Simple way to add window to system tray [duplicate] - java

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can I put my Java program in the system tray?
I am making a notification system in java, I want the program to show up in the system tray, instead of on the task bar, I have tried:
Not only does this not work, but it lags the heck otta my computer
Current Code:
public static void notify(String line1, String line2, String imagepath, int style){
GraphicsDevice gd = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice();
int width = gd.getDisplayMode().getWidth();
int swidth = width - 320;
JFrame notification = new JFrame();
JPanel main = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
main.setLayout( new GridLayout( 2 , 1 ) );
JLabel notifyline1 = new JLabel();
notifyline1.setFont(new Font("Minecraft",1 , 16));
notifyline1.setForeground(new Color(242, 238, 17));
JLabel notifyline2 = new JLabel();
notifyline1.setFont(new Font("Minecraft",1 , 12));
notification.setSize(new Dimension(320,64));
notification.setLocation(swidth, 0);
ALSO, to kill 2 birds with one stone
is there a way to color a jlabel, tried
label1.setForegroundColor(new Color(100, 100, 100));

Java has TrayIcon class which can be used to minimize application to SystemTray.You can see the working example here.


Resizing Components and Font with MigLayout

i'm pretty new to Layout Managers and i have absolutely no idea how to resize the Font-Size automatically with the MigLayout Manager. I have already managed to resize the components with the grow and fill constraint, but I don't seem to get the font-size to change with the size of the components. How do i do this?
Here my few code lines:
public class Projekte {
public Projekte()
public static void main() {
JFrame projekte = new JFrame();
projekte.setBounds(100, 100,1080,1900);
projekte.getContentPane().setBackground(new Color(255,255,255));
projekte.getContentPane().setLayout(new MigLayout("", "[][][][][][grow,fill][][][][]", "[][][][][][][][][][][grow,fill][][]"));
JLabel lblTest = new JLabel("Test");
projekte.getContentPane().add(lblTest, "cell 4 10,alignx trailing");
JTextField textField = new JTextField();
projekte.getContentPane().add(textField, "cell 5 10");
JLabel lblTest_2 = new JLabel("Test_2");
projekte.getContentPane().add(lblTest_2, "cell 6 10,alignx trailing");
JTextField textField_2 = new JTextField();
projekte.getContentPane().add(textField_2, "cell 7 10");
JLabel lblTest_3 = new JLabel("Test_3");
projekte.getContentPane().add(lblTest_3, "cell 4 11,alignx trailing");
JTextField textField_3 = new JTextField();
projekte.getContentPane().add(textField_3, "cell 5 11");
I think it is quite easy, but I don't seem to find the solution, maybe you can help.
Font have attributes, but any of them relate to layout - you can manually scale font with some parameter using deriveFont(float size)
- creates a new Font object by replicating the current Font object and applying a new size to it.
Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
int screenWidth = screenSize.width;
float scale = screenWidth/1000;

How do I scale JXMonthView?

Hi everyone reading this.
I am currently developing a program, that should run well displayed in different resolutions and thus has a scaling factor.
There is ne component, that I cannot find a solution for scaling for:
The JXDatePicker and its JXMonthView.
What I tried:
final JXDatePicker datePicker = new JXDatePicker(new Date());
final JXMonthView monthView = datePicker.getMonthView();
monthView.setBounds(hauptFrame.getSize().width / 2 - (100*ViewerDefaults.SZ_INCR), (165*ViewerDefaults.SZ_INCR), (200*ViewerDefaults.SZ_INCR), (200*ViewerDefaults.SZ_INCR));
monthView.setSize(monthView.getWidth() * ViewerDefaults.SZ_INCR, monthView.getHeight() * ViewerDefaults.SZ_INCR);
datePicker.setSize(datePicker.getWidth() * 2, datePicker.getHeight() * 2);
ViewerDefaults.SZ_INCR is the scaling factor and would replace the 2 in the last line, if working.
I added the setPreferredColumnCount(1) and setPreferredRowCount(1) as I tried setting the size of the JXMonthview before, but I ended up having 4 months displayed next to each other, whereas I just wanted a single, larger displayed month.
Can you help and show me a way to enlarge the display of only on month?
I translated everything into using Layout Managers. The problematic behaviour remains: The month displayed is not scaled up, but simply displayed in the center. To give some more insight to the code I put the whole method here as follows(size is set earlier by Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();):
private static JPanel licBorrowPanel = null;
licBorrowPanel = new JPanel();
licBorrowPanel.setBounds(0, 20, size.width, size.height-20);
public static void licenceBorrowDialog() {
licBorrowPanel.setSize(new Dimension(hauptFrame.getSize().width, hauptFrame.getSize().height));
licBorrowPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
//Create upper part of licBorrowPanel
JPanel licBorrowTop = new JPanel();
licBorrowTop.setLayout(new BoxLayout(licBorrowTop, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
// Label Titel
JLabel labelTitel = new JLabel("License borrwing");
// Header Calendar
JLabel calendarTitle = new JLabel("Please select a date", SwingConstants.LEFT);
licBorrowPanel.add(licBorrowTop, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
//Create central part of licBorrowPanel
JPanel licBorrowCenter = new JPanel();
licBorrowCenter.setLayout(new BoxLayout(licBorrowCenter, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
// Label selectedDate
final JLabel labelSelectedDate = new JLabel("<HTML><BODY> </HTML></BODY>");
labelSelectedDate.setText("<HTML><BODY><b>Some Text</HTML></BODY>");
// Calendar
final JXDatePicker datePicker = new JXDatePicker(new Date());
final JXMonthView monthView = datePicker.getMonthView();
monthView.setZoomable(true); //Removing this results in several Columns and Rows being displayed.
// Set selection to "in two days" as default
Date newDate = monthView.getSelectionDate();
datePicker.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
licBorrowCenter.add(monthView, BorderLayout.CENTER);
licBorrowCenter.add(labelSelectedDate, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// Footer Calendar
JLabel calendarSubTitle = new JLabel("<HTML><BODY><CENTER>Some other Text.</CENTER></HTML></BODY>", SwingConstants.LEFT);
licBorrowCenter.add(calendarSubTitle, BorderLayout.CENTER);
//Create lower part of licBorrowPanel
JPanel licBorrowBottom = new JPanel();
licBorrowBottom.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
// Button OK
JButton buttonLicBorrowOK = new JButton("OK");
licBorrowBottom.add(buttonLicBorrowOK, BorderLayout.LINE_START);
// Button Return
JButton buttonLicReturn = new JButton("Return");
licBorrowBottom.add(buttonLicReturn, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// Button Cancel
JButton buttonLicBorrowCancel = new JButton("Cancel");
licBorrowBottom.add(buttonLicBorrowCancel, BorderLayout.LINE_END);
licBorrowPanel.add(licBorrowBottom, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
// Update licBorrowPanel
// several action listeners for buttons eluded..
"hauptframe" is the parent JFrame.
An additional problem occurred, but I think this will be solved once the JXMonthView is displayed as wanted: The licBorrowBottom is not displayed.
I hope this clarifies the problem and helps helping :)

Components get squished in JPanel and JFrame

I'm trying to create a GUI window for the user to enter some information for my program. But it seems like no matter how I change the sizes or the locations, all of my components are squished in far smaller than what I want. Could someone please point out what I am missing?
Here's what I tried:
JFrame inputFrame = new JFrame();
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
inputFrame.setTitle("Create Event");
JTextField eventName = new JTextField("Untitled event");
JTextField eventStart = new JTextField();
JTextField eventEnd = new JTextField();
JButton save = new JButton("Save");
JLabel selectedDate = new JLabel(MyCalendarTester.currentMonth + 1 + "/" + selectedDay + "/" + MyCalendarTester.currentYear);
selectedDay = null;
eventName.setBounds(10, 10, 600, 50);
selectedDate.setBounds(10, 20, 50, 20);
eventStart.setBounds(100, 20, 50, 20);
eventEnd.setBounds(175, 20, 50, 20);
save.setBounds(250, 20, 60, 30);
The default layout manager for a JPanel is the FlowLayout. The FlowLayout will display components at their preferred size, which is the way the component should be displayed.
You should not attempt to give the component a random size because you don't know what the best size for the component should be based on Font, OS etc.
When you create a JTextField you can use:
JTextField textField = new JTextField(10);
The value 10 will allow the text field to give itself a reasonable preferred size.
The JLabel and JButton size will be determined by the text of the component.

Java GUI - JOptionPane/JDialog customization issue

So I'm trying to make a simple dialog where the user can input some information... My problem is that I'm trying to make the whole background white; I got MOST of it, but there's a gray line behind the buttons that I don't know how to fix (make white as well). How can I fix it? :(
What it looks like:
What I want:
JPanel all = new JPanel();
all.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
all.add(names, BorderLayout.NORTH);
all.add(academic, BorderLayout.CENTER);
all.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(20, 20, 20, 20)); //int top, int left, int bottom, int right
Object [] options = {"SAVE", "EXIT"};
JOptionPane jop = new JOptionPane(all, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE , JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, null, options, null);
final JDialog dialog = jop.createDialog(null, "Username Information");
dialog.setLocation(585, 300);
String choice = (String) jop.getValue();

Java trouble with threads

I am trying to create a slot machine in java. In this slot machine I have completed the basic beginning of the project. I have the animators that lands on a random space (cherry, blank, seven, etc), the background, buttons to start and bet in the opening, however I have to figure out the ending of the slot; how to make the results of the slot machine appear without the user clicking a button. To do this I figure the best way is to dive into the realm of threads. However when I tried to create a simple thread, the animators stopped working and when I took the thread out, the animators did work. It is quite the conundrum.
Here is some of the code if that helps explanation :
public class SlotMachineOpeningGraphic extends JPanel implements Runnable
JLayeredPane layeredPane= new JLayeredPane ();
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
public Thread thread;
public volatile boolean running = false;
Player plyr = new Player ();
public static final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis ();
JLabel numberBet = new JLabel ("" + plyr.getBet()); //things that change on JFrame
JLabel numberAccount = new JLabel (""+ plyr.getAccount ());
JButton betButton = new JButton ("Bet ++");
JButton playAgain = new JButton ("Start");
public SlotMachineOpeningGraphic()
layeredPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(750, 460));//changes size to image with border for buttons
ImageIcon bG = new ImageIcon ("/Users/Documents/slotmachine.png");//background file
JLabel backGround = new JLabel (bG);
backGround.setBounds (70,0, bG.getIconWidth(), bG.getIconHeight());//won't display if you do not set bounds
layeredPane.add (backGround, new Integer (0));//add to first layer
/*add buttons and labels to give user options
* and information, placed in layer 2 */
playAgain.setBounds (110,420, 100, 25);
layeredPane.add (playAgain, new Integer (2));
playAgain.addActionListener (new Start());
betButton.setBounds (320,420, 100, 25);
layeredPane.add (betButton, new Integer (2));
betButton.addActionListener (new SlotBB ());
JButton mainMenu = new JButton ("Main Menu");
mainMenu.setBounds (520,420, 100, 25);
layeredPane.add (mainMenu, new Integer (2));
long checkTime = System.currentTimeMillis ();
System.out.println ("Total execution time : " + (checkTime - startTime));
JLabel bet = new JLabel ("Bet:");
bet.setBounds (620, 320, 100, 30);
Font font = new Font ("Corsiva Hebrew",bet.getFont().getStyle(),30); //desired font & size
bet.setFont (font);
layeredPane.add (bet, new Integer (2));
numberBet.setBounds (620, 340, 100, 30);
layeredPane.add (numberBet, new Integer (2));
numberBet.setFont (font);
JLabel account = new JLabel ("Account: ");
account.setBounds (5, 320, 150, 30);
account.setFont (font);
layeredPane.add (account, new Integer (2));
numberAccount.setBounds (5, 340, 150, 30);
numberAccount.setFont (font);
layeredPane.add (numberAccount, new Integer (2));
JComponent newContentPane = layeredPane;
newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque
frame.setBackground (Color.white);
//Display the window.
public void run ()
try {
Thread.sleep (20);
System.out.println ("works");
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println ("doesn't work");
class Start extends JPanel implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event)
SlotAnimator a0 = new SlotAnimator (40);
a0.setBounds(155, 85, 100, 90);
layeredPane.add (a0, new Integer (1));
SlotAnimator a1 = new SlotAnimator (85);
a1.setBounds(320, 85, 100, 90);
layeredPane.add (a1, new Integer (1));
SlotAnimator a2 = new SlotAnimator (135);
a2.setBounds(470, 85, 100, 90);
layeredPane.add (a2, new Integer (1));
playAgain.setText ("play again?");
thread = new Thread (new SlotMachineOpeningGraphic ());
thread.start ();
public static void main (String [] args)
new SlotMachineOpeningGraphic();
Any suggestions on an approach? It would be greatly appreciated!
#HFOE is right about using javax.swing.Timer, which manages its own thread to generate periodic GUI events in a safe way. You may also want to look at adopting the Model-View-Controller pattern, exemplified here.
This is at least one of your mistakes:
thread = new Thread(new SlotMachineOpeningGraphic());
You are creating a new SlotMachineOpeningGraphic object, one that is completely distinct from the original one. Don't do this. If you had to use a SlotMachineOpeningGraphic object here, then you should use a reference to the original class that already exists and holds the Start private inner class, such as:
thread = new Thread(SlotMachineOpeningGraphic.this);
So this isn't a "threading" issue per se, but rather a reference issue -- you use the wrong reference as the Runnable for your thread.
But I strongly advise you against using your GUI classes for ActionListeners, OtherListeners or Runnables as you're asking the class to do too much. Better to use an anonymous inner class or a separate stand-alone class.
You could try to use a Future or Runnable classes for doing the processing, and retriving their result as soon as they finish. Just make sure to put those threads in a Thread pool!
