the problem is caused by 'BaseDisplay'
Since I don't have the full code, I can only assume that WebRootDisplay is used also for displaying the views, and most likely the error is that when view is added to that class, previously added widget (in your case it is a NavBar which you add in constructor of WebRootDisplay) is removed. Most likely the problem should be in methods setWidget and initWidget
In my experience with GWT Activities and Places, a common culprit of a blank white page is failing to register the Place's Tokenizer with the PlaceHistoryMapper as so:
* PlaceHistoryMapper interface is used to attach all places which the
* PlaceHistoryHandler should be aware of. This is done via the #WithTokenizers
* annotation or by extending PlaceHistoryMapperWithFactory and creating a
* separate TokenizerFactory.
public interface AppPlaceHistoryMapper extends PlaceHistoryMapper {}
Another cause for a white page (particularly when using RootLayoutPanel.get() with a single place is failing to map the place correctly in the ActivityMapper:
* AppActivityMapper associates each Place with its corresponding
* {#link Activity}
* #param clientFactory
* Factory to be passed to activities
public class AppActivityMapper implements ActivityMapper {
private ClientFactory clientFactory;
public AppActivityMapper(ClientFactory clientFactory) {
this.clientFactory = clientFactory;
public Activity getActivity(Place place) {
if (place instanceof MyPlace)
return new MyActivity((MyPlace) place, clientFactory);
else if (place instanceof SomeOtherPlace)
return new SomeOtherActivity((SomeOtherPlace) place, clientFactory);
return null; // If your return null with single place bound to RootLayoutPanel
// you may get a blank white page
Without a more complete code sample it is impossible to determine exactly what is happening, but the two causes outlined above are common oversights which may help anyone who comes across this thread.
Instead of System.println use GWT.log messages. Then open the Javascript console (of Firebug or Chrome) and see where your code ends up. GWT.log will print out in the browser console, so you can see what the compiled JS code does.
Also, if you compile with the Pretty mode, you'll see the generated Javascript code in the browser and be able to step through and see what is being called (or not).

Window closing in Swing Application Framework

I am using Swing Application Framework JSR(296) for my Swing based Java application.
Similar to AboutBox, I have followed the usage of #Action and added some JDialog classes to my project.
The problem is, when I close the main frame, my application still runs in background.
To overcome this I added following code to the configureWindow() of my main application class:
protected void configureWindow(java.awt.Window root) {
root.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
// write your code here
But with this modification whenever I close the the dialog (including AboutBox), it also closes the main frame.
What should I do to prevent the entire application from exiting and just close the dialog box?
I am using NetBeans IDE 7.01 which allows to create Swing Application Framework project.
It generates a project skeleton as shown below:
| |
| |
| |
NetBeans IDE allows to add actions from Window->Properties menu.
MyApp class extends org.jdesktop.application.SingleFrameApplication which is my main class.
MyAppView extends FrameView which is my main view.
Implementation classes of javax.swing.JDialog are in the myapp.view package.
The WindowEvent class has a method call getWindow(), which returns the window that is closing.
Inside your windowClosing method you can check: if the window is the main application window, use the code that you currently have. If it is not, just call Window.dispose()
Edit: I didn't notice that you were creating custom dialogs in your application. Maybe you forget to dispose them? You should add code like the one in the auto generated about box:
#Action public void closeAboutBox() {
and call this action whenever the dialog closes. If this is not the problem, a thread dump will probably help you in order to find out which thread is running when you close the main window.
I think what you are actually looking for is setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);. Have a look at the JavaDoc API...
